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Independent Living
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My Chilling Findings on
Emergency Exercise "EarthEX2017.

Why Spooked Rich Elites Are Spending Big

Bucks to Ride Out This "Black Sky" Scenario.

This is a CODE-RED, time-sensitive warning. My urgent research findings

below could save your life.
None of this is on the Internet - far too sensitive for that -- this is
your copy and for your eyes only .... so please keep it close to you.
Shortly you get my biggest SHOCK FINDINGs .... the true inside scoop on
what's REALLY behind EARTHEX2017 Global Emergency Exercise ..... Code-
named "Black Sky."
The official Black Sky scenario is bad enough .... it's touted as a
global-scale power/water grid failure exercise -- to cope with growing
"civilization-level" threats.

EXPERTS: U.S. Technology

"Eco-System" Crash Threatens Millions
Unofficially, EARTHEX2017 is about massive social breakdown .... a high
threat potential - - due to "modern society's" near total dependence
on VERY fragile grid technologies -- all untested by time, events and
We are no more than three hacks away or one solar flare or one
crude EMP weapon hit from the Internet collapsing -- and with it
banking and communication and electricity.
More and more elites now admit how easily society could fall apart if

major technologies fail for any reason.
Recently, 206 experts from 24 countries and dozens of states met at
a DC Summit -- on how to prepare for a Black Sky global web failure.
Details from this grim gathering are must reading.
COMING UP: The ugly and brutish truth behind EARTHEX2017. Found nowher e
else. But there's a BIG THING you need to know-- something that is
both telling and alarming ....
... . there's a really mind-blowing facet of my research. Now even left-
wing tech billionaires are throwing bales of greenbacks at riding out
Black-Sky level social chaos .
And some of them have very good reason to know something bad is up .

Why Nervous Tech Moguls

Are Buying "Apocalypse Insurance"
Such as billionaire George Soros. He's a major funder of extreme and
violent left-wing street thugs. To the point that 100,000 Americans
have signed a White House petition to declare Soros a terrorist.
Soros has organized millions of angry leftists. These include the
Antifa thugs who now routinely bash Trump supporters with clubs, masks
and violence.
They are a growing vanguard of marauders and malcontents. They hate
everything our country stands for.
Hi, Lee Bellinger here of Independent Living News.
Look, I may not like America's rich elite. But it's worth paying
attention when this crowd gets scared-- and it's especially noteworthy
when they're scared enough to embrace survivalism.
You've probab l y sensed brewing social chaos too -- or you wouldn't be
an Independent Living reader. Thank you for that.
You stand vindicated for thinking ahead- so get this ....

Silicon Valley Tech Giants Fear

Full-Scale Breakdown of Internet
Today spooked elites are frantically mega-prepping .... making eyebrow-
raising big spends on wealthy-man bunkers .... using third parties to
obtain state-size secret ranches ... hiring pilots and their immediate

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families to ferry them to clandestine secure destinations.
Take co-founder of the Internet business forum Linked-In, Reid Hoffman.
Hoffman is not an Independent Living reader kind of guy.
Yet Hoffman's recent comments about rich preppers spending big bucks
seems straight out of Independent Living.
Linked-In's Hoffman says more than half of the billionaires ln Silicon
Valley have already bought "apocalypse insurance ."

These Elites Don't Plan

to Share "Your" Fate
Uber - rich people buying upscale bunkers in big numbers gets my absolute
total attention. It's important --telling us something we dare not
shirk from.
Look, historically self-made rich elites are in the know. This breed of
survivor made their wealth with cat-like reflexes - and all in a harsh
and demanding world.
Give the Devil his due: They wouldn't be rich elites if they didn't
know how to side-step life's landmines.
This is history in the making .... wealthy elites know when to cut their
losses ... and how to come out ahead no matter what.
That's why p lush survival bunkers sell faster now than Wal-Mart
batter ie s in a hurricane scare.
Other huge land-holders include mega-wealthy John Malone (2.2 million
acres), Ted Turner 2 million acres and Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon,
who's discreetly snatched up huge areas of Texas and 225,000 more acres
in Montana.

Plush Luxury Bunkers Are Goinq

Fast to Billionaire Survivalists
Note lots of big-ticket property sales in Montana .... and building chic
condos inside old missile silos. And why underground luxury bunker
builders like Vivo are thriving.
So what do the wea lthy know that everyone e lse doesn't?
Well, that's the point of EarthEX2017's BLACK SKY exercise ... fast
changing interdependent technology is civilization's glue .... it keeps
power, food and water flowing to U.S. population centers.
The powers that be know cascading coast-to-coast collapse of basic
human services is a real threat.

