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How to Create AP View Only Custom Role

STEP 1 : Setup and Maintenance ->Go to task Manage Job roles to create a Job role in OIM
Click on Administration in the right side

Click on Create Roles under Roles

Create a Role as per the below screenshot.

STEP 2: Role Mapping in APM

Go to task Manage Duties to go into APM

Search for the role created in OIM

Under Application Role Mapping add following duties under fscm.

STEP3 : Create a duty role in APM

Add the Job role under external role mapping

Click on Find policies

Add new functional Policy

Select the Targets mentioned in the screenshots

STEP4 : Create Role Template as mentioned in the screenshot.

Under external roles select the job role created
Under dimension: Paste this query
SELECT distinct 200 application_id, bu.bu_id, bu.bu_name, bu.short_code FROM fun_all_business_units_v
bu, fun_business_functions_b bf, fun_bu_usages_v buu WHERE bu.bu_id = buu.business_unit_id
AND bf.business_function_code in ( 'PAYABLES_INVOICING_BF' , 'PAYABLES_PAYMENT_BF' ) AND
bf.business_function_id = buu.module_id

Under Naming do the setup as per the screenshot

Under Policies do the setup as per the screenshot.

Click on generate Roles

Valid Data role for the respective BU is created.

STEP5: Assign this role in OIM to the respective user.

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