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A Brief History of Outer Space Cooperation Between Latin

America and China

Julie Michelle Klinger

Journal of Latin American Geography, Volume 17, Number 2, July 2018, pp.
46-83 (Article)

Published by University of Texas Press


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A Brief History of Outer Space Cooperation
Between Latin America and China
Julie Michelle Klinger
Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies
Boston University

Abstract Key words: Latin America, China, outer

Scholarship on Latin America-China rela- space, satellites
tions has focused predominantly on trade
agreements, commodity exports, invest-
ment, migration, and, to a lesser extent, Resumo
geopolitical implications for the post-Cold Estudos sobre as relações entre a China e a
War world order. Entirely absent from re- América Latina se concentraram principal-
search on Latin America-China relations mente em temas como acordos comerciais,
is the question of outer space cooperation, exportação de commodities, investimentos,
despite the centrality of outer space-based migração e implicações geopolíticas para a
technologies to the very sectors and rela- ordem mundial pós-Guerra Fria. A questão
tions that have proven so generative for da cooperação espacial ficou completamente
Latin America-China scholarship and pol- ausente nas pesquisas sobre as relações sino-
icy engagement since the turn of the mil- -latino-americanas, apesar da centralidade
lennium. Bilateral outer space cooperation das tecnologias do espaço para esses setores
between China and Latin American coun- e suas configurações que estimularam pes-
tries dates back to 1984, while multilateral quisas acadêmicas e envolvimento político
engagements by all parties shaped the dawn desde a virada do milênio. A cooperação bila-
of the space age in the 1960s. As such, this teral na área do espaço exterior entre a China
collaboration is an important antecedent to e os países latino-americanos começou em
what is generally considered the “new” or 1984, enquanto as relações multilaterais entre
“contemporary” geography of Latin Amer- esses países já havia definido o início da era
ica-China relations. Drawing on archival espacial na década de 1960. Assim, essa cola-
research, legal documents, and interviews, boração é um antecedente importante para
this article presents a brief historical geog- aquilo que se geralmente considera como
raphy of Latin America-China cooperation geografia “nova” ou “contemporânea” das re-
in outer space research, development, and lações sino-latino-americanas. Com base em
policy. pesquisas de acervo, documentos legais e en-
trevistas, este artigo apresenta uma breve ge-

A Brief History of Outer Space Cooperation

ografia histórica da cooperação entre China was placed in Patagonia because it sits direct-
e a América Latina na pesquisa, desenvolvi- ly south of Washington, D.C., and can there-
mento e política do espaço exterior. fore spy on the geostationary satellites that
serve the U.S. East Coast (Rotberg, 2017).
Palavras chave: Latina, China, espaço, Others alleged that the base could be used to
satélites interfere with communications and electron-
ic networks. Still others worried that the po-
中国与拉丁美洲国家关系的学术研究 tential dual use “could implicate [Argentina]
主要关注于贸易协定、大宗商品出口、投资、 in a future military conflict between the Unit-
移民,以及较小程度上冷战后世界秩序的 ed States and China” (Dinatale, 2014). While
地缘政治影响。尽管外太空技术在各个领 the nature of the limited coverage of this de-
域和关系中处于中心地位,而这些领域和 velopment is a typical discursive response
关系已被证明能够有效促进拉美国家和 to reports of developments in China-Latin
中国自2000年以来的学术和政策参与,但 America space relations, the Neuquén base is
中拉关系的研究却完全未涉及外太空合作 but one manifestation of the evolving phys-
的问题。中国与拉美国家之间的双边太空 ical and political geographies of outer space,
合作可追溯至1984年,而双方各党派的多 which involve both terrestrial and extraterres-
边合作在20世纪60年代就已形成了太空 trial spatial transformations and is driven in
时代的黎明。因此,双边太空合作是一个重 part by cooperation among Latin American
要的先行者,是拉丁美洲与中国关系“新地 countries and China.
理”或者“当代地理”的重要前提。本文基于 With 13.5-meter and 30-meter steerable
文献研究法,法律文件和选择性访谈,简要 parabolic antennas, Neuquén is the largest
展示了中国和拉丁美洲国家在太空合作 ground tracking base outside of China and
研究、发展和政策方面的历史地理学背景。 the second Chinese base in the Americas.
关键词:拉丁美洲国家,中国,太空,卫星 It was built to enable China to expand its
deep space exploration program. The limited
news coverage was overwhelmingly alarm-
Introduction ist, deploying the familiar tropes of China’s
China’s satellite tracking and control center incursion into the United States’s backyard
opened in the Quintuco region of Neuquén (Dinatale, 2015). This alarmist reaction stems
Province in southern Argentina in April 2017. from an imagined geography of the Americas
News coverage in the Americas, in any lan- as Washington’s enduring domain (Blasier,
guage, was minor (Goñi, 2015). Constructed 1985; Cottam, 1994; Grandin, 2006; Living-
and controlled entirely by a Chinese military stone, 2013; McSherry, 2012; Schoultz, 2009).
detachment, it was leased tax-free to China Such reactions convey the impression that
for fifty years with the approval of the Ar- these developments are an exception to the
gentine Parliament in 2015. Although it is de- rule of U.S. hegemony in the region (Hakim,
signed to track China’s robotic missions to 2006; Horta, 2008; Nolte, 2013; Paz, 2006).
the Moon and Mars, some speculated that it Inaccurate as this may be, it is nevertheless

