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No. 466. NOVELLO'S OCTAVO EDITION OF TRIOS, &., FOR FEMALE VOICES. CORINNA THREE-PART SONG FOR FEMALE VOICES POEM BY HERRICK He Music comPosED BY ETHEL BOYCE. Loxoow: NOVELLO AND COMPANY, Lrwrrep Allegro con moto. Ast —_ Bornaxo, § f 2nd SoPRaxo, Coxrranto, Allegro con moto. =16. [ate = = Pl = eo leggiero. i TT! Eee Praxo. —— Pei X____*_ fs e up, get up, for shame! the bloom-ing morn Up-on her wings pre - the morn Up-on her wings mp. ra Copyright, 1918, by Novello and Company, Limited. (2) CORINNA. git a ——— =, sents the god un shorn, Bee — > 2 2o= =—— god un - shorn, Get up, for shame! See legato, ———— =—— Wr shame! get up, for how Au-ro-ra throwsher fair Fresh - quilt-ed col - ours through the air: Get how Au- ro -ra throws her col - ours through the ——— Rs SS Ne how. she. . throws Fresh-quilt -ed col - ours through the air up, sweet slag~a bed, and see _Tho_ dew be -span-gling herb and tre. up, sweet slug-a - bed, and see The dew on ev -'ty herb. = re Each (3) CORINNA. = = == PP = = A - bove an hour since. a ES = A.- bove an hour since; és = firher tT 0-2 - Se Come, Co - mn-na, ee, yet_you are not rest, —e yet you are not drest, the birds have out of bed? When the birds have ma - tins ——_. the birds have ma. ft CORINNA. sung their thank . ful hymns:’tis sin, Nay, pro - fan _——cres. sung their thank -ful.. hymns: res Nay, pro fan - sung their thank - ful ‘and sung their thank -ful mw ge Ped. * Ped. * Ped. * * Pad. & Ped. ePed. # Ped e - Ped. «Pedi x CORINNA. rit. ee : aa = rin + na, come, let's go a May - ing. be = ————— ta i M: ME: = rin - na, come, let’s go a May - ing. eb, “se si. - = ee ey + ao — ~rin- na, come, let's go a May - ing. 4 as ‘ i == —— = a a a mn = Se ria: = ca Ped. * Ped. & Ped. * oa - * SO ra Pet Con meno moto. _—____ Come, let us go, while we are in our prime; take... «the -harm-less fol - ly ofthe —— = And take the harm - les. . fol - ly of _ the CORINNA, a p S= £ as = tine! Weshallgorold a ~ pace —— P: == =— =" 2 SS SSS time! Weeshall growold a - pace, and die, weshall grow old and Be-fore we know our Be-fore_we know. —— Neste wo at & fast a. way as doth the eas rp 7m) CORINNA. a Come prima, ma con piii ardore. mf = = Come, my Co-rin - na, sun, sun, > san. ra_ Lome prima, ma con pid ardore, * Ped. Ped. * come; and com-ing, mark, and com-ing, mark mf each field seems a Ped? —______P" * street, each street 8 park, ‘Made green, and trimm’d with street, each street =, park, Made green, and trimm’d with jegato, —— E ZS and see each street a park, © Made CORINNA. = =— ae — trees: see how De - vo- tion gives each house —— bough Or branch, each porch, each trees, made green with trees: see how, each branch, each porch, each —— — Ae ow 4 De - vo -tion gives each house a..bough, : 2 2 oe Ped. 8 Peds Ped. *Ped. door, ere this, An _ ark, —— door, ere thi, A tab-er- ma. cle is wm CORINNA. such de - lights scch de = lights see’t? Come, _nf. see’t? Come, mf. see’t? Come, the street, And the street, And a, a - broad: and ores. (30) 0 - pen —— f] a let's o- bey CORINNA. pro- cla = ma - tion made for May: pro - cla - - Ton made for.. May:

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