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Alison Baxter

Oxford Bookworms


1 America
Think of a big, beautiful, empty land
with mountains, forests, lakes,
animals and fish, but no people. This
was America 30,000 years ago.
Around that time, the first people
probably arrived in Alaska from
Asia. They travelled south and after that, they brought workers -
became the North American Indians, slaves - from Africa. Large numbers
and the Aztecs, Mayas and Incas and of immigrants continued to arrive
other peoples of Central and South from all over the world until the
America. Later came the Inuit middle of the twentieth century.
(Eskimos) of Canada and the Arctic. The empty land was now full of
But there are only a few of these early people, speaking different languages
peoples in America today. and with different ideas. There are
In the sixteenth century Europeans just three countries now in North
started to come to America, and soon America: Canada, Mexico and the
USA. But there
were nearly several
more. The 'United
States of America'
was not always
united. The 252
million people who
live in its fifty states
are not all the
same. So how was
the USA born?
How did it grow?
And what sort of
country is it now?
2 The Pilgrim Fathers
For thousands of years, America and
its peoples were unknown to the rest
of the world. The Vikings visited
Canada from Scandinavia around
AD 1000, but did not stay. Then, in
1492, a brave Italian sailor called
Christopher Columbus reached the
Caribbean, while he was looking for
a sea route from Europe to India. Slaves working in the tobacco fields
Columbus did not stay either. It was
only in the sixteenth century that the and went to England, where she died.
French, the Spanish, and the The farmers discovered that it
British all started to come and was easy to grow tobacco in
live in North America. Virginia, so they brought
In the early seventeenth African people to work
century, two very different in the fields as their slaves.
groups of English people Smoking was becoming
made the dangerous very fashionable, and
journey across the Atlantic. the Americans found a big
In 1607, a group of farmers market for their tobacco
began the colony of in Europe.
Jamestown, in Virginia. They Pocahontas In 1620, another group of
fought with the Indians, and 101 English men, women and
many died because they were ill and children arrived in Plymouth,
did not have enough to eat. But Massachusetts. We know these
Pocahontas, the daughter of an people, who had very strong ideas
Indian chief, became a friend of about religion, as the 'Pilgrims', or
Captain John Smith and helped him 'Pilgrim Fathers'. They did not want
and the other English people. She to live in England because they did
later married a man called John Rolfe not agree with the Church of
England, so they sailed to America in Thanksgiving, and Americans still
a ship called the Mayflower. They celebrate it every year, on the fourth
became not only farmers, but also Thursday of November. It is one of
businessmen who bought and sold the most important holidays in the
animal skins. They thought that all year, and people often travel many
men were equal and so they did not hundreds of kilometres to be with
have slaves. their family.
The Pilgrims too were often ill and
hungry, and nearly half of them died USA facts
in the first year. But they were helped 'America' was named after an
by friendly Indians, who showed Italian businessman called Amerigo
them how to grow corn. In the Vespucci, who sailed to South
autumn of 1621, the Pilgrims had a America between 1499 and 1502.
big dinner to give thanks for the first Columbus called the Native
food that they had grown themselves. Americans 'Indians' because he
This day became known as thought that he had reached India.

The Pilgrim Fathers landing at Plymouth

3 The War of Independence
By 1770, there were A farmer from Virginia, George
thirteen colonies Washington, became the leader of
along the east coast the American army.
of North America, But the colonies did not say that
all governed by they wanted to be fully independent
Britain. But Britain until the summer of 1776. Thomas
was a long way Jefferson wrote the famous
away, and the 'Declaration of Independence',
people of the where he said that the king, George
colonies became III, had broken his agreement with
angry at the high his people, because he had not let
taxes that the them have their rights: rights to life,
The Boston government made freedom and happiness. The day of
Tea Party them pay. the Declaration of Independence is
In December another important American
1773 a group of men threw oliday, celebrated each year
342 boxes of tea into the sea on July 4.
at Boston because they did The Americans finally
not want to pay the British won the war five years
tax on it. This was the later, in October 1781, and
'Boston Tea Party'. two years after that, they
The British government was were free to govern
now angry too, and in April George themselves. In 1788 they
1775 some Americans fought a Washington made George Washington
group of British soldiers at their first president.
Lexington and Concord, in The thirteen colonies, which
Massachusetts. A few months later, became known as 'states', grew by
after the Battle of Bunker Hill, near adding land to the south and west.
Boston, it was clear that Britain was In 1803, Jefferson, the third
at war with its American colonies. president, bought a piece of rich
Signing the Declaration of Independence

