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Dance and Creativity Channel TEC- Shared screen with speaker view

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Audio Transcript

Chat Messages

Shanti (1 Tech Host)

00:00:14Hello. Welcome to the dance and creativity channel of the embodiment conference we
have an awesome talk coming for you in about 20 minutes with Josh lightly on Vedic finish
way. But in the meantime, we're just going to be working on the tech behind the scenes. So if
you're watching this

 00:00:36As a 48 hour replay. Feel free to go ahead and just fast forward 20 minutes to
get started on the talk. Thank you very much, and enjoy the show.
 00:03:57Alright, looks like we are live.
 00:04:06LOOKS LIKE WE ARE LIVE ON FACEBOOK. Welcome to the dance and
creativity channel of the embodiment conference, we have a talk with Josh Whiteley
 00:04:19On Vedic things Sri coming up in about 15 minutes is sure to be a treat. But in
the meantime, we're just going to be working on tech behind the scenes. So feel free to come
back in about 15 minutes to enjoy the show.
 00:05:03Hey guys, so we're live on Facebook of ready. I just wanted to let you guys
know that. And I've notified.
 00:05:13Those who are watching to kind of tune in about 15 minutes and we're just
working on stuff.

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:05:20Hello. Hello, nice to meet you.

Laura Ward

00:05:23Nice to meet you today.

 00:05:31So yeah, there was a little bit of a drama and it seems to be sorted out that I did
you log in on to

Shanti (1 Tech Host)

00:05:40Again, I started doing that. It's like a backup in case anything goes wrong. I haven't. I
have a ready device.

Laura Ward

00:05:48How you doing chancy

Shanti (1 Tech Host)

00:05:49You're doing pretty good. How are you

Laura Ward


Shanti (1 Tech Host)

00:05:53To see his issue.

Laura Ward

00:05:55We know each other from the embodiment circles, Renee.

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:05:58Ah, I say, Okay, wonderful. So where are you. Where are you based

Laura Ward

00:06:09And I'm in New York.

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:06:12I'm in New Zealand.

Laura Ward

00:06:16So, what time is it there.

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:06:18It is coming up four o'clock in the afternoon.

Laura Ward

00:06:22Yes, it's almost 11 here and 10 there in Chicago PM.

Unknown Speaker


Laura Ward


 00:06:32And I just was looking at UK is going to have a time change.

 00:06:36From Saturday the 23rd. Yeah.
 00:06:41So,
 00:06:43That's exciting.

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:06:44Are they are they going into daylight savings.

 00:06:46Oh yeah, go back out of it.

Laura Ward

00:06:51There's no I think you're going out of it.

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:06:52Yeah, yeah. Because we've just going into it.

 00:06:57That would make sense, wouldn't it, yeah.

Laura Ward

00:07:05Yeah, I just came into hopefully not micromanage but just to make sure that
everything went smooth since the portal situation.

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:07:14Right, yeah. Yeah, good. I think it was

Laura Ward

00:07:17Who did you catch that Renee looking on the portal or

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:07:21Yeah, cuz I saw that I

 00:07:24Yeah, I was logged in for

 00:07:25Your time and it's like okay, it's not on the digital so

Shanti (1 Tech Host)

00:07:33So glad that you did that. Yeah.

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:07:35Yeah, so I yeah

 00:07:37Cuz he actually he had actually written to me.

Laura Ward

00:07:40And said, you know, there's a little discrepancy. And I was like, Oh, no, no, no, it's
just because of the time difference. And then I looked at. I was like, oh my god.

 00:07:48I know I hope I wasn't being condescending.

Shanti (1 Tech Host)

00:07:54Sort of blog that in my head too and did the exact same thing you did Laura was like,
Oh, no, it's just a flippin

 00:08:01Cuz I was like, because I always do this like earlier. I was just doing that thing,
right. Get all the links and make sure I have the bio and everything and you know
 00:08:10So I did the same thing.

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:08:16With the sponsor for this channel again.

Unknown Speaker

Shanti (1 Tech Host)

00:08:23Yeah, I'm founder of a school and one dance tribe.

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:08:32Also at the zoo.

Laura Ward

00:08:34Zoo. Oh, yeah.

Shanti (1 Tech Host)

00:08:40Okay. I think he's here. Excellent.

Laura Ward

00:08:57Hello, Josh.

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:09:01Josh Hey how you

Unknown Speaker


Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:09:07Nice to meet you. Welcome, welcome.

 00:09:10Thanks. So I'm gonna I'm gonna be

 00:09:12Hosting and shanty is your take host
 00:09:18With it any materials or MOVIE. MOVIE.
 00:09:24Movie. Yeah, sure. Things tissue.

Shanti (1 Tech Host)

00:09:26Yeah. So just a couple quick questions just to confirm far as i know there's no you
don't have any thing that you'd like to screen share is that correct

Josh Whiteley

00:09:36You know, I actually have some I made like some Google Slides. Is that possible.

Shanti (1 Tech Host)

00:09:41Yeah. Do you, um, so you have two choices. You can either send me the slides and I
can share them for you. Or if you feel comfortable you can share the slides, you do have the

Josh Whiteley

00:09:52I can do it. I feel pretty comfortable. I can do it.

Shanti (1 Tech Host)

00:09:54Okay, and I'll be kind of on hold. So if anything comes up, you know, I can kind of
come on audio and kind of guide you

Josh Whiteley

00:10:00Through it. Okay, cool. Great.

Shanti (1 Tech Host)

00:10:02Thank you. Thank you.

 00:10:03Yeah, no worries.
 00:10:06And a couple other questions for you while we're at it, I have
 00:10:12A link for you. We do like a little plugs on for you at the end. And so I do have
a link for you. Ready to go rupiah rupa I Aveda. And are there any other links that you want to
share with the with the group.

Josh Whiteley

00:10:25That's great. Yeah, I mean, I don't know if this is okay or not, but I made a little slide
at the end that just has like my website and my Instagram, Facebook or whatever but but that's
perfect, that's great.

Shanti (1 Tech Host)

00:10:34Okay. And when he will go over this with you on it a little bit in just a little a few
minutes. But we sometimes. So we sometimes we bring in like something like 10 to 15

 00:10:46From the crowd of attendees so that you have some face to face interaction. Is
that something that you would like

Josh Whiteley

00:10:52Sure. Yeah, that'd be great, really helpful. Yeah.

Shanti (1 Tech Host)

00:10:56And for Q AMP. A do you like to do that at the end, after you've done your talk, or do
you like to take questions as you go.

Josh Whiteley


 00:11:06Maybe
 00:11:09It's a good question.
 00:11:12You know, I'm just wondering, so you know I'm part of honestly, most of them
like oh my god this is going to go so quick, you know,
 00:11:19So I want to make sure we get through all the materials and maybe at the end, I
 00:11:23How has your experience. Ben hasn't been better to do it that way or

Shanti (1 Tech Host)

00:11:26Just it's it's a mixed bag, depending on what type of presentation that you're doing
there is like a pretty hard stop time that we have five minutes to the hour, just so that Renee can
wrap up.

 00:11:41So you can sort of you can all sort of keep you in like through private message.
I'll keep you posted on where we are with time so that you don't have to worry about watching
 00:11:49And then you can kind of see how it goes and kept a feel for it. Um,
 00:11:53And Renee will like at the end, just so that you can keep it in mind. She will be
asking you, like what your top tip for embodiment is there's something that's just start thinking
about now.
 00:12:02Those are I think for the most part, questions for me. I'll sort of pass it on to
Renee with for anything that she has. And I'm going to be like after we show the sponsorship
video I'm going to be
 00:12:13off the screen. You won't be seeing me. But if you have any issues. I am there
you just holler out and I'll help you. Okay.

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:12:24Oh my God, how

Unknown Speaker
00:12:27Thank you.

Shanti (1 Tech Host)


Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:12:30You're amazing. Okay.

