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Alexa-Rae P.

RLE – Surgical Wing
Ma’am Matilde Latorre, RN, MN
December 16, 2019

Journal Reading
“Ostomy Care at Home”


This article is important in that it explains the important process after a

colostomy is done. A very dire part in having a colostomy procedure done is the care
that comes with it. Several factors come together that helps a patient with a
colostomy. These include patient and family engagement. It is difficult for a patient
to adjust to their new ostomy; which can negatively affect their self-image.
Therefore, as nurses, we must educate and collaborate with the patient and their
family on how to live with this new change. The nurse must provide knowledge for
the patient along with their family and/or caregiver how to manage colostomy care
and when to seek a health care professional for any complications. As nurses, not
only do we provide physical care, but also mental and emotional care for our


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