farmland in the mid-west from USA facts

France; it was five times as big as • The names 'United States of
France itself, and it only cost $15 America' and 'American' were first
million. In 1819, the USA bought used at the time of the War of
Florida from Spain. The United States Independence.
was now twice as big as it had been • The American flag, the Stars and
in 1781. And by 1848, after winning Stripes, also first appeared at that
Texas and the West from Mexico, it time. It has a stripe for each of the
had grown again so that it reached all first thirteen states and a star is
the way from the Atlantic to the added when a new state joins, so
Pacific, over 5,000 kilometres. there are now fifty stars.
4 The Civil War
This great country of 31
million people was known
as the Union, but in fact
there were deep differences
between the North and the
South. And in 1861 war
broke out - the most
terrible war that the world
had ever seen. At least
600,000 people died in the
fighting or from illness.
The war was fought to
keep the United States
united. It began because the Slaves working in the cotton fields
southern states kept slaves
to work in the cotton fields. Slaves The South had some of the best
were not allowed in the North, and soldiers - one was the great Robert E.
the two sides argued about whether Lee - and they had plenty of money
they should allow them in the new from selling their cotton to England.
lands of the West. In 1860, Abraham But the North had more men and
Lincoln, who belonged to the more factories. They also had
Republican party, which was against Lincoln, one of the best presidents
keeping slaves, was elected president. that the USA has ever had.
On December 24, South Carolina Two famous soldiers helped the
said that it wanted to be independent North to win the war: General
and the other southern states soon Sherman is remembered in a famous
followed; they called themselves the song about how he took 60,000 of
'Confederate States of America'. The his soldiers on a journey from
fighting began on April 12 1861, at Atlanta, in Georgia, to the Atlantic
Fort Sumter. coast, breaking the Confederate
The Battle of Gettysburg Abraham Lincoln

