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COUNTRY ‘SUBJECT PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. SOURCE. we, cussificanion QaeEaes . , CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO, SQ 2-273 INFORMATION REPORT — cpno. Chilo/tomany OATE DISTR. 321 July 1950 Corman Sefentist!'s irticle on "Flying Disco” NO, OF PAGES 1 Gimme kuin GSE Frior to nide1950 NO.OF ENCLS. 2 ee asics eeu ‘SUPPLEMENT TO. REPORT NO, * Documontary THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION = Attached for your inforration 1e-a-o0p7) tn tranelution;-of ur eniiale=—— bra Edyart Laduts for p: ication in Condor, a Cerra lanzuaco magazine publiched in Chile. she erticlo ie ontitled "rhe iyetery of tho ‘Flying Dises,' a contribution to its possible explanation". Hasegrs Has acgrf em fe AL "Kccattrar Cty MAA OL tr erry _— we by aha. tae ehet the slethands taf abpek wv NO.OF ENCLS. 2 austen seian ioe GEER ecw 1 Gk eld SUPPLEMENT INFO. Frior to nié~1950 SUPPLEMENT T0 * Documentary THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION + SOURCE, Attacted for your inforratioa 1s a copy, in translation, of-af art subnitted by Dr. Edvard Lusvis for publication in Condor, a Corman lanzusco magazine publisted in Chile, she erticlo is entitled "Tho igotery of tho ‘lying Dises,' a contribution to its possible explanation". } ee Bey i ye 7 ; ee ref cart. Cen clcsetre : shy ye | wen, eit ea loe pepetavehat tle ahothandetef i p. emnarny Cayw “peal om oe ohpet a i Lect Al hear enples Gat Ade Caw | nedhenla gertasdamctitny gery 2h TT ie fees, HF} Li ° CSUERAL UNTELLIGSNCE AG.UCY 80 DE27123 . 7 Attachment 1 as TE STERY OF THE SPLYING DISCS" A contribution to Sts possible oxplanation, By Dr. Lduard Luivig, Santiago, Chilo, Av, Cristobal Colon 1916 Though the continuously reappearing reports on the aproarance of now, pystorious aircraft of unlmown constriction chould be considered with sovere skepticion acs the rosult of a sort of mass-hypnosis, nevertheless sone of the dotsiled and coinciding accounts of technically trained observers dossrve atten~ tion and pornit one to drav conclusion as to tho probable clascification of these nev aircraft. Since 90 far the observations have boon nado mainly in the dark, vhicb moans that only the luninous parte of tho croft are visible, every roport brings the description of ehining discs or circles, If one should discard the abeund + — confocture that these aircraft originato from beyond this earth, then it is easy 7 te arrive at the conclusion that the shining cfrelos boar a relation to the-ex- haust of a rotary cas-turbina, The possibility oxists that the rotor of a tum dino to used at the sane tino asa stabilizing top and is thorefore fixed vertically to the level of the other turbine rings, Vnich in the darimocs pro duces the effect of the "rings of Satura", ‘These observations reaind no of a coaplotely new typo of aircraft vith wos developed during the yoare I voried in the recoarch plant of Frofescor Junkers in Dossau, vaich vas attachod to the airplane factories knovn all over the world. T do not know how nany of ny co-vorkors aro still alive today, but I do know that Dr. Bock, Professor at the Technical High School of dorlin, and vho vas at that tino ny chief end friend of nany years, has boon doported to tho Soviet Union, ‘The nano of Professor Dock vas never widely known due to bis vodest character, but he my hove boen tho greatest genius of German airplane theorctice, and later, in view of bic extraordinary faculties, ho vas nanod bead conctructor of tha Iinistry of Gersbn Mrviys and Director of tho Corsan Institute of Airvays Research in Borlin-Adlershof. In order to explain to a wider circle of rosdora the basic idea of the now aire craft, I should like to submit fingt the following explanations: 5 clan bay he bedlnrcelaled as) pbageecel = 1 ‘The first(physiclad) and mathezaticlan who considered tho new Science of Acro= aynanies after the conrencenont of purely exporinontal develomonts of aircraft construction wa9 the Russian Profeosor Jukoveki