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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant


Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM

Estimated time

NoSQL databases are built from the ground up to scale globally, run non-stop, and handle a wide
variety of data types, such as JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), full-text, and geospatial.
Cloudant is a NoSQL database that is optimized for handling heavy workloads of concurrent reads
and writes in the cloud. These workloads are typical of large, fast-growing web, and mobile
applications (apps).
This exercise shows you how to create an instance of a Cloudant service on IBM Cloud. You use
your Cloudant service instance to discover various features of the Cloudant service and understand
the different methods that are available to use the HTTP APIs by using IBM Cloud Identity and
Access Management. You also learn how to use Cloudant HTTP APIs to apply create, read,
update, and delete operations by creating indexes and by using Cloudant Query on Cloudant

After completing this exercise, you should be able to perform the following tasks:
• Create an instance of the Cloudant service on IBM Cloud.
• Create service credentials by using IBM Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM).
• Access the Cloudant documentation.
• Explore the features of the Cloudant dashboard.
• Create, read, update, and delete Cloudant documents by using HTTP APIs.
• Verify the data that is stored in the database by using the Cloudant dashboard.
• Create indexes and query Cloudant documents by using HTTP APIs.

Cloudant is built on Apache CouchDB and contributes to the open source project.
IBM Cloudant is a NoSQL database as a service (DBaaS) that frees developers from worrying
about managing the database and enables them to focus on the application.
Cloudant is designed to ensure that the flow of data between an application and its database
remains uninterrupted and performs to users’ satisfaction. Cloudant can run across many servers in

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant

a database cluster, resulting in high availability (HA) and fault tolerance. The data replication
technology also enables developers to put data closer to where their applications need it most.
Your app’s data persistence layer can be durable and highly available with IBM Cloudant. Your data
is securely hosted and globally managed by big data experts 24x7.
This exercise demonstrates how you can create a Cloudant database service on IBM Cloud without
installing or configuring the database instance on your workstation. You use an HTTP API client
such as Postman to create, read, update, and delete Cloudant documents. You learn how to create
indexes and query data by using Cloudant API endpoints.

This exercise requires:
• Access to the internet and the IBM Cloud console from your workstation by using one of the
modern web browsers with the current version (such as Chrome, Firefox, or Safari).
• An IBM Cloud account (Lite, Pay-As-You-Go, or Subscription).
• Postman.
• IBM Cloud CLI that is installed in your workstation (optional).
• Any text editor, such as Notepad, Notepad++, VS code, or Sublime (optional).

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant

Exercise instructions
In this exercise you will complete the following tasks:
__ 1. Log in to IBM Cloud.
__ 2. Create an instance of the Cloudant service.
__ 3. Explore the Cloudant service on IBM Cloud.
__ 4. Create credentials for a Cloudant service instance.
__ 5. Explore the features of the Cloudant dashboard.
__ 6. Use an HTTP API client to access Cloudant.
__ 7. Delete your Cloudant service instance.

Part 1: Logging in to IBM Cloud

In this section, you log in to your IBM Cloud account by providing your own credentials.
Complete the following steps:
__ 1. Log in to your IBM Cloud account:
__ a. From your web browser, go to
__ b. Enter your IBMid, which is the email that you used to register to IBM Cloud, and click
__ c. Enter your password and then click Log in, as shown in the following figure.

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant



If your company uses the single sign-on service, you provide only your IBMid, and then you are
redirected to the single sign-on page to log in by using your company credentials.

__ 2. You are redirected to the IBM Cloud dashboard page, as shown in the following figure.

Part 2: Creating an instance of the Cloudant service

Cloudant is a document-oriented DBaaS. Cloudant is available as a service with different plans
over IBM Cloud: Lite, Standard, and Dedicated Hardware. This section shows you how to create an
instance of the Cloudant service on IBM Cloud. You use this database service in the next part to
create, read, update, and delete data.
Complete the following steps:
__ 1. On the IBM Cloud dashboard, click Create resource at the upper right, as shown in the
following figure.

__ 2. You can now see the entire catalog. In the search field, type Cloudant.
__ 3. Select the Cloudant service, as shown in the following figure.

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant


__ 4. To complete the creation of the Cloudant service instance:

__ a. Accept the default value for region and keep the Lite price plan as the selected plan as
shown in the following figure.