states in two; after the war, he enough to bring the North and the
became head of the American army. South together. Anger and arguments,
General Ulysses S. Grant was the mostly about the rights of black
man who represented the North at people, continued.
Appomattox in 1865, when the
South, under Lee, accepted that they USA fact
had lost the war. Grant was very fair • A very important battle was won
to Lee's soldiers, who did not have to by the North at Gettysburg in
go to prison. Some years later, in Pennsylvania in 1863. Lincoln spoke
1868, he became president. there afterwards about the brave
Sadly, in April 1865, just after the soldiers who had died. This became
end of the war, Lincoln was shot at known as the Gettysburg Address
the theatre by a man called John and contains the famous words,
Wilkes Booth. After Lincoln's death, '. . . government of the people,
the new president was not strong by the people, for the people.'
5 The Wild West
During the nineteenth century, more
and more people went to live in the
West. Most of us have seen the 'Wild
West' in films and on television, and
so we think that it was full of
cowboys and fighting. But in fact
there were very few cowboys - no
more than 40,000 - and real
cowboys did not shoot each other
very often. They were hard-working A cowboy
men, and at least a quarter of them
were black or Mexican. They took other crops instead of keeping cows.
cows from Texas up to the railway The farms were very lonely, but
towns in Kansas and Missouri to be soon the railways helped to bring
killed for meat. From there, the meat people together. In 1869, the railway
was sent to the East and sold. line from the East met the line from
The cowboys almost disappeared the West in Utah, so it was possible
after about thirty years because the for Americans to travel right across
land was given by the government to the USA by train.
farmers and their families. From There were about two million
1862 to 1900, more than half a Native Americans (or 'Indians') in
million farmers came to live in the America in the fifteenth century,
West, where they grew corn and when the Europeans started to
colonize the country. They lived by
Indians hunting buffalo hunting and farming, and when they
got horses from the
Europeans, they used them
to hunt buffalo. There were
about 60 million buffalo
and the Indians needed them
for food, clothes, houses, knives, etc.
Sadly, the Europeans also brought
diseases which killed the Indians.
They fought and killed the Indians
too, because they wanted to take
their land for farms or railways. They
shot millions of buffalo, so that it is
said that by 1900 there were less than
a thousand animals left in all of the
USA - and less than 250,000 Native
The Indian wars ended in 1890 An early American railroad
with the Battle of Wounded Knee,
when many Sioux men, women
and children were killed by different places; one man rode
American soldiers. After this, with a bag of letters for about
Indians had to live in special 120 kilometres and then gave
places called 'reservations'. it to another man. In this way,
Even today, many of the letters only took about ten
two million Native days to cross the country.
Americans live on • One very well-known
reservations; they rider was Buffalo Bill
are often very poor Cody. He later became
and a lot of them do a soldier and a hunter;
not have jobs. they say that he shot 4,280
buffalo in one year! In the
USA facts 1880s, Buffalo Bill started
• From 1860 to 1861, the his Wild West Show, a kind
mail was carried from East of travelling theatre, with the
to West and back again by famous cowgirl Annie Oakley.
the famous Pony Express.
Horses were kept at Buffalo Bill
6 New Americans
At the beginning of the nineteenth came from Ireland alone. Another
century most American families had five million immigrants came from
come from Britain, Germany and Italy, and millions more from Russia,
Scandinavia, and they were farmers Poland and other countries of Eastern
or businesspeople. But soon that Europe, hoping to find jobs and
began to change. freedom. America kept an 'open
Factories were built and cities door' until 1924 and about 27
grew; poor people arrived from other million people arrived between 1880
countries, hoping to find work. and 1930. They were often poor, had
Between 1840 and the end of the different religions, and had not been
century, about five million people to school for very long; there was a
lot of prejudice against them.
Chinatown, San Francisco The Chinese immigrants in the
West also met with prejudice. Many
people came to live in California after
gold was found there in 1848, and
among them were 300,000 Chinese.
Many of the Chinese stayed to work
building the new railways. Like black USA facts
people and Native Americans, the • Immigrants from Europe arrived
Chinese had no civil rights and after at Ellis Island in New York,
1882, they were no longer allowed to where they were checked for
enter the USA. illness and other problems.
The Irish, Italians and Eastern They were welcomed by the
Europeans usually stayed in the big Statue of Liberty, which was
cities of the East or the Mid-West, given by France to America in
like New York, Boston or Chicago, 1886. On it are written these
and worked in the factories. words:
Although most of them learned 'Give me your tired, your poor .. .'
English and became Americans, they • Today, the biggest number of
also wanted to keep their own way of immigrants to the USA come
life. So in many cities you can find from Spanish-speaking countries
places known as Little Italy or such as Mexico and Puerto Rico.
Chinatown, where the restaurants More than six million have arrived
have Italian or Chinese food. This is since 1980 and Spanish has
all part of what makes America an become the second language of
interesting and exciting country. the United States.

