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Check the meaning of the adjetives:

Serious: serio
Careful: cuidadoso
Clever: inteligente
Talented: talentoso
Ambitious: ambicioso
Confident: confidente
Lively: animado
Nervous: nervioso
4. Take turns describing people you know and say what they do.
My sister
She’s an intelligent and has a very good memory. She is studious. She likes to be orderly
in his things.

She studies medicine.

My father
He is serious, but he likes to talk a lot with people and be funny with other people.
He is a salesman in a store.
5. Look at the photo of The Oprah Winfrey Show
- Which person in the photo is Oprah?
She is the woman in red on the right
-Who are the others?
They are an American family, Barack and Michelle Obama
-What do you know about Oprah?
It’s a popular TV company od talk show
-What can you guess about her?
She is friendly, popular and successful
6. What do you think the words in bold mean?
Career: carrera
Childhood: infancia
Teenager: adolecente
Did: hizo
Well: bien
Personality: personalidad
Goal: objetivo
Secret: secreto
Hard: dificil
10. Write answers to these questions
- Would you like to be very successful?
Yes, I would like it very much
-In a perfect word, what would you like to do?
I would like to have my own company
-What is your goal in your live?
I would like to be a good professional and help others
-What do you think you need to do to be a success?
I would need a lot of perseverance and effort in my responsibilities
13. Write a paragraph about a successful person you admire
Lewis Hamilton is a driver of F1, he’s British, he’s 35 years old. In his childhood he did
not have many opportunities due to his skin color but he raced on a very small circuit and
won, so he told the owner of the Mercedes team that "One day I will race and win with
McLaren". And currently he is 7 times champion with his team.

His brilliant career, together with his photogenicity and his self-confidence in press
conferences, have made him one of the most popular athletes in the United Kingdom

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