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Name : Noor Wahidah

NIM : P1337420220025

Class : 1A



This is a conversation between a patient and a nurse in a hospital where the patient has been

Nurse : Did you call me?

Patient : (Speaks with some discomfort) Yes, I did. I’ve body ache and mild fever

since I woke up this morning.

Nurse : Let me check.

(The nurse checks the patient’s temperature and blood pressure.)

Nurse : You may have mild fever, but your blood pressure is normal. Nothing to
worry about. The doctor will come on morning round between 9:30 and
10:00 AM. Tell him about this when he is here. In the meantime, you can
have your breakfast.

Patient : Ok, thank nurse.

Nurse : You re welcome.

(Then, the nurse talks to the family and patient)

Family : Are there more tests the patient to undergo and when the patient may be

Nurse : Like I said before, blood test on fasting state will be take tomorrow, and the
patient may be discharged most likely day after tomorrow. However, doctor
will speak the final call on the discharge date.

Family : What is the discharge process?

Nurse : In the morning on discharge day, you should first clear all dues with the
accounts department. Thereafter, the doctor will done to you on post-
discharge care and hand over a discharge report. The process will easily take
60-90 minutes.

Patient : Nurse, I’m having trouble adjusting the inclination of the bed. Can you

show me how to do it?

Nurse : Sure, here you go. Anything else?

Patient : No, thank you.

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