The Statue of Liberty

Immigrants arriving at Ellis Island

7 Black Americans
Today about 30 million of the 252
million people in the USA are black.
They used to live mostly in the South,
working in the cotton and tobacco
fields. After the Civil War, white
Southerners were angry that they had
lost the war and angry that slaves
were now free. They showed a lot of
prejudice against black people. Some
whites joined the Ku Klux Klan,
groups of men who dressed in white,
covered their heads so that no one so there are now more black people
knew them, and went out to beat and in the North than in the South.
murder black people. Black men But even in the North, they lived
could not vote until 1870, and even separately, and in the South they
when they got the right to vote, they had to sit separately on buses and
often did not use it because they eat in separate parts of restaurants.
were frightened. Until 1954, they also had to go to
In the separate schools.
twentieth century, Then in the 1950s, a churchman
black people called Dr Martin Luther King began
began to travel to fight for the civil rights of black
to the cities of people. Groups of black people
the North and started to break the law, but not in a
later, to violent way; they refused to use
California, to buses, so that the bus companies lost
look for work, money. They also went into 'whites
only' restaurants. In August 1963,
200,000 people met in Washington
A Civil Rights
march and heard Dr King speak about the
However, there are still problems, as
was shown by the fighting in Los
Angeles in 1992, after a black car
driver was beaten by white policemen.

USA facts
• A story about the hard life of
slaves called Uncle Tom's Cabin,
by Harriet Beecher Stowe, was one
of the most popular books of the
mid-nineteenth century and made a
lot of people see that it was wrong
to keep slaves.
need for black people to be equal. He • Harriet Tubman and Frederick
began with these words, which have Douglass were famous slaves who
become famous: 'I have a dream . . .' helped many other slaves escape
In 1964, a law was passed from the South to the North using
giving black people their a route called the 'underground
civil rights and Dr King was railroad'.
given the Nobel Peace Prize.
Martin Luther King
But in 1968, Dr King was
murdered in Memphis, and
fighting broke out in more than a
hundred cities.
During the 1970s and 1980s,
prejudice against black people slowly
began to become less important,
and many black
people now have
good jobs in
business and
8 The government of the USA
The government of the USA has three have more Representatives. Some
separate but equal branches: states, like Wyoming or Delaware,
Congress, the President, and the which do not have many people, only
Supreme Court. Women were given have one Representative.
the vote in 1920 and all Americans The President is head of the
can now vote when they are eighteen departments of government which
years old. carry out the laws. He (until now the
Congress makes the laws. president has always been a man) is
There are two 'houses' of Congress: the leader of the country (like a king
the Senate and the House of or queen) and head of the army. He is
Representatives. There are a hundred elected for four years, and can only be
people in the Senate (two from each elected twice. He can say 'no' to laws
state) and they are elected for six passed by Congress (but Congress
years. There are 435 people in the can also say 'no' to him), and he
House of Representatives, and they chooses the judges for the Supreme
are elected for two years only. States Court. He lives and works in the
with more people, like California, White House in Washington DC.
The Supreme Court is the most
Washington DC important court in the country and
has nine judges; their job is to decide
what the laws mean. They can also
say that Congress has made a law
which is wrong, or that the President
has done something wrong.
The USA is a union of fifty states,
and as well as the national
government in Washington, each
state has its own government. Laws
can be very different from one state
to the next. They say very different
The White House

USA fact
• There are only two important
political parties: the Republicans
and the Democrats. The Republicans
want people to work to help
Inside Congress themselves, and so they think that
taxes should be low.
things about, for example, how old The Democrats think that the
you must be to vote, get married, government should help the poor
leave school or drive a car. Different and so it needs taxes. But the
states punish criminals differently difference between the two is not
too; in some states, you can be killed always clear and it is not always easy
for murdering someone, in others you to say that one party is on the 'left'
only go to prison. or on the 'right' of the other.
9 Living in the USA
Most Americans who have jobs live
more comfortably than people in any
other country in the world. They A 'drive-in' bank
usually work a forty-hour week and
they have two weeks' holiday a year the USA has no official religion, but
as well as the official holidays like over 60% of Americans belong to a
Thanksgiving and Christmas. In 6 0 % Christian church.
of families, both the husband and the If they don't want to go out,
wife go out to work. Although more Americans can always stay at home,
than 4 0 % of the land is farmed, not and watch television. Nearly all
many people work as farmers, and families have a TV and it is said that
fewer Americans work in factories an ordinary family watches seven
than in the past. Most jobs are now hours a day! They have over 10,000
in hospitals, banks, hotels, shops, etc. TV stations to choose from, most of
How do Americans spend their which are owned by private
money? Two thirds of them own companies, not by the government.
their homes, often a house with a American TV programmes are sold
garden in a nice suburb. And at least all over the world, and in many
8 5 % of families have a car. They can
use it to go to 'drive-in' restaurants,
cinemas, banks, and even churches -

