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In the Employment Tribunals, Watford Case no.




Mr Joshua Skillman


Ether Worldwide LTD


Claimants Schedule of loss as at 19/04/18

1. Details
Net Weekly basic pay £337.54

Contractual notice period None

Statutory Notice Period 2 Weeks

Claimant's date of birth 02/12/1991

Period of service 15/06/2015 - 14/08/2017

Complete years of continued service 2 Years

Age at effective date of termination 25

Gross Weekly pay £416.67

2. Basic Award
1 x 2 x 337.54 675.08

Total Basic Award: 675.08

3. Compensatory Award
Loss to date of Tribunal Hearing
3.1 Loss of Basic Salary to date of tribunal (net) (35 x £11,813.90
3.2 Loss of Statutory Rights £500.00

3.3 Unauthroised deduction of wages re. claimed £191.10

suspension period (2 x £337.54 = £675.08 - £483.98)
Expenses incurred to date of tribunal

3.4 Solicitor consulting fees £936.00

3.5 Overdraft fee's £18.00

Total Past Loss £13,459.00


3.6 Sums obtained through new work to date of tribunal £2053.19

Total less amount earned through new employment - £2053.19

Future Loss
3.7 Future loss of earnings (17 x £337.54) £5738.18

3.8 Future Expenses TBC

Future Losses £5738.18

3.9 Future mitigation through new job (20 hours per week -£2662.20
x £7.83 = £156.60 x 17 )
Total Future Losses £3075.98

3.10 ACAS 25% uplift for failing to follow Code of £3640.45

3.11 Failure to provide statement of employment or £1350.16
contract ( 4 x £337.54)
3.12 Injury to feelings - lower band vento £8400.00

Total Uplift Award £13,390.61

TOTAL LOSS (Losses + Uplifts) £27,872.40

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