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Nama: Cahya Ramansyah

NPM: A1D019006

Biology of Red Palm Mite, Raoiella indica, on Different Coconut Varieties

1. The threat of the Red Palm

2. Development and fertility of R. Indica

3. Variety Development Time

1.Ancaman Palem Merah

2. Pengembangan dan kesuburan R. Indica

3. Waktu Pengembangan Varietas

The red palm myth, Raoiella indica Hirst (Acari: Tenuipalpidae), has emerged as a new threat
to coconut plantations in Indonesia. To control this myth, understanding biology is very important.
Effects of three coconut varieties (Dwarf Salak, Sumenep Tinggi Height, and Hybrid Coconut).

On the development and fertility of R. indica determined under laboratory conditions at

26−28oC, 80% RH, and photoperiod 12:12 (L: D). The life cycle of R. indica consists of the stages of
egg, larva, protonimph, deutonymph, and adult.

The total development time of adult females is strongly influenced by coconut varieties. The
shortest immature development time occurs in the Salwar Dwarf variety (26.07 days), although no
significant difference from the time of adult female development in the Hybrid variety and Local
Sumenep was found. In addition, there are also significant differences in the time of development of
immature males and in the mythical fertility between different coconut varieties

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