__ b. Accept the default values for service name and resource group.
__ c. In Available authentication methods, select Use only IAM, as shown in the following

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant



The Cloudant service has two authentication methods that are available: Use both legacy
credentials and IAM, which means that both IAM and Legacy credentials can be used to access
the account, and Use only IAM, which means that only IAM credentials are provided through
service binding and credential generation.
• Legacy credentials enable login to Cloudant by using HTTP Basic authentication by providing a
user name and password that is used for authentication.
• Identity and Access Management (IAM) provides a unified approach to managing user
identities, services, and access control. IAM authentication requires that an IAM API key is
exchanged for a time-limited access token before you can make a request to Cloudant. When
the access token expires, the client must obtain a new one from the IAM token service.
In this exercise, you use the IAM method as the authentication method for the Cloudant service.

__ d. Click Create, as shown in the following figure.

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant


__ 5. After the service is created, you are redirected to the Resource list window, as shown in the
following figure. Open the Cloudant service instance overview by clicking the newly created
service in the Resource list window.

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant



After you create the service, it takes a few minutes to be provisioned, as shown in the following
figure. The status is “Provision in progress” for a while. If it takes too long for the status to change to
“Provisioned”, refresh the browser.

Part 3: Exploring the Cloudant service on IBM Cloud

The Cloudant service instance has an overview page on IBM Cloud where you can perform the
following actions:
• Access the Cloudant dashboard.
• Create credentials to connect manually to an external consumer.
• Connect automatically with an internal IBM Cloud application.
• Upgrade the plan.
• Manage a Cloudant instance and perform many other actions that are related to the Cloudant
service on IBM Cloud.
• In this section, you discover these capabilities.
• Complete the following steps:
__ 1. In the Resource list under Services, click the newly created Cloudant service instance.

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant


__ 2. After you open the Cloudant service instance, you are redirected to the overview page of the
service. In the left pane are the Manage, Service credentials, Plan, and Connections
menu options, as shown in the following figure.

__ 3. The Manage section has four tabs: Overview, Dashboard, Capacity, and Docs, which are in
the right pane. The Manage section also includes the Launch Cloudant Dashboard
button, which opens the Cloudant dashboard.
__ a. The Overview tab (shown in the following figure) shows data about the current service,
such as the deployment details, which include the location, endpoint, and authentication
method that is used. It also shows capacity details, which include the current plan and
the available storage. It also includes a section for important announcements that are
related to Cloudant, such as showing new features and updates.

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant


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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant


__ b. The Dashboard tab (shown in the following figure) includes quick access to specific
sections in the Cloudant dashboard:
Databases, where you can create, update, and delete databases.
Replication, where you can create or edit existing replication jobs.
Active tasks, where you can see indexing, replication, and compaction tasks that are
actively running on your Cloudant instance.
Monitoring, where you can see the current consumption of provisioned throughput
capacity and data storage that is being used by your applications.

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant

__ c. The Capacity tab shows the current capacity that is available for your application and
the current plan that is used, as shown in the following figure.

__ d. The Docs tab includes a direct link for Cloudant documentation, some tutorials about
Cloudant, and open source libraries for connecting with Cloudant for all major
development languages, as shown in the following figure.

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant


__ e. In the Docs tab, select Learning Center or alternatively, from another browser tab, go to
the following address:
__ f. In the IBM Cloudant Learning Center window, click Load Data, as shown in the
following figure.

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant

You can also get to this page by going to the following address:
__ g. Read the entire document, including the tutorials, and watch all the videos in this page.
You do not need to do the tutorials. When you finish reading this document, close the
browser tab for IBM Cloudant dashboard.
__ 4. In the left pane of the Cloudant service overview page in IBM Cloud, explore the other
Service credentials, where you can create a set of credentials so that an external
consumer can use the Cloudant Rest APIs, as shown in the following figure.

Plan, where you can upgrade your current plan, as shown in the following figure.

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant

Connections, where you can connect the service with any existing Cloud Foundry
applications on the same organization.

Part 4: Creating credentials for a Cloudant service instance

To connect your Cloudant service with external consumers such as external applications or REST
API clients, you must create credentials. In this section, you create a set of credentials for the
Cloudant service that will be used in the next sections to submit HTTP API calls from an HTTP API
Complete the following steps:
__ 1. From the Cloudant service Overview page, select Service credentials from the left pane,
as shown in the following figure.