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Not long ago I was the voice in the wilderness on smart survivalism
- even ridiculed .... but now warning signs of rising civil unrest are
making news.
No one ridicules my findings at the moment.
Take the leftist New Yorker magazine It's January article "Survival of
the Richest - Why Some of America's Wealthiest people are prepping for

Massive Threats to U.S. Technology

Grids Scare Leftists Now Too
Top executive elites such as former Facebook executive Antonio Martinez
confirm what Independent Living has been telling you all along:
" .. . people who are particularly attuned to the levers by which
society actually works understand that we are skating on really
thin cultural ice right now .. "
• A National Geographic Channel survey finds that 40% of Americans
have more confidence in stocking up on supplies than they do in
their own 401Ks.
• A major financial analyst told the New Yorker "Anyone who's in this
community knows people who are worried that America is headed for
something like the Russian Revolution ... "
• Another super wealthy grad of Massachusetts Institute of
Technology told the New Yorker:
"The people who've been the best at reading the tea leaves - the
ones with the most resources, because that's how they made their
money - are now the ones most prepared to pull the rip cord and
jump out o£ the plane . .. "
What matters now is that you weather the coming storm - jus t as I have
done for my own family.
Let's step back here. Most people see only the surface of mode r n
society - not what holds it together.
They expect all the clean water they want at the turn of a t a p .
They are addicted to mindless instant communication and c on s t ant
They think gasoline just magically comes out of loca l gas p ump s.

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Why EARTHEX2017 Experts See Social
Stability Hanging By a Thread
That plentiful food is normal and that darkness now becomes light at
the touch of a switch ...
And that removing predatory thugs rampaging two doors down is as simple
as making a 911 call.
EARTHEX2017 exists because what we call social order is an illusion .. . a
mere surface perception of reality.
Blind faith in our vulnerable Internet-driven economy is hubris on
The web and all the key functions it controls now makes our economic
"eco-system" a big, fat stupid target.
America's enemies want t o throw us back to the Stone Age .
Just remember, it's not just one trendy Internet technology we depend
on to survive as a species now- it's a weird and impossible-to-keep up
with mixture of technologies .
No one understands the big picture .. . . how it fits together - that means
all our modern conveniences could fall apart in cascading failures.
We are completely dependent on a high-tech ecos y stem - a totally
artificial construct -- one that waters and powers millions of homes.
And sustains checks, payments and access to cash.
There is no backup -- just chaos and death if it fa i ls for any reason .
Think about fast changing technology like a penny. You doub l e a penny
every day for just one month and you become a mill i onaire .

We Can Be Thrown Back to the Stone

Age Without Warning or Notice
That's why in this Brave New World of complete technology dependence -
it's already too complicated for any one party to even understand how
it's all patched together- much less prevent its inevitable breakdown .
That's why knowing about EARTHEX2017 matters to you. Everything you
depend on could suddenly fai l all at once - - and across wide a r eas of
the country.
Here's the thing: Complete technology dependence has been mushrooming.
Yet self-reliance skills are shrinking fas t er than free speech . It
doesn't take a slide-rule to foresee that massive chaos will fol l ow
infrastructure failure.

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------------------------------------------~ ~~ · - ---·-

Picture what happens if millions upon millions of cell-phone addicted

dunderheads suddenly get disconnected from their devices - no internet
-and it goes on for weeks or months ...
. . . . the streets would be filled with mentally helpless, dazed, confused
and finally angry people. It would be a predator's dream come true.

Technology Hubris is America's Achilles Heel

Let's look at what happens when blind faith in untested critical
technology collides with reality.

The once ultra-modern Titanic sank because all assumptions about

her then impressive "unsinkable" technology were flat wrong. But
the Titanic's comeuppance was just about one ship, not an entire
OKAY, I am sorting through some unhappy subjects here .... but take a
deep breath and relax. I don't raise warning flags without giving you
practical ideas on what to do about it.
So first, know this: Refuge from rising social chaos is not just for the
wealthy and connected.
Many long-t ime Independent Living readers live on a fixed income . If
that is the case, I have a good plan of action for you. Its included in
your current subscription.
Much of what you need to fortify your safety is in this CODE RED ALERT

You Don't Get Left Behind- Not on My Watch

Elsewhere in the current issue of Independent Living I offer you
excellent FREE resources ..... such as instructiona l videos on how to
fortify your home with a SAFE ROOM.
And how to build your own advanced water purification system .... and
another video on how you and some friends can build your very own EMP-
resistant solar generator, using local materials. All that is FREE.
Now let me get back on point about "EarthEX2017." To sum it up: Both
the authorities and the rich elite see massive social chaos coming at
us. They are "boarding up" to weather civilization-scale social chaos.
Look, I am making big claims here . You are right to seek proof - plus
you need and deserve to know a little more about my trac k-record on
making big predictions .... I promise to keep this very short.
There is no magic to seeing future events. No crystal balls or
squinting sideways at sunsets is involved!

