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‘The Eisenhower Briefing (18 November 1952) was sent to Dr. Greer by an intelligence source with the following commentary. “The MJ-12 papers is a contingency plan to test the public’s reaction to the information. ‘have a friend who said this to me who was in the Navy. Majesty files are the real ones. He also told me about the code word “Poderosa” and why the executive order on the M-12 Papers is wrong. They did it for a reason, And project Grudge Blue Book Report #13 is 100% real. Lt Col. Friend told this to me when | took him to dinner here in Lakewood hear my home in 2011.” “That MAJI = Majority Agency for Joint Intelligence. All information, disinformation and intelligence is gathered and evaluated by this agency. This agency is responsible for all disinformation and operates in conjunction with the CIA, NSA, DIA and the Office of Naval Intelligence. This is a very powerful organization and all alien projects are under its control. MA\lis responsible only to MJ-12. MAJIC is the security classification and clearance of all alien connected material, projects and information. MAJIC means MAI controlled (MAJI plus controlled + MAJIC). The MJ-12 papers is a contingency plan to test the public’s reaction to the information. | have a friend who said this tome. Majesty are the real one is they want to show the President . That's if they trust him, Tha? Sil / MASS aoa acuctl sanionatlascihiy GibkeXoron + TOP SECRET * ¢ EYES ONLY COPY ONE OF ONE. BRIEFING DOCUMENT: OPERATION MAJESTIC 22 (ares owzy) PREPARED POR PRESIDENT-BLEO? DAIGHT D. EISENHOW! 18 ROVENEER, 1952 WARNING! Thig de a TOP SECRET - EYES ONIY document containing compartuentalized information essential to the national security of the United States, BYES ONLY ACCESS to the motenial herein 4a etrictly Limited to thoee possessing Majeatic-12 clearance level. Reproduction in any form or the taking of written or nechenically transcrived notes se otrictly rorbpidesn ie TOP SESE / MAJIC UNeLASS IE 1 Ge? SEM REL / MASI: cae EVES ONLY ATION MAJESTEO-12 PRELIMINARY PRIEFING FOR SELECT EISENHOWER. suzsEc?: 01 ‘PRESIDEN! DOCUMENT PREPARED 18 NOVEMBER, 1952. PRIEPING OFFICER: ADM. ROSCOE H, HILLENKOSTTER (MJ-2) pared ce a preliminary briefing This document has been pre Tatroductory to a full operations only, It should be regarded ai drifting intended to follow, SECRET Reosarch and ‘Development/ ible directly and only to the Operations of the protect are tien12 (Majie-12) Group. ified executive order of ‘upon recommendation by (See Attachment tenated ns follows: OPERATION MAJESTIC~12 ie a TOP Tntelligence operation reapons: President of the United Stat Gerried out under control of the Majeo wiich wae eetablisned by special class: President Truman on 24 Septenber, 1947, Des Vannevar Juah end Secretary Janes Forrestal. aha.) Members of the Majeetic-12 Group were des: Adm. Roscoe K. Hillenkootter Dr. Vannevar Bush Secy. Janco V. Porrestalt Gen, Nathan P. Twining Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg Dr. Detlev Bronk Dr, Jerome Hunsaker Mr. Sidney ¥. Souers Mr! Gordon Gray Dr. Donald Menzel Gen. Robert M. Montague Dr. Lloyd V. Berkner the death of Secretary Forrestal on 22 May, 1949, created fr ynconcy which remained unfilled until O1’august, 1990) upon Walon date Gen, Walter B, Suith was deetanated as permanent replacement. ToP TOP. S.CRET / MAJIC aie EXES.QNLY + TOP SBORED * COPY OWE OF gRE. 4 civilian pilot lying over the Cascade State of Washington observed nine flying @ioe-shaped aircraft traveling in formation at a high rate of eneed, Although this wad not the firet known sighting of euch objects, it was the first to gnin widespread attention in the public media. Hundreds of reports of weightings of similar objects followed. Many of thede cane from highly credible zilitary and civilian sources, These reports reo- ulted in independent efforts by several different elenente of the ailitary to ascertain the nature and purpose of the Objects in the interests of national defense. A number of vitnenses were interviewed and there were several unsuccesful attempts to utilize aircraft in efforts to pursue reported @igoo in flight. Public reaction bordered on near nysteria at tim In spite of these efforts, Little of substance wae learned about the objects until a'local rancher reported that one lund crashed in's renote region of New Mexico located approx- imately seventy-five miles northweat of Roswell Army Air Base (now Walker Field), On 07 July, 1947, a seoret operation was begun to assure recovery of the wreckage of this object for ecientitic study. During the course of this operation, aerial reconnaissance @4ecovered that four small human-like beings had apparently es fron the craft at some point before it exploded. These had fallen to earth about two mileo eat of the wreckage site. All four were dead and badiy decomposed due to action by predators and exposure to the elements during th approx Anately one week tine period which had elapsed before their Gdagovery. A special soientific team took chargs of renoving these bodies for study. (See Attachment "C".) The wreckage of the craft was elao renoved to several different locations. (See Attrohnent "B*.) Civilian and military witnessbs in the area were debrinted, and nave