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1 Stored Procedures

1.1 Create a stored procedure

1.1.1 In pubs db
Create a procedure to return a list of titles for a particular type (NB: if all working in
the same pubs db, make sure they put _xxx where xxx is their network user name,
onto the proc name).

create procedure spGetTitlesForType_xxx @type char(12)
select title_id, title
from titles
where type = @type

Using it:
SpGetTitlesForType_xxx 'business'

1.1.2 In lab exercise db

Create a procedure to get a list of Employees working on a particular project. It
should list Employee names.

Create a procedure to delete a Department and assign all Employees in that

Department to another, specified Department (will need to update Employees first,
then delete – to avoid error if try to delete a Department that has associated

2 Transactions
To demonstrate:
On one client, change the Implicit_Transactions setting to ON
Start an implicit transaction to update the name of a title:

update titles set title = 'The Busy Executive''s Database Guide – an update' where title_id = 'BU1032'

If other clients now try to select from the titles table, they should find that the query is
taking some time – because the transaction has a lock on the table.
Commit the transaction on the first client:

Commit tran

Now the select on the other clients should complete.

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