 00:12:33Josh Yeah. So I in terms of introduction, I have a little bio here. Just going to
share that, you know, you, you're trained acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist and also trained
in the healing.
 00:12:48Sciences of the end and just Please correct my pronunciation vest do Vedic
thanks way.
 00:12:57That's good, and jilted Vedic Astrology. Okay. And you're you're in tension
with your work has been to merge these ancient sciences and wisdoms and adapt them for
people in this crazy modern world. Was there anything else you'd like me to plug or

Josh Whiteley

00:13:18That's great. That's perfect.

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:13:20Okay, okay, and then I'll just do a little

 00:13:25chat about, you know, what we're going to be what you're going to be exploring
with us and the station and then yeah, hand it over to you.

Unknown Speaker


Facillitator - Renee Sheridan


Josh Whiteley

00:13:40I see like the chat at the bottom of that like is that, like, people will chime in on that or
that's not part of it.

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:13:46So I will get the we can have people drop questions or responses into the chat will get
them to if they have questions that we can save for the into the station if they can drop them in
the Q AMP a box, you know,

Josh Whiteley

00:13:59We can get people

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:14:00To upload particular questions that everybody is finding

 00:14:05You know topical. But in terms of responses and anything technical any
provocations that you
 00:14:15Suggest you know we'll get them to drop their interactions into the chat. Okay.
 00:14:22And anybody that's JOINING US NOW I HAVE SEEN IT CAN SAY HELLO,
give us a wave. And when you're from

Laura Ward

00:14:34Yeah, I'm just going to interject for a second. Josh, feel free to use the chat as a if you
want to ask people like

 00:14:43Anything about your what you're working with, like, if it just feel free to
interject and ask and use it yourself like

Unknown Speaker

00:14:50Yeah, great.

Josh Whiteley

00:14:53Yeah, I'll just, I guess, keep that open and keep an eye on it too. And that seems like a
nice balance. Okay.

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:15:02Where are you based in the moment where you're zooming in from Joe

Josh Whiteley

00:15:06Man Tucson, Arizona in the US. Oh.

Unknown Speaker

00:15:10Love you.

Josh Whiteley

00:15:12It's pretty nice. It's we're actually, it's kind of unseasonable e warm right now but

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:15:18Climate Change.

Josh Whiteley

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:15:21It's a thing.

Josh Whiteley

00:15:23So yeah, but it's a nice, are you in

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:15:27I'm in New Zealand.

 00:15:29A entities.
 00:15:31And we are just getting into the beautiful won't have spring and bringing on
someone. Yeah.

Josh Whiteley

00:15:40Everybody I know who goes there never wants to come back.

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:15:43Yeah, we're pretty lucky.

 00:15:45We're pretty lucky.

Josh Whiteley

00:15:47Yeah, it seems like a nice place.

 00:15:51What about you, Laura where you

Laura Ward

00:15:55Live in upstate New York, I'm in Kingston, New York.

 00:15:57Okay, yeah. Prior to coven I was in the city like half and half. But since coven
I've been up here the whole time.

Unknown Speaker


Shanti (2 Tech Host)

00:16:06OK, I can hear.

Josh Whiteley


Shanti (2 Tech Host)

00:16:15getting cold.

Josh Whiteley

00:16:23Here, it's pretty much like either really really hot. I don't know. I don't know the
Celsius translations, but you know we've been hitting like when I was a window nine every day

 00:16:33Months and months and months and months and then it'll just be perfect and
then half the year. It's just like beautiful and you know 75 every day, and oh, so

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:16:43What is

Josh Whiteley

00:16:44This it's a small range, you know, it's either really nice are really, really hot. One of
the other

 00:16:54So have you done panels as well, or are you just more facilitators or
 00:16:59Don't know much about this, honestly.

Laura Ward

00:17:02I I've been a volunteer and then a channel.

 00:17:07Assistant for dancing creativity and a presenter and a host and facilitator and a
lot of pre recordings. So I've done all this and a lot of different degrees and ways
 00:17:19It's fun, it's cool.

Shanti (2 Tech Host)

00:17:20Really nice thing here.

 00:17:22And sort of them.

 00:17:25Unlike the pinch hit volunteer that sort of gets
 00:17:29Kind of filled in holes that need to get filled in.

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:17:36And I've been facilitating and yeah, how can you be hosting aspects of the conference.

 00:17:44For sharing that yeah you presenters.

 00:17:49Enjoy your time here.
 00:17:52And everything goes smoothly.

Josh Whiteley

00:17:56Yeah, it's been really nice I've watched a few

 00:17:59Different ones. I didn't realize how many they're actually where it's a little bit
overwhelming and times to even watch, you know, but there's I saw really nice panel last night
with Peter Levine and good for my day and honest Merseyside and it was a great one. I really
enjoyed it.

Laura Ward


Unknown Speaker


Laura Ward

00:18:20Yeah, really good.

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:18:27Just got a couple more minutes and I'm sure people will be dropping in on the
Facebook Live stream as well.

Laura Ward

00:18:36Yeah, Josh, so sorry about the portal situation. And when you had written to me say,
oh, there's something weird about the time I was like I just doesn't understand the time
difference. And then when it all came through. I was like, Oh my God, I hope I wasn't being

Josh Whiteley

00:18:49And he's like, well, whatever is going to happen is going to happen. And I'll just show
up and if I do people in there. I'm there. And if not, I guess it's tomorrow.

Laura Ward

00:18:58No. Well, we're all here and it will also be on. It's on facebook live now it will be on
the portal. So

Josh Whiteley

00:19:05Thank you. Thank you for your work on it.

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:19:21I'm really excited.

 00:19:27Wonderful.

Josh Whiteley

00:19:29Yeah, there's a lot of actually talk about people in the southern hemisphere with us do
and how to interpret it, because that's what it was created in India.

 00:19:37Which is mostly in the north, you know, it's in the Northern Hemisphere. And
so there's a lot of debate on whether or not some of the things should be switched around
 00:19:45So much so my teachers have actually been trying to get people from
 00:19:49New Zealand and Australia and things like that to kind of test run some of these
things and see how it how it works. You know, and if the alignment is the same, you know, just
interesting because there's no kind of like textual
 00:20:01You know, like they just never thought about the idea of it being outside where
this was created, you know, so

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:20:08I find that interesting, too. And yeah, maybe we can dip more into that you further into
the session, but so welcome. We're at our time now.

 00:20:17Thank you so much. Josh Whiteley for joining us today. He at the embodiment
conference on the dance and creativity channel when you're going to be sharing about how to
create the environment to bring forth one's creative potential it's
 00:20:35It's incredible. You know, the work that you've been doing. You're trying to
acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist and we'll find out. I'll talk a little bit more about that and
introduce you and your work further and the session, but will first go to our sponsor.
 00:20:51A lot of Pagano from zoo.

Unknown Speaker

00:21:00Welcome to the environment conference. This is truly an epic event that is raising
awareness and revealing just how much is happening in the world of embodiment.

Unknown Speaker

00:21:08And this gives me hope about where we're heading as a people. I'm Mr Pagano. I'm the
founder of it's all

Unknown Speaker

00:21:15A conscious movement path of personal transformation. I work with the bottle and the
power of movement to awaken love and consciousness.

Unknown Speaker

00:21:23Embodiment is a key to my work and the journey of embodying the map of the soul is
what facilitates the process of self realization

Unknown Speaker

00:21:31I'm excited to sponsor the dance and creativity channel to share my love of movement
and to celebrate the power that it has to serve our collective evolution. If you are interested in
awakening your deepest potential

Unknown Speaker

00:21:45Or curious about the spiritual and healing aspects of embodiment. I encourage you to
check out as

Unknown Speaker

00:21:51Everyone is welcome. I work with people who love movement and people who have
never moved. Follow the link and you'll find three gifts for you.

Unknown Speaker

00:22:00A 15 minute as little journey, a special discount on our online embodiment training
and a free month in our upcoming membership program. So, come check out the path of us or

Unknown Speaker

00:22:10I'll be presenting on the main stage here and then the dance and creativity channel and
I hope to see you there for now enjoy the richness of the presentation, you're about to see.