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This, My New Prediction .... Warns of
an Attack Against You in Your Home
It's all about paying very close attention to red flags. Most of my
readers are busy tending to their families -- they don't invest 5 hours
a day like I do .... sifting through news and ferreting out trends.
Hard work and aggressive learning trump everything else when I make an
important forecast.
For example, my monthly intelligence advisory Independent Living warned
about left-wing nuts being egged on to kill Trump supporters.
Talk about a warning sign of the social chaos to come -- if even only
part of the EARTHEX 20 17 scenario comes to pass!
My Republican assassination alert hit the nation's mailboxes just 10
days before a Bernie Sanders "voter" opened fire on GOP Members of
Congress playing softball.
Here's exactly what my Independent Living readers saw in print before
it happened ...
"I stand by my prediction that un~ess the
~eft are ca~~ed on this, a~~ this ~eft-wing
thuggery wi~~ soon esca~ate to direct po~itica~
assassination of pro-T~ members of Congress."
The warning signs that you need a plan to deal with social chaos are
endless .... a recent USA Today headline "Ambush-Style Killings of Police
Up 167 %". And that's just a tiny fraction of what to expect from Black
Lives Matter and other extreme leftist groups if society breaks down.
Political insanity is sweeping the nation. As your family's protector,
please do go through some fundamentals in your mind ....
• "Have I done enough to shield my household from marauding angry
• "Can my family weather a national or loca l medical epidemic, a
terrorist event, or massive social upheaval in the communities
where my family members work, live, commute, or go to school?"
• "Have I done enough given t he recent dry run by North Korea (which
smuggled electromagnetic pulse-capable missile launchers - SA-2s -
as far as the Panama Canal while en route to Cuba)? An EMP attack
that the National Academy of Sciences, the National Geographic
Society and the Science Times says would have taken down the
entire U.S. power grid for months?"
• "Do I have a PLAN B be to get meds for my family no matter what?
Do I have the connections in place to secure already hard-to-

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get life-saving drugs if someone who depends on me develops a
life-threatening illness during a crisis, or even a routine
prescription drug shortage?"

Brace Yourself for A

Roller-Coaster Ride Through Hell
Notice that pretty much all pollsters and TV experts missed Donald
Trump's "surprise" victory. But not Independent Living.
Independent Living forecast Trump's victory 7 months out - with no
guesswork or wishful thinking.
I spelled out exactly how he would do it (see "2016: The Year of "White
Riot," April 2016) ... predicted that any Trump surprise win would
ignite a brutal civil war ... a vicious social mayhem we've never seen.
You can almost smell it in the air. Eight years of calculated decisions
and bad policy are catching up to America. We face global war, race
war, urban and suburban mayhem, left-wing violence, insurmountable
public debt, and lots more crises.
It 's as though all the bad decisions this country has made over the
last three decades are coming home to roost at once.
Frankl y, the country is packed with a whole lot of people who are
dangerously dependent on government handouts.
And this crowd seems angry. Hostile to success - and a deep sense of
entitlement to what others own and control.
Including 62 million Hillary and Bernie Sander s fanatics-most very sore
losers - and completely hostile to any view that's not their own.
You need to ask yourself an honest, politica lly incorrect question:

What happens if Trump gets removed

from power and we are once again at
the total mercy of the political
class and all these fanatics?
These are worrisome possibilities outside of our control. But we can
step up for our loved ones and prepare.
That's what I want for you. I want you to have this street-savvy usable
wisdom ... because it 's going to help you make smart moves with your
money, your home, your assets, and your personal life -- and you also
sleep like a baby at night.

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Perhaps you've noticed the Maoist - like assault against old Confederate
war memorials .
It's all part of a large r pattern .. .. curtailing speech .... altering
history ... escalating demands .... orchestrated political violence .

Meet the Uncrowned King of Social Chaos

As I said, escalating demands -- Al Sharpton and Black Lives Matte r
insist that George Washington and Thomas Jefferson be banned from the
classroom and the public square.
Mr. Sharpton has long agitated racial violence - yet is ano i nted by the
media as a civil rights activist.
At risk of inviting violence, it is Mr . Sharpton who has blood on his
Some "lost" history concerning Mr. Sharpton . . . local merchants in cities
like New York and Chicago know just how dangerous he is .. . . and anti -
Semitic too.
Seven dead employees of Freddie's Fashion Ma r t .. . . a f te r Mr. Sharpton
publicly branded a merchant as a "white interloper . " In Harl e m and
Crown Heights - more shops burned and p e ople hurt b y those taking their
marching orders from Mr. Sharpton.
Mr . Sharpton has since "reinvented" himself . .. he's g o ne national -
using slick gimmickry and the complicity of his media friends .
I've been publishing non-stop for 29 years now -- and have never seen
such a high potential for massive national upheaval .
Big things are comi ng ... the rich think so ... the government thinks
so .... and I for a change agree with them. I want to get you on the
right page.

Dependence on Current Emergency

Planning is a Lethal Leap of Faith
It's no secret I don't share the public's b l ind faith in government
emergency planners - or the values of people who refuse to accept
Let's talk about ignoring red flags and denial about social upheaval.
And even grant to thinking skeptics that there is "onl y " a 50-50 chance
of the Dark Sky Scenario coming true -- or even a one - in-three chance
or a one-in-five chance.
Would you board an airliner with a 50-50 % chance of crash i ng? Or a

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one-in-three possibility of catastrophe? Or even a l-in-ten chance of
killing you?
I believe it is criminally negligent to dismiss such high odds of
social chaos. Sure, some of my findings are "gloomy." They can even
make people in denial uncomfortable.
Reality isn't for everyone ... but accepting it is great for your peace
of mind. And the good news is you don't need to go overboard to
increase your margins of safety.

