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Rylie Gumtow

Mr. Ventura

JCC 1530

25, January 2021

Research Position Paper Reflection

During semester I soon became to realize that it’s important to start an assignment when

its first handed out, getting a jump start and even just doing a planning page to figure out where

you want to go from there. That’s what I had did for this assignment, I knew I wanted to get a

good grade, so I wanted to try my absolute hardest to do just that. This assignment started off

with creating a thesis, and planning out who your essay was directed towards, this was easy for

me because I knew exactly who the essay needed to be directed towards. Then, we created our

introduction, and I had a lot of work that needed to be done with this, I wanted to create a strong

intro for my essay so that it would flow smoothly throughout the paper. Then, creating the

conclusion, basically having the two hardest parts in my opinion out of the way. I really liked

how we started with thesis then progressed to the intro and conclusion, instead of doing it all at

once, I noticed it made my work cleaner and efficient. This essay in particular I felt as though I

had a lot of information from outside sources that I had found on my own time, using those I had

a lot of evidence to supports my reasonings and claims. Finally, putting the paper together I had

some ups and downs, some paragraphs were easier than others, and trying to make it so my essay

wasn’t choppy and so it flowed smoothly was one of my big concerns. When receiving feedback,

I didn’t get a lot from my peer reviewer, just simple things like sentence structure or my

grammar. I believe this may be a good thing that there wasn’t a lot to comment back on, but I
would’ve liked more feedback to help my writing in general. Overall, this was one of my favorite

essays I had to write this semester, I really enjoyed the outlining we did in the beginning and I

would recommend doing that in the future.

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