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‘Thich Titing Anh ~ sun fim v4 bién soan Fanpage: BAI TAP CHUYEN DE NGU’ AM TRICH TU DE THI THU 2018 PARTI: Mark the letter A, B, C, or Don your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. + Trich : THPT Chuyén Bac Ninh - Bac Ninh Question 1: A. production —B. propaganda __C. promotion D. proceed Question 2: A. express B. exciting C.expensive D. exhibition +Trich : THPT Han Thuyén - Bic Ninh Question 3: A. mended B. faced C. objected D. waited Question 4: A. buses B. charges. lorries D. bushes +Trich : THPT Chuyén Théi Binh - Théi Binh Question 5: A. fossil B. session C. discuss D. progress Question 6: A. talked B. naked Cliked D. asked + Trich : THPT Qiy Hop - Nghé An Question 7: A. machine B. change C. chalk D. chocolate Question 8: A. maps B. latighs calls D. costs +Trich : THPT Thanh Héa ~ Long An Question 9: A. species B. themes C. medicines D. plates Question 10: A. explored, B. named C. travelled D. separated +Trich : Hoa Lu A~ Ninh Binh Question 11: A, depends B. years C. temples D. parents Question 12: A. filled B. missed C. ploughed D. watched +Trich : THPT Nguyén Thi Giang - Vinh Phitc Question 13: A. bride B. obliged C. determine D. require Question 14: A. speaks B. photographs C. halves D. bats + Trich : THPT Pham Céng Binh - Vinh Phic Website hge Titng Anh mién phi: Tham gia nhém dé'nhan them tii ligu: https:l/ Tham gia nhém hoc Ting Anh: https://www! ‘Thich Titing Anh ~ sun tim v4 bién oan Fanpage: Question 15: A. laughed B. sacrificed C. cooked D. explained. Question 16: A. airports B. ways C. questions D. pictures + Trich : THPT Thuan Thanh 1 - Bac Ninh Question 17: A. business B. shut C. summer D. sunrise Question 18: A. talked B. passed. C.called, D. watched. +Trich : THPT Yén M6 A - Ninh Binh Question 19: A. concerned B. raised C. developed. D. maintained Question 20: A. hurry B. under C. pressure D. rush +Trich : THPT Binh Xuyén - Vinh Phiic Question 21: A. days B. speaks C. dates. D. kits Question 22: A. involved B. organized C. impres: D. carried +Trich : THPT Ngé Gia Tw - Vinh Phic Question 23: A. ancient B. educate ©. stranger D. transfer Question 24: A. none B. phone C. zone D. stone +Trich : THPT Dong Dau - Vinh Phic Question 25: A. question B. education C. addition D. application Question 26: A. allowed B. passed. C. argued D. raised +Trich : THPT Xuan Hoa - Vinh Phitc Question 27: A. decide B. ready C. education D. bedroom Question 28: A. played B. cooked C.cleaned D. opened Question 39: A. visitors B. plays C. students D. holidays +Trich : THPT Yén Lac 2 - Vinh Phitc Question 30: A. hated B. watched C. decided D. wanted Question 31: A. group B. couple C. double D. trouble + Trich : THPT Kim Lién - Ha Noi Question 32: A. condition B. option C. suggestion D. relation Website hoe Tiéng Anh mién phi: Tham gia nhém dé'nhiin thém tii ligu: https:! www Tham gia nhém hoc Tiéng Anh: https://wwuw! ‘Thich Titing Anh ~ sun tim v8 bién soan Fanpage: Question 33: A. acquaintance B. acquire C.admirable D. arrival +Trich : THPT Yén Lac 1 - Vinh Phiic Question 34: A. house B. cloud C. blouse D. coupon Question 35: A. chores B. halves C. becom D. minut +Trich : THPT Quang Xuong ~ Thanh Héa Question 36: A. studied B. approved C. reminded D. returned, Question 37: A. survive B. prohibit C. fertilizer D. environment +Trich : THPT Quy Hop 1- Nghé An Question 38: A. machine B. change C. chalk D. chocolate Question 39: A. maps B. laughs calls D. costs +Trich : THPT Ba Dinh - Ha N6i Question 40: A. advanced B. surprised C. orphaned D. weighed Question 41: A. thereupon B. thrill G through D. throne + Trich : THPT Thoai Ngoc Hau - An Giang Question 42: A. promise B. devise C. surprise D. realise Question 43: A. comment B. development —_C. confedince D. reference +Trich : THPT Quéc Oai - Ha Noi Question 44: A. finished, Beraised C. cooked D. stopped. Question 45: A. occasion B. explosion C. provision D. inversion + Trich : $6 GD&PT Nam Dinh ‘Question 46: A. campus B. plane C. game D. base Question 47:,A. enjoyed B. loved C. joined D. helped + Trich : THPT Nong Céng 1 - Thanh Hoa Question 48: A. bats B. dates C. days D. speaks Question 49: A. confide B. install C. kidding D. rim + Trich : THPT Tan Trao- Tuyén Quang Website hoe Tiéng Anh mién phi: Tham gia nhém dé'nhiin thém tii ligu: https:! www Tham gia nhém hoc Tiéng Anh: https://wwuw! ‘Thich Titing Anh ~ sun fim v4 bién soan Fanpage: Question 50: A. opposite B. technology C. economic D. appropriate Question 51: A. stopped B. watched C. decided D. cooked + Trich : THPT Tet Ki - Hai Duong Question 52: A. allow B. bel we C. slowly D. tomorrow Question 53: A. considerable _B. represent C.atmosphere _D. customer + Trich : THPT L6c Phat - Lam Dong Question 54: A. finished. B. escaped C. damaged. D. promised Question 55: A. clothes B. couches C. bosses D. boxes + Trich : THPT Ly Thai Té - Bac Ninh. Question 56: A. books B. roots C. tables D. roofs Question 57: A. stopped B. plays C. packed D. parked +Trich : THPT D6i Can - Vinh Phic Question 58: A. country B. counter amount D. around Question 69: A. loves B. spends C. cooks D. songs, + Trich : THPT Tay Thuy Anh - Thai Binh Question 60: A. lives B. plays C. works D. buys Question 61: A. picked B. worked C. naked D. booked +Trich : THPT Tinh Gia- Thanh Héa (Question 62: A. home B. vehicles C. honest D. hour Question 63: A. finished. B. played. C. influenced D. helped + Trich : THPT Tran Quée Tuan - Quang Ngai Question 64: A. return B. human D. future Question 65: A. looked B. stopped C. stopped D. watched +Trich : THPT Yén Dinh - Thanh Héa Question 66: A. escape B. slave Chat D. gave Question 67: A. lemon B.lend legal D.leg Website hoe Tiéng Anh mién phi: Tham gia nhém dé’ nahin thém tii ligu: https:! www Tham gia nhém hoc Tiéng Anh: https://wwuw! Thich Tigig Anh ~ sucu tim vi bién soan Fanpage: iittps:// DAP AN PARTI 1. &B 2D 3. iB 4 C 5. iB 6 B 72 A 8 Cc 9% =D 10. D 1.D 12.A 13. C 14.C 15.D 16. A Peete 18. C 19. C 20. C 21. A eee 23.D 24. A 25. A 26. B ee 28.B 29. C 30. B 31 A aaa ac 34.D 35.D 36.C 37.B 38. A $9.