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Tell us a little about your hobbies.

Why does it capture so much of your attention

and what about it makes you want to do it whenever you have free time?

My hobbies are playing chess and reading books. I had always an inclination to play
games which involve lots of critical and deep thinking which lead me towards
discovering chess at a young age. I learned chess from my mother who herself was a
very good player of chess, later as I grew older chess become my favorite hobby to
timepass. In my school days whenever I had free time, I used to play chess with my
friends and sports teacher. This also helped me to explore new horizons and meet
new people. I was selected for nationals representing the Maharashtra region in
chess during my school days. The thing about chess that always captured my
attention and interest was the level of deep thinking needed in it to make any move
which has almost infinite permutations and combinations for every move and to
select the best possible among them, Chess had also taught me to take calculated
decisions and be responsible for the risks associated with them. Chess had made me
a better person overall. My second best hobby is reading books, I love reading
books especially which interests me. I always like to read anything be it news,
articles, books, etc; I had read many books not only in the English language but
also in Hindi and Marathi. I believe that I am the kind of person who if commits to
something then never quits until it is done, this feature of mine has always made
me inclined to finish almost every book that I had started. Mostly I love to read
adventure and fictional books, reading books are the things I look to do in my free
time because it gives me the sense of imagination of a different world and also
helps me greatly to realize different viewpoints of great people which had helped
me to understand how they look at a situation and how they make most of it. Reading
books always excite me because it almost always brings interesting perspectives for
me to look at life.

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