A suburban street
countries people watch the news on
C N N . Few newspapers cover all the
USA, but you can buy papers like the
New York Times and the Washington
Post everywhere, as well as the A shopping mall
magazines Time and Newsweek.
Most Americans enjoy sports, And, of course, Americans love to
which helps to keep them healthy. shop; the supermarket first appeared
Their favourites are baseball, in America, and now many shops are
basketball, football and ice hockey. open twenty-four hours a day. In the
American football is very different 1990s, Americans were spending
from European football; players run twelve hours a month in indoor
and carry the ball more than they use shopping centres; some of the biggest
their feet. shopping centres in the world are
in the USA - Mall of America in
Minneapolis covers half a
million square metres!
Americans have
to pay if they are

1 Baseball
2 Ice hockey
3 Basketball
4 American
ill and visit a doctor or foods with them. And
go to hospital, but they more and more people
do not usually pay to are interested in healthy
go to school. Schools, eating, so they choose
like the laws, are 'low-fat' foods, or they
different from state to refuse to eat meat.
state, but in most
places, everyone goes to school for USA facts
about twelve years. And about a • The money in the USA is the dollar,
third of school students go on to which contains a hundred cents.
university. Some coins have special names: 50
What do Americans eat? In the is a nickel, 100 is a dime, and 250
past, America gave a number of a quarter.
different foods to the rest of the • Coca-Cola was first made in 1886
world: potatoes, tomatoes, chocolate by an American called John
and corn, for example. Today, Pemberton. Today it is sold in 195
American 'fast' food is sold in countries and Coke is one of the
restaurants in almost every country best-known words in the world.
of the world. The most famous • From 1920 to 1933, during
examples are probably hamburgers Prohibition, it was against the law
and hot dogs, eaten with to drink alcohol in the USA,
french fries. but many people still
But if you visit the wanted to drink it.
USA you can also eat So criminals like Al
all kinds of tasty Capone became rich
food from different by bringing alcohol
countries: Chinese, into the country.
Mexican, Italian . . .
the immigrants who
came to the USA Fast food
brought their
own favourite
10 Cities, lakes and rivers
Boston, where the fight for
independence began in the eighteenth
century, is one of the oldest cities in
the USA. In neighbouring Cambridge
is the oldest university in the USA,
Harvard, which was opened in 1636,
as well as the famous Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT).
Perhaps the most well-known
family in twentieth-century Boston
was the Kennedy family. Like many Harvard University
other Boston families, they came
from Ireland. They became very rich, your country' He and his beautiful
and John F Kennedy, a Democrat, wife Jacqueline were young and
became President of popular, but sadly, in 1963,
the United States in 'JFK' was shot and killed
1960. At that time in Dallas, Texas.
he said '. . . ask not Everyone knows New
what your country York, the biggest city in the
can do for you, but USA. It is a great place for
what you can do for theatre, shopping and