%C 40. A 41. A 42.4 43.4 44. B 45.D. 46. A 47.D 48.C 4. 49QA 50. D 51.C 52.4 53.B 54.C 55. A 56.C 57.B 58.A \ 59. C 60. C 61.C 62. A 63. B 64, A 65.C 66. C 67.C DAP AN CHI TIET PART Question! B production /pra‘dakjn/ propaganda /propa'geenda/ promotion /pra'maot{n/ proceed /pra'siid/ Phin gach chan Question B phat am 1a /pro/.cdn lai la /pra/ = dap anB Question2 D express /1k'spres/ exciting /1k'saitin/ expensive /ik’'spensiv/ exhibition /,eks1'byin/ Phan gach chan Question D phat am la /eks/ con Iai la /iks/ > dap an D Question 3. B => Phin duge gach chan 6 Question B duge phat am la /t/ con lai duxge phat am 1a /id/ => Chon B Question 4. C => Phan dugc gach chan 6 Question C duge phat am 1a /z/ con Iai phat 4m la fiz/ Website hge Titng Anh mién phi: Tham gia nhém dé'nhin them tii ligu: https:l/ Tham gia nhém hoc Ting Anh: https://www! ‘Thich Titing Anh ~ sun fim v4 bién oan Fanpage: hittps:// => Chon C Question 5. B fossil /fosl/ session /'sefn/ discuss /di'skas/ progress /'prougres/ Phan gach chan Question B duge phat am 1a /j/ con Iai la /s/ => dip inB Question 6. B talked /to:kt/ naked /‘neikid/ liked /laikt/ asked /a:skt/ Phan gach chan Question B dugc phat am la /id/ con lai la /t/ => dap anB Question7 A machine /ma' fi: chalk /tfa:k/ chocolate /,tfoklat/ Phan gach chan Question A duge phat im la /f/ edn lai ld /f/ change /tfeind3/ > dap an A Questions C Phan gach chan Question C.diuge phat 4m 1a /2/ con Iai 1a /s/ = dap an Question 9: D D. plates Question 10:D D. separated Question 11. Chon dap én D Phan duge gach chan 6 Question C duge phat am la /s/, cbn lai phat am Ia /2/ Question 12. Chon dap én A Website hoe Tiéng Anh mign phi: Tham gia nhém dé’nhiin thém tii ligu: https:!/zwww! Tham gia nhém hoc Tiéng Anh: https://wwuw! ‘Thich Titing Anh ~ sun tim v4 bién soan Fanpage: hittps:// Phan gach chan 6 dap an B duge phat am /d/ con lai phat am Ia /t/ Question 13. Chon dap an C Phan gach chan 6 dap an C duge phat am la /1/ con cdc dap dn khéc la /ai/ A.bride /braid/ : c6 dau B. obliged /a'blard3d/: bat bude C. determine /di'ts:mm/: quyét dinh, D require /ri’kwarar/: yéu cau Question 14, Chon dap an C Phan duc gach chan 6 Question C duge phat 4m 1a /z/, cdn Iai phat am la /s/ Question 15. Chon dap an D Phan gach chan 6 dap an D duge phat am /d/ cin lai phat Am'la /t) Question 16. Chon dap an A Phan duge gach chan 6 Question C duge phat am 1a /s/,con Tai phat am 1a /z/ Question 17. Chon dap an C Phin gach chan 6 Question A phat 4m 1a fil, com ai 1a /A/ A. business /"biz.nus/ (n): kinh doanh, cong viée B. shut /fat/ (v): déng, khép lai ( shut up:cdm miéng, shut down: tat) C. summer /'sam.o/(n): mathe D. sunrise /’san.raiz/(n):binh minh Question 18. Chon dap dn C Phan gach chan Question C duge phat am la /d/, cdc dp an edn lai la /a/ A. taked /to:kt/ (v)endi chuyén B. passed /past/ (v): vot qua (exam..) C. called /korld/ (v): goi dign D. watched/wotft/(v): xem, quan sat Question 19. Chon dap an C Website hge Tigng Anh mién phi: Tham gia nhém dé'nhan them tii ligu: https:l/ Tham gia nhém hoc Ting Anh: https://www! ‘Thich Titing Anh ~ sun tim v4 bién soan Fanpage: hittps:// Phat am cudi ‘ed’, A, B, D duge phat am 18 /a/, C1 /t/ Question 20. Chon dap an C Abaril, B-/'an.dar/, C-/', D-/rall Question 21: Dap an A Phan duge gach chan 6 Question A phat am 1a /2/, con lai 18 /s/ Question 22: Dap an C Phan duge gach chan 6 Question C phat m la /t/, cdr lai l& fa Question 23: Dap an D Phan gach chan cua dap an D phat am la /ze/ con cic dip am khac Ia /er/ A. ancient /emfont/: 06 xa B. educate /‘edsukeit/: gido duc C. stranger /'streind3ar/: ngudi la D. transfer /traens'fs:r/: chuyén Adi Question 24: Bap an A Phan gach chan cia dapiin A phat 4m 1a /a/ con céc dap an khéc la /au/ A. none /nan/: khong ai B. phone /faun/: dién thoai C. zone /zaon/: viing, D. stone /stoon/: dé Question 25: Dap an A Phan gach chan 6 dap an A duge phat am 1a / tfon/, cdc dp dn con Iai la /jn/ A. question kwest[an/ (1): Question héi B. education /,edju:’keijn/(n) :gido duc Website hge Tigng Anh mién phi: Tham gia nhém dé'nhan thm tii ligu: https:l/, Tham gia nhém hoc Ting Anh: https://www! ‘Thich Titing Anh ~ sun tim v4 bién soan Fanpage: hittps:// CC. addition /o'difn/ (n):sy thém vao D. application /,zepli'keifn/ (n):timg dung, don xin vide Question 26: Dap an B ‘ed’ phat am a /t/, con lai la /d/ Question 27: Dap an C Phan gach chan Question C phat am 14 /d3/, con lai cde dp dn khdc phat am 1a /d/ A. decide /di'said/ (v): quyét dinh B. ready /'redi/(adi): sin sang C. education /,ed3u'ke1/n/ (n): gido duc D. bedroom /bedrum/(n): phong ng Question 28: Dap an B Phan gach chan ‘ed’ Question B phat am Ia /t/, cdc dp n cdn lai duge phat am la /d/ A. played / plerd/(v): choi B. cooked /kokt/(w): nau an C. deaned /Kli:nd/(v): don dep D. opened /‘avpand/(v): mo Question 29: Dap an C Phin gach chan ‘s’ ciia dap an'€ durge phat am 18 /s/, cdc dap