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NIM : 1831410077
Class : 2C D3 TK
Topic : The advantages and disadvantages of Corona Virus spread out to human being.
Topic Sentence : We need to know the information about the advantages and disadvantages
of corona virus spread out to human being and how to prevent this virus.
A. Introduction
1. Corona virus come from Wuhan, China
2. Found in animals
3. The spread of corona virus is very fast
4. The impact of being infected with a corona virus
5. Symtoms
6. Prevention to corona virus
B. Advantages
1. Reduced air pollution
2. More free time for family
3. No traffic jams
4. People pay more attention to cleanliness and health
C. Disadvantages
1. Disruption of the education system
2. Rising prices for multivitamins and personal protective equipment
3. Reduced income
4. Cause fear and anxiety
5. Many activities were postponed and even canceled
In conclusion, for everyone in the world, don’t worry or be afraid of this pandemic, but we
must always be vigilant and always obey the COVID-19 protocol issued by the government.

The New Virus Named Corona Virus and Its Impact to Human Being
We need to know the information about the advantages and disadvantages of corona
virus spread out to human being and how to prevent this virus. Before talking about the
advantages and disadvantages of the corona virus, let's get to know more closely what is a
corona virus. An outbreak of the corona virus, now called COVID-19, came from a seafood
and meat market in Wuhan, China, in December last year. It has since spread to other
countries even to world wide, included Indonesia. A corona virus is a virus that is found in
animals and, rarely, can be transmitted from animals to humans and then spread person to
person. The spread of corona virus is very fast, this virus can be spread through contact with
certain bodily fluids, such as droplets in a cough. It might also be caused by touching
something an infected person has touched and then touching your hand to your mouth, nose,
or eyes. Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate
respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. But, older people, and
those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic
respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness even cause death.
COVID-19 symptoms range from mild to severe. It takes 2-14 days after exposure for
symptoms to develop. Symptoms may includes fever, cough, shortness of breath. Those with
weakened immune systems may develop more serious symptoms, like pneumonia or
bronchitis. You may never develop symptoms after being exposed to COVID-19. So far,
most confirmed cases are in adults, but some children have been infected. There is no
evidence that children are at greater risk for getting the virus. Some methods to prevent this
virus are practice social distancing, avoid people who are sick or meeting in large groups,
stay home if you are sick, cover your cough with a tissue or cough into your upper sleeve or
elbow, and don’t cough into your hands. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at
least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing your
nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based
hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are
visibly dirty. Avoid touching your mouth, nose, or eyes.
Although this is an pandemic which is quite alarming for the whole world, but the
corona virus outbreak has several advantages for humans those are reduced air pollution,
more free time for family, no traffic jams, and people pay more attention to cleanliness and
health. Air pollution on earth is reduced due to an appeal to stay at home. By staying at home,
we have more free time for family. If air pollution is reduced, it means the volume of vehicles
on the road is reduced as well and the traffic jams that make a lot of stressed drivers who
usually adorn the streets in big cities now no longer exist. Since the appearance of the corona
virus, people have become more concerned about personal hygiene and the environment as
well as increasing immunity by exercising, taking multivitamins etc. to stay healthy and
diseases especially this virus cannot infect them.
The disadvantages of corona virus for human being are disruption of the education
system, rising prices for multivitamins and personal protective equipment, reduced income,
cause fear and anxiety, and many activities were postponed and even canceled. Due to
government policies regarding the implementation of social distancing, all activities related to
face to face such as teaching and learning activities become disrupted and the education
system does not work properly. Prices for multivitamins and personal protective equipment
such as masks are getting more expensive and even rarely found in the market. The income of
some middle class people has declined, such as public transport drivers and food vendors in
food stalls since the social distance was applied. The appearance of this virus causes fear and
anxiety for all people in the world because of its rapid spread within a distance of less than 1
meter. An appeal to stay at home caused many activities were postponed and even canceled.
After knowing the advantages and advantages of the corona virus to humans, I can
conclude this outbreak do not come just like that, there must be wisdom behind it all. What
we can do now is stay calm and follow the rules set by the government. Help the government
and medical personnel by staying at home to reduce the potential spread of the corona virus.
In conclusion, for everyone in the world, don’t worry or be afraid of this pandemic, but we
must always be vigilant and always obey the COVID-19 protocol issued by the government.

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