Skyscrapers in New York

The Mardi Gras parade in New Orleans

restaurants. It is also the home of the

United Nations, whose offices are in Satellite picture showing the Great Lakes
a beautiful glass skyscraper. In fact,
when you think of New York, you it is also known as one of the homes
probably think that the skyscraper of black popular music.
was born here. Henry Ford, who made the famous
But in fact the first really tall Ford cars, was born in Michigan,
buildings were built in Chicago after near Detroit. His 'Model T' (1908)
the great fire of 1871. Today, the was the first car cheap enough for
Sears Tower in Chicago (more than ordinary people to buy. 'Anyone can
400 metres high) is the tallest drive a Ford,' they said.
building in the USA. Lying between Canada and the
Chicago and the other cities USA, the five Great Lakes are an
around the Great Lakes of the Mid- important route for ships travelling
West have more factories than from the Atlantic, along the St
anywhere else in the USA. Detroit, on Lawrence Seaway, to the Mid-West.
Lake Erie, is where cars are made and Together, Lakes Erie, Ontario,
Huron, Michigan, and Superior cover
Model T
244,108 square kilometres - more
Ford than any other group of lakes in the
world. If you go there in the summer,
it is almost like going to the sea; you
can lie on the beach or sail a boat.
But in winter it is very cold. Chicago
is sometimes known as the 'windy
city' because of the cold winds that
blow in from Lake Michigan.
Thousands of kilometres south of
the Great Lakes is the state of
Louisiana, which used to be French. The Mississippi river
The city of New Orleans, on the
great Mississippi river, is famous for USA facts
its food, which is like French and • If you drive all the way down the
African food together, and for Mardi Atlantic coast from New York past
Gras, when people celebrate by Philadelphia to Washington DC,
dressing in colourful clothes and you pass from city to suburb and
walking or dancing through the back again; it almost seems to be
streets, playing music. New Orleans one big city: a 'megalopolis'.
is also the home of jazz, which was • Niagara Falls, between Lakes
first played by black musicians like Ontario and Erie, is 51 metres high.
Louis Armstrong in the 1920s. • Mark Twain's real name was
The Mississippi river is 3,778 Samuel Clemens and he took the
kilometres long and in the nineteenth name 'Mark Twain' from special
century was an important way of words used by sailors on the
travelling from north to south. Mark Mississippi. 'Mark twain' means
Twain wrote wonderful stories about that the water is about two
life on and around the river: The fathoms, or four metres, deep.
Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876),
and Huckleberry Finn (1884). Niagara Falls
The Arizona desert

11 Mountains and deserts

The USA has some of the biggest for example, in the states of
cities in the world, and more than Wyoming, Montana, Colorado,
three quarters of its people live in Idaho and Utah, are great for
cities or towns. This means that there holidays. Visitors like to go there for
are also some very empty places, walking, climbing, fishing, hunting,
which have not changed much since or horseriding. You can also go skiing
the first Europeans arrived. The in winter at towns like Aspen. The
government has kept some of them as only big city in the Rockies is Denver,
National Parks, where people are not which is one mile (1.6 kilometres)
allowed to build houses or factories. above the sea. The air is so thin there
The wonderful Rocky Mountains, that it can make your head hurt when
you first arrive.
Skiing in the Rockies South of the Rockies lies the desert
state of Arizona, where the land has
fantastic colours: not just brown and
green, but red, pink, orange and blue.
The most famous place in Arizona is
the Grand Canyon. This deep river
valley was made by the Colorado
river cutting through the rock many
thousands of years ago. Today it is
2,000 metres deep, 349 kilometres
long, and between six and twenty-
nine kilometres wide. You can walk
down to the river, but it will take you
two days to get there and
back, and you must take
plenty of water to drink.
You can also fly over it, Mount Rushmore
and see the A hot water geyser
extraordinary shapes
of the rocks. USA facts
Next to Arizona, New Las Vegas, in the desert
Mexico is another dry, desert state, state of Nevada, is a centre for
where farming is difficult and the gambling. People make and lose
people are poor. Many Native thousands of dollars there, playing
Americans live there on big cards or other games.
reservations. The Navajo, Hopi, The Black Hills of Dakota are
Pueblo and Zuni are known for the famous for Mount Rushmore,
beautiful things that they make from where the faces of four American
silver, for their colourful blankets, presidents: Washington, Jefferson,
their pots and for their dancing. Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt
Many artists have also come from were cut in the rock. It took
other parts of America to live in and fourteen years, from 1927 to 1941.
around Santa Fe and Taos. Yellowstone Park in Wyoming and
Montana is famous for the hot
Native American women making blankets water geyser that shoots up into
the air, up to 1 1 5 metres high.
Salt Lake City, the chief city of
Utah, is next to a lake that is much
saltier than the sea. Even if you
haven't learned to swim, you could
probably swim in this lake!
12 California
California is a state of differences. It by an earthquake and the fire which
has the lowest, driest place in the followed it in 1906. There was a big
USA: Death Valley, which is 86 earthquake in 1989 and everyone
metres below sea level. It is very hot knows that one day, perhaps very
there (56.7°C on the hottest day, in soon, there will be another, but they
1913) and in some years it does not continue living in San Francisco
rain at all. But the north of the state because life there is fun.
is quite cold and wet. This is where Los Angeles is the second biggest
the great redwood trees grow - the city in the USA. It can take hours to
biggest trees in the world. California drive from one side to the other - and
grows more fruit and vegetables than people almost always drive! The
any other state in the USA, and it is number of cars means that the city
famous for its wine. But it is also a has a problem with dirty air; it also
centre for computers and business. It has a lot of violence. But visitors still
has more people than any other state. come to see Disneyland, Hollywood,
San Francisco is, many people where films are made, and Beverley
think, one of the most beautiful cities Hills, where you can look at the
in the world. It was nearly destroyed houses of famous film stars.

