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Name: Hifza Hafeez

Section: B

Question 1:

Yes, there is an existing concept of a good stereotype which basically refers to a positive stereotype.
The positive stereotype refers to a favorable belief that is often held of a social group. Forming a
certain perspective of a social group has its own pros and cons. For instance, forming a perspective
that Asians have the ability to be better at math denies the fact that others can be good too.
Therefore, forming a positive stereotype is good, however, neglecting other factors on the basis of
that is not good.

Question 2:

Development of stereotypes is a rather typical fact that exists around the world. It is difficult to
manage human beings or refraining them from forming stereotypes. In order to not let stereotypes
blur our vision while making an important decision, it is important to understand that particular
groups cannot be tagged on the basis of certain people. Moreover, people possess various
characteristics on the basis of how they are, forming stereotypes will not just make it hard for us to
understand the right person, but also, lead to adverse effects in people’s lives. We need to
understand the negative aspects of tagging people.

Question 3:

Internal attribution: in order to manage the internal attribution I will make sure to give my one
hundred percent in the appointed task, as that would determine my ability to be good on the
specific task. Moreover, I will show excitement for the assigned task that will depict my feelings to
my boss.

External Attribution:

In order to showcase my external attributes in a failed task, it will be mostly due to the pressure
imposed by my boss that led me to not give my best. Moreover, the task difficulty will also be one
reason that I failed in the task.

Question 4:

Hush Puppies: the main aim of Hush puppies is to position its product for the people who look for
quality product, at a good price. Hush puppies are considered a competitive brand when compared
to its competitors.

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