Journal of Latin American Geography

reinforced by popular notions in the Anglo- research on outer space cooperation among
phone world that Latin America has little Latin American countries and China.
to no role to play in outer space affairs. But
not only is the Neuquén base indicative of
the new norm in China and Latin American Latin America, China, and
affairs, outer space cooperation among the Outer Space in Context
two regions goes back several decades (Del- Although there is some controversy over
gado-López, 2005). the terms of Argentina’s lease to China, the
Yet this relationship has been almost en- construction of the base in Patagonia is con-
tirely ignored in social science scholarship. sistent with three key global developments:
In this article, I argue that the geography of the planned, published, and treaty-compli-
evolving China-Latin America relations can- ant expansion of China’s space program (SC,
not be understood without considering the 2016b), which also has monitoring bases in
role of outer space science, technology, and Namibia, Pakistan, Kenya, and aboard five
policy. naval vessels (Kenderine, 2017); the plans
Nor can global space politics be under- by the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Or-
stood without considering the roles played by ganization (APSCO) and BRICS member
Latin America’s and China’s space programs states — Brazil, Russia, India, China, South
in national, bilateral, and multilateral engage- Africa —  to collaboratively expand satel-
ments. Drawing on archival research, legal lite and remote sensing capabilities across
documents, and selected interviews, this ar- the global South (Declaration, 2017; TBP,
ticle presents a brief historical geography of 2016); and a much longer history of placing
Latin America-China cooperation in outer space-related infrastructure in South Amer-
space research, technological development, ica by overseas governments and militaries
and policy, and contextualizes this relation- (Blinder, 2017; Messeri, 2016; Redfield, 2001;
ship within broader global and transnational Frutkin & Griffin, 1968).
processes of “the production of outer space” Scholarship on Latin America-China rela-
(Dickens & Ormrod, 2016) more generally. tions has focused on trade agreements, com-
The first section contextualizes outer space modity exports, investment, and, to a less-
in relation to more familiar domains of re- er extent, the geopolitical implications of
search on China and Latin America relations. these relationships for the U.S.-dominated
The following sections briefly review relevant post-Cold War world order (Wise & Quil-
literature and examines the national, bilateral, iconi, 2007; Roett & Paz, 2008; Sargent &
and international agreements that constitute Matthews, 2009; Gallagher, 2010; Jilberto &
Latin America-China space cooperation, in- Hogenboom, 2010; Jenkins & Barbosa, 2012;
cluding new multilateral institutional forms Gonzalez-Vicente, 2012; Farooki & Kaplinsky,
in which Latin America-China outer space 2013; Ellis, 2013; Samanamud, 2014; Yue, 2015;
cooperation takes place. The concluding sec- Gallagher, 2016).
tion proposes productive areas for further Entirely absent from these rich bodies of

A Brief History of Outer Space Cooperation

scholarly and policy literature is the question entirely on the peaceful doctrines promul-
of outer space cooperation between the two gated by mid-twentieth-century internation-
regions. This reflects a broader trend within al treaties governing the use of outer space,
the social sciences of overlooking the sig- the drafting of which was shaped by Latin
nificance of the spaces and technologies of American countries (Gorove, 1979). Perhaps
outer space in global — as opposed to US or the success of the treaty regime explains why
Russian — political economy. Within the so- the satellite infrastructure so fundamental to
cial science literature on outer space, neither contemporary life has been largely ignored
Latin America nor China are given more than outside of specialist audiences: this peace-
passing mention, with important exceptions ful global regime has functioned so well that
(Blinder, 2017; Frutkin & Griffin, 1968; Hard- most social scientists have not had to worry
ing, 2009; Kulacki, 2014; Kulacki & Lewis, about its dysfunction adversely affecting con-
2009; Mitchell, 2017; Peter, 2006; Solomone, ventional domains of inquiry.
2006; Z. Wang, 2010). This lack of historical, Nevertheless, this peaceful global regime
theoretical, and empirical research into Chi- governing human engagement with outer
na-Latin America space cooperation ignores space has been characterized by inequalities
the centrality of outer space-based technol- among and within states. Desires to over-
ogies to the very sectors that have proven so come these inequalities served as an import-
generative for China-Latin America scholar- ant catalyst for China-Brazil space cooper-
ship and policy engagement since the turn of ation in the 1980s, when both governments
the millennium. sought independence from the U.S. for sat-
For example, satellites are used to monitor ellite data concerning their own territories
the crops that comprise the bulk of South (Zhao, 2005). Ideals of South-South solidar-
American exports to China (Wu et al., 2015). ity continue to motivate space relations be-
The navigation of cargo ships between China tween Latin American countries and China,
and the Latin America-Caribbean (LAC) and those relations now encompass multi-
countries depends on satellite-linked tech- ple sectors.1 2 Cheaper defense deals with
nologies (Rimmer, 2014; Johnston et al., fewer strings attached made military cooper-
2015). Trade and investment agreements are ation with China a more attractive option for
informed, in part, by satellite imagery and re- some Latin American governments around
mote sensing data concerning the resources the turn of the millennium (Paz, 2006; Ellis,
in question (Arvor et al., 2011; Breunig et al., 2011). In the past three decades, scientific and
2011). Communications, entertainment, and technological cooperation between Latin
scientific research all depend on a robust and American scientists and Chinese counter-
orderly international satellite infrastructure. parts has deepened and in many cases pre-
Remarkably, diverse international satellite in- ceded broader diplomatic ties (Mora, 1999;
frastructures have been constructed in spite Martini, 2002; Patrick, 2011; Xinhua, 2008).
of the intense international conflicts of the Indeed, space cooperation between China
past five decades. This state of affairs depends and LACs has been a key component of the

Journal of Latin American Geography

changing geography and geopolitics of the of shifting space geopolitics from the last
Americas, China, and the world since the decade of the twentieth century to the pres-
late twentieth century. The physical infra- ent; (3) as a component of multilateral outer
structures and the new institutional networks space cooperation networks spearheaded by
of Latin America-China space cooperation the space programs of global South countries.
have co-constituted the diverse geographi-
cal transformations wrought by deepening
trans-Pacific ties. South-South Solidarity,
Beyond interdisciplinary Latin Ameri- Outer Space Geographies,
ca-China scholarship, outer space cooper- and Latin America-China
ation between China and Latin American Relations
countries is also absent from geographical Although scientists using data from China
literature. As this article shows, the trans-Pa- and Latin America’s space infrastructure
cific space cooperation that reconfigured publish scientific papers in multiple languag-
physical space in Earth’s orbits and shaped es, there is remarkably little social science
institutional geographies in the Americas research on China and Latin America space
precedes conventionally defined “contem- relations published in English, Spanish, Por-
porary” China-LAC relations by more than tuguese, or Chinese. It is mentioned in pass-
a decade. The spatial transformations most ing in in English publications, with calls for
often discussed in these relations — the ex- the US policymaking establishment to pay
panding soy frontier (Hecht, 2005; Fearnside, more attention (Delgado-López, 2005). Por-
2001; Oliveira & Schneider, 2014; Oliveira & tuguese and Spanish publications discuss
Schneider 2014), large-scale investment and China’s space program in comparative per-
infrastructure projects (Gransow, 2015; Galla- spective, often to highlight institutional defi-
gher & Irwin, 2015), and land grabs (Oliveira, ciencies in Latin American programs (Costa
2013; Borras Jr. et al., 2012) — were preceded Filho, 2002), to explore historical or potential
and are supported by the transformation of developments (R. Acevedo, Becerra, Orihula,
the space above Earth’s atmosphere into a & Varela, 2011; R Acevedo, Varela, & Orihu-
logistical infrastructure. la, 2010; Colodro, 2011; de Oliveira, 2009), or
Both orbital space and the infrastructure to describe foreign policy (Cepik, 2011; A. P.
within it are a source of data for multiple na- d. da Silva, 2012; P. H. da Silva, 2014; Lemus
tional space agencies, among which agencies Delgado, 2012; Rios, 2016). Chinese publica-
in China and Latin America play a key role. tions focus on policy analysis and technologi-
Therefore Latin America-China outer space cal progress (See, inter alia, Guo & Nan, 2017;
cooperation can be understood in three his- M. Li, 2003; Liu, 2016; Zhang, 2000). Howev-
torical geographical ways: (1) as integral to er, the role of space cooperation in producing
evolving Latin America-China relations un- the geographies of China-Latin America rela-
folding across global space, including in (and tions has not been examined.
in relation to) Earth orbits; (2) as an aspect Considering Latin America-China rela-

