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Unit Plan Cover Page

Unit Topic: Theme, Analyzing a text, The impact of different mediums, Formal writing Time Frame: 5 Weeks

Subject/Course: ELA Grade Level: 8th grade

List all appropriate national, state or district standards that align to this unit.
Reading Standards for Literature:
8.RL.2- Key Ideas and Details
Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including its relationship to the characters, setting,
and plot; provide an objective summary of the text.
8.RL.7 – Integrations of Knowledge and Ideas
Analyze the extent to which a filmed or live production of a story or drama stays faithful to or departs from the text or script, evaluating the choices made
by the director or actors.
8.RL.10.- Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
By the end of the year, proficiently and independently read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas and poetry, in a text complexity range
determined by qualitative and quantitative measures appropriate to grade 8.
Writing Standards:
8.W.1- Text Types and Purposes
Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.
a. Introduce claim (s), acknowledge and distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and organize the reasons and evidence logically
b. Support claim(s) with logical reasoning and relevant evidence, using accurate, credible sources and demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text
c. Use words, phrases, and clauses to create cohesion and clarify the relationships among claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence
d. Establish and maintain formal style
e. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows form and supports the argument presented.
Speaking and Listening Standards
8.SL.4-5- Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
8.SL.4 Present claims and findings, emphasizing salient points in a focused, coherent manner with relevant evidence, sound valid reasoning, and well-
chosen details; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume and clear pronunciation.
8.SL.5 Integrate multimedia and visual displays into presentations to clarify information, strengthen claims and evidence, and add interest.
Big Idea/Enduring Understanding guiding this unit:

Reading expands an understanding of the world, its people and oneself

Essential Questions: What provocative questions will foster inquiry, understanding and spark more questions? What questions will help students develop
and deeper their understanding?

How do different medium representations of a story change the meaning, theme, or lessons learned?
What elements of a text propel or change the theme? How do they do so?
How does a story affect individuals and society in the 21 century?
What is the importance of literacy in society?
What is the importance of books? Why read?

List the assessments that will be used to gauge student learning. This may include traditional quizzes or exams, as well performance-based assessments
such as simulations, labs, etc.
-Self-Reflection on their growth at the end of the unit
-“The Burned Book” packet including pre-reading, vocabulary, during reading and after reading activities
-Pre-assessment -writing on theme
-Formal Essay that makes an argument about one of Bradbury’s “what if” questions that is well supported, formally written and discusses the impact of that
question on today’s society.
-Presentation with visual aid that addresses the differences between two different mediums, and which was more effective at getting at the main theme.

List all technology and resources (copyrighted or otherwise) that you will need to teach this unit. This should be a comprehensive list of all resources
you will need to create or borrow (including textbook chapters, additional readings, videos, power points and teaching notes, handouts, assessments,
-The novel Fahrenheit 451
-Access to chrome books or laptops
-Knowledge of how to use and access to power point or other comparable presentation software
-“The Burned Book” packet including pre-reading, vocabulary, during reading and after reading activities
-Teacher completed version of “The Burned Book” so that all activities have a potential example
-Handouts with technical tools
-Video links on conversations about censorship
-Videos on the importance of literacy
-Google Form for presentation sign up
-The HBO 2018 movie version of Fahrenheit 451

Unit Calendar
(For each class period, list the topic of the day. You may indicate major instructional activities or standards if you choose.)
(Insert or delete days of the week as appropriate for your school district calendar. Add or delete weeks depending on the length of your unit.)

Block Schedule: (some weeks these days might differ but for the sake of consistency here is what an ideal unit would look like)
Pre-Reading Homework: Chapter One: The Hearth Homework: A Block:
-Students will be given -Screen Time (Pre/during and the Salamander -Read to page 44 Chapter One: The
the “Burned Book” reading activity) -Teach the students how to -Screen Time (Pre/during Hearth and the
packet - Read to page 22 take and keep active notes reading activity) Salamander
- Students will complete - Discuss the ideas/impact -Lesson on theme and
the pre-reading activities of speculative literature micro theme
-Class discussion Homework:
-Finish Chapter One by
- Complete a set of
interview questions for
the character you were
most interested in in
Chapter One
- Screen Time
(Pre/during reading
Chapter One: The Hearth Homework: Chapter Two: The Sieve Homework: B Block:
and the Salamander -Read to page 77 and the Sand -Read to page 97
-Begin to discuss the -Complete during reading - Discuss what has -Complete during reading NO CLASS
“what if?” questions that activities in the “Burned happened so far in activities in the “Burned
get us thinking about the Book” packet the text Book” packet
themes of the text - Discussion of the
-Complete a prediction of persuasive genre
what will happen in the - Vocabulary activity
next chapter
Chapter Two: The Sieve Homework: Theme Pre-Assessment Homework: A Block:
and the Sand -Complete Chapter Two -Students will take and -Read to page 120 Chapter Three: Burning
-Review of the text so far -Complete a set of submit the theme pre- -Come to class on Friday Bright
-Figurative Language interview questions for the assessment to ensure with 2-3 books you know -Censorship and book
Lesson character you were most everyone is on the right were banned and why, be burning
-Symbolism interested in in Chapter track as we head into the sure to have your own activity/discussion
Two end of the novel justification for if you think Homework:
-Show a video on the it should have been banned -Finish the book
conversations/impacts of or not. -Begin brainstorming
censorship. compelling themes from
the text that you would
like to write an essay on.
Chapter Three: Burning Homework: Movie Homework: B Block:
Bright - Work on Essay -View the 2018 HBO - Work on Essay
-In Class discussion of the Fahrenheit 451 (1hr 41min) - Work on NO CLASS
themes brainstormed by - As a class come together Presentation
the students to discuss the differences *If Absent from class YOU
-Explain to the students between the text and the MUST view the 2018 HBO
the essay assignment, film adaptation. movie version so that you
arguing in support of or may complete a
against any of the deep presentation.
“What if?“ questions that
Bradbury poses in the
-Explain to the students
the presentation
assignment, in which
they are to determine
how the movie differed
from the text and how
those choices they made
impacted the theme or
overall feeling of the

Review and Writing Time Homework: ESSAYS DUE AT THE A Block:

- Discuss what -Sign up for a presentation BEGINNING OF CLASS Presentations
implications this time through the google Presentations Self-Reflection to be
story has on form completed by all
today, what parts - Complete your Essay [End of Unit]
do you see -Complete your Unless additional days
translated and presentation and visual aid for presentations are
what parts are necessary, adjustments
still applicable. may be met
- Allow the
students to
continue to work
on either their
essay or their

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