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:22:24Wonderful. Welcome back everybody. And yes, indeed, we are going to be enjoying
some riches from this presentation from Josh Whiteley

 00:22:32Just a couple of things to note before we kick into the session. This is a webinar
if you're familiar with zoom. Maybe you've been many with the meeting format, but on
 00:22:44You won't be able to see yourself all the other attendees that sharing the
bedroom with you if you want to be a panelist and have a face to face interaction with Josh,
which is quite nice. And please do raise your hands.
 00:22:58And shanty can bring you into the conversation and know that the station will
of course be available for the next 48 hours free up on the website and also on Facebook, which
is streaming live
 00:23:10So welcome, Josh Whiteley amazing it is really, really great to have you here.
You are a trained acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist
 00:23:21You're trained in the healing services of us do, which is known as a very
extreme Vedic things way and also doltish
 00:23:31The Vedic Astrology in your work has combined these ancient traditions and
brought them into play and for asking these modern times, so looking forward to how you're
going to be sharing that. And yeah, handing it over to you.
 00:23:50Great.

Josh Whiteley

00:23:51Thank you very, very much. I'm very happy very honored to be here with all of you.
And I'm sure this subject is something that I

 00:24:01Love quite deeply and have a lot of fun with. And I think that there's a lot of
nice practical ways to integrate
 00:24:09Principles of this science into your everyday life. And I know that this channel
is specific to creativity. So we're going to gear. A lot of it towards things that will help you
increase creativity in your life.
 00:24:22It was funny, kind of, you know, putting this together and putting this
presentation together, I realized this is such a vast science and there's so much that we could go
into we could spend hours and hours and hours and hours on this.
 00:24:33We only have a small chunk of time. So really the kind of biggest part for me
was figuring out how to whittle this down into kind of a more usable bite sized portion
 00:24:44That would give you guys all you know some real practical things integrating
your lives as well as have a little bit of an understanding of what's happening and how this
works, and
 00:24:53And my biggest hope is to sort of empower you to sort of see, not so much the
information and those in the sense of that we just want to take it in as information, but that we
can actually embody this and think our way or feel our way through this process.
 00:25:10Of us doesn't interesting science in that you know it's developed in India and it's
thousands of years old.
 00:25:17And now that we're kind of tending to bring this back into the modern age. The
biggest thing is figuring out how to integrate it this in a way that's very practical and
particularly as we
 00:25:29Those of us like me who are in Western countries to understand the essence of
what the ideas are trying to communicate and
 00:25:39Maybe not so much always the real when you know sometimes you pick up the
old textbooks and they'll say,
 00:25:45You know things about the meanings of certain things like maybe a cow or a
buffalo that comes into your backyard or you know these things that may not. We may not be a
part of our modern life or if we live in big cities, right.
 00:25:56So understanding the essence of what must do is trying to teach us is a great
way to integrate this science in a very usable way in the modern world. And that's a big part of
what I feel very passionate about is
 00:26:09Understanding the deep roots of these things, but also figuring out how do we
make these as practical as possible. So they're not just this more theoretical thing that exists out
in the ethers. It's very interesting, but something we can actually bring into our lives.
 00:26:23Just for a little bit more background to you. Thank you, Renee. I'm an
acupuncturist. It's the data, data and musty Shuster which is
 00:26:32Often called Vedic Fung Shui and Joe t shirt, which is Vedic Astrology. These
are all amazing and sciences in and of themselves and the beauty of these sciences is that
they're also all very integrated into each other so
 00:26:46You know, I'm a chronic student when it comes to this stuff. And so you start to
dip your toe in one of these sciences and you're going to see how the other ones sort of tie into
it as well. And knowing. Little bit about Ayurveda can be very helpful for your Vedic Fung
Shui practice.
 00:26:59Knowing a little bit about astrology can also be helpful in that way, and vice
versa. So it's a vast field that all also is very inter related and interlinked and
 00:27:09I hope I can share some of that with you. I've been doing this for going on.
Maybe 15 or so years, and I find great joy and doing it. So I'm, I'm really happy to be here to
share some of that with you so
 00:27:22Without further ado, let's dive in. I'm gonna see if I can pull this
 00:27:29Up in screen share it. So I need to do share screen and assuming right. Okay,
here we go.
 00:27:41Okay, I hope you can see this. I'm going to switch it since a little bit bigger to

Unknown Speaker

00:27:48All right.

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:27:54You guys see this shipping, maybe you want to put it on Presenter view or

Josh Whiteley

00:28:00Presenter view.

 00:28:03How do I do that.

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:28:07Go to View me

Shanti (2 Tech Host)

00:28:09If you do, you see, do you see the share button in yellow. And then right next to it.
You can see the present button.

Josh Whiteley

00:28:16You see me. Hello.

 00:28:17Top right top right.

Shanti (2 Tech Host)

00:28:19It says that you see the right to the left. It says present with like a play. Play button.

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:28:25Yeah, just

Shanti (2 Tech Host)

00:28:26Just move it down a

 00:28:27Little bit more a button.

 00:28:30Right there.

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:28:30And then

 00:28:31Take the
 00:28:32Mouse to the left, to the left, just to the left, to the left.

Shanti (2 Tech Host)

00:28:37And then

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:28:38Up and then bring your mouse up a little bit. It's just, up, up, up.

Shanti (2 Tech Host)

00:28:42There you go.

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:28:43There you go.

Shanti (2 Tech Host)

00:28:43You're on that button.

Josh Whiteley

00:28:47It's just showing my it's just seeing the pictures of you guys faces. That's all.

Shanti (2 Tech Host)

00:28:50Okay look the other way to get to that is, if you go to a file.

Josh Whiteley


Laura Ward

00:28:57You can minimize our faces.

Shanti (2 Tech Host)

00:28:59You can, yes.

Laura Ward

00:29:01You can click it and then you'll see

Shanti (2 Tech Host)

00:29:04How's that

Josh Whiteley

00:29:06I see my screen. I see Firefox at the top of file that that's Firefox. Yeah.

Shanti (2 Tech Host)

00:29:13So there's another way to do the same thing. So if you go to, I believe, if you go to file.

 00:29:24And click on it.

 00:29:27You know, in
 00:29:30Your Google
 00:29:32Slides.

Josh Whiteley

00:29:34To mimic the smiling. I need your help. Yeah.

Shanti (2 Tech Host)

00:29:37That might help.

Josh Whiteley

00:29:38Okay so file. Uh huh.

Shanti (2 Tech Host)


 00:29:44Actually, sorry. So it might be under slide. Sorry, it's been a little bit since I've
done this.
 00:29:52Last one view. Go to View. I know it's in here somewhere.

Josh Whiteley

00:29:57There's another way that I'm using change theme.

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:30:00No, no, I don't think you want to change them and you want to change the views and
maybe go to View or

Shanti (2 Tech Host)

00:30:06Can you present. There we go. The present right there. Yeah, you got it good. Yep.

Josh Whiteley

00:30:13Okay, cool. All right. We need it.

Unknown Speaker

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:30:18You need to select

Shanti (2 Tech Host)

00:30:19You need to click on it, so go back to view.

Josh Whiteley

00:30:22To view.

Shanti (2 Tech Host)

00:30:23Uh huh.

 00:30:25And then click on present. There you go. And so now we know also for the
future. It's command. Enter. Yeah, so click present
 00:30:41Now coming up. But you know what, let's, um, let's just troubleshoot here, you
can still move through the slides, without going into present mode. So you can just sort of

Josh Whiteley


Shanti (2 Tech Host)

00:30:52Yeah, we can still see them.

Josh Whiteley

00:30:54Okay, yeah.

Shanti (2 Tech Host)

00:30:55You're doing great.

Josh Whiteley

00:30:56Alright wants his truck on ahead. Okay, so let's do it just to, yeah. Put it out there a
little bit of us do, is that the technical term.

