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Technical Assistance for Public Health

In the Republic of Indonesia


DESPITE the magnitude and complexity ance is inversely proportional to its need.
of public health problems in Indonesia, Therefore, the corrective effort chosen should
to conclude that the great need depicted there not precipitate a host of new problems by creat-
indicates, a priori, a corresponding scope for ing an unreasonable demand for housing,
technical assistance would be a mistake. A power, roads, transportation, interpreters, and
sudden catastrophe in a highly organized the like. Regardless of the need and the
society will utilize relief in direct proportion amount of available aid, the vital measure of
to need; but a socioeconomic dilemma develop- what can be done is the absorptive capacity of
ing over the centuries, like that which does exist the area.
in Indonesia, is probably of such a character
as to limit sharply the fulfillment of its most Need for Foreign Assistance
desperate requirements.
The generalization may even be made. that An extraordinary number of surveys in the
under these circumstances the capacity of an public health field have been made in Indonesia
underdeveloped area to absorb technical assist- by a variety of agencies and individuals. Indo-
nesian officials have reached the saturation
point in the number of ideas which they can
Introductory to understanding the health prob- receive as to what should be done, and they are
lems of Indonesia and the difficulties of administer- understandably skeptical about new proposals.
ing technical aid in Southeast Asia is Dr. lenney's Actually, the need for foreign assistance is fully
background report on "Public Health in Indonesiae recognized, and the Government is availing it-
in the April 1953 issue of Public Health Reports self of aid proffered by the United Nations
(p. 409). agencies, Technical Cooperation Administra-
A commissioned officer in the Public Health Serv- tion, and other organizations.
ice, Dr. Jenney was assigned for 21/2 years to the Since foreign assistance and local capacity to
Technical Cooperation Administration (TCA) Mis- absorb technical assistance are both perforce
sion to Indonesia as chief of the public health di- small in relation to the need in Indonesia, a big
vision. Dr. lenney's current assignment has taken task falls on the shoulders of those who are
him to Santiago, Chile, as chief of the health and guiding technical assistance and upon the Indo-
sanitation field party of the Institute of Inter- nesian officials who are responsible for devising
American Affairs. its efficient application. Measures of need in
Another aspect of technical assistance in Indo- the form of surveys are necessary, as are esti-
nesia-in this instance the special problems en- mates of indigenous resources, but the actual
countered in two rural polyclinics in Middle Java- problem in Indonesia is to select a point of be-
is described by Warren A. Ketterer on p. 558 of the
June issue. ginning, to choose an open avenue of approach
which will not prove to be an ultimate dead end.

