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The article explains what the force-velocity curve is and how to shift it.

By Owen Walker
29 Jan 2016 | 5 min read

Contents of Article

1. Summary
2. What is the Force-Velocity Curve?
3. Practical Application
4. The Training Zones (Sections of the Force-Velocity Curve)
5. Conclusion
6. References
7. About the Author


The force-velocity curve is a physical representation of the inverse relationship between force and
velocity. Understanding the interaction between force and velocity and their influences on exercise
selection is vital for any strength and conditioning professional. For example, it is essential that a
strength and conditioning coach understands the physiological and biomechanical differences
between prescribing a 1RM deadlift and 5RM jump squats – as one will produce higher forces and
lower velocities than the other. Failure to understand the relationship and its importance will likely
lead to less than optimal training prescription.

What is the Force-Velocity Curve?

Though the force-velocity curve may appear confusing and complicated, it is actually very straight-
forward. The force-velocity curve is simply a relationship between force and velocity and can,
therefore, be displayed on an x-y graph (Figure 1). The x-axis (i.e. horizontal axis) indicates velocity,
for example, this may represent muscle contraction velocity, or velocity of movement (measured in
meters per second). Whilst the y-axis (i.e. vertical axis) indicates force, for example, this may
represent muscle contractile force, or the amount of ground reaction force produced (measured in

The curve itself shows an inverse relationship between force and velocity, meaning that an increase
in force would cause a decrease in velocity and vice versa. Giving an example, a one repetition
maximum (1RM) Back Squat would produce high levels of force but would be lifted at a slow
velocity. While a countermovement jump (CMJ) would produce a high movement velocity, it would
also only produce low-levels of force. This indicates that there is a trade-off between force and
velocity. That being, when an exercise produces high levels of force, it will also produce a slow
movement velocity and vice versa.

This trade-off between force and velocity is thought to occur due to a decrease in the time available
for cross bridges to be formed – more time, equals more cross bridges, and more cross bridges mean
a greater contractile force (1). Therefore, slower velocity exercises allow the athlete to form more
cross bridges and develop more force. Higher velocity exercises provide less time for cross bridges to
form, and therefore results in lower force production. As a result, different exercises and intensities
have been categorised into various segments on the force-velocity curve (Figure 1). In addition,
Table 1 demonstrates the force and velocity differences between numerous exercises. Here try and
note the force and velocity differences between the same exercises at various intensities.
Practical Application

As power is a key determinant in the performances of many sports, optimising an athlete’s power
production is of great importance (7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12). Because power is the product of force
multiplied by velocity (Power = Force * Velocity), improving either of these components can lead to
increased power production and therefore the explosiveness of the athlete. In most circumstances, the
primary objective of strength and power training is to shift the force-velocity curve to the right
(Figure 2), resulting in the athlete being able to move larger loads at higher velocities and therefore
becoming more explosive. Shifting the force-velocity curve to the right represents an improved rate
of force development (RFD). The RFD simply reflects how fast an athlete can develop force. An
athlete with greater RFD capabilities will be more explosive as they can develop larger forces in a
shorter period of time.
By only training on one part of the force-velocity curve (e.g. maximum strength), it is likely that the
athlete will only improve their performance at that section on the paradigm (Figure 3). For example,
only training maximal strength may lead to improvements in force production, but it may also result
in a reduction in muscle contractile velocity. As training programmes which combine strength and
power training have been repeatedly shown to improve athletic performance more than strength or
speed training alone (13), there is no surprise that most strength and conditioning coaches commonly
use an all-rounded approach within their programming.
Although most athletes should typically train at each section along the force-velocity curve, the time
spent at each zone is dependent on many factors. Some primary considerations include:

 Training age
 Individuals strengths and weaknesses
 Training objectives
 The sport and position of the athlete
 Time of year/ season/ stage of the macrocycle

Therefore all parts of the force-velocity curve should typically be trained in order to maximise the
explosiveness of the athlete. With that being said, there is often great debate between training
multiple components of the force-velocity curve during one microcycle, or whether it is more
effective to segregate it into separate blocks. Though this is an important topic, it is inherently tied to
training periodisation and is too broad for the scope of this article. 

