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Chapter 8 HUMAN RESOURCE RECRUITMENT OBJECTIVES: After this lesson, you should be able to: + Have an idea on how different methods of human resource recruitment are done; + Know the advantages and disadvantages of the different methods of recruitment; + Name the two major sources of manpower, + Choose from the different methods which one is more effective, appropriate, applicable and less expensive to use in recruiting manpower; + Define recruitment, job posting, the word-of-mouth system, advertising media, walk-ins and unsolicited applicants, campus or university recruitment, job fair and open house, government agencies and internet; and Get the proper human resources of the organization. 37 Scanned with CamScanner Thousands of graduates are added to the nation’s work force every YN ge graduatescomecither fromhigh| soclonlleg The highschool graduatesareseeking, manual labor both in industry and in the agricultural sector’ College graduates are seeking employment based on the course they have taken. ‘Unfortunately, our country cannot provide them employment for lack of jobs available, bo in the private sectors, In view of this, the labor market is wide open other business enterprises. ih in government and to the industry and. - The question, however, is-are these available human resources, ready to assume — the limited available vacancies in the competitive world of works? How prepared are the college graduates to assume new challenges and the complexities of increasing technological advances? To a limited few graduates who are available, they may find employment suited to their college preparations, yet a Jot may be under-employed as they are not properly ready to assume higher jobs requiring greater preparations. e with the growing supply of 's how to attract and select the ardize the delivery of basic The demand for employment cannot seem to cop' manpower: The challenge now facing most companies i most desirable and qualified job applicants will likely jeop: services to their respective clienteles. ‘The direction being pursued by organizations determine the nature of the job and the personnel they hire. Having established their organizational goals, they will be able to determine the strength of their personnel and from there determine whether they need additional ones to fulfil their goals. Meeting Neeils of Human Resources acting the best individuals to join the company, Recruitment is the process of attr ona timely basis in sufficient numbers and meeting the qualification requirements, thereby encouraging them to apply for the jobs in the organization. ocess starts as soon as the need for additional personnel is identified. It “ig ideally the result of good human resource planning, This process will thoroughly review and analyze the manpower requirements. In case the results of the analysis reveal that the vacancy should be filled up, then the human resource department will announce the need for the manpower. To serve the best interests of the company, the recruitment officer must identify the knowledge, skills and abilities that individual applicant must possess in order fo tackle the duties and responsibilities in the vacant position. The reference for the qualification requirements is in the existing job description. The pr What are the Two Major Sources of Candidates to Fill the Vacant Positions? 1. The Internal Source ~ These are the qualified candidates from the company. st within the ranks of its present employees. They have the advantage 0 boosting the morale of the other employees and encouraging them to perform Scanned with CamScanner well. The employees look forward to the brighter future, as management recognizes the performance of the employees within the organization. Career development or career mobility opportunities are provided. Promotions from within generate a chain effect since they lead to other vacant positions that may also be filled up from within the organization. This upward movement will trigger a positive effect on employees’ performance. ‘The recruitment from within the company is also less expensive in terms of time and resources because incumbent employees are already familiar with the organizational rules, policies and regulations and the functions related to the new position. Promotions are best applicable for supervisory or mid-level positions. Supervisory employees who have proven their worth in terms of loyalty and dedication to their job and performance may be promoted to managerial level. This upward movement will create a vacancy for the entry of another Prospective employee that could be sourced out from the external manpower. 2. The External Source ~The hiring from the outside source is a management option. If it thinks that no one from within among the next rank of employees can successfully perform the job or deliver the required output, then hiring an outsider would be inevitable. This could also be resorted to when the new vacant position requires added skills due to the introduction of new technology and the need is immediate and necessary. Another reason why management may resort to hiring from outside is the culture of conflict among employees who are vying for a new position. This practice of hiring from outside is resorted to by management to eliminate dissensions among internal employees competing for promotions. Different Methods of Human Resource Recruitment 1. Job Posting This is the process by which internal recruitment is accomplished. Every time a position becomes available it is posted in the company bulletin board for the information of all interested parties. Qualified employees are given preference for promotion or transfer to another section. The information posted in the bulletin board should specify and contain the job description; the department where there is a vacancy, salary grade, work schedule and work conditions. The deadline for applications should