Vol. 68, No. 7, July 1953 707

The need for technical assistance in Indo- subsistenice-level individual farmer. The peo-
nesia in the public health field does not differ ple are illiterate, patient, intelligent, and re-
basically from the need for more outright ceptive, but not reactive. They harbor guer-
economic aid. During the 31/2 years of Jap- rillas, but they do not mobilize armies; they
a.nese occupation in World War II and during absorb ideology, but they resist the call-to-arms
tlle subsequent struggle for independence, pub- phase of propaganda. The rural population
lic health facilities on the group of islands de- has a keen desire to participte in new develop-
teriorated. Technical health personnel were ments which may improve its economy, regard-
lost to the islands because of the exodus of many less of the source, but it likes to feel the impact
of the Dutch. The same is true of agriculture, of such developments through its own Govern-
enigineering, and mining: everywhere there is ment. However, many areas seem to have a
a shortage of tools and of those who know natural taste for local autonomy.
hiow to use them. A rapidly increasing popu- The indications are that the rural recipient
lation progressively accentuates these deficien- of technical assistance is being and will be
cies, and a preoccupation with the complexities reached by assistance which is channeled
of new sovereignty and its political implica- through the Ministry of Health. Reaction
tions of hope and of disappointment compro- which redounds through official health chan-
mises the effectiveness of remedial measures. nels is far more effective in the long run than re-
rhis preoccupation is exasperating to all action which develops from assistance dropped,
tL ose whose technical talents and professional as from a parachute, to an isolated rural
thinking were developed in an environment community.
of economic, social, and political stability. But
the preoccupation is real, and it is not to be Choice of Approach
overridden by any plan of proffered assistance
which does not recognize and sympathize with- The task of national planning in a situation
the fact that Indonesian Government officials such as prevails in Indonesia is new. Only re-
are all filling dual and triple positions, each cently has public health advancement in a large
position enmeshed with a complexity of politi- underprivileged population been considered as
cal and administrative issues. Eager to uti- the full responsibility of an indigenous govern-
lize either the short-range impact value or the ment. The task requires a different orientation
long-range economic value of any project, the from that evolved by colonial governments,
Indonesian Government is examining every missionary organizations, and the like. The
opportunity to lessen the disappointment of the task of national planning comes at a time when
country in discovering the initial problems of new insecticides and new drugs have changed
independence. the mechanism of disease control projects and
The reaction whiclh a given community may at a time when global air transport facilitates
develop as a consequence of receiving a service rapid interchange of technical personnel. Most
previously unknown is somewhat irrelevant to important, it follows at the heels of the "awak-
the actual situation confronting the Indonesian ening of Asia."
Ministry of Health. Indonesian officials are The situation in Indonesia has certain dis-
naturally impatient with schemes which intro- tinct features which accentuate or modify the
duce a new service in a limited sphere while health picture, making it somewhat unique.
the major issue of rehabilitating former serv- Geographically, the Republic of Indonesia is
ices remains unaffected. This attitude does not the most complex nation on earth, and this com-
mean a condemnation of a scheme per se but plexity accentuates the logistics of transporta-
simply an impatience witlh its irrelevancy at tion and communication. Its health services,
this time. When the load is heavy, foreign as- although qualitatively good, are quantitatively
sistance should add another horse rather than perhaps the most deficient of any nation.
another cart. Indonesia also faces a rather formidable lan-
The large rural population of Indonesia is guage problem, since its secondary language-
relatively stable, and its stability is based on the Dutch-is of limited use in general interna-
708 Public Health Reports
tional contacts. This forces the Indonesians Some of these tranismigrations resulted in
to make special effort to speak English and tragic debacles because of malaria, which should
creates a demand in many Government depart- have been the first consideration. Conse-
ments for English-speaking officials, many of quently, the elaborate economic preparations-
whom are leading physicians and surgeons with- and even educational and clinical facilities-.
drawn from their medical activities by the proved to be expensive and futile plans, de-
Government. feated by the overlooked mosquito. The aban-
With trained personnel and funds so scarce doned paddies remain as monuments to the
in relation to the need, the choice of the most oversight.
expedient approach to meeting the need can-
not be influenced by prejudices previously Trend of Foreign Assistance
formed in an atmosphere of affluence. Those
who have faced decisions in similar situations All issues which have given rise to a need for
will agree that it is not an easy concept to keep technical assistance in Indonesia are influenced
constantly in mind. The age-old puzzle pre- by either one of two factors. One of these is the
sents itself: which dollar is the most expedient underdevelopment of resources. Another very
in a given situation-one, the dollar spent in different factor is the deterioration of what has
economic improvement with its consequent ef- already been developed. The former is too ex-
fect on health and education; two, the dollar tenisive to measure-the need can only be identi-
spent on education with its effect on health and fied; it is immeasurable in relation to present
economics; or three, the dollar spent on health capacities to meet it. The latter-deterioration
to provide manpower for economic development of what has been developed-is measurable and
and sound minds for education? therefore is useful in planning; it can be
weighed against existing capacities to correct it
with available assistance. The rehabilitation
Qte&tion of Emphois of a worthwhile but deteriorating health facility
This choice of accent assails the planner at is a tangible and sound objective. In Indo-
every step whether he is thinking in terms of nesia, there is ample opportunity in this field
the entire nation or of a single village. It will because of the framework of public health
be a long time before there will be the human facilities instituted under the Dutch but se-
and financial resources in Asia to allow a simul- verely depleted during World War II and be-
taneous approach to all three avenues on an cause of the subsequient period of protracted
adequate scale. Occasionally, the choice is military action.
easy, but centuries of failures throughout world This deterioration, which leads to a disap-
history give evidence that the weak spot in the pointment to Indonesia as it first experiences
eternal cycle of ignorance, poverty, and disease freedom, is only part of a general progressive
has been recognized by hindsight more readily decline in many fields other than public health.
than by foresight. The restitution of public health services has
There are areas in Indonesia which have been an advantage in that it is not fraught with the
drained of their best intellects because educa- quandaries encountered in the economic field,
tion provided opportunity for better reward such as the feasibility of rebuilding a sugar mill
elsewhere. One of the most poverty-stricken in the face of doubtful markets.
areas, with an infant mortality of 53 percent, In the health field in Indonesia, technical
is paradoxically one of the most literate areas. assistance, supplies, and equipment from out-
The failure here was perhaps because educa- side agencies are being devoted to (a) major
tion was at an academic level, neglecting the disease control projects which introduce effec-
more basic local needs at the trade school or tive methods and which are administratively
agricultural school level. feasible under the present circumstances, par-
Again, obvious failures can be seen in the ticularly in yaws and malaria; (b) educational
transmigration areas of Sumatra and Celebes projects in professional and subprofessional
to which Javanese farmers were transplanted. medical fields and in popular health educa-