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The Training Zones (Sections of the Force-Velocity Curve)

These zones are classified by the percentage of maximal strength or velocity an athlete can produce.
For instance, if an athlete’s maximal force production during a Back Squat 1RM is 3000N, then this
would typically represent 100% of their maximal strength capacity, and therefore appear at the apex
of the concentric-only force curve (Figure 4). The force percentage then works its way down the
curve until it reaches the maximal velocity where little force is produced. Likewise, the maximal
velocity represents ≥100% of the athlete’s maximal velocity of movement and appears at the apex of
the velocity curve (Figure 4).

Maximal Strength

Maximal strength is simply the maximum amount of force someone is able to produce through a
specific movement. For example, a 1RM Back Squat would represent the maximum amount of force
an athlete can produce during that particular exercise. Therefore, this training zone is typically
classified by using intensities of approximately >90% of 1RM.

Exercise examples include: Back Squat, Deadlift, and Bench Press @ 90-100%
of 1RM, or any other exercise using this range of intensity.


This is a classification for exercises that are not deemed to deliver peak power output, nor peak force,
so it sits in a so called ‘middle-ground’ between maximal strength and peak power. As relatively high
intensities are used within this zone (80-90% of 1RM), it leans more towards strength rather than
speed – hence the ‘strength’-speed. The strength-speed zone requires an athlete to produce optimal
force in a shorter timeframe than the maximal strength zone, and as discussed earlier, this reduces the
amount of force that can be produced. Therefore, whilst the strength-speed zone may produce lower
peak forces than the maximal strength zone, it is able to achieve higher movement velocities.

Example exercises include: Olympic lifts (i.e. Snatch, Clean & Jerk, Snatch
Press @ 80-100% of 1RM).

Peak Power

This is a classification zone for exercises deemed to deliver peak power output. These exercises
typically produce the greatest amount of force in the least amount of time. Essentially, power sits in
the middle of strength-speed and speed-strength producing the optimal amount force in the shortest
time timeframe possible (30-80% of 1RM).

Example exercises include: Second pull variations of the Clean and Snatch,
Jump Squats, and Bench Press Throw @ 30-80% of 1RM.


Similar to strength-speed, this zone does not deliver peak power, nor peak velocity, so it sits in a
‘middle-ground’ between maximal velocity and peak power. Peak force would be expected to be
even lower here compared to strength-speed due to the greater restriction on time available; however,
movement velocities will be higher. As relatively high velocities are used within this zone (30-60%
of 1RM), it leans more towards speed rather than strength – hence the ‘speed’-strength.

Example exercises include: Slow stretch-shortening plyometric drills such as:

countermovement jumps, and single-leg high hurdle jumps. Light-loaded Jump
Squats (30-60% of 1RM).

Maximal Velocity
Maximal velocity is simply the maximum movement velocity, or muscle contractile velocity an
athlete is able to produce through a specific movement. For example, a 100m Sprint may represent
the maximum movement velocity an athlete can produce during that particular exercise. Whereas,
assisted sprinting, otherwise known as ‘supramaximal sprinting’ can produce ≥ 100% movement
velocities. Therefore, this training zone is typically classified by using intensities of approximately <
30% of 1RM.

Exercise examples include: Fast stretch-shortening plyometric drills such as:

hopping, bounding, sprinting and assisted sprinting.

These different training zones are merely guidelines to various intensities and can be manipulated to
fit the athlete in hand. They have been developed by exercise professionals for educational purposes
in order to demonstrate the effects of different exercises and intensities on athletic performance.  
However, each training zone, or section of the force-velocity curve, will provide different
physiological adaptations, and therefore may have its own benefit for the athlete. For example, if an
athlete is very strong (i.e. has a high 1RM), but performs poorly during speed tests (e.g. 20m sprint
test), then spending time at the maximal velocity and speed-strength zones may be of great benefit
for the athlete.


The force-velocity curve demonstrates a simple inverse relationship between force and velocity –
meaning an increase in one results in a concurrent decrease in the other. This has strong implications
for planning a training programme and should be thoroughly considered when doing so. If an athlete
lacks strength but is extremely fast, then perhaps more time should be spent training at higher force
intensities to improve their strength capacity. The objective in most athletic training programmes is
to improve the athlete’s RFD (i.e. explosiveness), resulting in a rightward shift in the force-velocity
curve. Understanding the force-velocity curve is paramount to working as a strength and
conditioning specialist, and explicit understanding is essential to becoming a great coach.

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