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Child’s Name: S

Date: 11/3/2020 Time: 10 minutes

Response Frequency

Vocalizations 111111111111111111111

Gestures FEFE

*FE: facial expression; P: physical contact, EC: eye contact; M: (physical movement)


- More direct imitation at start of data collection period

Operational Definitions:

- Gesture: any physical movement made by the child towards the adult.
o A physical movement could be touching the adult, giving/taking objects and looking at
them or playing with them, pushing away objects, reaching hands, pointing (to objects
or adults), head nods (yes or no), and body position movement towards preferred
object and then adult or vice versa
o Does not include physical movements that exhibit excitement not directed at adult,
taking object but immediately drops or throws it
o Coding: FE (facial expression), P (physical contact with adult or object), EC (eye contact),
M (physical movement)
- Vocalization: any sound made by the child that is unintelligible but directed at or in response to
the behaviors of the adult
o Includes laughing, imitation of adult vocalizations, noises in response to toys (such as
animal noises, transportation noises, etc.), fillers (such as “huh,” “umm,” and “hmmm”),
and speech sounds (such as /da/, /ma/, /ga/, /ba/ and/or vowels)
o Excludes crying, sounds of excitement or frustration that are not directed at or in
response to the adult, or non-speech sounds that are not directed at or the adult

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