 00:31:05I often use the you know the phrase Vedic Fung Shui just because the word
fluctuates a little bit more known but just to
 00:31:11Avoid maybe any confusing bus to it would be the technical term we're using
here. So again, yeah, that's this workshops, a lot about creating the physical environment to
raise your creative potential so
 00:31:23There's a number of areas. I want to cover here.
 00:31:27Again, we only have a limited amount of time. So we can do this forever and
ever. So I'm gonna try to keep it pretty practical
 00:31:32But I'll just give you a quick background really quick on on let's do
 00:31:35The connections with Joe teach and I Aveda. And then we'll do a little bit of an
exercise for centering and then we'll get into the planets and the directions and the elements and
that type of thing, which is the fun part.
 00:31:46And then some of the principles for increasing creativity using plus two. And
then what's just another fun part is when things don't always go right. So we have some
remedies and modifications we can make
 00:31:57And then if there's some time. If you guys have any questions, feel free. I'm
going to try to keep an eye on the chat too if you have something really pressing or if I'm
talking too fast, just let me know, too.
 00:32:08So we'll dive right in. Just going to start with a quick little prayer you feel free
to join me if you like. If you don't know where he's at. This is
 00:32:17Always nice to start any sort of study of the basic sciences, with a prayer to the
guru, so
 00:32:25Guru.
 00:32:27Guru Vishnu guru Devo my age, what I
 00:32:32Would do is suck shot, but I'm but I'm
 00:32:37That's my city would have a
 00:32:46So without. We're just asking for the blessings from our teachers and gurus.
 00:32:53So let's do this. Like I said, it's an ancient science that goes back thousands of
years and it comes from the ancient Ayurvedic or Vedic texts.
 00:33:02And the texts being the author of Aveda.
 00:33:06Many different books have been written throughout history, but this is kind of
the route where they talked about the creation of cities and temples, the proper placement for
 00:33:16Where water bodies should be in relation to the houses and a lot of this can be a
little bit, like I said, a theory and hard to understand the reasons why.
 00:33:25And partly, this comes from, you know, spiritual reasons but also very practical
 00:33:30You know where they would have bathrooms and things like that shouldn't
necessarily be so close to where you're also sleeping and things like that. So as modern
sanitation has come around.
 00:33:38That's changed a lot of things. So some of these will be very practical and some
of the maintenance make a lot of sense. But as we dive into the elements and their meanings
and their relationships. Some that will also be a little bit more clear.
 00:33:51I always like to relate us to to
 00:33:56As a tool. I call it the yoga of space. So in my space. I need physical space. And
what we're doing here is drawing this connection between the macrocosm where the outer
universe and the
 00:34:08microcosm, or the inner universe. And in that area Vedic sciences that relates to
our physical body. So a lot of the Ayurvedic medicine.
 00:34:17Is about how do we take care of our body. How do we take care of the physical
 00:34:21And how that relates to the macrocosm or the wider universe and with us to we
see the same relationships do. So we have a relationship, not only to the physical body to the
physical space.
 00:34:32To the bigger universe, but that also comes back the other way. So affecting
one of these pieces is going to affect the other piece. So when we make changes to our houses
and where we live, or our businesses.
 00:34:45We're having an effect on our physical body as well. And our mental and
emotional body. So that's a lot about what us to is is here for
 00:34:55And I also always like to use the analogy of the house being sort of an intent on
a TV that maybe channels this energy from the universe and and helps it to circulate 43 houses
and and that also affects us on the physical level as well.
 00:35:15Velocity is very, very much. Also a, like I said, a simple thing. And I always
relate this this idea of using your natural gut feeling about a space.
 00:35:24So we've all had this experience, right, where you walk into a space and you
just right away. You just know what what what what's going on there, what maybe hasn't gone
on there and whether that's spaces and healthy space or unhealthy space.
 00:35:37I like to have people often practice this by going into other people's spaces or
buildings or businesses, right, and using this
 00:35:45And the reason for this is sometimes it can be a little bit difficult for us to see
our own space and kind of an objective way. So by stepping into other places, you know, we
often that gut feeling comes a little bit quicker and a little bit stronger right
 00:35:58If you've ever. I'm sure walked into a house and just got that feeling like
 00:36:01There's not a place I want to hang out and be around too too long, right, even if
there's nobody in there. There's just a certain feeling about this space right
 00:36:09And then vice versa to right we've all been into a space where you just feel
really good. Right. You walk in, and you feel comforted, you feel
 00:36:18You know, the presence of good energy in that space. So this is intuitive level
of embodying us to and learning to work with this energy is how we become better busty
practitioners for our own spaces and for our family and friends.
 00:36:32So I often say, you know, we can read these books, we can understand it on an
intellectual level, but really we want to feel this in our gut and feel it in our heart and that will
give us the most accurate.
 00:36:43Picture of what it spaces like for us. And when we are having issues or
problems in our life having more knowledge and be more tuned into that.
 00:36:52I guess I should say heart knowledge, it's going to give us a better idea of what
we could do to maybe effect or change that space of we need to. And since this conferences
about creativity always any way we can increase our creativity is going to be really helpful. So
 00:37:07Um, and just one more little piece here. You know, it's interesting back, you
know, back in the day.
 00:37:14Basu practitioners were often architects. So a lot of this. Not only was about
creating the house but
 00:37:20Looking at the land that you were building your house on and they would do
things like Tesla soils.
 00:37:25Test the type of wind that would come through, right, all these different ways of
seeing how the environment around the house would affect the house and there's a lot of
 00:37:34Ways you can look at different moments and things happening in the area
around your house to get a sense of what that house is going to
 00:37:40Do regardless of how you build it, right. So we look at the individual house and
then we look at the plot of land and then we look at the city and then the country, etc, etc.
 00:37:49So this is a science that can go deep deep deep and get more and more
microscopic and it can also get broader and broader and broader
 00:37:58You can even look at countries, right. So we if we use the United States where
I'm at, for instance.
 00:38:03There's a couple really nice things that show wealth and prosperity and one is
we have the great lakes in the northwest area of the country. Right. So having a big body of
water on on the west.
 00:38:16Side, not the northwest. Northeast northeast, or the eastern side of a country is
always a very, very good indicator of the potential for wealth.
 00:38:26In. Here's another example of kind of an opposite right so the Himalayas or up
along the northern stretch of India.
 00:38:34Often not seen as such a good thing for wealth.
 00:38:37It tends to block the natural flow of wealth, right. So, and then India also comes
down to, kind of, a little bit of a point at the bottom for you, those if you don't have a shape.
 00:38:47Which would be kind of the opposite which you'd want for a while so India's a
very poor country and a lot of ways, but that expansion to the north, what the benefit they do
get as that's the expansion of spirituality. So there's a very
 00:39:00Deeply woven spiritual culture in India. So we can look at houses, we can look
at countries and cities and all kinds of things. So it's a it's a fun, fun thing to do.
 00:39:10Verse do itself. The definition is a dwelling place.
 00:39:14And it's a very simple definition right so but we tie that into not only the
material that was used, but the place that it's sitting and how that materials accumulated and put
together to create these spaces so
 00:39:28This is just a I just put this in here. This is an astrology chart. So a lot of times,
musty practitioners also have a deep knowledge of astrology, so it can be an important piece
here too.
 00:39:38Okay. So real quick, I just wanted to do a quick little grounding exercise kind
of along the same lines.
 00:39:46As you can see, again, is but
 00:39:50OK, so what we want to do with this is this is using this kind of I, like I was
saying this, this sense of embodiment to understand the space we're in and
 00:40:04I find this very helpful and practical exercise to do with trying to determine
your space right off the bat.
 00:40:10So would be great as well to spend a minute here doing this but you just want to
sit with your back straight as you can mean a comfortable position if you'd like, you can turn
your hands up towards the sky. This just creates a little bit more openness.
 00:40:26And just watch your breath.
