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COOK ‘DISCOVERS’ AUSTRALIA + MAGELLAN'S ROUND-THE-WORLD VOYAGE on ges? ca BY Mare Vikor Fs ee nak Welcome ‘The world is a small place. At least, it used to be. Imagine a map, where the borders of Europe are detailed and defined, but the fringes of Africa ‘and Asia are barely sketched out. They simply faded into nothingness. [As for the Americas and Australasia? Forget it. ‘The Age of Discovery changed all that. Europeans set out to explore the globe, encountering advanced civilisations, beautiful buildings, and riches galore as they went. They shaded in their maps with new continents, and filled their treasuries with plundered wealth. In All About History Age of Discovery, you'll meet the men responsible {for colonising the globe, learn how major religions gained millions more faithful followers, and examine the profound consequences of European. ‘exploration that still resonate today. j Tee 4 L FUTURE 4 r Diséovery 4 6 20 26 28 36 38 Before Columbus Discover 13 explorers fom around the globe who existed before Christopher columbus wie is the Age nar how te Agee Discovery beg The Portuguese Em ‘Why a poor county onthe edge of urope began wo colonise the world The Spanish Empire Seeing neighbours success, Spain tare crossing the ocean too Americas Timeline Fellow al teint people who June ded in amerea cough me Christopher Columbus ‘th pnd hee Wa Asailor for Columbus Deckscrabing snd ca shanties wer all part ofa day's work for Climbs overvorked sare The fall of the Aztec Empire ‘he anval of Europeans in conta America foreshadeed the en fr the mighy Ac people 48 49 50 52 62 66 68 72 Anatomy of... a comcaiaraniae See how Spanish and Portuguese soldiers were protected from attack How to make... hardtack Life aboard ship wasnt as especialy when these biscuits were the staple of you diet Gobelow deckin one ofthe most nimble ship ofthe era Ferdinand Magellan Experience the dramatic fst cirurmnavigation ofthe lobe Asia Vasco da Gama ‘The turbulent life ofthe man who sa atacovered the sea route nda ef Se aN Portugue: ( How to survive in Southeast Asia's wealthiest trading port Alfonso de e This bet Portugues aristocrat conquered Goa and opened up trade in Asa for beter or for wore Zheng He ‘The Chinese Muslim cansch who explored much of Asa. spreading Chinese care and.cstons -/_ Contents 78 Nanban Trade 108 ee Japan ist interactions with BBuropeans were fl of treachery Saga a vers Oe ‘on these land, and the Europeans 86 Yermak ‘et the advanced culture they built Timofeyevich ThetersoneCrsod vhoopned 14 Captain Cook up Siberia to the Russian Empine Suet pn ne Africa DB egacy Henry the 120 Origins of the Navigator y __slave trade coc 124 The of 98 Bartolomeu Dias The Legacy “The fst man to round the Cape of Good Tipe barely knew hed done it (ur planet sil grapples with the ater effecs ofthe Age of Discovery ‘The Age of Discovery paved the way for something even darker ~savery Oceania 102 Discovering Australia ow Europeans stumbled upon the Gres Land othe South Age of Discovery a 3 Explorations BC ? ee RR Before Columbus Christopher Columbus was not the first person to go in search of adventure - exploration’s long history stretches back to early man =~ wiritenby Scott Reeves == Gs PONS Cia uo SeeeD CO To 1a ee Pee route to Punt en en ee een ston ee rer er ees $ Reconnaissance of Scylax Tally ns Pytheas’s Tall Tales Age of Discovery - ate + Mission of Zhang Qian spfas BCE, Coral Ae ‘Zhang ins expedion to the western ands did tot tart we. Emperor Ws oped thats tsted ‘tay offer, accompanied 15799 men, would make tact wth ef es Band forge an atiance Spat the rovbleome Dngnu, However, Zhang needed travel though ey tery fst and was Soon captured He escaped, tut only ater decade ad pase Zhang continued on hs misionundetered but once he made tothe land he Ya he found gama sel graran soy tat ad no dese to tear up agaist the Nor nstead, Zhang spent a year ocuraning ite Cet Asi ans surounags. nud the Paton tnd Seed empires, before eting of home, The unfortunate explorer wae tured again by the Nong and hel for farther wo years sneaking Js] _2¥ay curing ining folowing the death ofthe Kong eset. Only hang an is guide mace back to Changan nadeth Xz) fom the 100 eno had ut out yar belre Trial een os fut do toh double aptre and faire to cement an stance, Zhan’ expen was wed more postvely once the fmpeor ad His court eased the vale ofthe cetaled information he had lated tured wth. Subsequent rade masons mean that Znangs were the fst Chinese stepson hat woud become the Sik Road Acc ce Laie saa oy Zhang ia turned China wit new fret of hore nd parts nluding rapes and aaa — Pilgrimage of Hyecho “Only Zhang and his guide made it back to Chang’an from the 100 men who had set out 13 years before” +» —6 Ibn Fadlan’s Diplomatic