also be stated so that at the end of the scheduled date, management may open the position to outsiders. The standard time for job posting is a'period of one week to two weeks, Some companies may require the interested applicants to ask permission first from their immediate superiors before they are considered as applicants for the position, In some companies the confidentially of the process is observed until a decision is reached. Scanned with CamScanner 40 _ job opening, the word spread around, The depart ithin offers the Promoting or transferring employees: from within advantages: ; ition. It creates an opening for a lower easy-to-fill posits The morale of the employee is boosted. Hidden talent maybe uncovered and utilized. aos p |. It saves considerable time and money. : icy an @. Employees are already familiar with the company policy and therefore less adjustment is necessary. d the job itselg : : i the followin Some companies would not like to resort to job posting for 8 reasons: ir department a. Supervisors and managers want to promote someone from their dep: whom they have groomed for the position. b. Some management members may be upset with employees who apply for jobs outside their department and tend to take such a move personally, ©. Losing an employee tojob posting may mean having to wait for replacement that may not be as good. 1 d. Some companies believe that it is better to bring new blood rather than recycling existing ones. The success of job posting depends largely on how well it is designed and monitored. The following guidelines may help in its successful implementation: a. The employee must have been with the company for at least one year and must be in the current position for at least 6 months. b, The employee must have a ratinj 8 of Very Satisfactory before he can apply for the posted vacant position. c. The employee can only apply for not more than three times in one year. These guidelines will help prevent the problem of “ who may opt to apply for virtually evei serious manner and lends credibility, 1 revolving door” employees ty job posted. It also treats the Process ina | thus increasing its effectiveness. .. The Word-of-Mouth System This method of recruitment is found to be effective in local situation. 1: of the least expensive recruitment systems. As soon as peop fear’ tha na | ere’ ment head heads, the employee talks with other employees and ee department company’s community of friends and families. This is very 4 PTE8dS Out to the where there are few jobs available and mére appli ¥ common in a locality ants want to get employed, The Chinese company would prefer an app licant who j : ‘somebody who is loyal and tested and has worked 1°, ‘8 tecommended by ked with th ployee's relative years. They would prefer to hire em for a number of r friends. Very few Scanned with CamScanner Chinese companies will advertise for'new positions as they regard the word-of- mouth an effective means of recruitment specially thode recommended by the company employees. On the surface, word-of-mouth appears to be an ideal recruitment source. It is certainly an effective tool but the following precautionary measures should be observed: 3 Regionalism may dominate over the company employees. Tagalogs will Tecommend those from the same region, the Hlocanos will dominate if the one at the helm is an Ilocano and so on. b. Pulling of strings and the “padrino” system may prevail in the hiring of employees that discriminate against other applicants, who may be more qualified. . Advertising Media One popular and often effective means soliciting applicants is advertising it through the media, like newspapers, magazines, radio ot television. Careful Planning in terms of content, timing and location can generate a large response, usually resulting in hiring. The advertisement should reach the target clientele and it should be designed according to the following guidelines: a. For special skills, the ad must clearly stipulate the skills required. ». In scouting for talent, the wording of the ad should be specific. ¢. For applicants who want to know all about specifics, the ad must contain the duties and responsibilities of the position. d. Include the details where the applicant should send the resume’ or bio- data or where to apply personally if required, e. Be direct and straight forward in wording the ad. £ Avoid cute and unprofessional phrases as it may reflect on the image of the organization. » 8 Hire an advertising agency if you are not sure of what to put in the ad. h. For hiring of executive positions, the services of a consultancy agency may be employed. Agencies may also be able to provide advice as to the best day of the week to put an ad. Usually Sunday is a good day for all positions, The Bulletin is full of different ads during Sundays, Other newspapers and magazines have it on Saturdays. The time of the year could also affect the applicant's response. Not many applicants would be available in the months of November and December due to the 13" month pay and other company incentives. Scanned with CamScanner . Walk Ins and Unsolicited Applicants What are blind ads? ‘ i ny, instead they ‘These are ads that do not reveal the identity of the oonre et rwarded. Thi a box number where the resume’ or pertinent papers Jlls or unwanted resume’s. usually done to avoid responding to a flood of phone cal ; The following are the disadvantages: ; “ard to fill position a. ‘Theremightbealimited mumber ofapplicants for the "Mere istouchtda where you want interested applicants to immedia you. b. Blind ads discourage some applicants to apply, as i company they are working with. ©. Some applicants may have applied for the same position not too long aj and it is a waste of time. When scanning personal files for existing applicants compare carefully inet background and skills with the requirements of the available position nee i to fill up. Also review the notes of the previous interview and if possible talk to ‘g him in person. There are those applicants who may not be able to pass the initial interview due to various reasons or they may be qualified but there were not many Positions available at the time of filing the application. 