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What is Geography?
Geography is the study of physical properties of the Earth and the
environment. It is also the study of the distribution of all life on Earth.
This means that geographers examine how people interact with the
local, regional and global places in which they live, work, play and visit.

Geography can be divided into two main branches. These are:

1. Physical Geography
2. Human Geography,

 Physical Geography is the study of the physical and natural

features of Earth, such soils, climate, bodies of water, animal and
plant life, etc.

 Human Geography is the study of the interaction between people

and the natural features of the Earth, e.g. population,
transportation, agricultural systems and religion, etc.

Why do we study Geography?

We all live on Earth, so we have a responsibility to learn about it, how it
works and how we can help take care of it.

How do you study Geography?

At this stage, Geography is going to consist mainly about memorizing
facts. Therefore, it will be useful to use online videos and PowerPoints,
maps and colours and other methods that help you to remember facts.
1. The Continents of the World

2. Africa & the Number of countries in Africa

3. Southern Africa - Zimbabwe and its Neighbouring Countries

4. Provinces in Zimbabwe
5. Towns and Cities in Zimbabwe according to a 1997 map

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