Reality Isn't for Everyone So Be Ready

to Steer Clear of These People in a Crisis
Remember, your mental state always matters more than "just money" when
crisis strikes.
I say embrace simplicity -- because it works and is your best safety move.
Here's part of what's turned left-wing elitists and billionaires into
high-end preppers ... they pay attention.
At a recent global summit on Capitol Hill, Avi Schnurr gave a
disturbing talk called "Historical, civilization-level risks in times
in rapid transition."
It was the Eighth Annual World Summit on Infrastructure Security . . ..
Schnurr said:
"The rapidly growing interconnection and interdependency of our
critical infrastructures - at nearly every level - has led to
increased efficiencies and expanded economic growth. On the other
hand, these interdependencies now make it possible cascading
failures of multiple infrastructures an ever increasing concern."
So all this official "talk" is a good thing, right?
Lots of government agencies and "Non-Governmental Organizations" making
plans to rescue you and me - and we can count on them if expected
attacks against Internet - controlled power and water grids shutter
America from coast to coast.
Well, NO.
Author of "Lights On" -- Jeffery Yago -- says Black Sky exercises
are all about the continuity of bureaucrats' and their regulatory,
enforcement and taxing powers .... but in no way is this about defending
the people.
And that's the rub .... rich elitists don't buy fairy tales ... they know
not to rely on EARTHEX2017 preparation exercises to safeguard their

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Don't Worry: You Now Have a
Secret Weapon of Your Own.
I've developed a cheap insurance policy of my own. No corporate jets to
exotic foreign compounds ... or moving my office into an old ICBM missile
~. silo ... or even buying the other half of Montana.
It's called The Social Chaos Survival Guide-- and it's for people like
us .... who understand the importance of taking common-sense, modest and
inexpensive precautions TODAY - all because you don't want to become a
statistic later.
Social Chaos Survival Guide is an information-packed compendium of
critical information and strategies -- to cope with widespread social
chaos .... this "HOW-TO" manual is designed for thinking Americans ...
... people seeking sensible, cost-effective alternatives to ensuring
their safety in an "every-man-for-himse l f" scenario of national

At Last: Social Upheaval Insurance

That's Realistic and Cheap
Make no mistake, the planners of EARTHEX2017 "Dark Sky" exercises
project large numbers of casualties - especially among urban dwellers
trapped in the early first stages of national panic.
I specifical l y designed this manual to make modest common-sense steps to
be prepared for what the masses think is "unthinkable."
Even with the "best-case" government scenario forecasting massive
social pandemonium in these Dark Sky exercises, The Social Chaos
Survival Guide is the very best insurance policy that money can buy.
If you read it careful l y and p l an accordingly, it will prepare you
to deal with most Dark Sky Exercise scenarios. There are LOTS of
potential triggers for massive social chaos -- and this manual gives
you a real cost-effective plan to ride it out safely.
The Social Chaos Survival Guide lays out a comprehensive, doable and
financially sensible plan. It puts you many steps ahead to survive any
social emergency.

At Last! A Tested System That

Armors All Aspects of Your Life
Look, I totally get that my system to exempt your family from social
chaos is not for everyone. But I have never been infected by the need

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to be all things to all people.
You walk away with smart, ahead-of-the-curve, practical approaches to
the most vexing financial, medical, and privacy chal l enges we all face
That's because my Social Chaos Survival Guide is built from the ground
up for discreet and discerning individuals - like-minded people we need
more of ... savvy Americans who want to be able to "blend in" and be
left untouched by social upheaval all around them.
I designed The Social Chaos Survival Guide to stand your ground in
a crisis -- without attracting attent ion or danger to your family.
Smart, discrete ideas -- it's important to steer clear of angry mobs
and emergency responders. You do not want be assaulted or detained in
all the confusion.

Blending in to avoid attention -- while being ready for

anything -- is a whole lot safer and more practical than
abandoning your home and living in the woods, don't you
Let tell you more about the critica l MUST -KNOW subjects covered in this
exhaustively researched manual. They i n clude:
10 Key Warning Signs of Impending Martial Law
No amount of preparation will sav e you unless you train yourself to
recognize the warning signs of imp e nding martial law at least 48-
72 hours before panic sets in amo ng the general population. Once
people start to overwhelm ATMs, s u permarkets and pharmacies, you
must be several steps ahead of them. The Social Chaos Survival
Guide shows you how to steer clear of danger areas.
No Silver Coins for Barter? Here's 25
Easily-Acquired Items You Can Hoard Now
You don't necessarily have to bury a h u ge cache of silver coins in
your back yard to weather trouble. It would certainly help to use
silver in barter, but there are alternat i ve items you can trade for
in a national emergency . This section gives you a l aundry list of
inexpensive, easi l y obtainable household items that would be in
great demand in a barter situation.
Yes, this report tells you how to get co i ns without being ripped
off, but these inexpensive items may be in even MORE demand than
precious metals. It's worth your time to read through th i s
Medical Basics for Times of National Emergency
I know there are lots of cheapie medica l kits out there but frankly
most are garbage. Useless to you in a real situation. This section

- 12 -
of Social~ s~~fa~G~tLes you the inside skinny on how to
cope with medical service disruptions. A practical guide for real