dn cdn lai duge phat am 1a /2/ A. visitors /"vizitarz/(n)vdu khach B. plays/plerz/(v): choi C. students/'stia:dnts/(n): hoc sinh, sinh vién. D. holidays/‘hploderz/(n): ki nghi Question 30: Dap an B Phan gach chan 6 dap an B duge phat am /t/cdn lai phat am 1a /id/ Question 31: Dap an A group /gru:p/: nhom Website hge Titng Anh mién phi: Tham gia nhém dé'nhin them tii ligu: https:l/ Tham gia nhém hoc Ting Anh: https://www! Thich Tigig Anh ~ sucu tim vi bién soan Fanpage: hittps:// couple /'kapl/: c&p 461 double /dabl/: gap doi trouble /trabl/: rac ri Question 32: Dap an C Phan gach chan 6 dap an C phat am Ia /t{/, cdc dép an con lai phat am 1a /f. A. condition /kan’difn/: diéu kign B. option /“pp/in/: Ita chon C. suggestion /so' dsestfon/: dé nghi D. relation /rr'leyfin/: quan hé Question 33: Dap an C Phan gach chan 6 dap dn C phat am la /a/, cdc dap an con laitphat am la /a/. ‘A. acquaintance /o"kweitans/ : ngudi quen B. acquire /a’kwator/: dat duge C. admirable /'edmarabl/: dang ngudng m6 D. arrival /o'rawvl/: én Question 34: Dap 4n D House /havs/ nha Cloud /klaud/ may Blouse /blaus/ do phong trang cho no Coupon /'ku:pon/ phiéu mua hang Phuong an De6 phian gach chan phat am 1a /u/, céc phuong an con lai phat am 1a /ao Question 35: Dap an D Chores /tfo:rz/ vige nha Halves /ha:vz/ nhiéu eéi mot ntra Becomes /bi kamz/ tro thanh: Minutes /'mmits/ nhiéu phut Website hoe Tigng Anh mién phi: Tham gia nhém dé'nhin them tii ligu: https:l/ Tham gia nhém hoc Ting Anh: https://www! Thich Tigig Anh ~ sucu tim vi bién soan Fanpage: hittps:// Phuong an D c6 phian gach chan phat am Ia /s/, cde phutong an cdn lai phat am Ia /2/ Question 36: Dap an C Phan duge gach chan phat am Ia /id/, cdc dap an cin lai phat am /d/ Question 37: Dap an B Phan dugc gach chan phat am la /y/, cic dp an con lai phat am /at/ A. survive /so'vaiv/: sng s6t, ton tai B. prohibit /pro'hibit/: cam C. fertilizer /'fs:tolaiza/: phan bon D. environment /in'vairanmant/: moi trudng, khong khi Question 38: Dap an A Machine /ma’fi:n/ may méc Change /tfeind3/ thay di Chalk /tfark/ phan vidt Chocolate /'t{a:klat/ socola Phuong an A c6 phiin gach chan phat am 1a /j/, eéc phuong an khéc la /t{/. Question 39: Dap an C Maps /meeps/ nhimng cai ban & Laughs /leefs/ cudi Calls /ko:lz/ goi Costs /karsts/ tri gid Phuong an C¢6 phn gach chan phat am 1a /z/, cdc phutong an khac 1a /s/. Question 40: Dap an A Phan dugc gach chan phat am Ia /t/, céc dp an con lai phan gach chan phat am la /d/ Question 41: Dap an A Phan gach chan phat 4m la /0/, cdc dap an con lai phn gach chan phat 4m 1a /0/ A. thereupon /‘Seara'pon/: do vay, ngay sau dé Website hoe Tigng Anh mién phi: Tham gia nhém dé'nhin them tii ligu: https:l/ Tham gia nhém hoc Ting Anh: https://www! Thich Tiéig Anh ~ sucu tim vi bién soan Fanpage: hittps:// B. thrill /Ori/: su ron rang (h) su rang minh C. through /Oru:/: qua, xuyén qua, sudt D. throne /Oroun/: ngai vi Question 42: Dap an A Phan gach chan 6 dap an A phat am la /1s/, cc dap an con Iai phat am la /arz/ A. promise /’ promis/: loi huta B. devise /dr'vaiz/: phat minh C. surprise /sa'praiz/: bat nga D. realise /'rialaz/: nhan ra Question 43: Dap an A Phan gach chan 6 dap an A phat am la /e/, cdc dap an con Iai phat am la /a/ A. comment /‘koment/: binh lun B. development /dr'velapmant/: sw phat trién CC. confidence /'konfidans/: sy tyr tin D. reference /"refrans/: tai ligu tham khdo Question 44: Dap an B Phan gach chan dap an B duge phat am 1a /d/, cA¢ dap anv edn lai durge phat Am la /d/. A. finished /'finyt/ (v): két thite. B. raised /reizd/ (v): kéo nén, gay nén C. cooked /kukt/ (v): nu &n. D. stopped /stopt/ (v): két thiic. Question 45: Dap 4n D Phan gach chan dap an D dutge phat am la /fon/, cdc dap dn cdn lai durge phat am la /sonv/. A.occasion /o'kei.30n/ (0): dip, thoi diém. B. explosion /ik'splov.gan/ (n): su bing n6, vy né, C. provision /pra’vi3.0n/ (n): su cung cap. D. inversion /in'v3ifan/ (n): sy dao lon. Question 46: Dap an A Phan gach chan Question A duge phat am la /e/, cdc dap n con lai duoc phat am la /ei/. A. campus /keem-pas/: khu san bai (6 céc truéng). B. plane /plein/: may bay C. game /geim/: trd choi D. base /beis/ (n+v): dra vao, nién tang. Website hoe Tigng Anh mién phi: Tham gia nhém dé'nhin them tii ligu: https:l/ Tham gia nhém hoc Ting Anh: https://www! ‘Thich Titing Anh ~ sun fim v4 bién oan Fanpage: hittps:// Question 47: Dap an D Phan gach chan Question D dugc phat am 1a /t/, cdc dp n con lai duge phat Am 1a /d/. A. enjoyed /in’'da1d/: thudng thie, thich tht B. loved /lavd/: yéu. C. joined /dsomd/: tham gia. D. helped /helpt/: gitip 46. Question 48: Dap an C Phan gach chan dép an C phat am [a /z/, céc dap an con lai phat am Ia /s/ Question 49: Dap an A Phan gach chan dp an A phat Am la /ay/, cdc dap an cdn lai phat Am 1a /1/ A. confide /kon' faid/: giao pho B. install /m'sto:I/: cdi dat C. kidding /kidmy/: dita D. rim /rm/: vién xung quanh Question 50: Dap an D Phan gach chan phat am la /oo/, céc dap dn cdn lai phian gach chan phat m 1a /a:/ A. opposite /‘a:pazit/: 4di nguge B. technology /tek’na‘led3i/: cong nghé CC. economic /i:ko'na:mik/: vé kinh té D. appropriate /a'proupriat/: phir hg Question 51: Dap an C Phan gach chan phat am la fid/, cc dp dn con lai phn gach chan phat am 1a /t/ Question 52: Dap an A Phan gach chan dap an. dugc phat am 1a /ao/, cdc dap n con lai durge phat am 1a /ovf A. allow /a'lao/ (v): cho phép. B. below /br lev/ (pre): 6 phia dudi. C. slowly /’ (adv): cham. D. tomorrow /ta' mp.rao/ (n): ngay mai Question 53: Dap an B Phan gach chan dép an B duge phat am [a /z/, cdc dap An con lai duge phat Am la /s/ A. considerable /kan' (adj): dang ké. Website hge Titng Anh mién phi: Tham gia nhém dé'nhin them tii ligu: https:l/, Tham gia nhém hoc Ting Anh: https://www! ‘Thich Titing Anh ~ sun fim v4 bién soan Fanpage: hittps:// B. represent /,re.pri'zent/ (v): trinh bay,... C. atmosphere /' (n): bau khéng khi, khi quyén. D. customer /' (n): khach hang. Question 54: Dap an C Phan gach chan phat am la /d/, cdc dap an cdn lai phan gach chan phat am 1a /t/ Question 55: Dap an A Phan gach chan phat am la /z/, cdc dap an con lai phan gach chan phat am Ia fiz/ Question 56: Dap an C Phan dugc gach chan phat am Ia /7/, cc dap 4n con lai phan duge gach chan phat am Ia /s/ Question 57: Dap an B Phan duge gach chan phat am Ia /d/, cac dap an con Iai phan duge gach chan phat am 1a /t/ Question 58: Dap an A Phan gach chan dap an A dugc phat am Ia /a/, cac dp n con lai la /av/. /’kan.tri/ (n): dat nude, ving néng thén. B. counter /’kaon.tar/ (n+v): quay thu ngan, chéng lai... C. amount /o"maunt/ (ni lugng, lén t6i,... D. around /a'raond/ (adv+pre): xung quanh, Question 59: Dap an C Phan gach chan dap an C duge phat am la /5/, cdc dap dn cbn lai la /2/. A. loves /lava/(w): yéu, B. spends /spendz/(v); chi tiéu, sir dung (tién, thoi gian). C. cooks /kuks/ (v+n)inau nung, dau bép. D. songs /sonz/ (n): bai hat. Question 60: Dap an C Phan gach chan 6 dap an C phat am Ia /s/, cdc dp an khdc phat Am 1a /2/ Question 61: Dap an C Website hoe Tigng Anh mién phi: Tham gia nhém dé'nhin them tii ligu: https:l/ Tham gia nhém hoc Ting Anh: https://www! ‘Thich Titing Anh ~ sun tim v4 bién soan Fanpage: hittps:// Phan gach chan 6 dap an C phat am Ia /t/, cdc dp An khac phat am la /id/. Question 62: Dap an A Phan gach chan 6 dap an A phat am la /hj, cdc dp n con lai la Am cam. A. home /haom/: nha B. vehicles /'visokl/: xe 6 C. honest /‘pnust/: trung thue D. hour /‘avar/: gid Question 63: Dap an B Phan gach chan 6 dap an B phat Am la /d/, cdc dap An con lai phat am Ia // Question 64: Dap an A Phan gach chan cua dap an A phét 4m la /3/, cdc dap dn khdephét am la /ju/ A. return /r1'ts:n/; tré lai B. human /"hju:man/: con ngudi C. university /,ju:nr'vs:sati/: dai hoc D. future /'fju:tfor/: tuong lai Question 65: Dap an C Phan gach chan cua dap an C phat am lay/d/, cde dap An con lai phat Am 1a /t/ Question 66: Dap an C Phan gach chan duge phat am la /2e/, cac dap an con lai phan gach chan duge phat am 1a /et/ A. escape /1'skerp/: trdn thoat B. slave /slew/:n6 18 C. hat fhaet/: ma D. gave /gerv/: qua khtt ciia give (cho, dua) Question 67: Dap an C Phan gach chan duge phat 4m la /i/, cdc dap an con lai phn gach chan duge phat am 13 /e/ A. lemon /‘leman/: qua chanh B. lend /lend/: cho muon Website hge Tigng Anh mién phi: Tham gia nhém dé'nhan thém tii ligu: https:l/ Tham gia nhém hoc Ting Anh: https://www! ‘Thich Titing Anh ~ sun tim v4 bién soan Fanpage: hittps:// C. legal /li:gal/: lign quan dén phap luat D. leg /leg/: chan PART Il: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. + Trich : THPT Chuyén Bac Ninh - Bac Ninh Question 1: A. geographical _B. economics C.compulsory —_D. education Question 2: A.comfortable _B. excellent C.communicate —D. confident +Trich : THPT Han Thuyén - Bac Ninh Question 3: A. employer B. reunite C. understand D. recommend Question 4; A. study B. compare C.eastward D. frighten +Trich : THPT Chuyén Thai Binh - Thai Binh, Question 5: A. catastrophic _B. preservation _C. fertilizer D. electronic Question 6: A. participant —_B. individual C. publicity D. competitive + Trich : THPT Qiy Hop - Nghé An Question 7; A. manage B. shortage C.village D. encourage Question 8: A. provide B. machine lesson D. important + Trich : THPT Thanh Héa ~ Long An Question 9: A. newspaper B. dedicate C. timetable D. commercial Question 10: A. between B. working C. teacher D. lovely +Trich : Hoa Lu A - Ninh Binh Question 11: A. holiday B. adventure C. industry D. certainly Question 12: A. finish B. pastime C. summer D. begin + Trich : THPT Nguyén Thi Giang - Vinh Phitc Question 13: A. possible B. attention C. responsible, supportive Question 14: A. household B. secure C. arrive D. attract +Trich : THPT Pham Céng Binh - Vinh Phitc Question 15: A.verbal B. signal C. common D. attract Website hoe Tiéng Anh mién phi: Tham gia nhém dé’ hin thém tii ligu: https:! www Tham gia nhém hoc Tiéng Anh: https://wwuw! ‘Thich Titing Anh ~ stu tim v4 bién soan Fanpage: hittps:// Question 16: A.biologist B. certificate C. academic D. curriculum +Trich: THPT Thugn Thanh 1 - Bac Ninh Question 17: A. comfortable _B. confident C.excellent D. communicate Question 18: A. geographical __B. economics C.compulsory education + Trich : THPT Yén M6 A - Ninh Binh Question 19: A. Restaurant —_B. Assistance C. Usually D. Compliment Question 20: A. Suppose B. Problem C. Minute D. Dinner, + Trich : THPT Binh Xuyén - Vinh Phuc Question 21: A. category B. accompany C. experience D. compulsory Question 22: A. attract B. verbal C. signal D. social +Trich : THPT Ng6 Gia Ty - Vinh Phuc Question 23: A. drawback B. greenhouse C. overload D. mindset Question 24: A. confide B. maintain G. reject D. gather + Trich : THPT Dong Dau - Vinh Phi Question 25: A.enthusiasm —_B. experience C. certificate D. concentrate Question 26: A. industry B. interview C. interviewer D. interviewee +Trich : THPT Xuan Héa- Vink Phic Question 27: A. education Bi beautiful