A Californian redwood tree San Francisco

13 North and South, East and West
Travelling north Olympic Games
from California, were held there
you come to in 1996. There
Oregon and then are plenty of
Washington. jobs, and people
These states are think that, like
cool and wet, Seattle, it is a
but very comfortable city
beautiful, with Charleston to live in. It is
big forests and very different
high mountains. from the old
Since the 1980s, cities of the
Seattle has south:
become one of Savannah,
the most Georgia, and
popular cities in Charleston,
America; it is South Carolina,
the home of for example,
new music and Seattle where there
of coffee bars are still many
selling lots of different types of beautiful old houses which look
coffee; films and TV programmes the same as they did 150 or more
are made about people who live in years ago.
Seattle. A city that was once quiet is There are so many interesting and
becoming crowded and expensive. exciting places to visit in the USA
Away across the country is another that we cannot show you them all.
city which has changed a lot in the Use the map on the next two pages
last twenty years: Atlanta, Georgia. to plan your own journey across
It is big and modern, with one of the America, by car, by train, by bus,
busiest airports in the world; the or just in your dreams!
Cold, lonely
Alaska is the
largest state in
the USA and is
separated from
the other states
by Canada. The
bought it from
Russia in 1867
for $7.2 million
and it became a
state in 1959.
People used to
make money
from fishing and
hunting, and
gold was found
there too. But
today, it is
important for its
oil. North Nearly 4,000 kilometres Texas is the
America's west of California lies Hawaii. second biggest
highest This group of beautiful islands state after Alaska.
mountain, became the fiftieth state of There are still
Mount McKinley the USA in 1959. Today, cowboys who work with cattle, but
(6,194 metres), people visit Hawaii for beach the modern state of Texas, like
is in Alaska. holidays in the sun. Alaska, is rich because of its oil.
The states of
Maine, New
and Rhode
Island are
known as New
Visitors go
there to see the
Florida is known as the 'Sunshine State'
because it is so warm and sunny. Many
colours of the
Americans choose to live in Florida when
trees, which
they retire. Oranges grow there, and visitors
turn red, yellow
come to enjoy beach holidays. They can
and gold in the
also visit Disneyworld and the Kennedy
Space Center.