A Brief History of Outer Space Cooperation

tions in terms of outer space requires us to re- the advancement of one another’s space pro-
think several key tenets prevailing in the con- grams (Wood & Weigel, 2012; Sarli et al., 2015;
temporary literature, including the character Peter, 2006; Nagendra, 2016).
of South-South cooperation between China This is not to suggest that outer space co-
and Latin America, the position of outer operation is benign or apolitical. Existing
space in Earth’s geographies and geopolitics, inequalities and political struggles on Earth
and the elements that constitute Latin Amer- are manifest in outer space development
ica-China relations. (e.g. Committee, 2009; Jasentuliyana, 1994).
As envisioned during the Cold War in a A growing body of geographical literature
series of conferences among newly or nearly analyzes outer space as a key area in which
independent states3, South-South cooper- Earthly politics are expressed and an increas-
ation would consist of mutual support and ingly important arena with which Earthly
solidarity among Third World, developing, political economies are coproduced (Beery,
or nonaligned states. By sharing technology, 2011; Messeri, 2016). The manner in which
expertise, and capital, delegates from these outer space is imagined and represented is
countries envisioned a world in which for- dialectically related to ongoing practices of
merly subjugated nations would build mod- resource use, technological development,
ern and prosperous societies (Tsing, 2005; and scientific research on Earth (Geppert,
Prashad, 2007; Mielniczuk, 2013). Many 2007; Beery, 2016; Klinger, 2017). Human en-
have critiqued China’s twenty-first century gagement with outer space reflects unequal
“South-South” and “win-win” rhetoric to- power relations on Earth, while also holding
ward Latin American countries as a ploy to the potential to either mitigate or exacerbate
advance asymmetrical, pro-China agendas structural injustices. In an important recogni-
that reinforce Latin America’s subordinate tion of the capacity for human society to en-
position in the global division of labor ( Jen- gage in outer space for better or for worse, the
kins, 2012; Barbosa, 2010; Moreira, 2007). international community enshrined outer
Although the picture is demonstrably more space as the “province of all mankind [sic],”
complex (Mora, 1999; Oliveira, 2004; Klinger, and mandated that it be used only for peace-
2015; Narins, 2017; Oliveira, 2017), these cri- ful purposes in the 1967 Treaty on Principles
tiques arise from legitimate environmental, Governing the Activities of States in the Ex-
economic, and geopolitical concerns (Que- ploration and Use of Outer Space, including
iroz, 2009; Escudé, 2011; Ray et al., 2017; Ray, the Moon and other Celestial Bodies (hereaf-
2017; Pirzkall, 2017). However, it is note- ter Outer Space Treaty, or OST) (UN, 1967).
worthy that in keeping with the mid-twenti- Because the services provided by space-
eth-century ideals of South-South coopera- based technologies are so crucial to econom-
tion, in the outer space sector the exchange ic, political, and cultural globalization, access
of scientific and technological expertise has to outer space and use of space-based data
actually occurred, with several African, Asian, is important to culture, scientific progress,
and Latin American countries supporting development, and geopolitical competition

Journal of Latin American Geography

(Penley, 1997; Parks & Schwoch, 2012; Harri- bilateral relations (Armony & Strauss, 2012;
son, 2013). Therefore, contemporary society Klinger, 2015; Oliveira, 2018 [forthcoming];
cannot be understood without considering Klinger & Muldavin, 2018 [forthcoming]).
“the ever-increasing dependence of mankind Taking a cue from diaspora studies (Ma &
[sic] on space-based services,” (Al-Rodhan, Cartier, 2003) and geographic critiques of
2016, p. 124). This includes the importance of state-centric international relations theories
outer space to capital accumulation (Dick- (Agnew, 1994, 2010), this scholarship views
ens, 2007; Klinger, 2017), military strategy Latin America-China relations as playing out
(Dolman, 2002; Sage, 2008), and the mainte- on many scales in addition to the nation-state.
nance of heteropatriarchy (Pesterfield, 2016; Taking the role of outer space-based tech-
Weitekamp, 2004). The accumulating sig- nology and cooperation into account broad-
nificance of outer space-based technologies ens the geographical scope of existing liter-
compels us to rethink those areas of outer ature to consider a crucial arena in which
space in which human activity is concentrat- Latin America-China relations are forged.
ed as immediately relevant to Earthly affairs For China and various Latin American states,
at all levels, rather than as being beyond the outer space is a critical site for national de-
global. This requires social scientists to res- velopment, in which the projection of sov-
cale our inquiries to account for a defining ereignty and geopolitical power serves as a
feature of our age: the behavior of markets, democratizing mechanism in global fields
states, social movements, and scientists is of science, technology, and strategy. Under-
mediated through outer space-based technol- stood in this way, the recent history of Latin
ogies. These technologies link local, national, America-China engagement acquires a more
and international actors and institutions to expansive theoretical, empirical, and histori-
their enabling infrastructures in outer space. cal-geographical character. Each of these as-
Practically speaking, this means that orbital pects are briefly examined in turn.
space is another critical scale of inquiry in Theoretically, the spirit of scientific collab-
social science in general, and in Latin Amer- oration in outer space and related research,
ica-China relations in particular. vouchsafed by the mandates for peaceful
This mirrors a similar insight with respect use in the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, pro-
to scholarship on Latin America-China rela- vides an important check to geopolitically
tions after the first decade of the twenty-first charged framings that tend to predominate
century. As relations between the two re- China-LAC scholarship (Carver, 1987; Mar-
gions expanded beyond high-level state-to- koff, 1976; Zhao, 2016). Both the history and
state meetings with the growing protagonism the significance of China-LAC space coop-
of subnational and transnational actors, sev- eration are largely unknown, even among
eral researchers adjusted their epistemologi- practitioners, policymakers, and scholars of
cal frameworks to account for the important this dynamic and growing relationship. This
processes taking place at scales other than means research and policy debates have pro-
the nation-state that formed the substance of ceeded with little awareness or appreciation