2 These unsolicited applicants could be a possible source of outstanding — employees. They are not, however, treated very seriously by the human resource department or the company receptionist, Most often, the application letters or resumes are put in the waste basket or at tim 'es put in file without even looking at _ the potential qualifications of the applicants, . “ The following guidelines may be put into advantages for Walk In or Call In applicants: a. Applications should be categorized into different skills or qualifications, b. 'A day of the week must be scheduled for the interview of the applicants. Those who pass shouldbe put in the active file for three moma Pe oa reference. The applicants should be notified that their applicati possible consideration and that they ma ications are y be called withi . period. After such period, the application o digit the specified S could be discarded, . c. Unsolicited applications can also be re i in mind. Possible job matching can be mail. This system could work effective manpower planning. viewed with the list of openins ‘ enings pursued, cither by telephone or a if the company has embarked cet Scanned with CamScanner 5. Campus or University Recruitment Colleges are undisputable sources of talent for an organization to tap. Recent graduates are considered highly desirable for companies to select, groom and develop recruits from top schools in the country. The most suitable candidates are from the University of the Philippines, Ateneo University and De la Salle. Mapua University produces good engineers. There are little elite schools that produce good potentials for future executives an experienced person in the field of recruitment considers other schools like Polytechnic University of the Philippines for computer and business courses and the Technological University of the Philippines for the technical and Engineering courses. Both’are government universities that produce scholars from poor and average families. There are still a lot of other schools scattered all over the country that produce quality graduates and are a good source of potential employees. The records of the graduating students are available at the registrar's office and they are just too willing to provide the information for companies who need their graduates. Some universities have placement offices and will be most willing to coordinate with Human Resource Practitioners in getting highly qualified applicants. | Campus recruitment requires careful planning and preparation. As there are many universities that produce good students, proper scheduling must be made and matched with manpower projections based on present and future needs. Student potentials must be properly evaluated together with their academic standing along these line students who are leaders in campus activities are potential leaders in industry if given the proper break, orientation and training. They may start as cadets and given training to assume future supervisory positions. 6. Job Fair and Open House The job fair and open house are popularly increasing, as recruitment sources. The organizational representatives of the company gather and interview several applicants over a period of one to two days in some specified fields. ‘An advertisement announcing the location of the job fair is posted at least one week ahead of schedule to attract more applicants. Some local government units coordinate with the job fair for their interested constituents. Some jobs fair are conducted during weekends at town centers or any convenient place in the town or city. Brief interviews are conducted during the job fair. Applicants submit resumes and bio-data for immediate reference. Those who are found to be qualified are called for further interview at the company’s office where further tests and qualification checks are conducted, The participating company may choose to exchange information about the candidates depending on their needs. 7. Government Agencies Some local government units have their placement offices look for possible employments for their constituents. The Dole has also an agency that compiles Scanned with CamScanner en and refer m applications for referral to the different companies. They SO" Os new, applicants usually for manual or unskilled positions. T° for the job. Braduates or protégées of politicians who may not be 14% referrals are accommodated at times for political patronaBe iol jue to po These types of referrals are sometimes difficult to ie properly. Pressures. The human resource manager must screeh 7 te than politi to give consideration if found to possess added qualities ne ess that be, connections, Rejections sometimes may create friction With NT comma endl In case the applicants fail to meet the standard requirement Me aot official must be given a very strong justifiable reason why the aP| 4 aécepted. Radio and Television Radio and television are now used as mediums for manpower recrulient Since the coverage of the advertisement is of great magnitude, more qualifie applicants can be reached and could even tempt other applicants who are not actually looking for jobs. While they have the advantage for job recruitment the following are some points to consider: ‘ a. Itis very costly, as the message has to be repeated to get the target audience, b. The message must be convincing and should be done by a professional. 