--- ---
and greater medica~ self-reliance is a mu art of my manual.
o~ Most Likel "Pearl Harbors" Our Hi h
Societ Faces ht Now
society in all of global history has become so totally de
on the internet as the United States. This section of Social
Survival Guide walks you through 10 of the most likely Pearl
scenarios to make yourself aware of.
Remember, just three short years before 9- 11 , my publication
pecifically warned about the coming attack against the World
~ in downtown Manhattan. Anti-American fanatics want to
a form of social attack. Pay at
will guide you big-time i
and planning.
Eight Simple Ways to Buck Mayhem Without Attracting Attention
Large segments of the U.S. population are conditioned to government
handouts. Many will settle scores with those they see as the
"oppressor class." If social chaos breaks out, these people will
expect you to give them what is yours. We've developed a critical
8 step program for protecting your family in ways that won't draw
attention or make you a target.
100 Steps to Great Self-Reliance While Staying in the Mainstream
As publisher of Independent Living, I have no intention of quitting
my work or moving to the sticks. Social Chaos Survival Guide shows
you how to be independent while staying in the mainstream. (And
continue to enjoy all the conveniences of modern life.) Before
rushing out and buying survival gear you should first read every
page. This small investment of your time helps you form a truly
outstanding emergency plan tailor-made for your family's needs.
And more _importan t , save you tens of thousands of dollars while
adding genuine security to your homestead.
Special Report: 10 S!mPle But Key Steps to Total News Independence
I can't stress this enough: When crisis hits America, the vast
major ity will be completely dependent on government-run news. There
are other ways to understand on-the-ground situations too, such as
getting a CB radio and listening in on truckers. Here's what to do
TODAY to begin getting a true picture. VERY important in the event
of an EMP-attack that takes down the power grid.
25 Basic Items Each Household Should Have
Ask any hurricane victim. Once public panic sets in your options
to escape or get what you desperately need vanish like the morning
mist. This section of Social Chaos Survival Guide provides you with

- 13 -
a check l ist of basic tools every household sho uld h a v e (eve n when
there is n o emergency) . Ignore t hi s simp le p r ec a u ti o n at your own
peril .
In addition to the vital life - saving t ips covere d a b ove, t he Social
Chaos Survival Guide also includes vital , li f e -s a v in g cos t -e f fective
guidance :
• TO FLEE OR NOT TO FLEE - The pros and cons of hunkering down or
evacuating your home.
• The do's and don'ts of safety deposit boxes- get this wrong at
your own peril.
• Easy-to-procure medicines you must stock up on today while you can.
• REVEALED: The myth of benevolent government looking out for you in
an emergency
• Inside tips on how planning authorities compile lists of ~trouble­
makers" to be scheduled for detention in the event civil liberties
are suspended.
• Crucial tips on plotting your all-important escape route
• Secret government plans to issue ~script" that makes your cash-
stash useless overnight. Know the coming signs of this happening
• Why you should NEVER, NEVER deduct the cost of a safe deposit box
on your taxes
• Secret tricks for short-circuiting a hostile insurance company

What You Want. What You Need.

And What You Deserve.
I n my Social Chaos Survival Guide, I spell o u t in s t ep - by - s tep
de t ail . ..
~ perhaps the most essential surviva l skill of a ll - h ow to not o nl y
lock in , but actually incre ase the buying p ower o f your retirement
asse t s
~ how to discreetly secure your future access to aff ordable, top -
notch medicine , far beyond what polit ically di recte d "insuran ce
benefits" are rat i oned out to you
~ lower your personal and financial profil e .... ke e p i ng yo u one s t ep
ahead o f our political overlords - the army of sno ops , moochers,
taxers , regu l ators , and slick legal operators wh o seek to undo
the 2016 election, end free speech and a s sault righ t -thi n k i ng

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Revealed Here: A Totally Verboten Subject

That Could Be Do-or-Die For Your Family.
In what I consider the most sensitive content of all, this one-of-a-
kind blockbuster manual is the national go-to resource on a totally
"verbo ten" subject.
It's something they simply don't teach anywhere else.
Namely, how to prepare yourself to function in what many at the
pinnacles of state power deride as the "underground economy."
An underground economy here in America?
Le t me just stop here for a minute ... I really need to explain this
Yes. An underground economy already exists, and it is huge and growing.
Because millions of people's retirement assets have been decimated
after the Obama years. Plus public employee pension systems all over
the country are now on the verge of sudden collapse.

A Critical Skill Set Liberals Want to

Criminalize. Get This One Done Now Before
It Becomes Totally Illegal.
So Americans are increasingly embracing direct barter (privately
trading services, skills and merchandise), as well as private
transactions denominated in re liable alternative currencies - - such as
precious metals. One of the reports I plan to send you includes my
very best suggestions for starting your own "off-grid" businesses - no
Internet needed.
Let ' s just leave it like this for now .... while the information I want
to send you about America's underground barter economy could be used to
opt out of some lawful taxes, I do not advocate breaking any laws.
My motivation is to teach you how to get the things you need - in the
event of a total collapse in social order or a bond market or pension
debt crisis or unexpected war.