of Moocow, Before the first World War acd together with ny esteened teacher, Pr. Kutta froa tho Technical igh School of Stuttgart, Germany, he developed the theory of airplane-wingboam.. Professor Kutta succecded in eptablishing the fanous "Difforential equation of tho/toundary okay stratum} which for the first tine throvs light on the processes in current particles a/"** and witch in any cago oxplains for tho first tino thooretically tho rvoson vhy a planoving oan bear a load while noving forvard through the air. Sinco then the "KuttesJukoueki Theory of Airplane-vingboan" bas been the foundation of all acre dynanios, ‘As already nentioned, the core of this work is the so-called "boundary ayrd-etrasn", whioh consists of tho thin layer of air in wirich the transition of Velocity Zoro to tho Volocity of the loving Object takes place. If the object is streanlined then tha boundary stratum will ondoavor not to eover, no vhirlvinds will ‘occur, and therefore no loss of onergy vill take place in that stratum, Sinco nature alvsys functions most economically, it alwaya tries to avoid loss of overgy, =~ ‘Though the continaouely reappoaring reports on the appearance of new, rysterious aircraft of unknoun construction chould be considered with sovero ckopticion ac the rosult of a cort of ness-hypnosis, novortheless con of the dotsiled and coinciding accounts of teghnically trainod observers dessrve atten tion end permit one to drav conclusion as to tho probable classification of ‘thoso nov afreraft. Sinco 90 far tho observations havo boon nado mainly in the dark, vhieb mane thot only the luminous parts of the craft are visible, every report brings tho description of shining discs or circles. If one should discard the abeurd conjecture that these atrcraft originate from beyond this earth, thon it ie easy to arrivo at tho conclusion that the shining circles besr a relation to tha-exe 5 haust of a rotary gas-turbine, The possibility oxists that the rotor of a tu + bino de used at the sarc tine as a stabilizing top and is therefore fixed vertically to the Jevel of tho other turbine rings, vhich in the darimoes pro- duces the effect of the "rings of Satura®, ‘Those obsorvations renind no of a conplotoly new typo of aireraft vhich vos Goveloped during tho years I vorved in the recoarch plant of Professor Junkera in Dossau, vhich vas attached to the airplane factories knovn all over the world, I do not know how nany of ry coworkers ato-still alive today, but I do nov that Dr, Bock, Professor at tho Tochnical Iigh School of Berlin, and vho vas at that tine ny chief end friond-of nany-yoars, has teen deported to the Soviet Union, ‘Tho mio of Professor Dock vas never widely kmoun due to bis nodest character, but he ray have been the greatest genius of Germun airplane theorotice, and later, in view of hie extraordinary faculties, be vas nanod hoad constructor of the liinistry of Gersin Arviys and Dincotor of the German Institute of Airvays Reeoarch in BerlineAdlorshof In ordor to explain to a wider circle of roadors the basic idea of the now aim craft, I should like to cubait firgt the folloving exptanations: alas slate Meaeelaled ue) plapueict = | ‘The first (physician) end mathonatician who considered tho now Science of Aero= dynanics after the comnencenont of purely exporinental developments of aircraft construction vag the Russian Profesor Jukoveki of Moscow, Before the first World Var acd together vith'ny esteored teacher, Dr. Kutta froa"tho Technical Righ School of Stuttgart, Cermny, he developed the theory of airplane=wingbeam,. - Professor Kutta succeeded in establishing the fanous "Difforential equation of tho/toundary Ay stratun} which forthe firet tine throws light on the processes in current particles aww ** and witch in any case explains for tho first tino theoretically tho reason vhy a planoving oan beara load vhilo moving forvard through the air. Since then the "Kutte-Jukoveki Theory of Airplane~vingboan" has been the foundation of oll aero= aynenios. “As already rentionod, tho coro of this vork is