2 The message on radio and television should be sincere and pleasing. a The name of tie company must be repeated including the telephone number so that the audience can remember where to contact the company. The Internet The internet could become another source of employment opportunities, Company profiles and job placement could eventually come into the internet, While this method is not frequently resorted to at the moment, it will come easy and handedly in the future. The following advantages are: a. Application letters or resumes could immediately be sent to the compara b. Immediate answers could be available through e-mail, Other necessary information could be available from the applicants, d. Immediate needs of the company on man 5 Power requi answered in a short time. ‘quirements could be “e. They are less costly and get immediate response, Scanned with CamScanner Case Study 3 Permaja Resources Corporation has the policy of promoting employees from within the organization on a companywide basis. Seniority is based on the length of service and the performance ratings. Rod Santos was hired as a mechanical engineer trainee on March 20, 2002 and got a performance rating of very satisfactory. He was a trainee for six months before his promotion to Engineer I at Section A of the machine shop section. Roger Santiago was hired in January 2003 as engineer trainee in Section B of the machine shop and had performance rating of very satisfactory for the last two years. Both Santos and Santiago are mechanical engineering graduates of a prestigious school. ‘ The position of supervising engineer in Section B was left vacant with the promotion of Art Real to Plant Superintendent of both section A and B. Due to the seniority rule, Rod Santos was promoted to the post. While art would like to recommend Roger Santiago to the post, the HR department policy on seniority rule had to be applied, hence the intention watered down when he talked to the HR manager. Art talked to Rod Santos about his case and Rod Santos understood that Roger Santiago was also interested in the position. . ‘One month later, a major machine broke down and Rod Santiago single-handedly worked diligently on the machine and completed it in due time to meet the customers’ demand. During a break time after the successful repair of the machine, Rod Santos, in the presence of the other workers, complemented the efforts and expertise of Roger Santiago. “Roger, thanks for the excellent work you have done. You are the best engineer around here and I would like you to know that I appreciate very much your effort. You have the knowledge, skills and experience around here and you are the number one engineer along this line.” With the compliment, Roger Santiago retorted a little sarcastically “I know how all these things run here as I am one of those who installed that machine. I know more about this whole thing than you do. If only the HR department knew how to recognize people with potential, you would not be here in the first place.” Use case format in the analysis 45 Scanned with CamScanner Exercise se Name: Section: Professor; Score: I, Identification: Identify the recruitment method described in the following ‘statements. Choose your answer from the words listed inside the box. electronic recruiting employee referral advertising media government employment agencies campus/university recuitment job fair/open house career development system. | job posting computerized record system private employment agencies unsolicited application word-of-mouth A method of external recruitment in which a company places an advertisement of the vacant position in the appropriate media (e.g., newspaper, magazine, television or radio). The news about the hiring of new personnel for a vacant position is spread from one person to another through oral communication. The linking of the recruiting activities to the organization’s strategic objectives. : The information regarding the personal _ details, qualifications and work history of each employee are stored in the computer that allows the HR manager to quickly locate potential candidates within the organization’s work force. Advertising of job openings to current employees via bulletin boards, newsletters, personal letters or computerized posting programs. The applicants approach the HR department seeking a job without an appointment or they submit a written application letter or resumé, or inquiring about the job without reference to an advertisement. Applicants are often called the “write ins” and “walk ins”. The company’s recruiters visit prestigious college/ university campuses to attract the best talent for positions requiring a college degree. Scanned with CamScanner . Placement offices of some local governmett vi ee possible employment for their — de companies with 9. Privately runagencies that fora fee provid “ clerical blue-collar, sales and technical Pe resentatives gather to meet 10. The company organizational rep’ ‘over a period of one the potential employees and vice eres or two days over some specified field. Il. TRUE or FALSE. Write T on the space provided if the statement is correct and Ff the statement is incorrect. i 1. The hiring from outside is the management option if he thi inks no one’ | from within is qualified. 1 2. The recruitment within the company will create the vacancy that could be sourced out from the external source. 3. The success of job posting depends largely on how well it is designed and monitored. 4, Pulling of strings and the “padrino” system may discriminate against other applicants who may be more qualified. j 1 / | | 5. Thetimeofthe year affects the applicants’ response tothe advertisement. 6. Use blind ads to encourage numerous applicants for the “hard-to-fill positions”. , 7. The “walk in” and “write in” applicants have always great chances to be hired. | 8. Recruitments from the universities that produce quality graduates + require no planning at all. m politicians must be luirenients, 9. Applicants with strong recommendations from hired even if they fail to meet the standard req 10. Both government and private sectors have | graduates based on the courses they have tal lots of jobs to offer to new ken, Scanned with CamScanner

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