C. popular D. dangerous Question 28: A. revise B. provide C.listen D. machine +Trich : THPT Yén Lae2- Vinh Phiic Question 29: A. interesting B. photocopy C. difficult D. effective Question 30: A. singer B. future reply D. answer + Trich : THPT Kim Lién - Ha N6i Question 31: A. economics B. regulation C. individual D. inspection Question 32: A. evolution B.comprehend _C. speculation D. explosive + Trich : THPT Yén Lac 1 - Vinh Phic Website hoe Tiéng Anh mién phi: Tham gia nhém dé’ hin thém tii ligu: httpse! www Tham gia nhém hoc Tiéng Anh: https://wwuw! ‘Thich Titing Anh ~ sun tim v4 bién soan Fanpage: ittps:// Question 33: A. counterpart B. communicate —_C. attention D. appropriate Question 34: A. reply B. appear C. protect D. order + Trich : THPT Quang Xuong - Thanh Héa Question 35: A. enter B. comment C. chemist D. proceed Question 36: A. communicate __B. impossible C. intervention activity +Trich : THPT Quy Hop 1- Nghé An Question 37: A. manage B. shortage C. village D. encourage Question 38: A. provide B. machine C.lesson D. important +Trich : THPT Ba Dinh - Ha Néi Question 39: A. measurement _B. information C. economic D. engineer Question 40: A. facilities B. particular C. inhabitant D. governmental + Trich : THPT Thoai Ngoc Hau ~ An Giang Question 41: A. voluntary B. necessary C.compulsory —_D. stationary Question 42: A. advent B. pizza C. survive D. rescue + Trich : THPT Quéc Oai ~ Ha Néi Question 43: A. capture B. picture C. ensure D. pleasure Question 44: A. overwhelming. B.personality _C. stability D. application +Trich : Sé GD&DT Nam Dinh Question 45: A. parent B. attempt C. women D. dinner Question 46: A. assistance B. appearance _C. position D. confidence + Trich : THPT Nong Céng 1 - Thanh Hoa Question 47: A. romantic B. attitude C. important D. attractive Question 48: A. attract B. polite C. promise D. approach + Trich : THPT Tan Trao - Tuyén Quang, Question 49: A. polite B. system C. progress D. children Question 50: A. prepare B. divide C. attract D. differ Website hoe Tiéng Anh mién phi: Tham gia nhém dé'nhin thém tii ligu: https:! www Tham gia nhém hoc Tiéng Anh: https://www! ‘Thich Titing Anh ~ sun fim v4 bién soan Fanpage: iittps:// + Trich : THPT Tet Ki - Hai Duong Question 51: A. interview B. intellectual C. similarity D. engineer Question 52: A. attitide B. partnership _C. romantic D. actually + Trich : THPT Lc Phat - Lim Dong Question 53: A. signal B. instance C. airport D. mistake Question 54: A. chemistry B. decision C statistics D. attention + Trich : THPT Ly Thai Té - Bac Ninh. Question 55: A. support B. project C. believe D. secure Question 56: A. physical B. cinema C. September D. carefully +Trich : THPT D6i Cdn - Vinh Phiic Question 57: A. attention B. difficult C. romantic D. society Question 58: A. invite B. happen finish D. follow +Trich : THPT Tay Thuy Anh - Thai Binh. Question 59: A. cosmetics B. fertility C. experience D. economics Question 60: A. informality B. appropriate C. situation D. entertainment +Trich : THPT Tinh Gia - Thanh Héa Question 61: A. calculation Bphotography —_C. economics D. conservation Question 62: A. doctor B.birthday C.concert D. address + Trich : THPT Tran Quéc Tuan - Quang Ngai Question 63: A. physical B. mischievous _C. romantic D. suitable Question 64: A. contribute B. accompany —_—_C. volunteer D. eliminate +Trich : THPT Yén Dinh - Thanh Héa Question 65: A. decree B.atmosphere —_C. discard D. disposal Question 66: A. Russian B. property C. lecture D. nece: Website hoe Tiéng Anh mién phi: Tham gia nhém dé’ hin thém tii ligu: https:! www Tham gia nhém hoc Tiéng Anh: https://wwuw! Thich Tigig Anh ~ stu tim vi bién soan Fanpage: hittps:// DAP AN PART II Lc 2c 3. A 4. 2B 5. C 6. B 7D ec % D 10. A m8 | 12D) 1A | HA | 1D | iC | iZD | Cl 196] 2A 21.A 22. A 23.C 24.D 2.D 26. D 27.4 28. C 29.D 30. C 31.D 32.D 33. A 34.D 35.D 36. C 37.D 38. C 39. A 40.D 41.C 42C 43. C 44. C 45.B 46.D 47.B 48. C 49. A 50. D SLA 52.C 53. D 54. A 55. B 56. C 57.B 58. A 59%.D 60. B as |p |eac|eac | «ps | 6D BAP AN CHI TIET PART Il Question1 C geographical /d3ia'greefikl/ economics /,i:ko'npmiks/ compulsory /kam'palsari/ education /,edju'kei{n/ Question C trong am roi vao am tiét thir 2 cbn lai la thir3 > dap anc Question2 C comfortable /kamftabl/ excellent /‘eksalant/ communicate /ka'mju:nikeit/ confident /‘konfident/ Question C trong 4m roi vao am tiét thir 2 con lai la thir nhat = dap anc Question 3..A A. employer /im'ploia/: ngudi tuyén dung B. reunite /riju:‘nait/: hoa giai, hop nhat C. understand /anda'steend/: hiéu, biét D. recommend /reka'mend/: goi y, khuyén bao ‘Trong am ciia tir “employer” roi vao am tiét thir hai, cita cdc tir con lai roi vao am tiét thit ba, Website hoe Tigng Anh mién phi: Tham gia nhém dé'nhin them tii ligu: https:l/ Tham gia nhém hoc Ting Anh: https://www! Thich Tiéig Anh ~ sucu tim vi bién soan Fanpage: hittps:// => Chon A Question 4. B A. study /stadi/: hoc tap B. compare /kam'pea/: so sinh C. eastward /i:stwod/: phia dong D. frighten /fraitn/: hoang sg ‘Trong m cita tir “compare” roi vao 4m tiét thir hai, cua cac tir cbn lai roi vao am tiét thir nhat. Chon B Question 5: C catastrophic /,keeta'strofik/ preservation /preza'veifn/ fertilizer /fa:talaiza[r)/ electronic /ilek'tronik/ Question C trong 4m roi vao 4m tiét thr nhat, con lai la thé 3 = dap an C Question 6. B participant /pa:'tisipant/ individual /,indi’vid3v0l/ publicity /pab'lisati/ competitive /kom'petativ/ Question B trong am roi vao am tiét thir 3, cn Iai la