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Name: Yanti Kurnia

NIM: 20220101
Class: A1

First video

In the first video it tells of a young man who had superpowers in the Max Steel movie. In the
video Max's mom says, "We're home, Max. No more moving around. Fresh start!". The
word fresh start includes an English expression or idiom when people often use to start new
activities. Idiom was used very often by native speakers and usually used to express a
situation. For example, piece of cake, drop someone a line. If students want to get more
natural, then we can use idioms in our conversations. The dialogue in the video also used
tenses. Tenses is a sentence that indicates the time of events. We're home is present tense
present tense.
We (s)+to be (are)+ home (v1) present tense is one of the tenses that describes the
current events.

Second video

The second video was about Obama describing the beauty of Yosemite National Park in
California. One of the words Obama used in her dialogue is sacred. In the video it was
explained that the sacred had the same meaning as most precious and worthy of respect.
And the sacred word has another word in common is holy. Synonyms are used. Synonyms
are semantic relationships that suggest similarities in meaning between one word and another.
In the language vocabulary, we often find a word and then look it up in a dictionary and see
what it means by the rest of the word.

In the host dialogue, there was also the use of tenses. In dialogue also found tenses. Tenses is
a sentence that indicates the time of events.
1. President Obama spoke at Yosemite
National Park Info California recently."
(Past tense) Presiden Obama (S)+spoke (V2)
2. "He was there to observe the 100th anniversary …"
(Past tense) He (S)+was (V2)

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