You are on page 1of 2 the information below about CCTV cameras and answer the questions in pairs.

1 Do any of the facts surprise you?


2. Do you have surveillance cameras in your city?


3. Do you think CCTV cameras are a good idea?

Yes, because they would help with surveillance

2. Quickly read readers' response on page 13.

what kind of texts are they?

A. advertisements in a newspaper.

3. Read the texts again and answer the questions.

1. Who works at night in a store?

Tatyana Ivanov

2. Who thinks the article is not fair?

Philip Richards

3. Who is talking about the police?

Kenneth Thomas

4.Who mentions other ways of watching people?

Rajit Gadh

4. Work in pairs. Find two arguments for and two against CCTV cameras in the texts. Which
arguments do you agree with?


First identity cards, and now cameras everywhere. They are watching our every move. Soon
they will listen to our phone calls and read our emails and letters. Do we have any privacy left?

Rajit Gadh

So we have surveillance cameras in our neighborhood. I really don't get it. This is a very quiet
place and there are no problems here. Personally I think this is just another example of the
government's invasion of our privacy.

Martha Klein
in favour:

the problem with the cameras is not the technology, it's how people are using the cameras to
find information about the criminals, what's the problem with that? it's not up to us to say
how they should do their job.

Kenneth Thomas

My co-workers and I have agreed on the CCTV cameras. We work in a 24-hour shop and I
usually work late. We have two cameras in the store and we're putting up two more now. We
don't have much money. The cameras give us protection instead of security guards.

Tatyana Ivanov

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