This Single Fact Could

Save Your Family's Bacon.
I've worked through the barter issue carefully. You won't find anything

- 15 -
resembling my practical how- to information on the topic anywhere else.
Here's a preview of the forbidden knowledge you reap .. .
~ The private way to make a great d e al - and an essentia l s kill t o
develop now so you can keep functioning if the dollar cras he s o r
the ATM network goes down.
~ All about the most timeless, most universal form of money-
essential to any upscale barter kit .
~ Another item that will get especially e xpensive . I t could be an
excellent investment, will al wa y s b e in demand , and can be used as
barter ... plus it's readil y ava il a b le now in most a n y U. S . c ity or
town, but sure to be scarce as hen s ' teeth in a crisis .
~ 8 top websites for bartering g oods and services , go i ng WAY beyo n d
eBay and Craigslist .
~ There's another item you may want to obtain what has been used as
a form of money in various underg r ound micro-economies throughout
the world ( including the U. S.) . It' s easily obtained, fits
in you r pocket , and is sure to be in h igh demand by certain
population segments in times of s upp l y -chain disruptions .

Avoid Market Instability and

Feather Your Nest Too.
My Social Chaos Survival Guide tells you everything you need to do to
safely and efficiently diversify out of doll ar- denominated assets .
~ How to secure safe, stable inves t ment s i n business-friendly,
property-rights-respecting, reso ur ce -rich c ountries - Do this
while you still can.
~ How to safely buy and sell your prec iou s metals discreetl y. Fo r
now, this is legal -- with no gover nmen t re porting -- i f you
follow my suggestions.
~ The easiest, most practical, and most co st -effective wa y to
accumulate silver.
~ The most recognized, easily exchanged, re l at ively sta ble
currencies ... suitable for staying liqu i d without bei ng tied to
the dollar.
~ 3 precious metals besides gold and si lver o fferin g the gre a t es t
profit potential.
All of these steps are, of course, completel y l ega l a t thi s time.

- 16 -
It May Be Legal for Now,
But Keep This Private.
No matter what -- it's in your best interests to keep these types of
financial moves private.
Okay - in case this all seems too complicated, just think of my social
chaos mega-manual as a
Boy Scout guide for grown-ups - packed with thousands of great life-
changing ideas.
Get the upper hand in your life at last -- my Social Chaos Survival
Guide does that for you and lots more ...
~ If you ever have to hire a lawyer or need legal advice, get a copy
of this "cheat sheet" reference book. Attorneys use it when they
don't know how to resolve your issue - cuts down on your need for
~ Most doctors won't admit it, but when you complain of symptoms,
they frequently check their Merck Manuals to identify the problem
and prescribe medicine.
~ Here's how to get a layman's version of the Merck Manual ...
just in case you have a medical issue with no ready access to a
doctor. A must for the self-reliant household.
~ Before you hire an "expert" on offshore financial instruments, make
sure you visit these two ALL-FREE websites - they hand you vital
inside information without you spending a dime.

You Won't Find This Anywhere Else

and May Not See This Ever Again.
~ How and why to set up a "weekend retreat" location -- complete
with total personal security and sweet tax advantages .... just take
the simple steps my manual shows you .
~ Homemade wine and beer may seem like a hassle, but not anymore.
This might be a useful sideline for someone in your family . Let me
show you the latest breakthroughs. You can make, drink, or even
trade what you brew. Think what this skill could mean in times of
~ Don't let anyone tell you that speeding and parking fines aren't
a big deal for state and local agencies. The city of Seattle
(population 617,000) hauls in $21.5 million a year from parking
tickets alone!
My manual explains what to do if you are pulled over, ticketed , or

- 17 -
dragged into traffic court. Use respect and some charm to work your way
out of fines, points, and convictions. Some law-enforcement friends
made these suggestions to me ... . that's all I can say.

Make the IRS Pay for Your

Family's Emergency Water Supply.
~ Buy a water cooler and take water as a "business expense." You
need a minimum 3-week supply of drinkable water i n your house at
ALL times!
~ How to make your own antibiotics in the privacy of your home.
~ Where to obtain the little - known natura l protein DMG, which
has strong potential to help you survive an anthrax or other
biological attack.
~ Convert old cell phones into emerge n cy location devices for
everyone in your tribe.
~ Umbrella policies are uber - cheap -- yet an effective barrier
against disastrous, wealth-destr oyi ng lawsui ts . Only a few simple
steps on this one.
~ The importance of 12 - volt chargers and 110-volt converters so you
can recharge computers, flashligh t s, and other essentials using the
cigarette lighter in your car.
My Social Chaos Survival Guide gives you e v erything you need to reclaim
your autonomy, safeguard and build wha t 's yours, and make provisions
for first-rate medical care.
It contains a thousand other smart, savvy steps to protect yourself and

Don't Count on Me for Anything

But Practical Stuff You Can Use.
I don't teach "tin ha t" end of the world " survivalist" stuff. For me,
it's all about coaching you to armor your priva c y, fina n ce s, personal
security, healthcare and all other ways t o nav igate da ngerous time s.
You are not going to see me on so-called r e a lity TV s hows .... or mock
preppers. It is a semi-free country after a ll .... b ut you just do n't
need to go to extremes to protect yourself fr om ex t reme s.
Blue collar workers, entrepreneurs, investors, high-tech professionals,
and lots more - all making discrete, smart prep ara tions -- against
social chaos, martial law , and other extreme si tua tions.

- 18 -
Who knows what can happen if the Swamp wins and the 2016 election is
invalidated? And even if that doesn't happen, it's not going to be
long before extremists get back into power.
Now is the time to get ready for that moment. Former White House aide
Steve Bannon estimates that Donald Trump has a mere one in three chance
of surviving his first term.
Teaching savvy self - reliance to smart, upscale people is not a "job"
r to me. It is what I do and how I live. It is the very best occupation
on the planet - because helping individualists become more autonomous
improves our nation.

