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Today I am at the park. Here is a pic of it.

As you can see there are many things

happening or many people doing different leisure or outdoor activities. For
instance, just in front of me there is a young man walking his dog on the
grass. Also, there are two girls using the paved track of the park .
One of them is jogging and the other one is riding a bike on the opposite direction.
Besides, there is a middle aged woman doing yoga . Additionally, there
is an athletic man jumping a rope and there are two girls standing
near a bench and talking. Of course it is me in the park taking photos of
people and chatting with you through the Whatsapp. There is a beautiful sun
shining and there are some clouds moving slow with the wind .
Finally, although you cannot see them, there are some birds chirping
behind me on the tree I am sitting under
Tell me about you
Can you please send a picture of you and tell me what people are doing where you
are now?

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