__ 2. In the Service credentials page, click New credential + as shown in the following figure.

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__ 3. Keep the default values that are shown in the window and click Add, as shown in the
following figure.

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant



The Add new credential window includes the following fields:

• Role defines the actions that are permitted when the service is accessed. This field currently
allows the Manager role only.
• Service ID identifies a service or application similar to how a user ID identifies a user. There are
two options for creating service ID: Auto generating one or by creating a customized one.
• Add Inline Configuration Parameters (Optional) provides service-specific configuration
parameters in a valid JSON object.

__ 4. After the set of credentials is created successfully, open the new service credentials by
clicking View credentials, as shown in the following figure.

__ 5. Click the Copy to clipboard icon on the right to copy the credentials data that is kept in
JSON format, as shown in the following figure. Then, create a file on your favorite text
editor, paste the credentials into the newly created file, save it in your local workstation, and
name it cloudant_credentials.json.

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant


Part 5: Exploring the features of the Cloudant dashboard

The Cloudant dashboard has a simple structure that you can use to discover and use Cloudant
features. These features include the following ones:
• Database management, including database creation and deletions.
• Documents management: create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations, indexes, and
Cloudant queries.
• Monitoring, including the operations activity and storage.
• Replication of both remote and local databases.
In this section, you explore and apply some of these features. You create a database, and then you
apply CRUD operations to Cloudant documents. You also use Cloudant query to view Cloudant
documents based on some specified conditions.
Complete the following steps:
__ 1. From the left pane of the Cloudant instance service, select Manage, as shown in the
following figure.

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant


__ 2. Click Launch Cloudant Dashboard, as shown in the following figure.

__ 3. The Cloudant dashboard opens in a new browser tab, as shown in the following figure.

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant

__ 4. Create a database and name it novels by completing the following steps:
__ a. Click Create Database on the top bar, as shown in the following figure.

__ b. Name the database novels, select Non-partitioned, and then click Create, as shown in
the following figure.


While you are creating a database, there is the option to make the database partitioned. A
partitioned database is a newer type of IBM Cloudant database. This option is an advanced feature,
so it is out of the scope of this exercise. For more information about this topic, see the following link:

__ c. After you create the database, you are redirected to the new database overview, as
shown in the following figure.

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant


__ 5. Create a document for the “Oliver Twist” novel by completing the following steps:
__ a. Click Create Document, as shown in the following figure.

__ b. You are redirected to the document editor page, which contains by default a JSON
object with an auto-generated _id, as shown in the following figure.


The _id field is automatically generated by Cloudant because it is considered the unique key
identifier for the document. You can override this key by providing a _id with a unique value across
the other documents.

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant

__ c. Replace the JSON object in the document editor with the following JSON object:
"_id": "novel_001",
"name": "Oliver Twist",
"author": "Charles Dickens",
"year": 1839

__ d. Click Create Document.

__ e. After you create the document, you are redirected back to the database overview page,
which contains the newly created document, as shown in the following figure.

__ f. To show the full data of the newly created document in JSON format, select { } JSON
from the top tabs, as shown in the following figure.

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant



After you create the document, you find a field that is called _rev that is automatically generated by
Cloudant. The _rev field is used internally by the Cloudant database as a revision number. A
revision number is added to your documents by the server when you insert or modify documents.
You must specify the latest _rev when you update a document or your request fails and returns a
409 error. This field helps you avoid conflicting data states. The revision number is also used to
confirm that a client is trying to modify the current version of a document.

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant



You can also create a document by clicking the three dots vertical menu icon and selecting + New
Doc, as shown in the following figure.

Another option to create a document is to click the + icon next to All Documents in the left
pane then select New Doc + as shown in the following figure.

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant

__ 6. Repeat the steps to create a new document three times by using the following JSON
objects to add documents for “King Solomon's Mines”, “Treasure Island”, and “The Merry
Adventures of Robin Hood” novels:
"_id": "novel_002",
"name": "King Solomon's Mines",
"author": "H. Rider Haggard",
"year": 1885
"_id": "novel_003",
"name": "Treasure Island",
"author": "Robert Louis Stevenson",
"year": 1883
"_id": "novel_004",
"name": "The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood",
"author": "Howard Pyle",
"year": 1883
__ 7. Update the document of “Oliver Twist” novel by completing the following steps:
__ a. Return to the metadata view by selecting the Metadata tab from the top tabs, as shown
in the following figure.