A Brief History of Outer Space Cooperation

of the profound scientific and technological golia in 2013 (BBC, 2013). This was followed
ties between China and Latin America in this by a series of high-level exchanges between
sector. As a result, key developments such as military officials of both countries every year
joint satellite launches and the construction since, during which the satellite launch was
of space-related infrastructure tend to be mentioned in formal remarks (CMO, 2017).
treated as a novelty at best, or with passing The significance of satellite technologies is
alarmism at worst, rather than examined for even greater than the support services they
new theoretical insights about the cooper- provide to the existing political economy or
ative configurations of contemporary geo- blossoming defense industries. In the case
politics. of Brazil and China, space cooperation en-
Empirically, trade, investment, and the abled both sides to independently develop
impact of both comprise the bulk of the lit- satellites and generate Earth observation
erature on Latin America-China relations. data without relying on the United States
Cooney (2016), Ray (2017), Domingues for imagery essential to monitoring weather,
(2009), inter alia, maintain that the ex- environmental changes, and their respective
pansion of Latin America-China relations territories (Furtado & Filho, 2003; da Silva,
has led to the “reprimarization” of Latin 2014). In addition to supporting scientific
American economies as China demands research in both countries, this was a crucial
ever-greater shares of the region’s agricul- step toward Southern autonomy in outer
tural and mineral production. While this is space and constituted an important realiza-
demonstrably the case across several Latin tion of the ideals of South-South cooperation
American states (Escher, Schneider, & Ye, (Lino, Lima, & Hubscher, 2000; Zhao, 2005;
2017), there is more to the picture. Outer Epiphanio, 2005). This enabled, among other
space cooperation is fundamental to the things, Brazil’s space program to develop the
political economy of Latin America-China world’s preeminent tropical forest monitor-
relations beyond what it enables in prima- ing program (Stokstad, 2017). Therefore, ex-
ry commodity extraction. There is signifi- amining Latin America-China relations in
cant overlap between space programs and the space sector reveals empirical data on the
aerospace, scientific, and defense initiatives geography, history, and motivations of Latin
in international relations in general (Sarli America-China cooperation in general, and
et al., 2015; Pekkanen & Kallender-Umezu, on a key overlooked area of global space pol-
2010; Cloud & Clarke, 1999; Hulse, 2007). itics in particular.
In the case of Latin America, outer space An historical and geographical analysis of
cooperation tends to facilitate scientific and space cooperation shows that Latin Ameri-
military cooperation, particularly if China ca-China relations are deeper than is gener-
agrees to launch LAC satellites. For example, ally presumed (Kurlantzick, 2006; Li, 2007).
the China National Space Administration China-LAC space relations began two de-
(CNSA) launched an Ecuadorian satellite at cades before the widely accepted “start” of
the Jiuquan Launch Center in Inner Mon- contemporary China-LAC relations in the

Journal of Latin American Geography

2000s (Zhao, 2005; Filho, 1997), and has states. Although the Equator Principles did
since grown to include bilateral agreements not tangibly advance the sovereignty of equa-
between China and Bolivia, Peru, Argenti- torial states over the geosynchronous orbit, it
na, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Venezuela, and served as an important moment of solidari-
Uruguay, respectively. This has transformed ty-building among Third World countries in
the political geography of Earth orbits from relation to outer space (Beery, 2011).
space dominated by the United States and High levels of mutual confidence and in-
Russia to a more pluralistic space with tech- ternational goodwill are necessary for scien-
nologies from sixty-seven countries, ten of tific and technological cooperation to pro-
which are Latin American. ceed (Flink & Schreiterer, 2010). In many
Furthermore, twentieth century South- cases, scientists and ministers were engaged
South science and technology cooperation in trans-Pacific negotiation and cooperation
laid the diplomatic groundwork for the ex- for nearly two decades before the rapid ex-
pansion of Latin America-China relations pansion of bilateral agreements that charac-
after the turn of the millennium (Mora, terized the twenty-first century. This history
1999). In this arena, Ecuador spearheaded of space-related scientific and technological
global coalition-building for greater equality exchange must be taken into account in order
in outer space by articulating the interests of to construct a more accurate picture of Latin
an international space community outside America-China relations.
of U.S.-USSR dominance, culminating in the
Equator Principles. Declared on December 3,
1976, in Bogotá, Colombia, equatorial coun- Institutional Overview of
tries asserted their national sovereign rights4 China and Latin America
over geosynchronous orbits (Delegations, Space Cooperation
1976). The geosynchronous orbit is located This section provides an overview of the na-
approximately 35,800 kilometers (22, 245 tional, bilateral, and multilateral evolution
miles) above Earth’s equator. At this distance, of space cooperation between Latin Ameri-
satellites orbit the Earth at the same velocity can countries and China. Twentieth-century
as the Earth’s rotation, which enables them bilateral engagements between China and
to remain above a fixed point on Earth. The Latin American countries occurred sever-
geosynchronous orbit is particularly useful al years after the establishment of national
for communications satellites, and allows space programs, but multilateral engage-
antennas on Earth to be pointed at a fixed ments through the UN treaty process predate
region of the sky. Therefore, an extension all bilateral agreements. The expansion of
of national airspace would give equatorial bilateral agreements among China and Latin
countries greater power in international af- American countries in other sectors has also
fairs, because countries and firms wishing to engendered new multilateral space initiatives.
launch communications satellites would have
to first attain authorization from equatorial

A Brief History of Outer Space Cooperation

Figure 1. This figure shows the national space agencies of Latin American countries, including previous
institutional incarnations. Data compiled by author. Image by MRoy Cartography.

Evolution of National Industries grams were established during this “lost

Founded in 1956, CNSA was the third na- decade” characterized by the debt crisis
tional space agency established in the world, of the 1980s, the end of the Cold War, and
following Greece and the former Soviet the imposition of IMF-mandated structur-
Union, and preceding NASA by two years. al adjustment programs in Latin American
CNSA launched its first satellite in 1970 countries (Bértola & Ocampo, 2012). Each
(Wang, 1996). Ten Latin American coun- of these processes caused significant pub-
tries currently have space agencies, as shown lic upheaval and resulted in sharp cuts to
in Figure 1. public expenditures (Crisp & Kelly, 1999;
National space programs in Latin America Chossudovsky, 2003; Sparr, 1994; Bradshaw
can be classified into four generations. The & Huang, 1991) in areas such as education,
first generation, from 1960 to 1970, counts health care, and state-sponsored scientific
Argentina and Brazil among its members. research. A full accounting of the setbacks
The second generation, from 1970 to 1980, imposed by structural adjustment programs,
includes Chile, Peru, and Uruguay. The third particularly to the advancement of the sci-
generation, from 1980 to 2000, is effective- ences in Latin America, remains to be seen.
ly lost. No new Latin American space pro- The fourth generation, from 2000 to 2010,

Journal of Latin American Geography

Table 1. Major Latin American Space Agreements with China, organized alphabetically by country

Country Date Event

Bilateral agreement under which China will provide commercial launch services,
2004 satellite components, and other space-related technology

Argentina becomes observer to Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization

Argentina 2005 San Juan University collaborates with China National Astronomical Observatories
and China National Academy of Science to develop a satellite laser ranging facility

Joint Argentina-China defense and weapons sales agreement that also authorizes
2015 construction of Chinese satellite tracking and control center in Neuquén Province;
base is considered sovereign Chinese territory

Bolivia signs $300 billion contract with China Great Wall Industry Corporation to
2010 build the Bolivia’s first communications satellite; China funds 85 percent of costs

China launches second Chinese-built satellite for a Latin American partner state
2013 from Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan, China; operated by Beijing-
trained Bolivian personnel

1984 Joint agreement to develop the China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite program

1988 Protocols established for joint research and production of satellites

First China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite (CBERS-1) launched from Taiyuan

1999 Satellite Launch center in Shanxi, China

Second China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite (CBERS-2) launched from Taiyuan

2003 Satellite Launch center in Shanxi, China
2005 Brazil invited to be observer to Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization

Third China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite (CBERS-2B) launched from Taiyuan

2007 Satellite Launch center in Shanxi, China

2013 Launch failure of CBERS-3 due to Chinese rocket malfunction

Fourth successful China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite (CBERS-4) launched

2014 from Taiyuan Satellite Launch center in Shanxi, China

A Brief History of Outer Space Cooperation

2005 Chile invited to be observer to Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization

China makes unsuccessful bid to build and launch Chilean Earth observation
2011 satellite

Following delays at Russian launch site, Ecuadorian satellite NEE-1 launched from
Ecuador 2013 Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China

Mexico 2015 Mexico joins the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization

Peru 2005 Peru is a founding member of Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization

Venezuela Science and Technology Ministry signs joint satellite launch agreement
2005 with China Great Wall Industry Corporation

VeneSat-1 launched from China; first Chinese-built satellite launched for Latin
2008 American partner state

Venezuela signs $144.8 billion contract with China to build and launch Venezuelan
2011 Remote Sensing Satellite (VRSS-1)
VRSS-1 launched from Jiuquan Launch Center, Inner Mongolia Autonomous
2012 Region, China

Second agreement for China to build and launch Venezuelan Remote Sensing
2014 Satellite (VRSS-2)

VRSS-2 launched from Jiuquan Launch Center, Inner Mongolia Autonomous

2017 Region, China

includes Bolivia, Colombia, Mexico, Costa NASA, beginning in 1963 (Frutkin & Griffin,
Rica, and Venezuela. 1968). In 1965, Brazil built a launch center at
First- and second-generation Latin Ameri- Barreira do Inferno in the state of Rio Grande
can space agencies developed independently, do Norte, from which Brazil’s CNAE success-
or in collaboration with NASA prior to the fully launched the Sonda I and II rockets in
first formal trans-Pacific agreements (Sahade, 1967 and 1969, respectively (Sarli et al., 2015).
1983; Gall, 1987). Argentina’s CNIE carried In 1968, Chile’s national telecommunications
out some of the first southern hemisphere at- company, ENTEL, began operating the first
mospheric physics research with rockets and satellite ground station in South America for
stratospheric balloons, in cooperation with data and communications services (Colino,

Journal of Latin American Geography

1968). First- and second-generation Latin important antecedent to what is generally

American space programs now have a num- considered the “new” or “contemporary”
ber of programs and international partner- era of Latin America-China relations, begin-
ships, of which those with China compose ning after the turn of the millennium. Early
one important part. agreements differed from contemporary
Among fourth-generation Latin American agreements, where Chinese counterparts
space programs, the relationship with China act as patrons and powerful investors. In
is more uneven. Neither Costa Rica nor Co- outer space relations, the CBERS collabora-
lombia currently cooperate on outer space tion most closely resembles the peer-to-peer
with China, despite vibrant partnerships in ideals set forth in the mid-twentieth-centu-
other sectors (Valderrama, 2013; Ramírez ry South-South conferences.
& Paladini, 2013). Venezuela and Bolivia Three trends emerge from this overview
have developed in closer collaboration with of bilateral space cooperation between Latin
China, purchasing their first satellites from American countries and China. The first is
Chinese firms and sending personnel to be that China’s space agencies are often one of
trained in Beijing (EC, 2017; Arasme, 2008; several international parties bidding for sat-
Mendoza, 2012). ellite construction and launching contracts.
China Great Wall Industries Corporation
(CGWIC), for example, placed successful
Exploring Bilateral bids to build satellites for emerging space
Variations powers such as Bolivia and Venezuela (Ace-
This difference among the generations of vedo et al., 2011; ABI, 2011). In both cases,
Latin American space programs in relation CGWIC won the open international bid-
to China can be explained in part by the ding process and provided the majority of
fact that the People’s Republic of China the financing for satellite development and
was not in a position to provide substantial launch. In the case of Venezuela, CGWIC
space technology support to other coun- won subsequent bids. In the case of Bolivia,
tries during the first three decades of its CGWIC subsequently lost to European agen-
existence (Harvey, 2004; Kulacki & Lewis, cies. This shows that the relationship Bolivia’s
2009). The first Latin America-China space and Venezuela’s space programs have with in-
agreement, with Brazil, was undertaken ternational partners remains open and com-
because both sides identified complemen- petitive, despite rhetoric on the part of both
tary needs in space research and develop- countries’ leadership to favor China above
ment. As Table 1 shows, outer space coop- Western partners (Linehan, 2016; Achten-
eration between China and Latin American berg, 2017).
countries dates back to 1984, when Brazil The second trend shows an extensive histo-
and China signed a series of technological ry of data sharing among China’s space agen-
agreements to develop the China-Brazil cy, researchers, and their partners in Latin
Earth Resources Satellite (CBERS). It is an America. CBERS is one long-standing ex-

A Brief History of Outer Space Cooperation

ample of data sharing through joint satellite ment and recovery (Xinhua, 2016).
initiatives, but China also provides satellite The third trend is that outer space coop-
data to Latin American partner states from eration among Latin American and Chinese
its own satellites. Following Ecuador’s 7.8 counterparts is viewed by actors on all sides
magnitude earthquake in 2016, for example, as essential to fulfilling multiple development
CNSA provided satellite imagery and remote and diplomatic agendas. These diverse part-
sensing capabilities to aid in disaster manage- nerships are consistent with Section 9 of the

Table 3. Major Twentieth-Century Space Treaties

Date Treaty Purpose
Establishes basic legal framework for
Treaty on Principles Governing
space law; defines outer space as the
the Activities of States in the
province of all humankind; mandates
1967 Exploration and Use of Outer
peaceful use, prohibits weaponization or
Space, including the Moon and
claims of sovereignty, and establishes an
Other Celestial Bodies (OST)
international reporting protocol

