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Required Referring to the data in Assignment 3 3

Schumann Company 1 #4127

RequiredReferring to the data in Assignment 3.3, Schumann Company (1), prepare the three
following pro forma (forecasted) documents for year X2: statement of financial position/balance
sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows, integrating the following additional
information: the rental expense is related to the factory site and the budgeted item
‘remunerations and social expenses’ (400 paid during the year) can be separated between
production activities for 300 and sales and administration activities for 100.The income
statement will be presented by function. For the sake of simplicity, because we are dealing with
a multi-period situation, we choose, rather than entering into cost accounting discussions, to
consider, in this exercise, that all depreciation is charged to the income statement as a single
item after all other operating expenses.View Solution:
Required Referring to the data in Assignment 3 3 Schumann Company 1


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