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My Street Location Report

For this task I am going to be walking around my own street and taking on a documentary
style approach, I am not going out to purposely capture people in my images but if they are
around I will also try to include them, but mainly I want to document my street as it is
currently. I won’t be working with models or other professionals for this task but if I was to
do that then I feel I would need to be more conscious of the weather as when I go out alone
this isn’t such an issue for me but if I had a model who I didn’t want to get wet or feel
uncomfortable then I would need to be more picky about which day I go out on. Other
professionals would need to be informed of times and equipment that they may need to
bring. Time of day could be another factor to take into consideration, do I want to capture a
busy time like school hours or photograph something where it will be quieter. Also time of
day as in day or night, doing a shoot at night will mean I may need additional lighting like a
flash if I want my images to be well lit. I need to be weary of people’s properties for legal
reasons, if I am taking images on their property this could get me into trouble so I need to
make sure I stay back or at least check with them if it is okay for me to be on their land.

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