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Nama : Taufan S.


Npm : 07351611010

Matkul: Bhs Inggris



Understanding Computer, a computer is broadly an electronic calculating machine capable of

receiving digital input and outputting it in the form of output or information. Computers are electronic
devices that can receive input, process output, provide information, use a program, can store
programs and information results and can work automatically. Computers also have a function,
namely the most important computer function is processing. Various kinds of data and information
are data processed by computers. Processed data will produce output in the form of information.
Processing data and information is a direct function of the computer. As well as the benefits of a
computer, this computer is able to process data, speed up work, send information, print important
documents, to communicate with important people related to the company.

• Kosa kata yang menurut saya sulit

1. Capable : Mampu
2. Important : Penting
3. Various : Berbagai
4. Direct : Langsung
5. Communicate : Menyampaikan


Flashdisk is a portable data storage device or media that can be connected via the USB port of a
computer or laptop and a simple and very small flash size is preferred by people. The function of
the flash is to store and move files or data in various formats that have small or large storage
capacities. As a storage medium that is light, small, large enough capacity and faster,
synchronizes files automatically and quickly, can save a laptop or computer infected with a virus,
keeps files or data safe from viruses and the like, can make it easier to play songs, watch videos
and playing games.

• Kosa kata yang menurut saya sulit

1. Preferred : Disukai
2. Various : Berbagai
3. Infected : Terjangkit

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