 00:40:29And you don't have to do anything major with it or altered in any major way
but just pay attention to it and watch as you inhale.
 00:40:38Much as you exhale
 00:40:43You might notice that even by just doing just that your breath is going to alter a
little bit and it should be a little bit more gentle, a little bit more relaxed.
 00:40:53Just bringing awareness to the breath itself changes the breath.
 00:41:03And then as our nervous systems kind of relax and settle into that I can feel
mind doing it already.
 00:41:08We just want to pay attention to that settling
 00:41:12And now on your next exhale
 00:41:15Just let it extend a little bit longer.
 00:41:20You know it down all the way into your gut.
 00:41:26Energy inhale.
 00:41:28Just get a sense of that feeling of the deeper exhale and do it one more time
deeper exhale
 00:41:38Okay, then you can let your breath return to normal.
 00:41:43And just take note of that feeling that you feel in your gut that kind of settled
 00:41:49And kind of log it into your brain. What that feeling that embodied feeling felt
 00:41:58And the reason we want to do this is because that's the embodied feeling that
will help us understand the spaces were in specifically right
 00:42:07So often what I'll have people do that are new to us do, or if I'm working with a
client is have them walk into a room that they want to check out and are curious about say
maybe your bedroom, you can start there.
 00:42:19And I'll just have them sit down, either on the floor in a chair. Either way is ok
you can face East ideally and do that. Breathing practice, I would do it for a few more minutes.
And we just did.
 00:42:31And then come back to your yourself. And once you've reached that deep
relaxed place and then you can start to ask yourself these simple questions, like I have up here.
What is the energetic pattern that currently inhabits this room and what specific activity is a
space intended for
 00:42:47So you may, if we use that example of being in your bedroom. We know what
those specific activity that's intended for that room is to sleep right interest and then we just
check in, what is the actual pattern that I'm feeling here.
 00:43:00Is that a is that a heavy feeling is that a restful feeling. Is it very light and airy.
 00:43:08Is it, is it a sharp bright feeling. And do you have the walls bright yellow right
 00:43:14And you can do this without judgment of that space, but you just want to get a
sense of what what energetics, am I picking up on and we'll get a little bit more into some of
those specifics in a few minutes, but
 00:43:24Just from your very, very good. What is it telling you what is this space. Feel
like right now.
 00:43:30And this will give you the way to address that. Right. This is the the
understanding the diagnosis will help us find the medicine.
 00:43:40And then the second question you can ask yourself is what works best for me.
And how do I need to feel in order to perform this activity. Well, so in the case of sleep. What
do you need
 00:43:49And this is where it gets a little bit more specific to the person, right. So we all
know we need to sleep feeling rested is good.
 00:43:57But when we use the science of aggravate to analyze this. We're all different.
Right. Each of us as an individual and has a different
 00:44:04Maybe frequency or wavelength or way that flows through our body. So are
you the type of person who is a very naturally heavy person and a very maybe sluggish and
grounded person. I do have a hard time getting up in the morning.
 00:44:17Do you like to lay in bed and eat popcorn and watch movies all night and stay
up all night or are you a very maybe kind of floaty person hard to kind of settle down. Is it hard
for you to fall asleep. You sleep poorly and wake up throughout the night.
 00:44:34You very. What do we call an Ayurveda picked up first type person are you
very fiery in a very emotional and tend towards the readability and anger and things like that.
Right. So if you pick up on these natural qualities about yourself.
 00:44:46You can then put that piece together with the space itself and see how that
matches. Right. So if you are this very kind of sluggish and tend to lethargy and just kind of
like to relax and keep your feet up type of person. It's great quality right
 00:45:01But in terms of sleep. Maybe that's a little bit too much if we had a very heavy
and grounded room and a very dark cave like structure, right, you may be spending a little too
much time doing that.
 00:45:11So we can use this analysis to not only work out the energetics of the room, but
how you sit in that room and how that serve you best.
 00:45:20So this is a very, very helpful practice, I would say do this in your in each room
in your house.
 00:45:25And you should probably shouldn't do it all at once. Pick one day and do one
and maybe a few days later, do another room and take some notes and get a sense of what it
feels like for you.
 00:45:33And just sit with that you don't have to even necessarily have the soft answer in
that moment, but just sit with that feeling and sit with those those patterns and see what you
notice right
 00:45:44This is also the case where it can be really helpful to go to somebody else's
house for the same reason that your, your radars, a little bit more objective in that sense right
when you get really used to what you're used to sometimes we don't see ourselves clearly right
 00:45:57So I like this exercise, lots of very practical one to use.
 00:46:04I'd also recommend using it. Yeah, really easy examples to maybe go to like a
church or something right and go and sit in a church and just get a sense of that energy. What
does the church feel like for you.
 00:46:14And then, and since this has to do with creativity as many ways to be creative.
Right. But we could say maybe an art studio. If you're an artist go sit in somebody's art studio
and get a sense of
 00:46:24How, what type vertebrae, creating and how does the space. They're sitting and
influence that how does the building itself influence that is it encouraging that creativity is it
possibly inhibiting. Are they having a hard time maybe
 00:46:37Getting artistic output if they're an artist or is it a free flowing. Does it feel like
a flowing river coming right and look at the space and try to get a sense of what is what role
does the space, maybe play in that right
 00:46:50So it's fascinating to do this all the time when I walk my dog and just glance
around at the houses in the neighborhood. And, you know,
 00:46:56I know some of my neighbors, and some of them I don't, but I try to make an
educated guess based on the house itself.
 00:47:02I wonder what their home life was like in there, right, and sometimes I'm able
to find that out and see if I can make these correlations and it can be really fascinating.
 00:47:09So this is a, you know, it's a fun experiment a fun game, a fun a fun way to
increase your own creativity, just by doing this alone. So
 00:47:16try this, try this on your own.
 00:47:21So the next thing I want to talk about real quick is the elements of Ayurveda.
We have five elements ether water when fire Earth. I'm not going to go through every single
one of these qualities, just because we're a little bit short on time.
 00:47:34But these are the primary concepts that you can kind of maybe take in and try to
understand how those relate, you know, how does, how does
 00:47:43For instance, movement, openness and expression relate to win, right, that's a
little more of an obvious one, but look at some of these characteristics and just get a sense for
the relationship of the elements
 00:47:54Is the elements exist in all things in nature. Right. And some pieces of nature
are going to have a little bit more primary of a certain element as compared to another one.
 00:48:06Now what we're going to do with the five elements is we're going to lay these
onto the house. So this is where we're going to start building this puzzle, a little bit. I hope it's
not too fast.
 00:48:13But we want to take the five elements, place them on the physical structure of a
house to get a representation of how they influence our house. So that's what this next screen is
going to be
 00:48:24So I just took all these same things and I related them to water, air, earth, fire
and ether elements.
 00:48:31So this is the Northeast up here. So the water element controls the Northeast
section of the house.
 00:48:36fire element controls and se earth southwest and air the Northwest. So we have
a natural proclivity for these elements to exist in these parts of our house.
 00:48:46It's also exists even in you can break this down to a single room as well.
 00:48:49So some people don't have the luxury of having a big house with multiple
rooms to work with. You can use just your bedroom. If you're in a roommate situation or
something. You can use your own room as a little microscopic compass of this
 00:49:00So each each section of this House is going to pull certain characteristics and if
you need to increase a certain characteristic in your house, you would increase that element in
that corner and we'll get into how you doing, I'm just a few minutes but
 00:49:16Typically this is the layout the ether is going to exist in the center of the House
of the center of the room.
 00:49:21It doesn't have a designated section, other than just right smack dab in the
 00:49:30And then once we understand the the five elements and how they relate to the
house. We're now going to layer on the planet. This is a very confusing diagram I try to make it
as simple as I could.
 00:49:39So we have the four quadrants still here. He's the pink lines. So the water, fire,
earth, air, and now we're looking