Mission —«- 199, Cond Basie ry eee ete ean LO) eee erred eee ae ee poeneaee renter ea) Reiereneerrent renner ay Peete oe ee eee ie eee eee ena) Pe ei ae per tera eee ei "Te people bn Fadan described as the Rus Te tees td Pier enepier eine Ere toeetr erecta ints Pt erty inane pee eae eee ee es Poa eee enter ne Le rte reer) creitnemematr reer Pee eee Peeeeet emer Peo teens Pierre Before Columbus Age of Discovery Vikings in Vinland 1000-10 Nath Amie bec the fist know European to fot on North erica (excl Grevand oe to 2 Ving settlement that was actualy is tended Gesteaton. son was charged wih nzeducng, ‘tant to Greenland bythe King of Noraay 2 seeming abundant ne na He rescued two Shipureced linge and sed to Greenon, bit tna determined to return tos new ecovery the weet th fl expedition ‘According to the Saga of Ek the ed and the tothe New Word overwintered aby th Denil slnon and foun thatthe rounding [and was covered with grapevines hence the nae inna Achaologsts have ascoveted 2 Viking ‘ip of Newondand though ths might have been 3 waypoint for voyages and Las cmp may hove been further south nthe Gi of Lawrence Enea retuned t9 Grensnd aden with grapes 2d timber and seringly ved off the pots fe the est of hie Me. Other Vang fallawed in hie footsteps but se atepts to ete a eter ‘Vind fled when they came into conic wth ‘he Nate Americans. Only 500 years tar would oe Discovery of New Zealand nen Corte ecard Eero Pte rata err eyes ‘he sland hoppers sted 9 Soest ey Cen tad Pee ea largest lands were sported corey Pore cf the Maon people, the Kivi Pena Deena eo ek eee! eee eee teen reno Pe eae nn et geen ee ee ee ere Pre at ec ere rcs eee eee el ference eticy Pe eee et aed ee ee etre Peer eet erent en enn Terr Fever ter eer eter ner tats ae ec enone Poe ee erent cpr eet ee Sema eet rete neti oe ae = Before Columbus Adventures of Ibn Battuta Vika and Ase Disappearance of Abu Bakr Age of Discovery nthe early 15th century, Portugal was a poor country stuck out on the edge ‘ofthe world, hundreds of miles away JZ. from anything. The Mediterranean ) remained what its Latin name proclaimed it tobe: the centre of the ‘world. The Italian maritime republics, Venice and Genoa, had monopolies over the vastly Iucrative trade withthe East. I was income fom ‘this trade that allowed the Venetians to build 3 city of marvels floating upon the water. an image ‘ofthe source oftheir wealth. ll the Portuguese tnad was the ocean, the endless world ocean tha according tothe geographer Ptolemy, enclosed allthe lands ofthe word, possibly continuing ‘without end. What made things worse for Portugal hopes. ‘of becoming part ofthis lucrative rade was that, according to Ptolemy, the Indian Ocean, the | There’s a Wo Out There How the Age of Discovery began ~~ Writtenby Edoardo Albert = - fable sea that produced most of the high-value goods ofthe world, was landlocked, The most ‘eminent authority of antiquity averzed that the Portuguese might sll othe ends ofthe worl and sti never gain acces to the pots trading pepper and gold and silk. They were stuck forever with only ocean as thelr western boundary, But {ough a concerted, generation spanning effort that required the whole hearted suppor of the Portuguese crown, this small, poor nation 50 oor that at the star ofthe great enterprise the King of Portugal was too poor to mint gold coins ~ fundamentally changed the nature of the weld siving birth tothe global, interconnected world in ‘which we ive tay. ‘Toachiove this the Portuguese made use ‘of numberof discoveries; some indigenous, others borrowed. Fundamental among these ere compasses, imported from China via Arab traders, and the caravel, developed in Portugal, the revolutionary ship design that opened up the Alantic Ocean to Portuguese explorers by allowing sallrs to sil windward by beating tacking backwards and forwards at an ange to the prevalling oncoming wind. Caraels were fast and manoeuvrable, with angular Taten sails Allowing them to sail windward while the square- rigged sails gave them speed before the wind, Prince Henry the Navigator was the Portaguese prince who fist coordinated Portuguese efforts to explore down the west coast of Africa. Henry ‘hoped both to find a route to the Indian Ocean and to make contact with the legendary Prester Sohn, who was aid to rule a gest Christian ‘kingdom in the east. The Portuguese had fought a centuries ong struggle to reclaim their land fom Musim invaders. Now Henry aimed to ‘utflank the Muslim world, claim its lucrative Indian Ocean spice trade and make an alliance ‘with Prester Jon, To that end, Henry sponsored asuccession of voyages down the coast of ‘Atca, each marking a new southely furthest, point before runing with geographical and navigational information fr other navigators

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