thet 2 = dap an B Question7 D manage /menid3/ shortage /o:tids/ village /vilids/ encourage /in’karid3/ Question D trong 4m roi vao am tiét thir 2 con Iai la tht nhat dap an D Questions C provide /pro'vaid/ machine /mo'fizn/ Website hoe Tiéng Anh mién phi: Tham gia nhém dé'nhan them tii ligu: https:l/, Tham gia nhém hoc Ting Anh: https://www! ‘Thich Tiéing Anh ~ sun tim v4 bién soan Fanpage: hittps:// lesson /‘lesn/ important /im'po:tnt/ Question C trong Am roi vao am tiét ther nhat cin lai la thir 2 Question 9: D. commercial Nguyén tdc phat Am: it nguyén am, dau nhdn tii v8 trade 1 Van, dau nhgn van 2, cdc dép dn con lai nhan 6 van 1 Question 10: A. between (Cac danh tir va tinh tiy, tir 1 van thém ing/er dau nhan van 1, between dau nhan van 2, nguyén tic ee Question 11. Chon dap an B A. holiday /’holoder/: ki nghi B. adventure /ad'ventfa(r)/: cugc phiéu hvu C. industry /’mdastri/: nganh cong nghiép D. certainly /'ss:tnli/: chdc chain Question 12. Chon dap an D A. finish /'finuf/: hoan thanh B. pastime /'pa:staim/: su tiéu khién C. summer /"sama(r)/: mita he D. begin /br'gin/: bat dau Question 13. Chon dap an A A. possible /' posobl/: kha thi B. attention /o'tenfi/: su chi ¥ CC. responsible /m'sponsabl/ : c6 tréch nhiém D. supportive /sa'po:tiv/ : hd tro Question 14. Chon dap an A. Website hge Tigng Anh mién phi: Tham gia nhém dé'nhan them tii ligu: https:l/ Tham gia nhém hoc Ting Anh: https://www! Thich Tigig Anh ~ sucu tim vi bién soan Fanpage: iittps:// A. household /"haushauld/ : cdc thiét bi trong gia dinh B. secure /si'kjvar/: an toan C. arrive /a'rarv/: dén D. attract /a'trackt/: thu hit Question 15. Chon dap an D Trong 4m ciia dap dn D roi vao Am tiét thit hai con lai 1a Am tiét 1 B. signal /signol/: tin higu C. common /'koman/: chung D. attract /o'traekt/: thu hut Question 16. Chon dap an C Dap dn C cé trong am 6 am tiét 3, con lai la Am tiét 2 biologist /bai’sladist/: nha sinh vat hoc B. certificate /sa'tifikit/: gidy chung nhn C. academic /,2eka'demik/: trurng dai hoe D. curriculum /ka'rikjulam/: chuong trinh giang day Question 17. Chon dap an D Dap dn D. trong 4m roi vao m tidt tht 2, cdc dap dn con lai roi dm tiét dau A. comfortable /’,to.bal/ (adj): thoai mai B. confident /*ka:n.f.dant (adj): tw tin C. excellent /"ek.sal.ont/ (adj): tai gioi, xuat sdc D. communicate /ka'mju:.ntkert/ (v): giao tigp Question 18. Chon dap an C Dap dn C. trong dm roi vao Am tiét tht 2,céc dap An cbn lai roi vao dm tiét 3 ‘A. geographical /,d3i.0'graef.tkal/ (adi): thude vé dia li Website hoe Tigng Anh mién phi: Tham gia nhém dé'nhin them tii ligu: https:l/ Tham gia nhém hoc Tiéng Anh: https://www! ‘Thich Titing Anh ~ stu tim v4 bién soan Fanpage: littps:// B. economics /i:.ka'na:.miks/ (n) mén kinh té hoe C. compulsory /kam 'pal.sar.i/ (adj): bat bude D. education /,ed3.u'kerfan/ (n): gido duc Question 19. Chon dap én B trong 4m roi Am tiét 2, con lai la tht nhat A/res.tront/ B. /o'sts.tons/ C./ D. /' Question 20. Chon dap an A trong 4m roi Am tiét thet 2, cdn lai thir nhét A. [sa'pauz/ B. /'prob.lem/ C. /muin.t/ D./'dmar/ Question 21: Dap an A A. category /‘kaetogari/: hangyloai B. accompany /a’kampani /: di cng, hé tong, CC. experience /ik’spirions /: kinh nghiém, trai nghiém D. compulsory /kam'palsari /: bat budc Question 22: Dap an A A. attract /a'traekt /: thu hut, hap dan B. verbal /'va:bl/: bang loi ndi CC. signal /’ signal /: du higu, higu lénh D. social /‘sovfal /: cé tinh xa héi Website hoe Tiéng Anh mign phi: Tham gia nhém dé nhén thém tii ligu: https://zvww! groups/nhomThichTiengAnk/ Tham gia nhém hoc Tieng Anh: https://wwuw! Thich Tig Anh ~ sueu tim vi bién soan Fanpage: hittps:// Question 23: Dap an C A. drawback /'dro:baek/: han ché B. greenhose /‘gri:nhaus/: nha kinh CC. overload /,avva'laud/: quia ti D. mindset /'mamdset/: tu duy Question 24: Dap an D A. confide /kan’ fai B. maintain /mem'tem/: duy tri C. reject /rr'dgekt/: tir chdi D. gather /'gaedar/: tu hop Question 25: Dap an D Trong am roi vao Am tiét thir nhdt, cdc dap dn con lai roi vao am tiét thir 2 A. enthusiasm /in'Oju:ziaezm/ (n): long hang hai, nhiét thanh B. experience /iks'piorians/(n) : trai nghiém, kinh nghiém C. certificate /sa'tifikit/ (n): chting chi D. concentrate //konsntreit/ (v): tap trung, Question 26: Dap an D Trong am roi am tiét cudi, céc dap 4n con lai roi am tiét dau A. industry /‘indastri/ (n) : nn cong nghiép B. interview /intovjus/ (n): cudc phong vain, (v): phéng van C. interviewer /‘intovjuia/ (n): ngerdi di phong van D. interviewee/,intavjuci:(n) : nha phong van Question 27: Dap an A Trong dm roi vao Am tiét thit 3, céc dap 4n cdn lai roi vao Am tiét thi nhat A. education /,ed3u’kei/n/ (n): gido duc Website hoe Tigng Anh mién phi: Tham gia nhém dé'nhin them tii ligu: https:l/ Tham gia nhém hoc Ting Anh: https://www! Thich Tigig Anh ~ sucu tim vi bién soan Fanpage: hittps:// B. beautiful /"bju:tfl/(adj): xinh dep CC. popular /'popjala(r)/(adj): néi tiéng, vang danh D. dangerous /'demdzaras/(adj): nguy hiém Question 28: Dap an C ‘Trong 4m roi vao am tiét thir nhat, cdc dap dn cdn lai roi vao dm tiét thir 2 A. revise /r1'vaiz/(v): xem lai, 6n tp B. provide /pra'vard/(v): cung cap C listen /‘lisn/ (v): ling nghe D. machine /ma'fi:n/ (n): may méc Question 29: Dap an D interesting /‘intristiny/: thi vi photocopy /foutoukopi/: sao chup difficult /'difikalt/: kho effective /i'fektiv/: higu qua Question 30: Dap an C singer /sina/: ca st future /fjustfo/: tuong lai reply /ri'plai/: tra loi answer /‘a:nsa/: