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1/20/2021 Peterson 1

Concurrent English 1010

Letter of Transmittal

Ms. Turner and Audience,

I have learned so much throughout this course! Weekly Threshold Concepts proved to be

a huge part of what I learned and accomplished this term. From concepts about rhetoric to choice

of words, I was able to improve myself as a writer with these kinds of guidelines. The Threshold

Concept that I connected with the most throughout this course was the concept which focused on

context. The main idea of this concept was that the meanings and interpretations of a writer's

work is contingent on the context of the writing itself: who's reading it, the purpose of the work,

and the general position of the work. This idea allowed me to think about my own writing in a

new way and focus more on the way my work was being perceived by readers based on not just

what I thought the writing encompassed or the feeling ​I ​thought my work provoked as the author.

The Threshold Concept that I am still working to understand is called, "Writing is a form of

[ACTION]. Through writing people respond to problems and can create change in the world".

To me, this is a more complex idea which will take me a little longer to fully understand than the

others. Although this concept is tricky for me to understand, there are so many things this I will

be able to take with me and apply after this class is over. Each of the threshold concepts from

this class have impacted my personal writing style in different ways for the better. I am certain

that they will be beneficial to me as a writer in my future endeavors and I'm excited to apply

what I've learned and improve myself as a writer.

Nicole Peterson

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