Laura Ward

00:49:47At interrupt for one second, because all we're seeing is, yes, to create the environment,
raise your creative potential slide.

Josh Whiteley

00:49:53Oh really,

 00:49:54Yeah, the ones clicked in

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:49:56No, it hasn't. Clicked over

Josh Whiteley

00:49:58No slides just that one that

Laura Ward

00:50:00Maybe just stop your screen share for a second and then start over. Well if you click

Josh Whiteley

00:50:08Alright, let's try. Let's just do it. Desktop share maybe that'll work better and see
 00:50:23Okay, seeing this

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan


Josh Whiteley

00:50:29You seen a colorful diagram.

Laura Ward

00:50:31Yes, much better. Thank you.

Josh Whiteley

00:50:33Okay, I'm gonna try to expand it again. Let's see if it works. Okay.

 00:50:41Okay, good.
 00:50:45Alright so this one's a little bit more complex.
 00:50:47Right.
 00:50:48So we have not only the elements here, but we have the planetary influences
and how they influence our space to. So this is the correlation between
 00:50:56The elements of us do in your beta, as well as the planets of Vedic Astrology.
 00:51:02So it gets to be a complex puzzle. But we can keep it very simple too. So I've
given a couple primary things that you can relate to each of the planets of the moon.
 00:51:11Of course, has to do with movement of energy playfulness. The moon's a
waxing and waning planet. Right. So there's a lot of change that happens in this
 00:51:18It also relates a lot to our emotional body and our feeling body. So a lot of times
when people are having issues there may be stuck with their emotions.
 00:51:27They're not able to express themselves well they feel pent up their relationships,
getting tense, they're having a tough time with communication.
 00:51:34I'll look to this corner and see, you know, the northwest corner and see what
kind of issues might be going on in this corner. It's also a good area if you just need to stir up
and turn your creativity work on that. The moon corner.
 00:51:48To help do that and then some of these other ones as well. I have some other
key words here, right. So the North is ruled by Mercury.
 00:51:55That sounds a lot to do with intelligence wealth accumulation, things like that.
So this is a big area to if money is the issue that you need to meet me more creative and may
not means expanding your bank account creatively.
 00:52:06Then that would be the section to work on and we'll get into a little bit more
specific in a minute. But I just want to show you this diagram. So you get a sense of
 00:52:13Jupiter's a big, big one connection to the source gratitude. This is the spiritual
corner of the house.
 00:52:18So we'll talk about that a little bit. Of course, and then the primary one that we
want to get into is the SE because this is ruled by Venus and, as some of you may know,
 00:52:27This is the planet of creativity and the arts and music and sensuality and all the
fun things in life and beauty right
 00:52:34So the South East area of your house, specifically as one great great area to pay
attention to.
 00:52:41And if you're having issues with that. It's a great, great area to pay attention to.
So we'll talk a little bit about how to improve some of these areas so that we can make the best
use of this, but maybe if you guys. I don't know if you'll get a copy of this or not but
 00:52:56Either make a mental image of this or a screenshot, or something of it so you
can come back and look at it and then get a sense of this map.
 00:53:02And relationship to your own house and see what areas do you feel like maybe
there's some struggles in which areas feel very good. And what makes those that maybe what
makes that area. Very good. Right. So we want to look at both the pros and the cons of this
 00:53:16I Aveda is is the medicine of opposite. So a lot of times we'll take if we have
too much heaviness. We're going to try to increase the lightness, they have too much hot. We're
going to try to increase the cooling qualities
 00:53:28So a lot of these things are just about balancing these elements and so that the
energy flows freely through the building and then through your body as well.
 00:53:36You can also even look at this is a you'll see this person kind of lay down. This
is about superficial
 00:53:42Certain issues with certain body parts, even you may take a look at that part of
the house. So if you have maybe a need. It's bad a bum knee right. Take a look at the south east
corner of your house and see if there's maybe some discrepancies there that could use some
some help.
 00:53:57Head up here. Down here at the bottom of the southwest and just for a little
clarification to but nodes. This is a little bit technical or the nodes of the moon.
 00:54:08And yeah, that's almost like that. So the nodes of the moon.

Unknown Speaker


Unknown Speaker

00:54:17Let's do it again.

Josh Whiteley

00:54:20Okay, hold on, I might have to manually just go through the exam. Okay.

 00:54:27All right. Are you seeing the screen with Venus or hormones loading.
 00:54:38Sorry. Oh.

Shanti (2 Tech Host)

00:54:42No worries. Josh, um, sometimes this happens i think i think the manual is probably
the way to go. Let's see if you can click on the slide. And if he can see it. I'll let you know if not

Josh Whiteley


Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:54:57And if he wanted to share the PowerPoint. We can't you can send us the

 00:55:04Link and we can share it with everybody put it in the Facebook group. Yeah,
happy to that.
 00:55:12Because wonderful material you're

Josh Whiteley

00:55:15Showing I'm so proud of this slide is so pretty.

 00:55:18It's gorgeous.

Unknown Speaker


Josh Whiteley

00:55:23Is this showing

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:55:25It. No.

Shanti (2 Tech Host)

00:55:25It's not at the moment, no.

Josh Whiteley

00:55:27Hold on, let me re sharing my number that she shared it

 00:55:36using Firefox.

Shanti (2 Tech Host)

00:55:39All right.

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

00:55:40Okay, we see a portion of it. Yep.

Shanti (2 Tech Host)

00:55:42So yeah, so you can actually stick. Stay right there. We can see it if you want to go
through that slide.

Josh Whiteley

00:55:49Plan, it's loading. Let me just see if this works and if not, I'll just go right back.

 00:55:53Okay, okay, okay.