Question tra 10i Question 31: Dap in D Trong Am roi vao 4m tiét thet 2, céc dap an cdn lai trong 4m roi vao am tiét thir 3 A. economics /,i:ko'nomuks/: kinh té hoe B. regulation/,regju'leyn/: quy dinh . individual /, di’ vidguol/: c4 nhan D. inspection /in'spekfin/: kiém tra Website hoe Tigng Anh mién phi: Tham gia nhém dé'nhan them tii ligu: https:l/ Tham gia nhém hoc Ting Anh: https://www! ‘Thich Titing Anh ~ sun fim va bién soan Fanpage: hittps:// Question 32: Dap an D Trong am roi vao 4m tiét thtt 2, céc dap An con lai trong 4m roi vao am tiét thi 3 A. evolution / i-va'lu:fn/: su phat trién B. comprehend /, komprrhend/: C. speculation /, spekju'leyjin/: sw suy doan D. explosive /ik’splausiv/: boc phat Question 33: Dap an A Counterpart /'kavntarpa:rt/ déi tac Communicate /ka' mjurukert/ giao tiép Attention /o'tenfn/ sur chit ¥ Appropriate /a’ proupriat/ phi hop Phuong n A cé trong am roi vao am tiét 1, cdc tir con | ‘ong 4m roi vao am tiét 2. Question 34: Dap an D Reply /rr'plar/ tra loi Appear /a' pir/ xuat hign Protect /pra'tekt/ bao ve Order /‘o:rdor/ thi ty Phuong an D cé trong am roi vao Am tiét thir 1, cdc tir cbn lai trong 4m roi vao am tiét 2. Question 35: Dap an D Trong am roi vao am tit 2, cdc dp 4n con lai roi vao am tiét 1 A. enter /‘enta/: divao B. comment /’ka:.ment/: binh lun C. chemist /’kemust/: nha hoa hoc D. proceed /prou'si:d/: tiép tuc, tiép dién Question 36: Dap an C Website hoe Tigng Anh mién phi: Tham gia nhém dé'nhin them tii ligu: https:l/, Tham gia nhém hoc Ting Anh: https://www! Thich Tigig Anh ~ stu tim vi bién soan Fanpage: hittps:// Trong am roi vao Am tiét 3, cdc dp 4n cdn lai roi vao am tiét 2 A. communicate /ka' mju:nakert/: giao tiép B. impossible /im ‘pa:sabol/: khang thé . intervention /, itor’ venfon’/: sw can thigp, xen vio D. activity /aek’ tvatif: hoat dng Question 37: Dap an D Manage /'maenid3/ xoay so Shortage /'Jo:rtids/ sur thigu hut Village /'vilid3/ lang qué Encourage /in'ks:rid3/ Phuong an D cé trong am roi vao 4m tiét 2, cde phurong An cin lai roi vao am tiét 1. Question 38: Dap an C Provide /pra'vaid/ cung caip Machine /ma’ fin/ may mée Lesson /‘lesn/ bai hoc Important /im'po:rtnt/ quan trong Phuong an C c6 trong 4m roi-vao am tiét 1, cdc phuong dn con Iai roi vao am tit 2. Question 39: Dap an A Trong 4m roi vio 4m tiét 1, ede dap 4n con lai trong am roi vao Am tiét 3 A. measurement /'me3amont/: su do ludng B. information /,info'meinfin/: thng tin C. economic /,j:ka'nomik/: thudc vé kinh té D. engineer /,en.d31'nur/: Ki su Question 40: Dap an D Trong 4m roi vao am ti¢t 1, cc dp An con lai trong 4m roi vao am tigt 2 A. facilities /fo'silati/: thiét bj chuyén dung Website hoe Tigng Anh mién phi: Tham gia nhém dé'nhin them tii ligu: https:l/ Tham gia nhém hoc Ting Anh: https://www! Thich Tigig Anh ~ sucu tim vi bién soan Fanpage: littps:// B. particular /pe tikjala/: cu thé, nhat dinh, dac biét C. inhabitant /in'haebitont/: ngudi 6, ngudi cu tra, dan cu D. governmental /,gavon'mental/: thuge vé, lién quan dén chinh phit Question 41: Dap an C trong am roi vao Am tiét tht 2, céc dap dn cbn Iai trong Am roi vao am tiét thir nha. A. voluntary /‘volontri/: tinh nguyén B. necessary /‘nesasarif: cn thiét C. compulsory /kom’palsari/: D. stationary /'sterfonrif: 6 dink, at bude Question 42: Dap an C trong Am roi vao am tiét thtt 2, cdc dap an con lai trong am roi vao am tiét thi nhat. A. advent /'aedvent/: sw hign dién B. pizza /'pi:tsa/:pizza C. survive /sa’vaiv/: sding sot D. rescue /'reskju:/: cir Question 43: Dap an C ‘Trong am roi vao 4m tiét thts 2, céc dap An cdn lai toi vao Am tiét thi nhat. A. capture /'kaep.tfor/ (n+): bit gitr. B. picture /'pik.tfar/ (n): bite tranh. C. ensure /in’for/ (v): dam bao. D. pleasure /'ple.3ar/ (n): niém vui thich, niém han hanh Question 44: Dap an C Trong 4m roi vao‘am tiét thit 2, cdc dap an con lai roi vao am tiét thir 3. A. overwhelming /,'wel.miny (adj): tri, ngdp, lan at. B. personality /,p2:.san' (n): nhan pham, tinh cach. C. stability /sto bulo.ti/ (n): sy 6n dinh, su kién quyét. D. application /,p.1r'kerfon/ (n): su tng dung, sr chuyén tam, don xin, Question 45: Dap an B Trong 4m roi vio 4m tiét tht 2, céc dap dn cdn lai roi vao Am tiét thi nhat, A. parent /'pea.rant/: bé me B. attempt /o' tempt/: nd luc, cd gang. Website hoe Tigng Anh mién phi: Tham gia nhém dé'nhin them tii ligu: https:l/ Tham gia nhém hoc Ting Anh: https://www! Thich Tigig Anh ~ sucu tim vi bién soan Fanpage: lnttps:// C. women /' ngudi phy nd, D. dinner /' bita t6i. Question 46: Dap an D Trong am roi vao am tit thir nhat, cac dp dn con lai roi vao am tiét thts 2. A. assistance /o’ sistans/ (n): su tro gitip. B. appearance /a' pia.rans/ (n): ngoai hinh. C. position /po'zif.on/ (n): vi tri D.confidence /’kon.fudans/ (n): str ty tin Question 47: Dap an B Dap An B trong 4m roi vao am tiét thir nhét, cdc dp dn con lai trong am 6 am tidt the 2 A. romantic /rav'maentik/: lang man B. attitude /‘aetitjusd/: thai dd C. important /m’ po:tnt/: quan trong, D. attractive /a'traektwv/: thu hat Question 48: Dap an C Dap An C trong am roi vao am tiét thir nhat, cde dap én cn lai trong am 6 Am tit this 2. A.attract /a'traekt/ : thu hut B. polite /pa'latt/: lich sw C. promise /'promis/: 1di hita D. approach /o'proot!