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Directions: Utilize this worksheet to help evaluate yourself and your project. Be as
complete and descriptive as possible. This self-evaluation should give the scoring team
a clear picture of what you accomplished in your project. When complete, copy/paste to
a textbox in your Weebly.

Name - ​Verona Miller ​ ​Project Start Date​ – Fall 2020

Title of Project​ - Fraudulent Behavior ​Project Completion Date​ - January 9th 2021

In approximately 40 words or more, describe who your project benefited and how. In
other words, what was the impact of your project?

The goal of this project was to build awareness of fradulent behavior within the target group. I
did this by finding seniors in my community and delivering them information that they could use
to learn more about elder fraud and how to protect themselves from it. The information I
provided them will make them less likely to fall for various types of fraud as they are now more
aware of what threats are out there and how to prepare for them.

In at least 40 words explain how this was a stretch for you and forced you out of your
comfort zone?

I stepped out of my comfort zone in this project when I had to communicate with elders in the
area and ask them permission to deliver the packet to their house. Although it seems simple, I
do not like calling people up on the telephone as I get nervous while talking to them. It was the
biggest hurdle I had to overcome during the project.
List and then describe 4-8 fundamental ideas/concepts/skills of your project, which you
learned/enhanced during your project. (See proposal- new/enhanced skills - see if you
learned what you anticipated.)

● Coordinating with an organization- I had to work with the senior center coordinator to
make sure everything I wanted to do with my project was okay with her. I also had to
work with her in order to find people in order to create a likely list of recipients that I
could call and ask about them participating in my project.
● Research- I worked on enhancing this skill both during my research paper and during
my project as I used a variety of sources to compile the paper and the informational
packet. I also enhanced how to correctly put the research in both the paper and the
● Creating an informational packet targeting a specific audience- As my informational
packets were specifically targeting elders, I had to make sure that the design of the
packet worked for that audience. I did this by making the font of the packet large and the
words easy to understand. I also had my grandmother test the outline so I could make
changes as needed.
● Running an event that can be done during a pandemic- Since my project was in
person, I had to make sure that I made the delivery contact-free such that I always
stayed at least six feet away from those I was delivering the packages. I also made sure
to have my mask and gloves on the whole time I was at someone’s house and using
hand sanitizer in between deliveries.

List and describe 4-8 problems/obstacles/issues you encountered in your project, and
briefly describe how you solved each.

● My target audience has limited experience with technology- Since there is not a
likely chance that most of my target audience would know how to access and use zoom,
I would have to choose a project that could be done in person. Additionally, since most
of my target group is staying home, I came up with the idea of delivering the information
to them in person.
● The fear my target audience felt with the growing numbers- My consultant told me
how some people in the group I was using to get participants were becoming worried
with the growing number of COVID-19 cases in the area. I worked around this by
focusing on those in the group that has met my family and me before, and those who are
close to my grandmother since they would be less nervous as they know us personally.
● Additional information- I wanted those that received the packets to have access to the
sites that I got the information so they could do more research if they wished. However, I
did not want them to have to type the entire url from the packet in order to access it. To
resolve this, I asked for their email address when asking permission for delivery and then
sent them the sites so they could access them easier.
● Opportunity for questions- In case the elder has questions about the packet after I left,
I needed to establish a form of communication with them that they could use to contact
me. So the email I sent them with additional information could also be used to ask
questions. They also had my grandmother’s number saved in their phone if they rather
call me with any questions.
List all people who helped you on the project and briefly describe the help given.

My consultant helped me by giving me a list of elders I could ask for delivery and reviewing my
project before it went out.

My grandmother helped me by giving me some other seniors I could contact for delivery that
were not already on the list my consultant gave me. She also tested my project after it was

My mother helped me by being my driver while I was delivering my packets and helping me
organize the route we would be taking. She also taught me how to make the magnet I made for
my project.

How does your completed project compare to the picture you had in mind when you
started the project? Explain the reason behind any changes from your proposal.

​My completed project was pretty close to the picture I had in mind when I started. The only
difference was, halfway through the year, I added the magnet to the list of things I delivered.
The reason for this change was because I thought it was a good idea to add and learned they
were pretty easy to make.

If given the opportunity, explain what you would have done differently now that you
speak from experience?

​I cannot think of anything I would change about my project since the execution of it went great
and those I delivered to seemed interested in reading what was in the packet.

Beyond the project itself, what did you learn about yourself?

​I learned that I got better at making the phone calls after a while since I knew what order I
wanted to say the program details in. I also got more comfortable with the calls after I got
approvals for delivery from some of the elders.

What grade would you give yourself on the project? Justify the evaluation of your grade
in at least 25 words.

I would give myself an A on this project because I did exactly what I said I would do and
increased awareness awareness of fraudulent behavior with my target group. Everyone I
delivered to also seemed interested in what I was telling them and learned something new from
the packet I gave them.

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