Introduce New Disease Aryos

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Introduce New Disease

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb. In this article i am going to introduce you five new disease to
watch out for in 2017. hepatitis C (1989), West Nile virus (1999), SARS (2003),
Chikungunya (2005), swine flu (2009), MERS (2012), Ebola (2014) and Zika (2015) have all
since had their time in the media spotlight. A further 33 diseases have featured in the World
Health Organization's Disease Outbreak News since its inception in 1996. Of the "big eight"
listed above, six are known zoonotic diseases and the remaining two (hepatitis C and
Chikungunya) are assumed to be so, although the animal reservoir remains undiscovered.

So what other new infectious diseases are on the horizon? These are the ones to watch for
in 2017.

First that i will tell you the new disease is Leishmaniasis historically known as "Aleppo
boil," this parasitic infection has recently, as the name suggests, become a problem among
Syrian refugees. Producing disfiguring skin ulcerations, and occasionally spreading to
internal organs with fatal consequences, the increase of cases turning up in Europe among
migrants has made it the subject of considerable media interest. Leishmaniasis is spread by
the bite of the sandfly, however, which means it has a northern limit to its range.

After we know about leishmaniasis lets we move to Rift Valley Fever this virus is spread
by a variety of biting insects but fortunately does not transmit from person to person. Humans
appear only to be infected by mosquitoes that have previously bitten livestock. Nevertheless,
RVF has been expanding its range in Africa, most recently pushing north-west into the Sahel

It often turns up in travelers returning from affected areas and one of those could be the
carrier that takes RVF out of Africa and into new continents. Beginning, as many viruses do,
with a vague fever, aches and pains, RVF can progress to internal bleeding, liver failure,
brain inflammation and blindness. The death rate is only 1% but rises to 50% if bleeding

Then lets we talk about Oropouche another virus that has recently been expanding its
range and which is spread by mosquitoes of the genus Culex. This is always bad news (as
was previously found for West Nile virus), since Culex has a far wider distribution than the
Aedes mosquitoes that spread Zika or the sandflies that spread Leishmaniasis.

Whether Oropouche's recent expansion out of its Amazonian heartland to neighbouring parts
of South America is just a local fluctuation or the beginnings of a Zika-esque global tour,
remains to be seen. Oropouche is normally a self-limiting fever with loss of appetite,
headaches and vomiting, but the occasional meningitis complication is more concerning.

Lets we talk about some people this disease is the next zika this disiase is Mayaro
characterized by fever, aches and pains and a rash, Mayaro is distant relative of
Chikungunya, and spread by biting Aedes mosquitoes, Mayaro made a recent surprise
appearance in Haiti and beat its Amazonian rival Oropouche to the coveted title of "the next
Zika." Mayaro, like cholera, may be just another infectious disease that took advantage of the
degradation of Haiti's already impoverished health infrastructure by the 2010 earthquake.

This illustrates a general point that emerging diseases tend to flourish where wars flare up or
the breakdown of civil society occurs. Syria's Leishmaniasis and the expansion of Rift Valley
Fever into areas of West Africa beset by decades of insurgency are probably far from

Last but not least and this not mean this disease is not danger for us the last disease that i
will explain to you is Elizabethkingia is the sole bacterial pathogen on the list the only one
that isn't spread by biting insects and the only one that is found worldwide. So
Elizabethkingia won't be expanding its range but may be expanding its clinical impact in a
world where antibiotics can no longer be relied upon to save our lives from bacterial

Unlike the others, Elizabethkingia isn't in the "possibly coming soon" category but is already
here. Its variety of presentations from pneumonia to meningitis to sepsis together with recent
increases in virulence and antibiotic resistance, make it a potentially formidable adversary.

That is all the new disease that i have, thanks for your very very attention,i am sorry if this
article is not interest for you all,wabillahi taufik wal hidayah wassalamu alaikum Wr Wb.

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