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First objective of the experiment is to determine the resultant force of

concurrent forces using the graphical and analytical method. Concurrent
forces are forces exerted at a common point in a body. The ring in the force
table serves as the common point and the four strings with mass hangers
then serve as the concurrent forces acting on the ring.
Through experimentation, we were given three forces acting on a ring
using a force table. We are to determine another force and its angle of
direction that will cancel the three forces by trial and error. We may vary the
amount of load in the mass hanger and adjust the angle of the strings in the
force table in order to have the zero resultant force. Data were obtained and
listed on the table found in the data sheet. From Trial 1, we have balanced
the given forces by adding 26.30 grams of load together with the 5.00 grams
of the hanger in an angle of 147.50 ∘while from Trial 2 we have balanced the
given forces by adding 54.80 grams of load together with the 5.00 grams of
the hanger in an angle of 207.30∘.
Other methods such as the graphical method and analytical method
provide basis for accuracy of the data obtained from experimentation.
In the graphical method, it is done through the polygon method. The
forces and angle provided were connected from the head of the first tail to
the tail of the next force until a polygon is formed by adding the last force,
F4, from the head of the third force to the tail of the first force. The graph
shows that the resultant force is zero. It is because it went back from its
starting point. A scale must be provided for actual representation of mass
used in the experiment. In the graph of Trial 1, a scale of 1 cm: 5 g is used.
In Trial 1, F4 in the graph shows a length of 6.30 cm with a corresponding
31.50 grams at an angle of 147∘while in Trial 2, F 4 in the graph shows a
length of 12.00 cm with a corresponding 60.00 grams at an angle of 206.50∘.
From the data obtained using the graphing method, percentage errors are
small that I can conclude that experimentation was accurate. The fourth
force determined through the graphing method (polygon method) was close
to that of the experimental value of the R and the Ɵ obtained in the
experiment. For Trial 1, values of 0.64% and 0.34% were the percentage
error obtained for the R and Ɵ, respectively. For Trial 2, values of 0.33% and
0.39% were the percentage error obtained for the R and Ɵ, respectively.
In the analytical method, we are to compute values using the component
method. The given forces were divided into its x- and y- components. F 4 is x
in the x-component and y in the y-component and the resultant is still zero,
since through experimentation the ring was balanced at the center of the
force table and the fourth force applied cancelled the forces caused by the
weights on the hanger. Through computations, the magnitude and angle of
direction of the F4 is determined. Using analytical method, specifically the
component method, I was able to get the fourth force to balance the other
three forces. In Trial 1, the F4 was 31.14 g at an angle of 146.65∘while in
Trial 2 the F4 was 59.60 g at an angle of 205.84∘. From the data obtained
using the analytical method (component method), percentage errors are
small that I can conclude that experimentation was accurate. For Trial 1,
values of 0.51% and 0.58% were the percentage error obtained for the R and
Ɵ, respectively. For Trial 2, values of 0.34% and 0.70% were the percentage
error obtained for the R and Ɵ, respectively.
Above all, it is more accurate to use analytical method than graphing
method. Experimentation only provides picture and realization for the
Second objective of the experiment is to determine the first condition of
equilibrium and its implications. The first condition of equilibrium states
that the center of mass of the body has zero acceleration if the vector sum of
all external forces acting on the body is zero. It implies that the x-
components and y- components of all the forces is zero. As a result, the body
is in static equilibrium and doesn’t have the tendency of accelerating or
moving. It will stay at rest in its position. In the experiment, the ring acted
upon by four forces must stay in the center by balancing three constant
forces by the fourth force. That is, it must satisfy the first condition of
Lastly, to differentiate scalar and vector quantities and compare the
resultant from equilibrant is the third objective of this experiment.
Scalar quantity is a quantity that can be described fully by just stating its
magnitude while vector quantity is a quantity that can be described fully by
stating both of its magnitude and direction.
Demonstrated in this experiment were these kinds of quantities. The
mass of the load is considered a scalar quantity because it can only be
described by stating its magnitude or value. On the other hand, the force
exerted by the load is considered a vector quantity because of the Earth’s
gravitational pull.
Resultant is the single vector corresponding to the summation of
vectors. On the other hand, equilibrant is the vector that balances out the
resultant resulting to equilibrium known to be the first condition of
The resultant in the experiment is equal to the magnitude of the fourth
force (equilibrant) applied but it is directed to its opposite direction. As a
result, the summation of all the forces applied in the force table was zero
because the equilibrant cancelled the resultant that balances the ring at the

From the objectives of the experiment, I, therefore, conclude that they
were achieved. Discussed in the analysis is the result of the experiment for
each objective.
I am able to determine the resultant force of concurrent forces
graphically and analytically. As balanced forces were introduced, it simply
means that the resultant results to zero magnitude. Graphing the concurrent
forces will result to a polygon that moved from the starting point and then
back to the starting point. Solving the magnitude and direction of the
concurrent forces analytically involved the component method.
Percentage errors were computed to show how accurate is the data
obtained from the experimentation. Fortunately, it was so small that I can
say that it was accurate and close to the computed value by graphing and
analytical methods.
First condition of equilibrium was introduced in this experiment. It
states that the sum of all acting forces in a body is zero. By balancing the
three forces acting on the ring at the center of the force table by another
force, this is an implication of the first condition of equilibrium.
Scalar and vector quantities were differentiated as well as resultant and
equilibrant. Scalar shows magnitude while vector shows both magnitude and
the direction. Resultant is a vector originated from the summation all vectors
in a system while equilibrant is a vector that balances the resultant by its
magnitude but oppositely in direction.
This was the Experiment 1, the resolution of forces, was done.

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