Any state party must provide all possible

Agreement on the Rescue
assistance to rescue the personnel of
of Astronauts, the Return of
a spacecraft in distress; the state must
1968 Astronauts, and the Return of
provide full assistance to personnel who
Objects Launched into Outer Space
have landed in their territory, regardless
of reason

Expands the liability provisions of OST

to clarify that states bear international
Convention on International
responsibility for all space objects that are
1972 Liability for Damage Caused by
launched within their territory, regardless
Space Objects (LIAB)
of the origin of the object; joint launch
partners share joint liability

Convention on Registration of
Requires states to report the object and
1976 Objects Launched into Outer Space
orbit to the United Nations

Agreement Governing the Establishes a regime to govern the use

Activities of States on the Moon of the Moon and other celestial bodies,
1979 and Other Celestial Bodies similar to the United Nations Convention
(MOON) on the Law of the Sea

Journal of Latin American Geography

2016 Policy Paper on Latin America and the tilateral space institutions that include other
Caribbean issued by China’s Ministry of For- developing countries beyond bilateral Latin
eign Affairs, which states: America-China ties.

China will actively explore cooperation Multilateral Institutions

between the two sides in such fields Multilateral governance is essential to manag-
as communication and remote sens- ing human activity in outer space. This is be-
ing satellites, satellite data application, cause activities in outer space occur beyond
aerospace infrastructure, and space the reach of any single nation state, by virtue
education and training, and promote of the geographical relationship between
space technology application in disas- Earth and outer space. Earth is in motion
ter prevention and mitigation, agricul- relative to the rest of the cosmos, and this
tural and forestry monitoring, climate includes any objects placed there by humans.
change and other fields. China will pay Therefore, the space of outer space is in dy-
full attention to the role of space tech- namic relation to the physical geographies of
nology as a driving force for the sci- Earth, including the satellites in Earth orbit.
entific, technological, and industrial Hence the misuse of outer space by any sin-
development of Latin American and gle party could create significant vulnerabil-
Caribbean countries, and promote sus- ities for people across the globe, constrain
tainable development in science and the options of non-spacefaring states, and
technology and the economic fields damage the space technology assets of other
(MOFA, 2016, n.p.). actors.
This collective realization stimulated con-
As with most policy papers issued by Chi- certed international activity through the
na’s government, the stated priorities reflect United Nations at the dawn of the space
existing practices and signal the intention to age. The Committee on the Peaceful Uses of
continue them into the near future. Space- Outer Space was created by the UN General
faring Latin American governments have Assembly in 1959 with the mandate “To gov-
responded with official declarations in favor ern the exploration and use of space for the
of this vision, while also reframing it to suit benefit of all humanity: for peace, security,
domestic priorities identified by national and development” (UNOOSA, 2017). Four-
policymakers. Although there is consider- teen5 Latin American countries were found-
able internal debate within countries as to ing members of the committee, which sub-
the merits of investment in space in general, sequently developed the five principle UN
and collaboration with China in particular, treaties on outer space. Table 2 summarizes
these policy positions have been formulat- these treaties and their objectives.
ed according to the frameworks provided by Awareness of the potential promise and
major United Nations treaties. They are sup- perils of human engagement with outer space
ported by the emergence of South-led mul- compelled all major spacefaring countries to

A Brief History of Outer Space Cooperation

Figure 2. Source: United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs

sign the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, which pro- both the United States and the former Soviet
hibits the weaponization of outer space and Union were early signatories. They were com-
expressly prohibits claims of sovereignty “by pelled by the recognition that an infinite the-
means of use or occupation, or by any other ater for the Cold War arms race would likely
means” (UN, 1967). This is the first and most drive both countries to bankruptcy (Garthoff,
widely adopted space treaty. It was formulated 1980). Since then, the United Nations Office
at the height of the Cold War to prevent the of Outer Space Affairs has been the primary
militarization or colonization of outer space international institution through which space
by early spacefaring powers. Significantly, activities have been reported and monitored.

Journal of Latin American Geography

Participation in this and other major outer ests of Latin American countries that would
space treaties serves as an international con- be served by such treaties. This requires fur-
fidence-building mechanism that has fa- ther research that is beyond the scope of this
cilitated space cooperation among parties article.
that might otherwise have active conflicts Beyond the UN, Latin America-China
(Sagdeev, Eisenhower, & Lodgson, 2008). outer space cooperation is diversified and op-
It is noteworthy that Latin America-China erational at multiple scales, from interuniver-
space cooperation is strongest among partner sity partnerships to joint launch agreements
states that have signed or ratified the majority to building new multilateral institutions.
of the major UN outer space treaties. Figure These new alliances further democratize
2 shows the participation of China and Latin outer space, even as access to and control
American countries in these treaties. over space-based resources remains uneven.
The UN provided a forum though which Not all Latin American countries partici-
China and Latin American states interacted pate in these new multilateral institutions in
on questions of outer space cooperation at which China plays a key role, which is both
the international level prior to bilateral agree- indicative and generative of uneven power
ments. Through their engagements with UN relations among Latin American countries.
treaty processes and their participation in the
United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation
Uses of Outer Space, several Latin American Organization
countries have actively shaped the interna- China’s National Space Administration and
tional legal and political context in which the affiliated policymakers across the develop-
first space age unfolded, particularly around ing world have advanced multilateral space
questions of peaceful use and equitable dis- cooperation through APSCO. The organiza-
tribution of benefits (Delegations, 1976). In tion was cofounded in 2005 by space agen-
the years that followed the signing of OST, cy representatives from Peru, China, Iran,
a number of international coalitions pre- Bangladesh, Pakistan, Mongolia, Thailand,
sented additional treaties, principles, and and Turkey. The establishment of APSCO
resolutions to provide greater specificity on was preceded by thirteen years of Asia-Pa-
the conduct permitted in outer space, with cific Workshops on Multilateral Coopera-
special attention to the rights of developing tion in Space Technology and Applications
and non-spacefaring states (e.g. UN, 2016). (AP-MCSTA). At the conclusion of the first
Nevertheless, there is a clear declining trend workshop, in 1992, participants voted unan-
of participation in treaties subsequent to the imously to establish APSCO as an institu-
1967 OST. Treaties that attempted to extend tional mechanism to promote multilateral
and clarify provisions in OST intended to cooperation in space technology and its ap-
reconfigure outer space as a place where plications. AP-MCSTA convened annually
Earthly inequalities might be mitigated had in each of the member states. At the 2001
fewer signatories, despite the apparent inter- meeting, members voted to establish the sec-