__ b. Select the document where _id corresponds to novel_001 from the list of documents,
as shown in the following figure.

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant

__ c. The document editor opens. Change the name field to David Copperfield and the
year to 1850, as shown in the following figure.

__ d. Click Save Changes.


When you create a document, the _rev field that is generated by Cloudant always starts with 1-,
which indicates that this is the first version of this document. This number increments by 1 with
each document update to highlight the document version number. The first digit in the revision
number increments after the document update, as shown in the following figure.

__ 8. Delete the document for the “The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood” novel by completing the
following steps:
__ a. From the novels database overview page, select the document where _id corresponds
to novel_004 from the list of documents, as shown in the following figure.

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant


__ b. Click Delete from the top bar, as shown in the following figure.

__ c. Click Delete Document, as shown in the following figure.

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant

__ 9. Create a query to get the documents of the novels that are published after 1870 by
completing the following steps:
__ a. Select Query from left pane, as shown in the following figure.

__ b. You are redirected to the query editor page, as shown in the following figure.

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant

__ c. Replace the JSON object in the editor with the following code:
"selector": {
"year": {
"$gt": 1870
"fields": [
__ d. Click Run Query, as shown in the following figure.

__ e. The results are populated in the right pane, as shown in the following figure.

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant


Part 6: Using an HTTP API client to access Cloudant

Cloudant uses HTTP for all external communication to provide simple, web-based access to data in
the Cloudant data store. The HTTP API is a programmatic way of accessing the data from any
HTTP client consumer. It provides a set of HTTP access methods for create, read, update, and
delete operations on Cloudant documents, and for using Cloudant query and many other features
that are related to Cloudant.
In this part, you use an HTTP API client (Postman) to interact with Cloudant. You can use another
HTTP API client, such as cURL or SOAP-UI, if you prefer.
Complete the following steps:
__ 1. From the Start menu, find and open Postman. The window that is shown in the following
figure opens.

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant



If a pop-up window opens when you open Postman, as shown in the following figure, close it and
proceed with the steps normally.

__ 2. You use the Cloudant API key to get a time-limited access token that is used in all the
upcoming requests to authenticate and authorize your access to Cloudant. After this token
expires, you cannot use it anymore. To retrieve this access token, complete the following
__ a. Select the POST method from the METHOD menu, as shown in the following figure.

__ b. Enter the following request URL into the POST field, as shown in the following figure:

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant


__ c. Select the Body tab from the bar below the Post menu URL field, as shown in the
following figure.

__ d. Select x-www-form-urlencoded and then add the following keys and values, as shown
in the following figure:
○ Key: grant_type and value: urn:ibm:params:oauth:grant-type:apikey
○ Key: response_type and value: cloud_iam
○ Key: apikey, and the value for this field must include your Cloudant instance API
key, which you can retrieve from the cloudant_credentials.json file. This file
includes the Cloudant credentials, and you already saved it in your workstation in a
previous step.

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant


__ e. Click Send, and you receive a JSON object response that includes the access token,
which is valid for 60 minutes, as shown in the following figure.

__ f. Copy the value of the access_token because it is used in all the upcoming requests.

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant



If the access_token expires while you make any of the upcoming requests, repeat step 2 to
retrieve a new access token and use it instead of the old one.


If you receive the error in the response that is shown in the following figure, verify that you provided
the correct apikey.

You can check the credentials of the service again from the service overview page on IBM
Cloud, as shown in the following figure.

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant



There is another way to retrieve an access token by using the IBM Cloud CLI as follows:
__ 1. Open the Command Prompt and log in to the IBM Cloud with the CLI where username is the
IBM ID (email) that you use to log in to IBM Cloud), password is your password and region
is the region that corresponds to your location.
ibmcloud login -u username -p password –r region
The following list shows the list of regions and locations
o Sydney: au-syd
o Frankfurt: eu-de
o London: eu-gb
o Dallas: us-south
o Washington DC: us-east
▪ To verify your Cloudant service region, you can check the location from the overview page
on the IBM Cloud page, as shown in the following figure.