reporters vere piven the effective cover story that the object had been a aiseuided ther research balloon. ae 1g RLS Tea eee we TuP S$: TRET / MAJIC EY + TOP SECRET gus COPY ONE OF ONE. EYES_ONLY A covert analytical effort organized by Gens Twining and dee Rush acting on the direct orders of the President, reo~ uted in a preliminary concensus (19 September, 1947) that fhe dfec was moat iikely a short range reconnaioeance craft., This coneluoion was based for the most-part on the craftts dize and the Apparent lack of any tdentifiable provisioning. {See Abtacnment "D"-) A sindlar analysie of the four dead (Steante was arranged ty Dr. Bronk. It was the tentative Conclusion of thia group (30 November, 1947) that althourh {hene creatures are human-like in appearance, the biological aha evolacionery procenara reaponaible for thesr develomnent an anparentiy peen quite different from those observed or hostulated in homo-eapiens, Ur. Bronk's teem has suggested the term "Sxtre-terrestrial Biological Entities", or "ENEo", Ye adopted az the standard term of reference for these Creatures until euoh tine ee a more definitive designation oan be agreed upon. Since {¢ is virtually certain that these craft do not origin~ ate in any country of earth, considerable epeculation has Gentered around vhat their point of origin might be and how they et here. Mars wae and remains @ possibility, although cone scientists, most notably Dr. Menzel, consider’ it more {ike1y that we are dealing with beings from anotner solar ayeten entirely. Nunercus exanvies of vhat appear tobe @ fom of writing were found ia the wreckage. Sfforte ao decipher, these have Teorined larpely uucceesful. (See Attacnaent "S"s) Equally unsucceseful have been efforts to determine the Rathod’ of propeision or the nature or nettod of transmicsion Sf the power nource invoireds Resenren alonz sheee 1ines fae teen conpliceted ty the complete mbscnce of identifiable “ines; propeliere, Jets, or gener conventional methode of Mrogudaton'and ruldince! se weld aon totet ack of metallic Siclncy wnouin Sunes, of eigiinr, recagntaanle =leetronic eoea ae (See Attachment "PY,) It is aeeumed that the Provuloton unit wan completely destroyed by the explosion which caused the crash. mf : _ . * TOP SECRET * ous COPY ONE OF GUE. ony A need for am auch additional information 20 ponsible about these craft, their nerformance characteristics and their purpose Jed’to the undertaking known na U.S, Air Porce Project SIGN in Decenber, 1947. In order to preserve security, 1iason between SIGN and Majestic-12° was limited to two individuals within the Intellience Division of Air Materiel Command wnose Fole was to pass along certain typea of inforaation througn channela. | SIGN evolved into Project GRUDGE in December, 1945. The operation is currently being conducted under the code name BLUE BOOK, with 1iason maintained through the Air Porce officer who is head of the project. On 06 December, 1950, # second object, provably of similar ~ oririn, impacted the earth at hich opeed in the Fl Indio — Guerrero area of the Texas ~ Mexican boder after following @ long trajectory throush the ntmosphere. By the time a search team arrived, hat remained of the object had been almost ly incinerated. Such uaterial ae could be recovered vas transported to the A.E.C, facility at Sandia, New Hexic, for otuay, Implications for the National Security are of continuing ia portance in that the motives and ultimate intentions of these visitors remain completely unknown, In addition, @ vignificant upsurge in the ourveillance activily of these craft beginning in May and continuing throurh the autumn of this year has caused goneiderable concern that new developments may Dé iminente Tt is for these reasons, ua well ae the obvious internacional and technolorical considerations and the ultiaate need to avoid a public panic at all costs, that the flajestic-12 Group remains of the unanimous opinion that imposition of the strictest security precautions should continue without inter- Fuption into the new administration. At the seme time, cone Einvancy plan MJ-1449-047/78 (Top Secret - syee Only) should be held in continued readiness enould the need to make = public announcement present itself, (See Attachnent "'G",) ie ONE? ROO ares Tor Sena asic’ MLASSED EYES ONLY se-armer ee EYES cuLy ¢ / MAJIC wae LY EYES_ONLY. COPY ONE OP ONE. FNUNERATION OF ATTACHMENTS : ATTACHMENT sarTacEMDlT ‘ATTACHMENT ATTACHMENT sApTAcHMENT ATTACHMENT "ADTACEMENT SARTACHMENT TOP SBERET sseSpecial Classified Executive nan order #092447. (18/50) sOperntion Hajestic-12 status oR Report #1, Part A. 3Q°NOV ‘47, (8-HAITO/B0) i "O"seseeesOperstion HaJeoticn12 Status- Report #1, Part B. 30 NOV "47. (TS-HAIIC/20) “DY sseeeeeOpantion Mrifeatie-12 Preliminary analytsen) Report. 19 SEP "47. (1S-MASIC/E0) "eH Operation Majeatic-12 Blue Team Report #5, 30 vIM "52, - (t5-1agIC/20) OP", sees -Operntion Majestic-12 Status Report #2, "31 JAN "48. (a8-1as10/80) "OM sseese Operation Majesticn12 Contingency Plan WJ-19¢9=06P/78: 32 JAN "49, (18-¥AsIC/E0) {WY sseeesesOperation Majesticn12, Maps and Photographe Folio (Extractions). (ts-masr0/e0) “MAJIC TORBSEC VET / MAJIC? EYES ONLY vor SYES OnDY COPY ONS OF CHE. ATTACHMERD "AM eves aMi'V

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