Some Survivalist Nuts Hate My

Upscale Approach So Sorry!
As author of the Social Chaos Survival Guide and founder of Independent
Living newsletter , I need to tell you something important .... sometimes
people get upset.
For all my talk of freedom and politics, I'm not what you would call a
survivalist. I like rocks in my scotch .... and don't believe in hiding
in the woods. Or building compounds or dropping out of society.
My longer time readers know I personally investigate survive-in-the-
wilderness lifestyles .... even helicoptering to an upscale secret
mountain millionaires-only emergency hideaway for a personal tour. It
was beyond amazing, by the way, but not a practical path forward for
most of my readers.
Everything I am about is helping right-thinking people to become more
self-reliant. Modern-day self-reliance is a movement that cuts across
freedom-loving Americans of every stripe. And the more of us who join
in, the better.

Just Say "No" to

This Big, Fat Stupid Lie.
We've now reached a point where some cannot take that last step.
Because it involves saying NO to one very big fat lie: That taking
simple steps to ride out social chaos makes you an extremist or a
survivalist nut.
Billionaires don't advertise that they are spooked or spending big on
survivalism. Dark Sky exercises aren't going to intrude into the world
of Twitter.
Never be defensive about stepping up for your loved ones. People who

- 19 -
scoff and dismiss your thinking end up begging for help in a crisis.
But don't hold it against them -- it is part of an engrained mindset.
Remember too - lots of good people are paralyzed by an insi dious do-
nothing mentality ... it holds that the world must first be "coming-to-an-
end" before you step up and take charge of your life .
And that's probably the biggest lie of all .
Too many otherwise right-thinking people are slow to become more self-
reliant because of these infamous falsehoods.
Listen: sitting on the sidelines is not what I want for you or anyone
else in my family . You deserve much more than that.
So, please, absolutely don't blame yourse lf if you've fallen int o this
common trap of paralysis and inacti on.
Because I assure you, it is not your f ault. Even more important , it is
not too late to get started. You have tota lly come to the right place.
It's now on you to act, or not .
All of my action-oriented informatio nal products are researched for my
own use , and for my extended family of sub scribers.
To sum it all up, Social Chaos Survival Guide is based on a credo that
we must accept and embrace the fact that we are on our own.
That we must actively protect and a dvance our interests .
That it is up to us to preserve, protect, and defend what's ours .
And that if we don't do it, no one else will .
All of the materials I publish have a dist inctive "action-oriented"

This Underground Smash

Hit Manual Can Be Yours for a Pittance.
Were I to make this highly specialized manual on asserting your self-
reliance available to the general publ ic, the price wou l d be $399 or
Yes, that price falls well within the range for many specia lty
investment reports and financial newsle tters.
But in the interest of getting the word out to right-thinking Ame ricans
li ke you -- who see the trouble ahead and want to do something t o
prepare themselves-- I've arranged a far better dea l ...
I know many Independent Living readers are on a fix ed budget. You don't
have the resources of left-wing billionaires who are making urgent

- 20 -
plans to bug out of America.
I've set aside a smal l number of Social Chaos Survival Guide manuals
for readers on a fixed income.
If you act now you don't have to pay $399 to get my Social Chaos
Survival Guide. I won ' t ask for $299, or even $199.
You need this information. I 've budge te d to relea se 75 Premium Print
copies of Social Chaos Survival Guide for l ess than $159, or even $99.
If you are among t he first to order Social Chaos Survival Guide Premium
Print Edition , I ' ll send it for $79. BUT you must respond no later
than December 29th to make th is request.
AND if you are among the first 25 to respond, I throw in another bonus:
A 1-Hour i nterview with me about my very best ins ider secrets f or:
• Get private superior medical care without insurance.
• Smart off-grid business opportun iti es without using a computer.
• My best secret home defense t ip s.
• My secret estimate of Donald Trump's c han ces of survival .
• Amazing legal secrets that make you king of the system. MY BEST
This EXTRA FREE BONUS INTERVIEW wi th me comes on a confidential
transcript . Everything is included f o r $79 if you are a mong the first
25 to order.
Please accept my ZERO-RISK offer now. You get a rare, un ce nsored
edition of my Social Chaos Survival Guide.
Too ho t to handle for the Internet ... it's too politically incorrect!
VERY poli t ically incorrect - Facebook or Google would never approve.
Social Chaos Survival Guide i s a fu ll -sca le how - to manual inspired by
heroic Los Angeles reside nt s - the Asian shop keepe rs who t hwar ted
racist mobs "hunt ing" them during the 1 992 riots .
These unsun g heroes crea t ed a defensive sphere around their shops and
families-no one brutalized them f or being the "wrong" skin color or for
b e ing successful -- and no rioters got hurt ei ther .
Sadly, LA residents wh o gave up their guns and trusted "the Man" to
save them fr om marauders go t their heads bashed in.
That 's what true freedom is -- defending what's yours with dignity ....
and without harming anyone o r getting harmed.
Let me stress that this is the UNCENSORED PRINT-ONLY VERSION -- 100+
pages of polit i cal l y-forbidden ways to lay l ow and r ide out social

- 21 -
Don't look for this uncensored edition on the web - even Amazon's
conten t -he isting specialists haven't gotten their grubb y little hands
on it.
FINAL WARNING: Much of your Social Chaos Survival Guide ' s content is
politically incor rect.

