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Kelas : XII – MIPA 4

Absen : 15
Artikel 1 (Health)
Beware of Ebola EpidemicRecently, Ebola epidemic that attacks the West
African region, causing the world’s attention. WHO has released the data, there
are at least 800 people who died after the Ebola virus. This disease has a very
high mortality rate, 90 percent of patients died. Unfortunately, vaccine or drug
to cure Ebola still haven’t found yet.
The Ebola virus was first discovered in Africa in 1976. Originally, the virus
only attacks primates such as monkeys and apes. But now, it has evolved into
dangerous disease because the ebola is transmitted to humans. This year, the
Ebola virus is raging, the number of deaths has been increased two times more
than in 1976, reported by
The increasing case of the Ebola epidemic in West Africa in the 2014 caused
anxiety. Ebola virus which attacks the body’s defense system is similar with the
HIV virus. Early symptoms are similar to flu symptoms such as high
fever, body weakness, muscle pain and headache.The Most Deadly Virus
What makes Ebola virus became so dangerous is its ability to breed. This virus
can agglutinate blood cells, then this condition can inhibit blood flowing to
other organs. If the organs lack of blood, it will cause some damages. After
attacking the blood, ebola virus also attacks other organs, such as kidney, brain,
intestine, liver and so on. Many of ebola patients died because of kidney failure.
Very Fast Transmission
Ebola virus transmission can occur from a contact of body fluids, blood, and all
the things that have been used by patient. Therefore, ebola patients must be
isolated in order to avoid a direct contact with other people. The medical teams
who handle the patients also have to wear special cloth in order to prevent the
spread of the virus. Currently, a citizen of the United States has been infected
with ebola. Indonesian Health Ministry itself has issued a travel warning for the
people who will visit the countries of Guinea, Sierra and Liberia.
There are some ways to prevent the ebola virus. We have to keep clean and do
not make direct contact with patients. Hopefully soon, vaccines and drugs will
be discovered so the number of dead can be decreased.
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Artikel 2 (Education)
Why Findland’s Schools Are So Successfull
For many years the school system in Finland has been very successful. In the
PISA survey, which compares reading, math and science knowledge of 15 year
olds around the world, Finland is not only the top European country but also
competes with Asian giants like Shanghai, Singapore and South Korea. But
what makes the educational system in this small country so strikingly different
from others in the western world.
First of all, the Finish government makes it possible for all children to attend
preschool, which comes after kindergarten. Compulsory education begins at 7.
Teachers work with their pupils in school as much as possible. They have little
homework to do when they get home. When teachers are not with the pupils
they spend a lot of time in schools working on the curriculum and new
projects. They teach in teams if it is needed to help them reach their goals. That
is why dropout rates are low compared to other countries.
In contrast to other nations teaching in Finland is a highly admired profession.
Finland selects its teachers very carefully. Only talented students can continue
their education to a university and receive a master’s degree in education.
Finland only takes the best to educate its youth.
Schools in Finland are small, at least for international standards. However,
more than in any other country teachers are ready to prepare children for life. In
some cases they know every pupil in their school and can adjust to them.
Teachers try everything to succeed with their pupils. Most of the pupils get
additional help in their elementary school years, either by the teachers
themselves or through specially trained educators.
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Artikel 3 (Environment)
“The importance of protecting the environment”
Plants, individuals, creatures and nature are association. Plants require a decent
domain for developing, creatures need plants to eat, and human need everything
to survive. Everything went as regular until the human who devastating it.
Nobody of living things on the earth who can crushing it with the exception of
the human.
Globalization might as of now be well known to you . Globalization can quicken
the rate of economy anyplace. Innovation created throughout the years turn into
an apparatus that can without much of a stretch human works. Indeed, even to
bolster it numerous new advances are conceived for instance a PC. Lamentably,
the velocity of current mechanical change not took after by ensuring
consciousness of encompassing environment. Monstrous oil penetrating brought
on by the human vehicle is expanding alongside expanding human populaces
from year to year. At long last, the waste delivered from the vehicles, get to be
one of the fundamental variables dirtied air around us. A ton of natural harm that
we regularly listen, for instance, a worldwide temperature alteration ,corrosive
downpour, nursery impact, ecological contamination et cetera.
The nursery impact created by extreme carbon dioxide gas and causes a
dangerous atmospheric devation makes the earth more sultry. The following
marvel is corrosive downpour, in spite of the fact that it can avoid an unnatural
weather change however corrosive downpour is more perilous. people are the
primary driver ! Begin From now we should keep our surroundings for our
grandchildren one day later. since regardless of how little function you do, will
be felt by our youngsters and grandchildren one day later.
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