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Rylie Gumtow

Mr. Ventura

English Adv. 12

1 December, 2020

Mapping Reflection

While completing the mapping essay, I realized the main purpose of the paper was

basically organizing all of the information that I had found in my research articles. Discussing

the main purpose of the argument and what prompted the past and present interest in the

discussion that makes it worth talking about. Not only discussing the importance of the topic but

also reiterating the issue of the opposing sides presented, showing the similarities and differences

between them all. When I received my paper back from my peer reviewers I thought the

information and their opinions on my paper was beneficial for fixing my paper, both of my

reviewer’s feedback was positive and helped shaped not only my paper but my writing better.

They gave a lot of tips on grammar and fixing my sentences so it was more organized, and better

to understand from an outside reader. With the help from my peer reviewers the brought light to

my eyes about issues that I didn’t recognize before, I will now be watching out for the mistakes I

made and how easily I can prevent from making them again. As I peer reviewed my classmates

paper I realized that I had to go over their papers several times to fully understand their papers.

Both of my classmate’s papers showed great writing that had not many flaws at all. When I

reviewed their papers I looked for grammar, sentence structure, passive voice, and also if they

followed the rubric and maintained a neutral side in their paper. I saw as a reviewer that my

classmates writing was advanced and well written.

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