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Yes, classrooms are one of the factors which decide the future of a nation and help to give a boom in

the socio-economic perspective as well as political development.

Classrooms create awareness about right and wrong in society.

Classrooms instigate peace in a nation.

Classrooms promote the notion of volunteer work for a nation.

Classrooms offer an opportunity to women of a nation to eradicate the myth of gender inequality.

Classrooms lead to an increase in the literacy rate.

Classrooms generate entrepreneurs who contribute to the GDP of a nation.

Classrooms help to decay the unemployment rate of a nation.

Classrooms provide scientists, mentors, professors and civil servants.

Classrooms guide the youth of a nation to choose its political leader by using the power of a vote.

Classrooms are producing the well-aware future political leaders of a nation.

Classrooms produce diplomats who represent a nation at an international level.

Article 25-A should be implemented properly.

Quality education should be provided at school levels.

‘Out of School’ dilemma should be eradicated.

Education budget should be increased by the government.

Classrooms build a nation, so it should be the top priority of any government to avoid the menace of
illiteracy before it’s too late.

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