 00:55:56You can see see this now, even though it's going to not the best looking
 00:55:59Yeah, okay. We'll just. We'll go with it.
 00:56:03So we're going to talk about the southeast corner. First, since this to me is the
most important one for creativity. Specifically, right.
 00:56:08So in this can work in all realms. Like I said, you know, creating this I you
know my mind. I go to art because I was I've been an artist, my whole life.
 00:56:15I'm always like, okay, this is gonna be for artists, but you know really right. We
can look at creativity any facet of our life. It could be creativity with
 00:56:22You know, creating a new business or creativity with, you know, improving a
relationship right finding creative ways to express yourself to your partners and things like this.
 00:56:32So there's many, many ways to use this. And so I just wanted to give you a
couple of broad overview things that you can do. And I'd say again, pay particular attention to
the southeast area.
 00:56:43Since this rules, the arts and music and all things about love. If you're having
relationship issues. I had one client one time you had a bedroom in the southeast corner.
 00:56:53And you could see how that maybe could be good, in some ways, right. It's a
very like passionate North lots of passion, but there was also because it's a fire area. It also
increases a lot
 00:57:03Of fighting. So this actually became a divorce and and it was a little bit too late.
Before I was able to see this person was kind of a reconnaissance mission, a little bit on their
 00:57:13But having a bedroom in this corner right is going to bring more fire into into
your life. And for some people that can be good if they need more passion and more fire.
 00:57:21That can be a nice thing right but if it's if there's enough fire as it is. This may
be a little bit of putting fire, on fire right
 00:57:28But the southeast section I liked. I always say is the best area to be
 00:57:33Have the most liberty with your artistic stuff with so you can, you know, handle
your pictures. Be a little bit crazy. Even with the colors you're using
 00:57:41Venus loves break things and sparkly and shiny and exotic things right. So
using the South southeast corner in this ways that is a great way to honor Venus.
 00:57:53It's also being ruled by the fire elements, you know, this is a great area for
entertainment things that involve electronics your computer's your TV's
 00:58:02You know, maybe I want to encourage video games, but get some kids like to
play video games is to be a good place for that to happen to right so anything electronic is goes
really well in the in this corner, being the element of fire. It's also a great place for the kitchen.
 00:58:16But, but in terms of creativity I mixture. This corners, particularly has a little bit
of flair to it. It's a very nice way to increase the Venetian influence
 00:58:27Venus also loves beautiful flowers, incense. I have a little Himalayan salt lamp
in my corner there.
 00:58:35So these are all real simple ways that you can bring this fire element. If you
need a little bit more of this. We're passionate version of creativity. I'm not going to go back to
the last leg and I don't want to mess things up again. But remember that this rules passion
 00:58:50You know, drive, things like that. So these are things that you need to bring a
little bit more creativity to in your life, this would be a great corner to look out for this.
 00:59:00So it was like to tell people to put your completed projects. So if you're an
 00:59:04Put your artwork up in this area, or if you're whatever it is the work you're
doing show it here and this will give that inspiration to keep doing those things. So when you
start to see these things and see what you've done.
 00:59:15That will then reignite that passion. So this is wonderful area for for all things
like that.
 00:59:26Okay, move to the next one. Here we go. Okay. We're okay again to kind of go
though. Okay.
 00:59:33Next, we'll talk about the northeast corner. So like I said, this is ruled by
Jupiter. This is the corner of spirituality
 00:59:40So this is always a place to give reverence and a place to give gratitude.
 00:59:46Typically speaking, it's going to keep this a little bit open and clear, especially
of clutter and things like that. You want to make this the area where you you visualize your
teachers and your gurus.
 00:59:57Sitting so anybody who's very important to you, whether that's an actual guru or
just a teacher.
 01:00:03You can place pictures you can make a small altar in the northeast corner again
if that part of the houses and available for that you can use a different room for that. Right. So
this is the area that brings in that inspiration for us.
 01:00:16Jupiter's the planet that tends to reward us and give us boons and things like
that. So this is always the planet that everybody's saying more Jupiter, please. More Jupiter.
 01:00:24It's very spiritual oriented planet. I like to have people hang a picture in this
corner of if it's if you need inspiration, something that feels open
 01:00:34Like a picture of a lake or a picture of an ocean or a stream is very, very nice
distances in the water element. This honors that element open roads, I wrote down also,
anything that's clear and open and allows your perception to be
 01:00:51Utilized in that way is the best way to use the northeast corner of your, your
 01:00:56Prayer contemplation all great things to have in this area and maybe it's just as
simple as a small simple flower vase that has some water in it, Donner, though the
 01:01:06Water principle or maybe a small water feature, even as a very nice thing. This
creates abundance in your life. This is good for money flow as well as spiritual flow, too. So
it's a nice combo. We can get the best of both those things.
 01:01:20So very important corner northeast corner.
 01:01:24I know that I'm much more to say about that. So let's keep going through and
get to everything. And then we talk about the Northwest and the Northwest is ruled by the
moon. We talked about this a little bit before it's a big, big area to
 01:01:38Move things since it's ruled by the air element, allowing movement through this
space. It's a good way to maybe let loose in a way it creatively. It's a nice area to dance in or to
do some movement art or maybe your yoga practice if you practice yoga or Tai Chi things like
 01:01:53Having a little bit of coming and going in this area is good. It's, I always joke
that if you have a guest room. It's a nice place to put your guests room because that way. They
won't stick around too long so that people will come in and then they will go
 01:02:06So so so you can even look at where you might place your bedrooms and things
like that. Right. In that case, the North is ruled by summer.
 01:02:14Which is rules all things money. So I always encourage people. And most of us
are have no issue with this of trying to increase financial abundance in our life is to utilize,
particularly the North direction.
 01:02:27To dedicate to your finances in some way. So ideally, you would store your
money. If you have a lockbox or something like that or a little cash box. Like, I mean this is a
picture of have that in the north part of your, your, your room or your house.
 01:02:40And it's real. But that actually particular like we said, screw up by Mercury. So
the color green is a great thing.
 01:02:48That may just be a little splash of green. You can if you want to go out and find
some green shade to paint the wall. Even better, but little splash or green or just kind of a you
know a nod to to mercury is a great way to also invite this piece.
 01:03:03facing north is a great thing to do for intellectualizing if you're a writer.
 01:03:08If you need to write some emails or you're making a blog, things like that,
facing north is said to be the direction that will help you utilize that mental
 01:03:17Aspect of your creativity, the most. So having a nice a nice open northern area
in your house in general windows in the north, always, always a great idea. If you can
 01:03:28That will bring in more of that energy of creativity and the more intellectual
 01:03:35Some other things here about medicines we won't get into that is because of
time, but hopefully you're able to read some of this and listen to my blah, blah, blah. At the
same time, but this is a great corner and use that use this north western part of the house to keep
that energy flowing
 01:03:50So the southeast. We do a lot of our kind of inspiration in the sense of
 01:04:00The actual expression of our art, things like that. The Northeast has a lot to do
with gratitude of giving banks for this creativity that we've been offered
 01:04:09And are channeling hopefully and then the air corner is a lot about keeping that
energy moving keeping the promise circulating through the house or the building.
 01:04:19And then the last corner, we'll talk about is the earth corner. It was it was
interesting to come up with this one has a little bit more. Not so clear.
 01:04:28Because it's it's it's a great, it's the earth element. So it's very heavy. It's hard.
It's not necessarily what I think of is something to create movement right
 01:04:35But sleep and rest is a big part of this creativity. Right. So we need to allow that
downtime, if we just go, go, go. We burn right through our energy burn right through our
 01:04:45Getting good rest is so, so important. I'm an Ayurvedic practitioner. So I'm
always pushing people to sleep better
 01:04:51And this is the area where we do this part of the puzzle, where we come into
our internal cells where we rest condense allow our dreams and
 01:05:02Projects to find their flourishing from our subconscious. So I always ask
 01:05:09Sleep towards the south. If you need a better night's sleep sleeping. To the
south is the best direction. If you do just want to increase your creativity in a healthy way. You
can also sleep with your head to the east.
 01:05:20So a lot of this is about rest in this corner and kind of coming back to the
ground south was a nice place to put relatives and your lineages that have passed as a way to
honor in be inspired by them also. So, pictures of family members that have passed you can put
on the supple.
 01:05:40Okay. And I just wanted to show you a couple fun pictures, too.
 01:05:45I just found these randomly online. So they were just kind of I took my first you
know glance at them to get a sense. So I find this picture very interesting this one in the in the
corner here.
 01:05:57And there's a lot that's great for it. Right. It's a very clean space. It's very
 01:06:02It's got some plants. It's got that green, which is that mercury color, which helps
with an Intel intelligence and thinking and processing and communicating
 01:06:10But the thing that really stood out to me the most. And I don't know if any of
you will see this is look at the how the ceiling is curved. Right. So it kind of comes into this
pointed thing. It's got a flat top have been appointed so
 01:06:24When we look at spaces that we want to have free flowing energy and this is
going to create sort of an emptying of energy or kind of a
 01:06:31You know, it'll it changes the way the energies flowing. So if I sit with this
space and I look at it I can feel that in my body, how
 01:06:39I would actually probably have a kind of a tough time as beautiful as a set up as
they have their own have a tough time kind of concentrating or being clear with my thinking.
 01:06:48That the energetic effective that ceiling like that. It's just going to kind of
crunch in a little bit. So it's not necessarily the best shape for a room like that. But to do that
type of work in
 01:07:00But sit with a picture like that. You can even look around on the internet or cell
phones and pictures and just get it. See if you can find these natural this natural sense of how a
space might affect you.
 01:07:09As the found this one over here, which is an art space.
 01:07:14For all you artists out there. I actually really liked the space quite a bit. What I
like about it is, she's got these
 01:07:19Nice, beautiful, beautiful windows right there. Big, big windows. I'm not sure
what direction that's facing, we can just say probably north and be happy with that.
 01:07:27Which will bring in that inspiration brings in that natural light which is very,
very important, particularly on the north and the eastern side.
 01:07:35A little bit messy right but artists are a little bit messy sometimes. But what I
like is that she's very organized, she's got this table structure. She's got her supplies out and
things right, but it's fairly need a few known artists. Right.
 01:07:46Can be very, very messy. Sometimes this is actually a very well placed space. I
would say in general gives her a little bit of that artistic freedom to lay things out yet is still
organized and condensed in a very clean and clear way so I like the space quite a bit.
 01:08:03For an artist's
 01:08:10These are very interesting pictures to me too. So we look at these two rooms.
 01:08:15And this is about temperature. So I would look at this first room and say, You
know what, how would I feel in this room. It's beautiful room right beautifully decorated very,
very books. Very nice, clean, but that blue right so in my mind I see this and I feel very cold.
 01:08:32So if this was an office if I had to come to a meeting and at this desk with this
person. I wouldn't necessarily have the best feeling that there's going to be warmth and
communication and that way.
 01:08:43I feel like I might even be a little bit power and a little bit down and not able to
clearly get across what pointing you to get across. Right.
 01:08:51So it's a little bit of a heavy or a cool space.
 01:08:55So it wouldn't necessarily. This looks like probably an office right, it wouldn't
be the area what like to sit in for too long and and try to come up with ideas about things or to
try to communicate with people.
 01:09:06I see it as a little bit of a solid spaces as gorgeous as that is really, I would
probably make some big changes to that blue and try to bring in a little bit more lighter colors
and a little bit more life in that way.
 01:09:18And then this room. This red is, you know, it's again it's a beautiful space. This
looks like the living room, I would imagine, this is going to be a very
 01:09:27Can you imagine me do all kind of conversation happens in here that with all
this bright, bright red right could be some very fiery type of things happening because of that
red. It's a very
 01:09:36blase type looking room so that can be a good thing, right, if you'd like these
loud animated conversations you know friends over.
 01:09:42If there's already enough fire going on in the in your family. If you're maybe a
big Italian family or something, right.
 01:09:47It might be enough fire on top of fire. In that case, they also get you can see this
kitchens in the background is a big old stove. Right. So there's a lot of fire in that space, not the
most relaxing and grounded space.
 01:09:57But it could be a nice social space, you know, if you really want lots of games
and conversation and things like that.
 01:10:02And then I wanted to show you one more.
 01:10:06And this is just another example of how spaces in our homes going to influence
us right so I found this picture and you can see this as a
 01:10:12Ti junction. Right. So this road comes right at that house and you can just
imagine if you saw without what kind of energy. Do you think that would bring if you were in
this House.
 01:10:20Very good, right, like having that problem moving directly at you and just
contacting you being thing, I would imagine, there's a lot of unhappiness in this House.
 01:10:30Or depression, maybe even a lot of turnover people move in and out of this
place so
 01:10:34Things like that, even that that's kind of what I was saying the spaces around us
also influences this room. I love. It's got this nice yellow Jupiter Syrian color.
 01:10:42Which is good for inspiration. It's nice, comfy couch. It makes me look like I
would love to just sit there for hours and read those books and just learn everything in the
world, right. So this is a nice nice space for learning.
 01:10:53That this bright yellow, which relates to Jupiter wisdom sciences, things like
that. This is really well done right. My like it quite a bit.
 01:11:02So those are just some quick simple ways how, you know, you can use your
space. If any of you want the slides I made. I know we went a little bit fast through them. I'm
more than happy to send them to you as well.
 01:11:13And you can maybe go back through and read some more specifics about the
spaces, but that's a pretty brief intro to what, like I said, which is a big, big, big, big science,
you can talk about this all day long.
 01:11:25Your interest interested. I just made this little slide just, I do a lot of different
work with people all over the world really
 01:11:32Through zoom and you know practice Ayurveda Joe Tish Vedic Astrology. I do
have us do consults and they do those even distance as well. You just need a
 01:11:42Video or pictures of the house and little late drawings, like this one in the
corner. Very helpful too. So I wanted to make sure, just to get a couple of minutes if there are
any questions, I'm going to try to get maybe one or two in