Vol. 68, No. 7, July 1953 709

tion; (c) the support of certain indigenous pre- explaining in advance that a particular project
ventive programs selected partly because they is in opposition to the established cultural pat-
are in a position to utilize assistance to full tern. The Western technician must anticipate
advantage and to continue in the future; and what opposition to expect if he is to see his
(d) emergency items to replenish depleted project not defeated, but he rarely will be
medical services. warned. New methods are not resented-
quite the contrary-but their adoption depends
on the method of introduction. There is always
Psychological Aspects a right way and a wrong way to introduce them
Many devices have been used to illustrate depending on the cultural climate of the area
the conflict arising when a conventional East- concerned.
ern mind meets a conventional Western mind. In the East, every situation must be explored
In this day of airborne technicians and con- completely; if not, an elaborate program may
sultants, the conflict has a new meaning in collapse because no one had discovered that
terms of its potentiality for wrecking plans. the ferry boat-"it was shown on the map"
A necessary part of planning, therefore, is the no longer exists. Printing facilities, commu-
consideration of the tendencies of the East to nications, transportation, housing, electricity,
misinterpret Western methods and of the West and interpreters and stenographers are all on
to overestimate the applicability of these meth- an "if available" basis. The East receives its
ods. In the past it has been possible for the supplies from many sources; so, the ribbon may
various agencies on encountering this conflict not fit the typewriter, nor the electric bulb the
to allow time for adjustment and to select men socket, nor the needle the syringe. These irri-
of experience who were prepared to dedicate a tations may be minor or they may be of suffi-
substantial portion of their lives to reach an cient magnitude to compromise an entire
understanding with the Eastern mind. During project.
the last few years, however, countless Western In a nation the size of Indonesia, one must
technicians have been sent to the East and have beware of being too well satisfied with progress
been given perhaps no more than a few days to in any single instance, particularly if it repre-
establish a liaison which history has proved to sents an insignificant fraction of the whole.
be difficult tofobtain in years. To these men it The philosophy of "any good is good however
is a matter of desperate necessity constantly to small" is all very well, but the quart of water
check their own prejudices, of which they may should be used to prime the pump rather than
have been unaware, and the prejudices of the given to the passer-by. Technical assistance
East, which Eastern officials by virtue of cour- meant to have catalytic effect should reach the
tesy and restraint do not reveal at once. people through agencies which can be expected
The newly arrived Western technical expert to continue the work permanently. The devel-
will be disappointed if he places too much con- opment of a single isolated project is useful in
fidence in community reaction. Eastern com- the national sense only when it is designed to
munities are cohesive units in certain aspects serve as a demonstration center for teaching
pertaining to well-established cultural mores, purposes. The demonstration center develop-
but they are not apt to produce a joint-action ment in Indonesia has been a happy compro-
response to an innovation. They do not "write mise between the danger of losing effect by
to their congressmen" to demand action for dissipation of effort on the one hand or losing
their community. effect by single-area concentration on the
other, but here again the demonstration center
Achieving Cooperatin had to be associated with a permanent and de-
Because of a deep cultural stability, which pendable agency.
cannot be moved with bulldozer and steam The Eastern official participating in coopera-
shovel techniques, Eastern communities are tive development programs tends to assume
resilient in absorbing external shock. A sense that he can bridge the gap between Eastern and
of courtesy prevents an Eastern official from Western technology by acquiring the latest, the