A Brief History of Outer Space Cooperation

retariat in Beijing. Representatives from the plex and sometimes contradicting causes
founding member states met frequently over (Roy et al., 2016). APSCO’s continued use
the next two years to draft the APSCO con- of this term is no different. The organiza-
vention, which was then circulated for com- tion has an explicit policy to promote the
mentary in November 2003. Representatives industrialization of space technology and
from Chile, Brazil, and Argentina joined del- its applications among member states. Con-
egates from founding member states at the cretely, this has meant technology-sharing
2005 signing in the Great Hall of the People agreements and contracts between the space
in Beijing. agencies of APSCO countries and contrac-
The ideals of the organization were formu- tors in China for a variety of purposes, some
lated in deliberate contrast to superpower of which can be described as sustainable and
space programs, which APSCO accused of others that can be classified as development.
non-scientific motivations: “Past experience The same satellites that support climate sci-
shows that during the Cold War years, space ence are also providing data to support envi-
policies of the superpowers primarily rested ronmentally destructive development plans.
on political considerations. They spent huge The most prominent example of this to date
amounts of money in space just for rivalry, is the alignment of APSCO policy with the
claiming hegemony in space” (He, 1994, p. implementation of China’s Belt and Road
207). By contrast, early AP-MCSTA dele- Initiative.
gates noted that interest in developing na- An APSCO forum convened in Beijing on
tional space capacities appeared to be wan- October 27, 2015, with the title The Belt and
ing in the post-Cold War years in the United Road Initiative for Facilitating Space Capa-
States and Russia, which created an opportu- bilities Building of the Asia-Pacific Coun-
nity for developing countries to expand their tries. With the unanimous support of all
space programs. members, APSCO issued the following dec-
In the early 2000s, UN delegates from laration:
AP-MCSTA countries reframed their aspi-
rations using the language of sustainable de- We believe that the objective of jointly
velopment: “The use of space technology is building a community of shared inter-
becoming the most important tool for the ests, responsibility and destiny pro-
sustainable socioeconomic development of posed by China’s “The Belt and Road”
a nation, especially for developing countries” strategy conforms to the mission of
(UN, 2002). This new discourse reflects shift- APSCO, and the Space-Based Integrat-
ing global hegemonies from the unsettled ed Information Corridor concept pro-
moment at the end of the Cold War to the posed by China is consistent with the
consolidation of multilateral alliances under vision of the development and cooper-
the banner of sustainable development. ation of APSCO and its Member States
“Sustainable development” is a broad term (APSCO, 2015).
that has been enlisted to advance many com-

Journal of Latin American Geography

This was followed by a 2016 statement by the Andes Mountains to link remote regions
CNSA outlining its focus on the “Construc- of South America to Asia (Telesur, 2017). Al-
tion of the Belt and Road Initiative Space In- though specific projects linking Latin Amer-
formation Corridor, including Earth obser- ica to Central Eurasia via the “Twenty-First
vation, communications and broadcasting, Century Maritime Silk Road” ( Jiao, 2013)
navigation and positioning, and other types remain aspirational at this point, the endorse-
of satellite-related development; ground and ment of the initiative by leaders of several
application system construction; and appli- Latin American countries is important to
cation product development” (SC, 2016b). generating the international political capital
The APSCO declaration included the sup- to silence detractors, principally from the
port of Latin American member states and United States.
observers. This indicates an evolving multi-
lateral outer space geography beyond Latin BRICS Satellite Initiative
America but in which Latin American mem- The BRICS countries represent another key
ber states are invested — beyond the more locus in which two players in Latin Amer-
obvious bilateral engagements such as Chi- ica-China relations, China and Brazil, are
na’s Argentina base and Latin American satel- transforming the political geography of sat-
lite launches using Chinese rockets. It is also ellite space in order to transform global re-
a concrete manifestation of the links between source geopolitics and global political econ-
terrestrial and outer space when it comes to omies of development, trade, and investment
development and geopolitics. Infrastructure more generally. On October 31, 2016, the
integration initiatives cannot be understood heads of space agencies of the BRICS mem-
apart from the space-based infrastructure ber states met in Zhuhai, China, to discuss
used to plan, support, and securitize these the construction of joint satellite arrays for
projects. Earth observation and remote sensing. Less
Space infrastructure shows the direct and than a year later, on July 3, 2017, the parties
indirect linkages between the Eurasian infra- convened in Haikou, China, to draft the
structure project and Latin America. Direct- BRICS Remote Sensing Satellite Constel-
ly, space-based navigation, positioning, and lation Agreement. A technical meeting in
communications infrastructure is essential to Brasília, Brazil, followed on September 18–20,
getting Latin American commodities to East 2017, which served as the first official BRICS
Asia, while the Eurasian infrastructure of the Remote Sensing Satellite Forum.
Belt and Road is pitched to Latin American Although there is considerable variation
counterparts as providing access to new mar- among BRICS national space programs, all
kets for Latin American goods. This has fired member states possess technological capac-
the imaginations of Latin American leaders, ity and ground-based infrastructures that
with Chilean President Michelle Bachelet they can reclassify as part of the initiative.
proposing a trans-Pacific fiber optic cable Brazil will contribute Earth observation data
and systems of highways and tunnels across from the joint China-Brazil Earth Resources

A Brief History of Outer Space Cooperation

Satellite, CBERS-4. This satellite scans the tise, and visibility necessary to support the
entire surface of the Earth every twenty-six second phase in 2020 or 2021, which is the
days. Russia’s Kanopus-V1 is a remote sensing launch of a BRICS remote sensing satellite
satellite that monitors natural disasters, agri- constellation.
culture and land use change, forest fires, and
major pollution incidents. India’s Resours-
esat-2 primarily monitors land use change in A Geographical Approach
South Asia. China’s Gaofen-1 and Ziyuan-3 to Latin America-China
provide near-real-time observations of disas- Outer Space Cooperation
ters to support prevention and relief. Each This history of cooperation between China
of these satellites have a resolution of one and Latin American countries since the dawn
to three meters, which allows for a variety of the space age has carried with it new ge-
of scientific, commercial, and security uses. ographies of power, institutions, and exper-
Among many other applications, the coordi- tise. Their respective roles in multilateral
nation of a BRICS remote sensing network forums, as well as the technological capacity
will provide the BRICS-founded New Devel- advanced through these partnerships, has
opment Bank with the data and imagery that been critical to sectors as diverse as military
is critical to development project planning, strategy, environmental protection, com-
implementation, and monitoring. South Af- modity speculation, entertainment, and de-
rica currently does not have an Earth obser- velopment finance — all of which shape the
vation satellite larger than a nanosat, but the contemporary geographies in the Americas,
South Africa National Space Agency is re- China, and the world. The cases of APSCO
sponsible for aggregating Earth observation and the BRICS satellite initiative show that
data for southern African countries. It is part Latin America-China space relations do not
of the International Space Environmental exist in a vacuum. Instead, they are part of
Service and monitors weather for the south- global outer space politics. This compels us
ern African region. At present it is contrib- to rethink twentieth-century space devel-
uting terrestrial infrastructure to the effort, opments as driven by multiple protagonists
with plans to expand its satellite capabilities with diverse means of engagement — rather
in the next decade. than as characterized by the bipolar rela-
The BRICS remote sensing initiative is tionship between the U.S. and the former
proceeding in two phases. The first is to con- USSR — and to understand the political
struct a legal geography hospitable to this ini- economy of Latin America-China engage-
tiative by realigning national space activities ment as more expansive than the commodi-
and policies to facilitate technology transfer ty-based trade and investment relations that
and information sharing among the BRICS tend to dominate the literature.
member state space agencies. These legal and It then follows that neither China nor
institutional transformations are intended Latin American countries confine their inter-
to create the global circuits of power, exper- national space cooperation to bilateral agree-

