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3D Drawn Hand Tutorial 

Arts & Crafts by Cathy Deng 

Materials:​ ​Lined paper, a blue pen, a pencil, white paint or a white gel pen. 

Step One:​ ​Place your hand on the piece of paper and trace your hand with a pencil. 

Step Two:​ ​Using a blue pen, draw curves connecting the places where your pencil markings touch 
the blue lines of the paper. 

Step Three:​ With your pencil, draw a light shadow on the right of each finger and the side of your 
drawn hand. It should be darker closer to the traced hand and it should slowly get lighter. 

Step Four:​ ​Erase the pencil markings on the left side of the hand. 

Step Five:​ ​Use your white paint or white gel to cover the pre-existing blue lines on the paper that are 
underneath the curves you drew. 

Picture Steps 

1   2 


  4   5 

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