710 Public Health Reports

largest, and the most complicated apparatus existence of a problem is often considered ade-
without thought for its maintenance, operation, quate. There, if a community is told that some-
or utility. This is a well-known tendency and thing "will be done as soon as possible," the
certainly is not exclusively Eastern. It is "when?" will not be asked. This Eastern re-
exemplified by expensive X-ray units combined action, of course, stems from a long experience
with inadequate darkroom procedures, or by with deprivation, but it is also a reflection of
huge tractors for small fields. Avoiding such the difference between East and West in concept
errors as these is often the first, and sometimes of time. This attitude is not a matter of indif-
the most important, element in a technical ference nor of procrastination: it is something
assistant's contribution. quite apart and is difficult for the foreign
Difference in Attitudes mind to comprehend. Six months hence and
twelve months hence represent not different
An eagerness to institute research may pre- times, but simply-"the future." This attitude
sent a formidable problem. The Eastern mind toward time produces an exasperating conflict
is particularly adapted to investigation, and its with Western scheduled methods, but there is
achievements are too well known to need com- a certain realistic wisdom in it which gradually
ment. However, because of the progress of re- induces the Westerner, perhaps not to adopt the
search in the West during the war years, a grant same attitude but to recognize it as locally
in the East today may lead to unnecessary du- meaningful, at least until the "something must
plication or to the exploration of remote aspects be done about it" philosophy is accepted in the
of the problem before the application of basic East.
knowledge. Research must not be discouraged, Finally, either Westerner or Easterner may
yet the assisting agency must assure itself that assume that all difficulties in an ex-colonial
established principles are followed in the pro- nation stem from mismanagement by the
grams for which it is responsible. The severing former colonial power. This may well be true
of scientific liaison between the East and the in specific instances but to adopt any broad
West during the war has produced a confusion generalization is a dangerous obstacle to clear
which will require many years of positive action thinking. One must first look critically at the
to correct before research in the two areas will status of those nations or areas of nations which
complement rather than overlap. have never experienced colonialism. The
The Eastern physician tends to focus his adoption of the scapegoat philosophy to explain
efforts on therapeutic medicine rather than on shortcomings is certainly no help as a basis for
preventive medicine because of the much greater discussion and will soon develop a false sense of
personal reward in the former branch of medi- optimism as to the likelihood of success. The
cine. This is true the world over, but the con- common phrase "nothing has been done for
trast in the East is greater, where the choice these people" is easy to repeat off-hand, but it
may be between wealtlh and fame and poverty is not always supported by a study of the facts.
and anonymity. The Western technician can A careful investigation of facts will often show
assist in correcting this discrepancy; indeed, it a long history of desperately frustrated effort
is one of his basic objectives. The task, how- on the part of the local people against insur-
ever, is profoundly difficult until community mountable odds or against factors which, it
responsibility for the preservation of health has must be remembered, were insurmountable
been acknowledged. Until that comes about, until the advent of such effective agents as
the demand will be for therapy, and the re- DDT and the antibiotics.
sponse will be in accordance with the demand.
The most constructive step to take in the mean- Java and Demography
time is for organized teams to demonstrate the
value of preventive medicine to the community. The foregoing has depicted certain problems
The Eastern mind is not as conscious of the which challenge the planning capabilities of
importance of problem-solving as is the West- public health authorities in Indonesia. It must
ern mind. In the East, to acknowledge the be acknowledged that these problems are com-

Vol. 68, No. 7, July 1953 711

plicated by certain logistic factors of a magni- nmechanized production areas, operated largely
tude rarely encountered. In some respects they to supply rice to Java's millions.
are specifically Indonesian problems because of The story of two disasters reveals the pre-
the extraordinary geography of this nation of carious position of the Javanese economy more
islands. The public health planner, however, dramatically than economic theories. The first
whlen considering such obstacles, is confronted disaster was the depression of 1929, which
by an ominous population situation which over- struck a sudden and fearful blow at the econ-
whelms all other aspects. As a demographic omy of Java. The second was the Japanese
dilemma, the Island of Java is one of the occupation of the island, which brought to light
world's most crucial spots. To appreciate this, the dangerous imbalance between rice and pop-
an academic background is unnecessary: living ulation. World War II cut off vital imports at
in Java is enough to instill a sense of dangerous the same time that the Japanese army was
hlulman saturation. witlhdrawing rice from Java to feed its troops
Estimated at 10 million a hundred years ago, in New Guinea. The result was widespread
the population of Java and nearby Madura is starvation in Java and an estimated 2 million
now 52 million and is now increasing by more deaths.
than 5 million persons a decade. Although the
gravity of the situation had been long recog- No Ready Solution
nized by the Dutch, the 1930 census figures of Reduction of population growth by control
41 million, the population of France at that measures would require a mutation in cultural
time, first focused world attention on Java as mores over a period of time too long to solve
an island of incredible population density. In the problem of imbalance. Permissible polyg-
1930, the birth rate of Java and Madura was amy, the prestige value of early marriage
reported as 27.9 per 1,000 people and the death and large families, and the status of women in
rate as 19.9. The present rate of increase is general are all contributing cultural factors.
-thought to be at least 1.5 percent a year, which, In the absence of any other form of insurance,
unless there are intervening deterrents, would the value of many children and grandchildren
bring the population of Java and Madura to in an agricultural family is an age-old incen-
over 100 million before the end of the century. tive for uncontrolled reproduction.
Whether the less severe population deterrents Since all Indonesia except Java and Madura
observed in similar situations will obtain in is relatively sparsely settled, the concept of
Java, or whether the most paradoxical famine transmigration is appealing. Transmigration
the world has yet experienced will develop in was begun many years ago by the Dutch. Be-
this garden island remains to be seen. cause it is a sound project for economic devel-
opment, it will probably continue, but it can
Supply of Rice have little effect on the population of an island
Population increase has more ihaIn kepL pace that
^ Vn.c-r1 hykfj mnrea than a
AvA J%~ V--A,-
half million