Journal of Latin American Geography

ments. Space agencies from all countries dis- political alliances that transform patterns of
cussed here are embedded in global science production, consumption, and distribution
and technology networks in the global North across the globe.
and global South. For example, Peru, Mexico, The way these technologies are used in-
Chile, Brazil, and Argentina engage through fluences politics, culture, and development
APSCO while also cooperating with North within China and Latin American states
American and European space programs on with space programs, as well as those sub-
legal, technological, and research-based en- ject to surveillance by these satellites be-
deavors. The BRICS collaboration is meant yond national borders. In some aspects, as
to build a global satellite array beyond the in the case of China’s Neuquén base, Latin
purview of the United States and for the de- America-China space relations resemble co-
velopment agendas of BRICS member states, lonial era placement of space infrastructure
but must coexist with current agreements in South America by global North space
with U.S., European, and Australian space programs (Redfield, 2001). In other aspects,
agencies. As the preponderant institution in Latin America-China space cooperation re-
both multilateral initiatives, China National flects the ideals of South-South solidarity,
Space Administration highlights the com- wherein both sides have tangibly increased
plementarity of APSCO objectives and the their national autonomy relative to the glob-
BRICS satellite initiative (SC, 2016a), while al North in the production of space-related
space agency representatives from BRICS knowledge and power. All of these power dy-
member states are actively seeking closer namics coexist in the dialectical production
collaboration with APSCO (APSCO, 2017). of Earthly and orbital geographies in (and in
This increases the prominence of Brazil, Peru, relation to) Latin America and China.
and Argentina in global space affairs, which In each context, these configurations of
shows that the engagement on the part of space-based technologies and their terrestri-
Latin American countries in global outer al infrastructures entangle with immediate
space politics is characterized by uneven par- and longer term processes constitutive of
ticipation and diverse strategies. This reflects the power and politics of each place. Further
differences among Latin American countries, research and theory building are required
characterized by regional politics of power in order to account for the diverse ways in
and hegemony (Schenoni, 2014; Diez, 2016), which Latin America-China outer space co-
and requires further analysis. operation has shaped 20th and 21st century
These power and policy differences are geographies. An important area for historical
tangible. They manifest in the construction research would be the intersection between
of space-related infrastructure on Earth and particular moments in global geopolitics, na-
in orbit. The construction of this physical in- tional developmentalist agendas, and local
frastructure followed critical political trans- struggles over the placement, meaning, and
formations over the course of the twenti- use of outer space infrastructure, such as
eth century. It has, in turn, generated new Mitchell’s (2017) account of multiscalar ra-

A Brief History of Outer Space Cooperation

cial politics and land conflict surrounding the the use of outer space. Latin America-China
construction of Brazil’s Alcântara launch site, space relations emerged from the Cold War
or Blinder’s (2017) analysis of the geopolitical struggles for development and recognition
imaginaries of Chinese and European space on the part of global South countries, and
infrastructures in Argentina. Further inqui- are a key part of twenty-first-century global
ries will build on a small but robust body of political economy and resource geopolitics.
literature that explores these themes in the Failing to account for outer space weakens
construction of terrestrial space infrastruc- theorizations of China and Latin American
ture in Latin America (Blinder, 2017; Lane, relations, as well as our most fundamental
2010; Messeri, 2016; Mitchell, 2017; Redfield, empirical understandings of the origins, op-
2001), but currently emphasizes the role of erations, and ongoing transformations forged
the US and Europe. by these evolving transpacific geographies.
An investigation into why some Latin Research on space cooperation between
American states did not sign on to important Latin America and China should concern
space treaties following the 1967 OST could not only the “big” questions of international
yield new insights into the diverse interests politics — or the significance of these collab-
shaping outer space governance, particularly orations to the advancement of environmen-
during a time when major space powers are tal sciences, climate change research, disaster
destabilizing this treaty regime. In the con- monitoring, and development projects, to
temporary moment, the deployment of joint name a few — but also the local questions of
satellite technologies to support the planning displacement, environmental (in)justice, and
and securitizing operations of major infra- freedom of movement that can be helped
structure projects, such as IIRSA in South or hindered depending on the manner in
America, or the Belt and Road in Eurasia, which satellite technologies are used. Who
require immediate attention, both for their has access to satellite-linked technologies,
potential to democratize the use of orbital and under what conditions, increasingly de-
space as well as for the potential uses of these fines the horizons of political, economic, sci-
technologies to intensify local dispossession. entific, and cultural possibility. Until now,
these questions have been largely overlooked,
particularly outside of the US. This is part of
Conclusion a larger problem in which the history, broad-
This article provided an initial overview and er significance, and future prospects of these
framing of Latin America-China space coop- international scientific and political prac-
eration. In so doing, it contextualized Latin tices are unstudied and under-theorized in
America-China space cooperation within: the social sciences in general and in relation
(1) existing literature and practice on Latin to China and Latin American countries in
America-China relations; (2) contemporary particular. Going forward, these will provide
and historical global space geopolitics; (3) productive areas for further geographical
global governance frameworks concerning inquiry.

Journal of Latin American Geography

1  Interview 1, China Academy of Science, Beijing, March 2013.
2  Interview 2, National Space Research Institute, São José dos Campos, Brazil, June 2017.
3  For example: the 1955 Afro-Asian Conference in Bandung; the 1961 Afro-Asian Women’s
Conference in Cairo; the 1961 Non-Aligned Movement Conference in Belgrade; the 1966 Tri-
continental Conference in Havana, inter alia.
4  From the text of the declaration: “Equatorial countries declare that the geostationary syn-
chronous orbit is a physical fact linked to the reality of our planet because its existence depends
exclusively on its relation to gravitational phenomena generated by the Earth, and that is why
it must not be considered part of the outer space. Therefore, the segments of geostationary
synchronous orbit are part of the territory over which Equatorial states exercise their national
5  Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Mexico,
Nicaragua, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela.

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