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Mason Boyer

English 100

Essay Assignment #1
What is wrong with our schools?

Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at
whom it is aimed. --Joseph Stalin

Education reform is one of the most discussed and debated issues in American society. Politicians
endlessly claim that they are going to fix our schools, yet most of the problems keep getting worse; we
must understand a problem before we can solve it. This assignment will focus on expository writing,
analyzing a subject, and the fundamentals of essay structure.

Assignment: Write an essay in which you identify a problem or weakness of the American
education system and analyze the various causes and effects of the problem. This prompt only
establishes the basic parameters of your writing; it is up to you to narrow and define the focus of your
essay in your thesis statement, as education is an incredibly complex topic. For example, you might
narrow your focus to a particular phase of our education system: early, primary, secondary, or post-
secondary. You might focus on curriculum, staffing, funding, testing and accountability, discipline,
parenting, or a cultural issue-- the possibilities are nearly infinite! I have selected readings that examine
different aspects of our education system from different angles, we will discuss education issues in class,
and you should reflect critically on your own experiences.

Audience: As always, we are writing for an educated, sophisticated Reader-- assume your Reader cares
about the state of American education, and, like you, the Reader has extensive personal experience within
our education system.

Primary Objectives: We will focus on the fundamentals of essay structure, effective analytic writing,
and we will learn how find and incorporate outside sources into formal/academic writing.

Essay Requirements:
--4-6 pages
--adherence to MLA format and citation guidelines
--minimum four credible sources, at least two of which must be from your own research (in other
words, not from the assigned class readings)
--incorporation of personal experience

***An excellent ("A") essay will meet all of the above requirements, will demonstrate strong competence
in all of the primary objectives, will be meticulously proofread and edited, will demonstrate an active and
engaged intellect, and, perhaps above all else, will be an enjoyable read.

Due Dates:

Thesis Draft:


Rough Draft:

Final Draft:

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