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

01:11:54There is a question here.

 01:11:58Josh. Thank you so much. It's actually touches on what we were talking about
the physician started do the directions apply for the Southern Hemisphere as well.

Josh Whiteley

01:12:10So because because the science is created in India. They didn't really have it. They
didn't think about the southern hemisphere. So there's a lot of debate and some people may see
if I can find a slide that will show it.

 01:12:22So, and I'd like you to practice to check this out and see what you think.
 01:12:26So you would take this North Eastern direction with the water element and you
put that into the southeast. So you would essentially flip this upside down.
 01:12:34So now the head is going to be down here and the fire direction is going to be
up here in the water is going to be here, air is going to be here or it's going to be here. So you
would essentially reverse and that's because of the magnetic pole of the planet.
 01:12:46So again, this isn't a very explored theme because they just didn't have the the
the intent to work this for the Southern Hemisphere.
 01:12:55My teachers have often said that's the way you do it, you'd flip it just like that.
So, but it's something that could use a lot of
 01:13:01You know, just, just checking it out and see what you think. And that's, again,
going back to my original
 01:13:06Thought with this festival is a lot of this, you need to sit with yourself, your
truth comes from inside you, so we can talk about these rules and the apply a lot of the time,
but you know
 01:13:16If it says that have a space. Glad in your heart and it's good to do so. That's
always the most important thing

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

01:13:23Absolutely, and I love how yeah they

 01:13:27Space within the Alpha and the just the environment that we're in really informs
you know that those sensations within our body, you know, and
 01:13:38And then how we've been relate to it and inhabit it. And so it's really great to be
able to think of these things in a different way. And I certainly did with that.
 01:13:47Little practice that you lead us through. And it's great to think about these
things in such a different way and bringing the elements and and yeah, then another question
 01:13:58Just as minimalism important according to this, the schools.

Josh Whiteley

01:14:04Is in it isn't. Now, what we would look at in the case of Minimalism is just enough

 01:14:11But not too much right and the different elements are going to ask for a
different amount of things. So in general, you would say the earth element being the heavy
element is the area to have the most things so large pieces of furniture.
 01:14:26Chests dressers large beds. Often we want to put more into the earth direction,
whereas the opposite side needs to be the lightest so the North East part of the house.
 01:14:38The north and east direction itself. Actually, you would want to have the
lightest amount of things to the most openness, but again,
 01:14:45Just enough without being too much is good if it's too minimal, then you get a
little bit too if theoretic right so that might actually not be announcing thing if you're already
floating in the clouds and maybe you're a Kundalini
 01:14:56yoga practitioner and, you know, you know, do all these kind of already a
Pyrrhic things you're only going to increase that element more in you. So part of it is looking at
the space and part of is looking at your individual constitution and how those things interact

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

01:15:11And there's another question. What is your favorite thing to add to living space to
inspire creativity.

Josh Whiteley

01:15:17Favorite thing to add to a living space. I'm a big fan of birds. So I like bird feeders
quite a bit. You can't go wrong with putting a bird feeder and almost any direction.

 01:15:27I would stick one I have one outside of my house. I have a east facing house
and I have one right outside. So that's always great. I also really like to put
 01:15:37If you don't have natural windows to the east, having a picture of a son on the
east side of your house is a great way to bring that sun energy in and
 01:15:47Bring that vitality in that creativity fresh flowers always go on. Me too. Nice,
nice little bouquet right and all your table.
 01:15:55Changes your mindset.

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

01:15:59Thank you so much. We just wrap up there, really enjoyed the session Josh have been
really, really wonderful you sharing these ancient wisdoms, and yeah, it's so

 01:16:11Easy to adapt into our modern world, you know, we can just take that time
create that space and live a creative life which is you know really what we're all here to do
because we are creative beings, so
 01:16:23Thank you so much, everybody for joining us. We can continue this
conversation and dialogue in the Facebook chat. We've got
 01:16:30The live stream happening. We'll put all the details in there for George's contact
details as well. And he has great to connect with the fellow
 01:16:42Attendees so keep the dialogue going build a community and also if you want
to watch this again. Then do. You've got 48 hours. That's going to be at 448 hours to watch free
 01:16:56The in the along with other sessions. But if you want to upgrade. You're more
than welcome. And that will help those that can't afford an upgrade to
 01:17:05Taken all these delights that have been offered throughout the conference. So
the link to that is also in the chat as well. So consider that and thank you to your zoom and
Amanda Ghana for bringing us this
 01:17:23Decision on this channel Josh Whiteley. Thank you very much. Any I just like
to invite you to share your top tip for being embodied for embodiment.

Josh Whiteley

01:17:38The top tip for embodiment. Um, I would say the breathing practice you know where
they say where your, your, your breath goes your planet goes. So if we can learn it to direct our
breath, we can direct our partner so sitting with your breath centering yourself. It's the best way
to be embodied

Facillitator - Renee Sheridan

01:17:57And also that creates space within as well. So it's beautiful. Yeah, thank you so much.
No, I've got so much out of it. And I'm sure everybody else has. And yeah, look forward to

 01:18:09Connecting with you. Further, so thank you.

 01:18:13Waves to Tucson, and thank you everybody for coming along and be sure to
check out the
 01:18:19Other sessions. We've got judy is coming up next on this panel or on this
channel rather with embodied voice so be sure to come back in an hour, and we can take you
through that.
 01:18:34Thank you go well. Take care. Bye Josh right
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