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Summary of Sindh industrial term of employment

(standing order)

Each modern foundation and business foundation wherein at least ten specialists or representatives are
utilized, straightforwardly or through some other individual whether for himself or some other
individual, or were so utilized on any day during the going before a year such classes of the mechanical
and business foundations as Government may, every once in a while, by notice in the official Gazette,
indicate in this sake: Given that nothing in this Act will apply to mechanical foundations and business
foundations carried on by or under the authority of the Federal Government or Government, where
legal standards of administration, lead or control are appropriate to the laborers utilized in that: Given
further that the arrangements of Standing Requests 13, 15, condition and of Standing Orders 17also, 20,
contained in the Schedule will not make a difference, in the first occurrence, to any modern foundation
wherein not in excess of 20 people were utilized on quickly during the previous a year yet Government
may, by warning in the official Gazette, expand all or any of the said arrangements to any such
mechanical foundation or any class of such foundation.

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