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Rangkuman Skill 46-48 (WE 9)

1. Skill 46: Menggunakan Adjectives dan Adverbs dengan Benar

Berikut urutan yang benar:

a. Adjective + Noun

She is beautiful woman

b. Verb + Adverb

She sings beautifully

c. Adverb + Adjective + Noun

She is beautifully dressed woman

Contoh yang salah:

1. They were seated at a largely table (Salah)

Kata largely (adverb) salah karena kata sebelum noun (table) harusnya adjective (large)

They were seated at a large table (Benar)

2. The child talked quick to her mother (Salah)

Kata quick (adjective) salah karena kata sesudah verb (talked) harusnya diikuti adverb (quickly)

The child talked quickly to her mother (Benar)

2. Skill 47: Menggunakan Adjective setelah Linking Verbs

Kalau berdasarkan aturan di skill 46, kata setelah verb diikuti dengan adverb

Contoh: She spoke (verb) nicely (adverb)

Tapi jika kata tersebut LINKING VERB maka harus diikuti ADJECTIVE

Contoh: She looks (linking verb) nice (adjective)

Bukan 'she looks nicely'

Maka ada dua aturan:

1. Subject + linking verb + adjective

Contoh: She looks nice

2. Subject + linking verb + adverb + adjective

Contoh: He seems unusually nice

Berikut kata yang merupakan linking verbs:

Appear, be, become, feel, look, prove, seem, smell, taste

3. Skill 48: Memosisikan Adjective dan Adverb dengan Benar

Di skill 46, kita tahu urutan yang benar adalah verb yang diikuti adverb (co: she sings beautifully)

Tapi ada situasi di mana aturan tersebut tidak berlaku

Contoh: he has taken (verb) recently (adverb) an English course (object) (SALAH)

Jika mengikuti aturan skill 46, harusnya contoh di atas benar (verb + adverb) namun karena ada object
(english course) yang mengikuti maka kalimat tersebut menjadi salah

NOTE: Adverb tidak bisa diletakkan di antara verb dan object

Pilihannya adalah:

1. Recently he has taken an English course

2. He has recently taken an English course

3. He has taken an English course recently

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