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant

__ 2. Run the following command to get the access token that you can use in the Cloudant HTTP
ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens

__ 3. Copy the access token; you use it in the HTTP requests.

__ 4. To view all the documents in a database, issue a GET request to the following URL:
To show all the documents in the novels database, complete the following steps:
__ a. Open a new tab in Postman by clicking + in the top bar, as shown in the following figure.

__ b. Set the request method to the GET method.

__ c. Set the request URL to $URL/$DATABASE/_all_docs?include_docs=true, as shown in
the following figure:
Replace $URL with the value of the URL key in the cloudant_credentials.json file.
Replace $DATABASE with the database name novels.

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__ d. Select the Headers tab and add the following key and value, as shown in the following
Key: Authorization.
Value: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN. Replace $ACCESS_TOKEN with the access token that you
obtained in the previous step Step 2).

__ e. Click Send. All three documents are displayed, as shown in the following figure.

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant


__ 5. To create a document, send a POST request to $URL/$DATABASE with the document's JSON
content in the request body. To create a new document for “The Merry Adventures of Robin
Hood” novel, complete the following steps, as shown in the following figure:
__ a. Update the request URL to $URL/$DATABASE.
__ b. Update the HTTP method to POST.

__ c. To specify the content of the document that you want to create, click the Body tab from
the tabs bar below the request URL, select the raw radio button, and then select the
type as JSON (application/json), as shown in the following figure.

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant


__ d. Enter the following code as the content of the document:

"_id": "novel_004",
"name": "The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood",
"author": "Howard Pyle",
"year": 1883


The _id should be a unique identifier for the document. If the _id is not provided, Cloudant
generates an ID.

__ e. Click Send.
__ f. Check the response that shows the _id and _rev fields to verify the creation of the
document, as shown in the following figure.

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant

__ 6. Create another document for the “Oliver Twist” novel by completing the following steps:
__ a. Update the content of the body as follows. The results are shown in the following figure.
"_id": "novel_005",
"name": "Oliver Twist",
"author": "Charles Dickens",
"year": 2005

__ b. Click Send.
__ c. Check the response that shows the _id and _rev fields to verify the creation of the new
document, as shown in the following figure.

__ 7. Create another document for the “Ivanhoe” novel by completing the following steps:
__ a. Update the content of the body as follows. The results are shown in the following figure.
"_id": "novel_006",
"name": "Ivanhoe",
"author": "Walter Scott",
"year": 1820

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__ b. Click Send.
__ c. Check the response that shows the _id and _rev fields to verify the creation of the new
document, as shown in the following figure.

__ 8. To read the data of a specific document, send a GET request to

$URL/$DATABASE/$DOCUMENT_ID. To get the data of the document of the “Oliver Twist”
novel, complete the following steps. The results are show in the following figure.
__ a. Update the request URL to $URL/$DATABASE/$DOCUMENT_ID.
__ b. Update $DOCUMENT_ID with the ID of the document of the “Oliver Twist” novel, which is
__ c. Update the HTTP method to GET.

__ d. Click Send.
__ e. Check the response that is shown in the following figure and copy the _rev value
because it is required for updating the document in the next step.

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__ f. Copy the value of the _rev field.

__ 9. To update a document, send a PUT request to $URL/$DATABASE/$DOCUMENT_ID with the
updated document JSON content and the latest _rev field. To update the year in the
document of the “Oliver Twist” novel, complete the following steps, as shown in the following
__ a. Keep the request URL as $URL/$DATABASE/novel_005.
__ b. Update the HTTP method to PUT.

__ c. Update the request body with the following code, as shown in the following figure.
Replace $REV with the _rev value that you copied in the previous step.
"_rev": "$REV",
"name": "Oliver Twist",
"author": "Charles Dickens",
"year": 1839

__ d. Click Send. In the response, notice that the value of _rev is updated (Send response),
as shown in the following figure.