A Checking your understanding

Pages 1-5 Write answers to these questions.
1 When did Europeans start to come to America?
2 Who arrived in Massachusetts in 1620?
3 Why were the American people angry with the British government?
4 Who was the first president of the USA?

Pages 6-11 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1 The northern states kept slaves.
2 Abraham Lincoln was president during the Civil War.
3 Buffalo were very important to the Native Americans.
4 The immigrants who arrived in the nineteenth century were usually rich.

Pages 12-18 How much can you remember? Check your answers.
1 How many black people are there in the USA today?
2 Who used the famous words, 'I have a dream . . .'?
3 What are the names of the two big political parties in the USA?
4 What are Americans' four favourite sports?

Pages 19-23 How much can you remember? Where . . .

1 . . . is the oldest university in the USA?
2 . . . were the first skyscrapers built?
3 . . . are Niagara Falls?
4 . . . is the Grand Canyon?

Pages 24-27 Find answers to these questions.

1 Which city was nearly destroyed by an earthquake in 1906?
2 Where were the Olympic Games held in 1996?
3 Which state did the Americans buy from Russia in 1867?
4 Which was the fiftieth state to join the USA?
B Working with language
1 Use these words to join these eight short sentences together to make four
longer ones.
because but when where
1 The South had some of the best soldiers. They lost the Civil War.
2 The Europeans fought and killed the Native Americans. They wanted to
take their land for farms and railways.
3 Immigrants arrived at Ellis Island. They were checked for illness.
4 Many Americans go and live in Florida. They retire.

2 Complete these sentences with information from the book.

1 Pocahontas was . . . who . . .
2 Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass were . . . who . . .
3 Thomas Jefferson wrote . . . where . . .
4 The Indian wars ended in 1890 with . . . when . . .
5 The city of New Orleans is famous for . . . when .. .

C Activities
1 Imagine that you are on holiday in the USA. Write a letter to a friend about
the places that you have visited.
2 Imagine that you were either a Pilgrim, or a black slave, or an immigrant in
the nineteenth century. You are now very old. Write a short paragraph
about how you came to the USA, and your life there.

D Project work
1 Write about the people who live in your own country. Are they all the same?
Were any of them immigrants? Did they fight any wars?
2 Write a short guide to your own country; include information about famous
cities, beautiful places to visit, the weather, etc.
alcohol strong drinks such as beer, judge (n) the most important person
wine, whisky in a law court
allow to let someone do something law an order made by the
celebrate to enjoy a happy day
lead to be chief
civil rights the rights of all the
people in a country to do the same leader a person who leads
things: vote, work etc.
native a person born in a place, not
civil war a war between groups of an immigrant
people in the same country pilgrim a person who travels for a
colony a country that belongs to religious reason
another country
prejudice an idea (usually negative)
crops plants that farmers grow, which is not based on any reason
usually for food
religion following a god or gods
department part of a government,
represent to speak for other people
business, shop etc.
retire to stop doing paid work,
earthquake a sudden, violent
usually when you are old
movement of the earth
right (n) what the law lets you do
elect to choose people to be in
government (by voting) separate (adj) different, not joined

equal the same slave a person who belongs to

another person and has to work for
freedom being free
no money
gambling playing games for money
state (n) a part of a country with its
government the group of people own political organization
who control a country
tax (n) the money that people have
hunt to catch animals for food to pay to the government
immigrant someone who comes to united joined together
live in another country
vote to say which person you want
independence being independent to represent you in government
independent free, not controlled by war fighting between countries or
other people people in the same country
What does America mean to you?
Skyscrapers, President Kennedy, fast
food, big cars, cowboys and Indians?
But what about the mountains, the
deserts and the vast lakes? And what
exactly is an American?

From the time before Columbus up to

the present day, this book looks at the
history of the USA and the many
different people who live there.


important and interesting information
to the reader, moving enjoyably towards
real reading in English. Each book has
been carefully graded to help the learner.

Cover photograph by Digital Vision

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