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‘M/Sem 1/323, Roll No. L4A33M(.0.15... M.A. SEMESTER I EXAMINATION 2014-15 ENGLISH Paper : Course - 4: ENG - 104 : Prose ‘Time : Three hours Saeerne Max. Marks :70 (WRITE YOUR ROLL NO. AT THE TOP IMMEDIATELY ON THE RECEIPT OF THIS QUESTION PAPER) NOTE: ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. THE FIGURES IN THE RIGHT HAND SIDE INDICATE MARKS. CANDIDATES ARE REQUIRED TO WRITE THEIR ANSWERS IN THEIR OWN WORDS AS FAR AS PRACTICABLE. SECTION - A NOTE : LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS TO BE ANSWERED IN ABOUT 500 WORDS EACH. 1. _ Discuss Francis Bacon's dual role as an explorer of knowledge and as a counselor with reference to the essays prescribed. 12 OR Discuss Addison as a critic of contemporary life and manners, Illustrate your views from the essays prescribed se — ener 2, Lamb's essays exemplify a perfect blend of humour and pathos. Discuss with special referent to the essays prescribed. 12 OR Can Carlyle be regarded as a Hero, given the fact that his views on Hero are much different from those that we hold today? Give a reasoned answer. SECTION -B 3. Explain, with reference to the context, any three of the following passages in about 200 words each : 3x6=18 a) _ It is worthy of observing that there is no passion in the mind of man, so weak, but it mates, and masters, the fear of death; and therefore, death is no such terrible enemy, when a, hath so many attendants about him, that can win the combat.of- him. — Revenge triumphs over death; love slights it; honor aspireth to it; grief flieth to it; fear preoccupieth it. b) Men in great place are thrice servants: servants of the sovereign or state; servants of fame; and servants of business. So as they have no freedom; neither in their persons, nor in their actions, nor in their times. It is a strange desire, to seek power and to lose liberty; or to seek power over others, and to lose power over a man's self. P.T.O. ee Coverley Household? = ; ©) We had plenty of exercise and recreation after school hours; and, for myself, I must confess, that I was never happier, than in them. The Upper and the Lower Grammar Schools were held in the same room; and an imaginary line only divided their bounds. Their character was as different as that of the inhabitants on the two sides of the Pyrenees. d) Ina certain sense, I hope it may be said of me that I am a lover of my species. 1 can feel for all indifferently, but I cannot feel towards all equally. The more purely- English word that expresses sympathy, will better explain my meaning: I can be @—— friend to @ worthy man, who upon another account eannot be my mate or fellow. 1 cannot like all people alike. ©) The Hero as Man of Letters again, of which class we are to speak to-day, is altogether a product of these new ages; and so long as the wondrous art of Writing or of Ready-writing which we call Printing subsists, he may be expected to continue as one of the main forms of Heroism for all future ages. SECTION - C 4. Answer any three questions in about 200 words each : 3x6=18 a) — What, according to Bacon, is the relationship between parents and children like? b) What are the social and moral types represented inthe essays "OF the Club" and "The ©) What distinction does Carlyle make between "genuine Men of Letters and not genuine"? Comment. 4) Doyou subscribe to Huxley's view that tragedy and the whole truth are not compatible? ©) Bring out the main ideas expressed inthe essay "Science and War". SEC D ~ 5. Answer the following questions in a word . sentence each : 10x1=10 a) Why does Bacon call death "the wagesof sin"? b) Whats the virtue of adversity? j4= “i abes ©) Which landlord did Addison present asa model in his essays? 4) How long did Lamb remain at Christ's Hospital? ©) Why does Lamb not like Jews? be.» se 1) Why does Russell consider the right 1o ake wat particularly dangends in today’s — world re OETHITI ET aT © 2) Under what pseudonym did Lamb writé his essays? h) What, according to Carlyle, was the highest gospel that Johnson preached? i) "Good tragedy is proof against irony and irrelevance." Who made this remark? "| i) How did Galileo find employment under the Duke of Tuscany? \ see |

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