tle eo~called "boundary yer J-obeann", which consiste of the thin layor of air in wirich the transitioa of Velocity Zero to the Velocity of the loving Object talus place. If the objoct is etreanlinod then the boundary etratum vill ondoavor not to sever, no vhirlvinds will ‘occur, and thoroforo no loss of oncrgy vill tako placo in that stratum, Since nature alvaye functions most economically, it always tries to avoid loss of energy, - and therefore a planeving vould rathor boar weight than cause a disruption of tho course of the current and let the ving drop, The logical conolusions based on these theoretic discoveries vere obvious: already in tho yoar 1915 Profeesor H. C. Bawmnn, algo fron the Technical High School : ‘of Stattgart, reccived a patent on the "Splitving” through vhioh the artifiolal Antorruption of-the'coures of tho current, the tearing of the boundary etratun ani the consoquent braking and dininiohing of the lending epoed vould be attained, This CENTRAL INTELLIGSIICE AGEEOY £0 D8-27123 Attachment 1 2 procedury vas later applicd to a croat extent to the fighter plano Inster Ju, 82 under tho nano of "divo-bralo", This patent had to ve handed to the Tnglich factory llandley-Face aftor World War I, vhich explains that tho nano of "Handley- Fage fplitwing” 42 more videly knovn, Hovever, dovoloprents proceeded, It vas principally the Aorodynanic Ex- yerinontal Institute of the Gottingen University, directad by the renouned Frofossore Frondt] and Bote, and Constructor Flottnor, viich drew ite conelusions fron the theory of tho airplano-ving-boan, Flettner proved that the conditions of a rotating object are sinilar to thoso which eppear in a "translatorischen" ! movement. Thus evolved tho "Flettrer-Rotor", Professor Juniors, head of the,yoll ksoum atrplano works in Dessau, who in the year 1915 rocsived hie pathbreafing patent on the one=pioco notal ving without Junctures, orderod a research group, vhich vas headed by Professor Dr. Bock, end to vnich I had tho honor to bolong, to inveotigato to vhat extent tho uplift of a wing could bo inereaced through tho attactnent of a Flettnerfotor in the shape of a cylinder turning at great creed. The cylinder vas tvo-thirde of the longth of the wing and vas installed in the nose of the ving, where 4t could bost be adapted to the ving's profilo, To aseiot us vith aoredynanic probleas, the Gottingen University cent us Professor Prandtl, The exporinonts turned out to be extresaly aiffieult and involved many casualties. Tho purely tochaical question of tho epoedy uplift of a long cylinder of light construction could not bo oolved at that tine. Inexplicable vibrations and axle breakages occurred tine after tino vhich Profesor Junkers ordered us to investigate, and with vhich vo vore occupied for sont: Hot lees then four ten, all experienced and tried pilots of the first vorld war and outstanding engineers, died in these experinonto. It vac clear to us that only a gas-turbine cold produco the direct uplift of the cylinder. Fovever; since nean= vhtle nore prossing problens auaited solution, experinonte.vith thie type of aim eraft wore interrupted. Weanvhilo the Aerodynamic Experinental Institute of Gottingen mde nev and enlightoning discoveries. Frofessor Detz found that supersonic speeds, euch as are produced by quickly rotating propellore, created entirely nev conditions, This Investigation, hovevor, nooded-tho furnishing of-a wind tunnol for suporsonic speeds ‘vhich could only te built rany years later, and vaich after the war vas ferverded to the United States vero st greatly anazed all scientists, Row Might woa-ehed-on rany things, It was found that the tearing of the boundary etratim at supersonic speods involved mich greater resistanco, oo that an objoct with full atoosphoric pressure practically "bango" froa the uppor layer of air, ani theoretically oxporionces there the sano uplift as an object of the zane gurface in the vater, he converting of tho revelations found in research into reality, howsver, needed the solution of the starting force through