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Hi. I’m [NAME]. I’m a physical therapist and I’ve been practicing it for 5 years now.


As a physical therapist, we are movement experts that deal with pain movement strength and functional
mobility. We assess and evaluate our patients and create a database that, from there, formulate and
create a comprehensive program to regain patient’s function and improve their quality of life as well.


One of the most notable experience I had in this profession is when uh my previous patient who
recovered from a shoulder injury came back and told me how grateful she was regarding her
progression she pointed out that she was able to resume to her work and carry her baby with this, I was
able to tell myself that I did not just heal and help her physically but helped her on the deeper aspect as


There is no denying the fact that as a physical therapist in the Philippines remuneration is one of the
issues and in order for me to overcome this is I constantly evolve and ignite my passion and as a result, I
was able to expand the number of patients that I handle plus expand my skillset.


What actually inspires me in pursuing this career is my genuine intention and passion to help people. I
treat this as an opportunity to touch people’s lives. Plus it embodies my aspiration and goal to live a
healthy lifestyle.


Definitely. I believe that with this profession, I can be an agent of god’s healing hand that can touch
people’s life.


My advice is that find your passion and sense, from there, that value will transform you naturally and
that service will flow out from you inner sense.

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