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Concurrent English 1010

Viewpoint Synthesis Reflection

I had a relatively good experience with this unit and the all-encompassing project that I

am currently working on and revising. The final research project was the most relevant way to

end the unit and did a good job of reflecting the things we have been working on the last few

weeks. For my research essay I chose the topic, "How has the Covid-19 pandemic affected

women's equality?" In the beginning, there were so many topics to choose from and it took me

quite a while to sort through the thousands of potential topics to finally find one that sounded just

right for me.

After the difficult process of finding my topic, I found it even harder to find reliable

sources with varying points of view on the topic. Initially, when discovering my topic, I didn't

think about whether or not it would be easy to find articles with 3 different takes on the subject.

Turns out it would be harder than I imagined. After hours of working on the assignment where

we analyzed each source, I was finally able to find 3 substantial varying arguments about the

topic and convert them into usable sources. I found it hard to cite these sources, however. I

thought I used the correct MLA format until Ms. Turner told me otherwise. I still need to correct

my works cited page. If I had to start this process over again, I would search for more articles

with slightly more drastic perspectives. I think this would add an element of spice to my project

that it doesn't currently have. Although this unit has been tricky in some ways and a pain in the

butt in some ways, I have learned the importance of the reliability of resources. This unit has

perfectly correlated with current world events that have allowed me to see parallels between
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what I've learned throughout this unit, and what I've learned from our country through politics.

Finding reliable sources for information has been more important to our country in the past few

months than ever before. Misinformation spreads like wildfire because of the culture that has

been created by President Trump. I have been able to use the lesson this unit has taught me about

the reliability of sources in my everyday life.

Overall, this unit has improved me as a writer. As with most things, every time I spend

time diving into a subject, I gain valuable experience in that subject. I have most certainly gained

valuable experience with writing this research essay and I'm positive that I will continue to use

what I've learned in this unit in the future. My view of writing in general and my own

experiences with writing remain positive through this experience and I look forward to

improving myself as a writer. As a writer, and as a woman, I felt it was my responsibility to

hopefully inform my readers about the current state of gender equality in our nation. Although I

play a very small part in the issue I wrote about, I believe that even small contributions are

valuable in an important movement such as gender equality.

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