a cae~ turbine or another equivalent mohine or inetrunont, a Tany heretofore wexplained phenomna nov f¢ fete vahatton, For example it bad oftan boon observed that tho rango of quffily rotating nisoiles (*Drall- virlung") vas much greater than could te explained according to the lavs of ballistics. Paradoxical explanations wore cought for thie ouch as that the air resistance decreacos vith groving cpoode, Today ve know that thoce quickly rotating nissiles "svin" Jn the ourrounding layors of atr ont thorefore loso part of their wight, Full glarification vas brought atout only with supereonic spoods, vhich vere obtainod in the experinents with rockets (V-2) hnd wore-arrived at by flights of zany hundreds and thousands of Kilonstors, and viich can only to axplained by tho vay in which these niesiles Mterally "hang" in the air. Tho curprico of tho spocialived sofontiste tho vorld over at ths aptounding results of tho Corman V-2 was not less than that wiich is produced today by the appearance of the mysterious fron the theory of tho atrplano-ving-toans— Flettner proved that the conditions of a rotating object are sinilar to those which appoar in a "translatorischen" i novenent. Tis evolved tho *Flottrarfotor", \ Profesor Junkers, head of the,pell known airplano works in Dessau, vho in tho yoar 1915 recaived hie pathbreafing patent on the ono-pioco rotal ving vithout Sunctures, ordered a resoarch group, vhich vas hoadod ty Professor Dr. Bock, end Yo which I had tho honor to bolong, to invosticato to vhat extent the uplift of a wing could be fcreased through tho attactnent of a Flettnerfotor in the shape of a cylinder turning at great speed. Tho cylinder wis two-thirds of the length of tho wing and vas inctallod in tho noce of tho ving, whore it could boat be adapted to the wing's profile, To essiot us vith aoredymmle probless, the Gottingen University cent us Profeosor Prandtl, The exporitents turned out to be extrenely difficult and involved mony casualties. Tho purely technical quostion of tho epoedy uplift of a long cylinder of light construction could not bo colved at that tine. Inexplicable vibrations and axle broakagos occurred tino after tino vhich Frofescor Junkors ordered us to investigate, and vith vhich ve voro vecupied for conth: Not lees than four nen, all experienced and tried pilots of the first ‘orld war and outstanding engincers, died in these experisonto, It was clear to us that only a gas-turbine could produce the direct uplift of the cylinder. Hovever, since nean= vatle nore prosging problens avaited colution, experizents vith thie typo of aim eraft wore interrupted. ikanvhtle the Aerodynanic Experinental Institute of Cottingon made nev and enlightoning discovaries, Professor Betz found that supersonic speeds, such as ate produced by quickly rotating propellors, croated entiroly new conditions, This investigation, hovever, needed the furnishing of o wind tunnel for supersonic speeds hich could only be built rany years later, and hich after the war wae forverded to the United States ware {t creatly anazed all eclonticts, Kou Light was ched-on nany things, It was found that the tearing of the boundary stratim ct supersonic spoods involved much greater resistence, oo that an object vith full atooophorie pressure practically "bange" fron the uppor layer of air, and theoretically experiences there the saxo uplift as an object of the zane surface in the vater, ‘Tho converting of tho rowlations found in reeearch into reality, however; needed the solution of the starting force through a cas~ turbine or another equivalent machine or instrusont., Iany horotofore wexplained phenonona nov £6) teh hatsaas For example it bad often boon oborved that the rango of quféily rotating nisoiles ("Drall- virkung") vas much groater than could te explained according to the lavs of tallistics, Paradoxical explanations wore ought for thie muchas that the air ‘ reoistanca decreaces with groving cpeods, Today ve know that thece quickly rotating aissiles “svin" in the currouniing layers of air ani thorefore