/: dén gan Question 49: Dap an A Trong, am roi vao Am tigt2, edc dap An con lai trong 4m roi vao am tiét 1 A. polite /pa'latt/: lich sy, nha nhgn B. system /‘ststam/:hé thong, C. progress /pra‘gres/ : tign trinh, tign bo D. children /' tfildran/: con tré Question 50: Dap an D Trong am roi vio Am tiét 1, cc dap An con lai trong 4m roi vao am tiét 2 A. prepare /pr1'per/: chuain bj Website hoe Tigng Anh mién phi: Tham gia nhém dé'nhin them tii ligu: https:l/ Tham gia nhém hoc Ting Anh: https://www! Thich Tigig Anh ~ seu tim vi bién soan Fanpage: hittps:// B. divide /di' vaid/: phan chia C. attract /a'treekt/: thu htit, hap dan D. differ /'difo/: khac biét Question 51: Dap an A Trong 4m roi vio 4m tiét tht nhat, cdc dép dn cin lai roi vao Am tiét tht 3. A. interview /'m.ta.vju/ (nv): phéng van. B. intellectual /,'ek.tfu.ol/ (adj): thudc vé dau 6c, thudc vé tri tué. C. similarity /,simv'leer.a.ti/ (n): sur gidng nhau, tong tr D. engineer /,en.d31 niar/ (n): ki su. Question 52: Dap an C Trong 4m roi vao am tiét thir 2, cdc dap dn cdn lai roi vao am tiét thir nhét. A. attitide /'a.trtfu:d/ (n): thai 6. B. partnership /',fip/ (n): sw cong tac, hiép hdi. C. romantic /rou' meen. tuk/ (adj): lang man. D. actually /' (adv): thre su. Question 53: Dap an D Trong am roi vao Am tiét 2, cac dap An con Iai trong Am roi vao am tiét 1 A. signal /'signal/: higu Iénh B. instance /'instans/: vi dy C. airport /‘erpo:rt/: san bay D. mistake /mu'sterk/: I6i sai Question 54: Dap an A Trong am toi vao Am tiét 1, cdc dp n con lai trong am roi vao Am tiét 2 A. chemistry /’kemastri/: hod hoc B. decision /dr'srzan/: quyét dinh C. statisties /sta’tistiks/: s6 ligu thdng ké D. attention /a'tenfon/: sy chit ¥ Website hoe Tigng Anh mién phi: Tham gia nhém dé'nhan them tii ligu: https:l/, Tham gia nhém hoc Ting Anh: https://www! Thich Tiéhg Anh ~ sueu tim vi bién soan Fanpage: hittps:// Question 55: Dap an B Trong am roi vao 4m tiét 1, cde dap 4n cdn lai trong am roi vao Am tiét 2 ‘A. support /sa'po:rt/: ting hd, hd tro B. project /’pra'dekt/: dy in (trong truéng hop project lam danh tu, trong am cia né roi vao am ti 1, néu déng vai trd dng tir nd mang nghia dy kign, lam dé 4n va trong am roi vao Am tiét 2 ipro'd3ekt/) C. believe /br'li:v/: tin tuong D. secure /sa'kjor/: an toan, bao mat Question 56: Dap an C Trong dm roi vao am tiét 2, céc dap An con lai trong 4m roi vao am tiét 1 A. physical /'fizikal/: thud vé thé chat B. cinema /'sinamo/: rap chiéu phim C. September /sep’tembo/: Thang 9 D. carefully /'kerfali/: m6t cach can than Question 57: Dap an B Trong, Am roi vao am tiét thi nhat, cdc dap An con Iai roi vao Am tiét this 2 A. attention /a'ten fon/ (n): su chi B. difficult /‘di.ft.kalt/ (adj); khé khan. C. romantic /rav' maenstik/ (adj): ling man. D. society /sa'sau.a.ti/ (n): x8 hdi. Question 58: Dap an A ‘Trong am roi Am tiét thtr 2, cdc dap én con lai roi am tiét thts nhat. A. invite /m' vait/ (v): mdi. B. happen /‘hae.pan/ (v): xay ra. C. finish /'fi-niff (v): két thite Website hoe Tigng Anh mién phi: Tham gia nhém dé'nhin them tii ligu: https:l/, Tham gia nhém hoc Ting Anh: https://www! Thich Tigig Anh ~ sucu tim vi bién soan Fanpage: hittps:// D. follow /'fv.lav/ (v): theo sau, ké tiép Question 59: Dap an D Dap an D trong am roi vao Am tiét thir3, cdc dap an con lai trong am roi vao am tiét thir 2. A. cosmetics /knz’metik/: wt phim B. fertility /fo' tilati/: su mau mo CC. experience /ik’ sprarions/: kinh nghiém D. economics / j:ka'nomuks/: kinh t& hoc Question 60: Dap an B Dap an B trong 4m roi vao am tiét tht 2, céc dap an con lai trong 4m roi vao am tiét thit 3. A. informality / info:’meelati/: sy khong chinh thiie B. appropriate /o' praupriat/: thich hop C. situation / sitfu'eyfn/: tinh huéng D. entertainment /,enta'temmant/: sur giai tri Question 61: Dap an B Dap an B trong 4m roi vao am tiét thi 2, eéc dap an con lai trong 4m roi vao am tiét thit 3. A. calculation /,keelkju’lerfn/: sy tinh toan, B. photography /fo'togrofi/: nhiép anh, C. economics /,i:ko'nomuks/: kinh té hoc D. conservation /,konsa'veifrv: sit bao ton Question 62: Dap in D Dap an D trong 4m roi vao 4m tiét thir 2, cc dap dn con lai trong 4m roi vao Am tiét ther nhét. A. doctor /'doktar/: bac si B. birthday /"bs:0der/: sinh nhat concert /'konsat/: budi hda nhac D. address /a'dres/: dia chi Website hoe Tigng Anh mién phi: Tham gia nhém dé'nhin them tii ligu: https:l/ Tham gia nhém hoc Ting Anh: https://www! Thich Tigig Anh ~ sueu tim vi bién soan Fanpage: hittps:// Question 63: Dap an C Dap An C trong am roi vao am tiét thir 2, cc dap An khdc trong 4m roi vao am tiét thir nhat. A. physical /'fizikl/: thude vé co thé’ CC. romantic /rav'mantik/: lang man B. mischievous /'‘mistfivas/: tinh qu. D. suitable /’sju:tabl: phit hop Question 64: Dap an C Dap An C trong am roi vao Am tiét thir 3, céc dp dn khdc trong 4m roi vao am tiét thir2, A. contribute /kan’tribju:t/: g6p phn B. accompany /o"kampani/: di kém C. volunteer /.va:lan’tm/: tinh nguyén vién D. eliminate /1'limmett/: loai bo. Question 65: Dap an B Trong am roi vao Am tiét 1, cac dap dn con lai trong 4m roi-va0 am tigt 2 A. decree /di’kri:/: séc lénh, nghi dinh B. atmosphere /'zetmasfir/: khéng khi, khi quyén C. discard /dr'ska:rd/: ting kht, loai bé D. disposal /dr'spouzal/: sw vit bé, phan huy Question 66: Dap an D Trong am roi vao Am tigt2, eéc dap dn con lai trong 4m roi vao am tiét 1 A. Russian /‘rafon/:ngudi Nga, thudc vé nude Nga B. property /‘pra:pati/: cia cai, vat chat CC. lecture /‘lektfo/: bai ging D. necessity /na’sesati/: sy can thidt Website hoe Tigng Anh mién phi: Tham gia nhém dé'nhin them tii ligu: https:l/, Tham gia nhém hoc Ting Anh: https://www!

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