Why You Can't or Won't See This

Sensitive Report on the Internet - EVER
So be extra careful who you show it to don't pass around yo ur
uncensored Social Chaos Survival Guide to insult-sensi tive si ssies or
political bedwetters.
It's not for their eyes. That's why you will NEVER see the REAL Social
Chaos Survival Guide on the Inte rne t - noth ing close t o the FULL
version, ever.
Your copy of Social Chaos Survival Guide is all about ahe a d -of-the-
curve planning.
Leverage the system to your advantage- shield what's your s --draw
less attention to yourself.
Get clued in to your best medical care ... see exciting medica l
breakthroughs millionaires and U.S . Senators enjoy ... but t h a t your
family won't see for years -- if ever.

Beat the Rat Race With

Smarter Living Strategies
Remember, the Republican Senate saved Obamacare. That's because they
have their own platinum plated care .... and don't give a darn what they
condemn us to.
Learn all the backdoor ways you can still get awesome medical care.
They exist, I promise you.
Get the most out of your tax planner. Don't be taken to t he cleaners
by insurance interests.
Live high on the hog as yo u near and get into retirement .
Events are unfolding at lightning speed ... lock in this gre a t offer now!
Your uncensored Social Chaos Survival Guide is FULLY GUARANTEE D.
You really don't have to commit to spending any mon e y today . . .
... because you have up to one full year to get every penny back if

- 22 -
Social Chaos Survival Guide does not live up to and exceed your

Your Moment of Maximum

Decision is Here and I Believe in You.
You are set to change how everyone sees you by embracing my system for
personal greater se l f-reliance.
I want to stress that Independent Living newsletter and all my
must-read reports are NOT mass-based market products. They were
not created and developed by some "employee" of the publisher.
Or by someone who is enslaved to Wall Street, beholden to media
giants, or is not skeptical of power-seekers. I make sure each
Independent Living is the best I can make it. And I stand by that
100%. You are getting your guarantee from me, Lee Bellinger,
personally. I stand behind every word here. I sat down and wrote
this very letter to you on a yellow legal pad before it was put
into this print version you are now reading. This message is from
my heart. This offer is the very best one I can make. My warnings
to you are sincere and earnest.

I Have Faith in You and Total Confidence

You Will Protect Your Family.
You have everything to gain by getting my Social Chaos Survival Guide,
while the strategies it offers are ST I LL l egal.
Millions of people could suddenly be exposed to blackouts that last for
Big events are coming - don't let the mayhem caused by unprepared
people become a threat to those you are looking over.
Survive and prosper by acting now.
Your moment of decision is here. I can't and won't take this offer
any further because I've done everything reasonable to get you this
uncensored edition of Social Chaos Survival Guide. A reduced one-time
only price. And an extra bonus that's quite extraordinary and valuable
to you. A great manual, and even a year to change your mind.

I Can Only Give You So Much -

The Next Step Has to Be Yours.
I am crossing my fingers and hoping you make the right decision. I want
you in my family of readers and have done everything I can to bring you

- 23 -
on board. I am certain no stone has b ee n l ef t untu r ned . This is all I
can do.
The rest must be up to you . It is now y our responsi b i l i ty to act, or
not .
No matter your decision, please do ta ke e xtreme care as yo u move
forward in these dangerous times . And go o d lu ck t o us a ll !
Yours in Freedom, Lee Bellinger

Founder and Publisher, Independent Living
P . S . For readers on a limited budget I have set aside a fe w remaining
Premium Edition copies of my must -read Social Chaos Survival Guide.
For the first readers who contact u s , you g et a steep di scount fo r
taking action. Instead of paying $ 399, I' ll send you a c omplete,
unabridged Social Chao s Surv i val Guide fo r $79 . If yo u are a mong the
first 25 to order, you get a confident ial t ranscript of a private br iefing
from me on even more sensitive issue s ... that are too h ot to h a n d l e for
Internet transmission.


Order now by using the enclosed order
for.m or by calling 1-877-371-1807.
Mention Code #LNA01217

- 24 -


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Social Chaos is a growing threat as society continues to break down. Be among
the first readers to respond and you qualify for a SUPER DUPER OFFER below.
I've set aside a small quantity of steeply discounted manuals for readers on a fixed
income who want to get ready for social chaos. You have up to a year to change
your mind. Please respond right away because these manuals will go fast. - Lee
As a reward for renewing/extending my
subscription to Independent Living for 1 My Personal Iron-Clad Guarantee:
year at the normal rate of $139, I get your If you are not fully satisfied (highly unlikely) with
$79 Social Chaos Survival Guide manual and your subscription and decide you do not want it, just
send back the manual within a year for a refund.
your confidential briefing transcript FREE.
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Lee I acted swiftly - so please send me that
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confidential transcript of your thoughts on even more
sensitive issues .... ones that are too hot to handle for Amount$ _ _ __ Check No. _ __ _
Internet transmission. Charge My:

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