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PS 250 Breakout Room Work


1. Paul Baltes (1987) identified four key features of the life-span developmental perspective.
What are they?

Multi-directionality, Plasticity, Historical Context, Multiple Causation.

2. What does the demographic pyramid look like for older adults in your country?
Demographic pyramid of China:

3. What four forces shape adult development? How would an understanding of these four
forces help you understand the reasons a Bentley classmate might be having trouble getting
a good night's sleep?

Biological force, Psychological force, Sociocultural force, Life-cycle force.

I think one of the reasons that Bentley students might have trouble getting a good night’s
sleep is feeling very stressful and nervous about the incoming tests which is psychological

4. What are some of the "stealth marketing" strategies used to make products that appeal
to older adults?
Stealth marketing aims at attracting older adults to buy specific products. For example, the
elderly pay more attention to maintaining their health. Some nutrition companies will use
their hearts to introduce more cost-effective nutrition products, which are very popular
among the elderly.
5. What kind of buying power do older women have?
I think the group of older women has very significant consuming power.

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