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant


__ 10. To read the data of a specific document, send a GET request to

$URL/$DATABASE/$DOCUMENT_ID. So, to get the data of the document of the “Ivanhoe”
novel, complete the following steps, as shown in the following figure:
__ a. Keep the request URL as $URL/$DATABASE/$DOCUMENT_ID.
__ b. Update $DOCUMENT_ID with the ID of the document of the “Ivanhoe” novel, which is
__ c. Update the HTTP method to GET.

__ d. Click Send.
__ e. Check the response as shown in the following figure and copy the _rev value because it
is required for deleting the document in the next step.

__ 11. To delete a document, issue a DELETE request for

$URL/$DATABASE/$DOCUMENT_ID?rev=$REV. To delete the document of the “Ivanhoe” novel,
complete the following steps, as shown in the following figure:
__ a. Update the request URL to $URL/$DATABASE/$DOCUMENT_ID?rev=$REV.
__ b. Update $DOCUMENT_ID with the ID of the document of the “Ivanhoe” novel, which is
__ c. Update $REV with the _rev value that you copied in the previous step

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Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant

__ d. Update the HTTP method to DELETE.

__ e. Click Send.
__ f. Check the response that is shown in the following figure to verify the deletion of the


If you receive a conflict error in the response, as shown in the following figure, consider these
• Document creation: the error indicates that the _id that is used to create this document is not
unique and belongs to another document in the database
• Document update or deletion: either the _id or the _rev that are used in the request are

__ 12. In the next steps, you query the documents of the novels that are published after the year
1880 and sort them by year in ascending order. To achieve this query, create an index for
the year field that you apply to the query in the next step.
__ 13. To create an index, send a POST request to $URL/$DATABASE/_index with a body that
includes the fields to be indexed. To create an index for the year field, complete the
following steps, as shown in the following figure:
__ a. Update the request URL to $URL/$DATABASE/_index.
__ b. Update the HTTP method to POST.

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant


__ c. Update the request body with the following code, as shown in the following figure:
"index": {
"fields": [
"name": "year-json-index",
"type": "json"

__ d. Click Send.
__ e. Check the response that is shown in the following figure and verify that the index is
created successfully.

__ 14. To query a document, issue a POST request to $URL/$DATABASE/_find with a selector in the
body. A selector is a JSON object that describes the criteria that is used to select
documents. So, to query the documents of the novels that are published after the year 1880
and sort them by year in ascending order, complete the following steps:
__ a. Update the Request URL to $URL/$DATABASE/_find.

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Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant

__ b. Keep the HTTP Method as POST.
__ c. Update the Request body with the Cloudant Query content:
○ “selector” specifies querying all documents with a year greater than 1880.
○ “fields” specifies that _id, name, author, and year should be returned in the query
○ “sort” specifies to sort by year. To sort by any other field, an index should be created
for the other field.
"selector": {
"year": {
"$gt": 1880
"fields": [
"sort": [
"year": "asc"
__ d. Click Send. The query results are returned in the response that is shown in the following
figure. It is a good practice to create an index for each field that you are searching for in
the selector to optimize query performance.

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant



By creating an index for the year field, you create and store a type of document that is called a
design document, which you store it in the Cloudant database. Design documents are special
documents that serve specific functions other than storing the data. Design documents are used to
build indexes, validate updates, and format query results.

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant



If in the response to a Cloudant HTTP API request you receive the error HTTP status code 401
Unauthorized, as shown in the following figure, the access token is expired and you must create a
new access token.

Part 7: Deleting your Cloudant service instance

In this part, you delete your Cloudant service instance from your IBM Cloud account by completing
the following steps:
__ 1. Open the IBM Cloud dashboard. In the Resource summary pane, click Services, as shown
in the following figure.

__ 2. You are redirected to the Resource list page. Under Services, you find your Cloudant
service instance. Click the More Actions icon (the three horizontal dots), and then click
Delete, as shown in the following figure.

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant


__ 3. Confirm that you want to delete the service by clicking Delete, as shown in the following

__ 4. Wait until the service is deleted.

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Exercise 3. IBM Cloud with IBM Cloudant

Exercise review and wrap-up
In this exercise, you created an instance of Cloudant on IBM Cloud. You created credentials for the
service to make requests from an HTTP API client by using these credentials. You explored the
Cloudant dashboard and the features that are available in the Cloudant dashboard. You also
created, read, updated, deleted, and queried Cloudant documents by using an HTTP API client.

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Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

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