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And augmented reality they seem to be Hot Fuzz Wedgewood UFO head before but what are

they exactly and what's the difference between them in this video I will take a look let's start with
a r in simple terms via is a computer-generated simulation or replacement of one's environment
for example you put on the headset it blocks out your worldview and substitutes a digital well
that's designed to fool your senses from the point of view of your brain you're somewhere else
it's a form of mental teleportation if you will so where did we are come from this going to be a full
video on the history of VR but the basic gist is as follows the origins of VR as a technology
system could be traced back to 1962 when filmmaker Mort heilig created the sensorama it was
an arcade style cabinet with a 3D display vibrating seat stereo sound fan and Cent producer
one of the experiences was riding a motorcycle down the streets of Brooklyn the viewer would
have a 3D view of The Straits while having the wind blow in their face while simultaneously
feeling the vibration of the motorcycle say and even experiencing the smells of the city although
it was absolutely revolutionary for the time the ideological Eden gain traction most people point
to MIT computer scientist Ivan Sutherland as being The Godfather VI displays in 1968 he
created The Sword of Damocles the first VR headset he and his colleagues at MIT started the
first virtual headset experiments as a side point Sutherland was a like he genius he also
invented sketchpad in 1963 and advanced software for computer aided design and a
breakthrough in human computer interaction but more on this in the full history video it wouldn't
be until 1987 when the actual term virtual reality was coined the term was the brainchild of
Jaron Lanier and American Computer philosophy and computer scientist let's break down the
actual meaning of virtual reality virtual means being something in effect they're not in actuality or
in fact this is from mid-fifteenth century English so in other words ideally they are is an
approximation of a reality that is digital but not reality itself since its Inception in the light 60s VR
Hardware has existed largely in University Research labs in hilariously big and bulky forms
never to test the waters of mainstream consumer product but more for an understanding of the
limits of our brain perception systems who's also helpful tool for PTSD and cognitive behavior
therapy patients over the years various companies such as Ben 10 do in NEC have tried
bringing the odds of the consumer Market but these efforts will major failures the reason for the
industry's previous failures will be looked at in future videos but broadly speaking the technology
just wasn't there and the threshold for building a convincing headset was too high until now
currently we are is quickly becoming extremely relevant to game is 3D artist Architects and real
estate agents teachers and students and even astronauts off The Crying Wolf a number X via is
finally showing some Promise This Time Around okay let's move on to augmented reality
augmented reality also known as mixed reality is a different beast from the ER this is because
its main purpose isn't to cut out the real well and transport you to another one but rather is to be
an enhancement of your real weld with a set of magical virtual objects in it when a person's real
environment is supplemented or augmented with computer-generated images usually motion
tract than that sold mented reality so you can play Pokemon go when that was a thing or have
you Snapchat lense face filters then you already used primitive forms of augmented reality
here's another day today but fairly amusing example of augmented reality from a third person
point of view talking about because you have to roast the roads are clear visibility looks great
right you think there's no problem but then you get behind this guy you know the one that
doesn't clear the snow and the ice off of reality is attributed to a form of Boeing research on
Thomas Cotto in 1990 old man is from the Latin word orgera which means to increase or to add
hence AR technology is adding to existing reality augmented reality is also showing promise
with efforts like Microsoft hololens and a very secretive magically project so let's take a quick
summary of Faith Technologies virtual reality tends to be completely a message with my real
well stimuli goal of the eye is to make the use of feel as if they are in fact in another place in
stark contrast to this old minted reality accident digital addition to these as well for example of
object can appear on tables information can be displayed in floating windows and Graphics can
be generated seamlessly motion tracks to the view the thing that makes you different from any
other forms of technology is that it directly affects the perceptions and prices of the human mind
in an obvious way is the only technology that can provide actual packaged experiences well
there are a large number of people that do you think by violin VR a fad that will fight out like
previous life cycles of the Technologies in the eighties and nineties the thing tonight here is that
the underlying technology is vastly more powerful this time around is very much visible think of it
as a time that is parallel to smartphones just before the iPhone we just need the right blend of
Kayla and VR applications that price and conceived Adam and the Really began to alter reality
spot at current rates by 2025 attractive eye on VR experiences will be coming place if Done
Right these Technologies incredible potential thanks for watching guys this was just an
introductory video and they'll be more videos coming in the series Without play VR rest assured
plenty of interesting topics to be covered subscribe if you just stumbled across the channel and
I'll catch you again soon for the next video she's guys have a good one coldfusion thinking

Project at the University of Basel be developed this virtual reality room what is unique about this
virtual reality room is that for the first time we provide volume rent images in real time which
allows certain times radiologist to visualize their medical image data sets using volume
rendering time they can walk around they can grab the object reposition it they can also change
the size swimming resume out rotated at 12 so that they have most comfortable and best view
of the scene as an additional option we also gave them a cutting plane this cutting plane can be
used to either cut through the volume at which data set how to fix undercooked open the skull or
Tarik cage for better view of the scene behind it but at the same time I can also switch is cutting
plane into the city mode so I have a plane with you can be freely moved around and visualize is
the city the original City date to sit behind the scene and this virtual reality room provides a very
intuitive way of positioning disease cutting planes in 3D space during the project we realized
that Shadows cast by the objects are quite crucial for an increased depth perception in order to
emphasize this we also integrated in the wall lamp into the scene disabled and cannot be
switched on and we can freely select the brightness of visible line and if we move around 2 so
well and we can see that the Shadows caused by for example the ribcage continuously change
with the motion of the Overland and exactly these Shadows are quite crucial for an increased
depth perception this virtual reality room developed as part of the van to cement Foundation
from the miracle project was only made possible with the recent development of virtual reality
glasses as well as cheap you Graphics Hardware of course combined with our quite unique

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