with increased productivity of rice by irriga- persons a year.

tion, fertilization, and improved seed, but in While we are promulgating public health
Java a finite remedial limit to this productivity programs in the presence of such a formidable
is not far away. The per capita daily cost of dilemma, we hear protest against measures
rice-rice is the hinge of Java's economy-has which will decrease infant mortality and only
risen to a figure which is approaching the basic add to the magnitude of the impending disaster.
daily wage while rice imports are exceeding a There always has been headshaking over the
lhalf million metric tons a year. wisdom of saving lives in famine areas, but in
Some relief may be afforded by a change in recent years the headshaking has given way to
food habits, but perhaps the most hopeful concise and sometimes cynical expressions of
project, or at least one that may postpone the disapproval. Public health measures are at-
crisis longer than any other, is mechanized rice tacked for doing no more than preserving lives
production. This project proposes the develop- for ultimate starvation. Since we face the
ment in Borneo, in Sumatra, and in Celebes of choice between disease and famine, so the critics

712 Public Health Reports

say, let us preserve disease to eliminate a frac- No program devoted to human welfare can
tion of the population so that we can avoid afford to treat disease, poverty, and ignorance
famine for the whole. This is indeed a strange as if they were separate entities striking a com-
bedfellow to be espoused in the cause of human munity merely by coincidence. We know too
welfare. well that they are part of one another, insepar-
To preserve disease is to allow unnecessary able in both cause and solution. One can
death and incapacity for work. How much of scarcely imagine a malaria-stricken farming
a gap is there between allowing death and ar- population staggering off to increase the rice
ranging it? The proposal is dangerously close yield, of yaws-infected school children winning
to genocide and is unacceptable even if it were their way to better things, all patiently antici-
not known that birth rates rise with disease, pating the day when someone decides that it is
ignorance, and poverty and eventually decline safe to institute disease control. The illiterate
with better health, education, and economic villagers are apt to know, by virtue of having
status. The fact that the reaction is eventual, lived with their problem since time began, that
and not immediate, can have no bearing on the they cannot meet the demands of education and
wisdom of the objective selected, for no solution improved economy without the hope of being
is immediate. healthy.


Epizootiology of Anthrax
35 mm., sound, color, 9 minutes, 1952.
Audience: Veterinarians, practicing phy-
sicians, instructors and students in
veterinary and medical schools, and
public health personnel interested in
Available: Loan-Communicable Disease
Center, 50 Seventh Street, N. E., Atlanta,
Ga. PurchaseUnited World Films,
Inc., 1445 Park Avenue, New York 29,
N. Y.
This fllm is designed as an aid in Anthrax occurs throughout the world.
diagnosing and controlling anthrax,
(Endemic areas indicated
for centuries a killer of man and his
by shaded areas.)
domestic animals. Although modern 1u8 anthracis. The case history of animals to the disease, the usual
antibiotics have contributed toward the spread, diagnosis, and final con- modes of infection, and the applica-
its control, it Is still a serious prob- trol of an epizootic of anthrax aris- tion of control measures.
lem to stockmen, veterinarians, and ing from an imported shipment of The control of anthrax, the film
public health workers. bonemeal which was contaminated points out, depends on early diag-
In depicting the epizootiology of with the spores of B. anthracis is in- nosis followed by thorough sanitary
anthrax, the fllm shows the cycle of cluded. Attention is called to the measures and the constant vigilance
infection and appearance of the worldwide distribution of anthrax and cooperation of stockmen, veter-
spores of the etiological agent, Bacil- endemic areas, the susceptibility of inarians, and public health officials.

Vol. 68, No. 7, July 1953 713

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