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The Prince of Cures

The mortal who would become known as the Prince of Cures snatches the nascent heart of the magic of
cures from the cultivating hands of its creator.

Taking the heart within, the Prince overflows with life and restoration, the barren hill turning into a
splendid green. But beyond this green, the young world yet cries out in pain. The Prince has committed
an unforgivable sin.

As he stands there in the field, the entity above quakes with a quiet anger; their eternal kindness
misappropriated to bring but one selfish being satisfaction. As the entity turns its great form to depart
the ungrateful world, its anger slicks off like oil, tumbling through the early sky. Something takes form
within this rage - divine retribution is given form. A new existence touches the ground for the first time,
and its eyes first perceive the form of a being - its creator - leaving sight of the world forevermore.

By the time the creature has learnt how to stand on legs, the Prince has already long departed. The grass
has lost its luster. There, in the old field, it stands alone.

Now learning how to walk, the blades of grass trampled under foot spring back up as the soles of the
being’s feet withdraw contact.

Elsewhere, the Prince brings remedy to those who suffer. For what use else is there for such overflowing
and bountiful life? Their suffering is not wasted; where it departs those the Prince touches, it joins with
those who have not been graced with his light.

And, though it does not yet know this, the creature will take on the suffering of the world that the Prince
rejects. It will take this suffering and hold it within itself; a hollow vessel with a simple purpose. And,
once this vessel has begun to overflow, the creature will deliver the parting gift of its creator unto the
Prince of Cures.

He who would deny the world a remedy to their suffering will finally be acquainted with that which he

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