loco part of thoir weight, Full olarifieation vas brought atout only with suporeonie spoeds, watch vere obtainod in the exporinents with rockote (V2) nd vore arrived at by flignte of rany hundreds and thousands of ktlonotors, and witch can only bo axplainod by tho vay in vhich these missiles 1iterally "hang" in tho air. Tho surprise of tho spocialited sofentiste the vorld ovor at tho aptounding romults of tbo German V-2 was not lees than that which 4e produced today by tho appoarance of tho nysterious “Flying Dicos". Ia the sane vay in vhich the ingenious discormont of Professor Junkers pointed the vay for airplano construction for the vhole world, thus also nay his idea of attaching Flettnor Rotors have a revolutionary effect. Airplanes of this type mot havo puch on enormous carrying copacity as to be practically comparable to anphibious planes of tho sare eiz0. Tho lack of uplift produced by tho Flottoor Rotore con easily be achieved through the oblique position of the entire airplane 7 CUITRAL TMVELLIGSUCE AGDHCY SO D273 cae Attachnent 1 os with o positive’ étarting angle in cocaocticn vith the onornously hich etarting epood. Tho attaching of spoodily rotating tops eesuren, sido stability, There $e also the possibility of attaching horizontal aurlisry propollers of the helicopter typo. And what about. the question of the starting force? Tho eafoty of euch on aircraft stands and falls on tho etarting force of the cyliniers, and ‘only too voll do I reneator the casualties inflicted by the lack of it. As T pentioned before, only the devolopront of a gas-burbine can bring tho solution, inca it consists only of rotating parte ond vorks vith tho dependability of a etean ongine. There 4s only ors nore question to bo ancvered: could cuch on atreraft carry onough fuel for vorld-vide-journoya? This question ie easily answered in the affirmative, In the firet_plavo an aircraft has a trenendous carrying capeeity, as vo bnvo-already coon aid in the e2cond place ehenical ressered has nade astounding devoloprents in this respect. Ye. Imov today=-auite apart fron atonic enorgy—sarriers of energy of wnsuspocted powr and duration, (Tt should te orenbored tint the niesiles of Corman anti-tank weapons wore coated with choatcal avbataness which nelted up to 20 onts, of stec] plates within fractiono of a cecond;}suorgy carriers-of this type, 4f applicable to a gas-turbine, should nso an aGcier-radius pocsible viich far curpasses that of gacoline engince. ‘Tho future vill ‘shou vhethor tho. "Flying Dises" are only the prodwts of imagination or vhethor they are the results of a famadvanced Gorman soience which, possibly, ae well ae the ovarly finteted atonic tobe, may have fellen into the hands of the Russiangs ondy Woo Wot a9 4 rouvuwr we cavusavace aneeewie wy roe mm - nontioned before, only tho devolopent of a gas-turbino can bring the solution, ‘ainca it eoneists only of rotating parte and vorks vith tho dopendability of a stean engine. ‘Thore 4s only oro nore question to te ancvered: could cuch en atreraft carry enough fuel for vorld-vido journeys? Thic quwotion ie ecsily ansvored in tho affirmative, In the first plavo evfh an aircraft has a tronendous carrying capseity; as ve have already coonj and in tho eecond placo chenical reseerea has nade astounding devoloprents in this respect, we Imov today—-quite apart fron atonie enorgy—oarriers of onergy of unsuspected powor and duration, [It should te ronenbored that ths nissiles of Cornan anti-tank weapons were coated with ehoateal substances vhich nelted up to 20 ants, of steel plates within fractions of a cocond"] svorgy carriors of this type, if applicable to a gas~turbine, ehould neko an a@cion-radius possible vaich far ourpasses that of gacoline ongincs, The future will show vhether tho "Flying Discs" are only the produwte of imagination or vnetner thoy aro tho rooults of a faradvanced Gorman science which, pocsibly, ac wll a the marly fintebed atonic tonbe, nay have fellon into the hande of the Russians,

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